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# Posted: 14 Feb 2012 23:20

I'm still a bit stuck on this.
Using a canopy (in addition to the paint) seems to help.
Without the canopy I suffer from a lot of mental 'chatter' just before sleep, and then awake early in the morning. I'm about 200m from a phone mast.
My only conclusion is that I'm reacting to 0.03 V/m
Any thoughts?

# Posted: 14 Feb 2012 23:30

To William 1101,

Just wondering. Is the quoted 0.03 V/m an averaged value reading on your meter or is it the maximum value?


# Posted: 18 Feb 2012 12:40

It is generally the maximum value. It seems to fluctuate a little though.
I'm still amazed at how noisy the acoustimeter is at these low levels, but I believe there is a reason for this.


# Posted: 27 Feb 2012 13:58

Mate, I painted my house with Yshield and it cost me a lot of money, and it doesn't keep out milligauss or volts meter of the ELF. Since I have painted my bedroom it's like a microwave oven. Waste of money, and makes some people rich in Australia and they prey on the gullible.

If you have a ceiling fan then the EMF and EMR will come down through the electrical wiring in a piggy-backed fashion. Actually, my ceiling fan talks to me when the local morse operator begins to send.

The only way you will get complete rest is to put a complete retarding netting over your bed as well.

Have put three coats on my walls and the next-door neighbours refrigerator pumps out over 150 milli guass through the wall and when they put on the microwave overn, it pumps out anything between 0.9 to 2.5 mW/m2.

# Posted: 27 Feb 2012 14:01

Hey William and ES even 0.002 wM/w2 will cause tinnitus, which usually registers about 0.27VM, and about 47 dBm. If you ears ring, and you feel tingling and burning sensations then you need to move out into the bush and get awasy from suburbia.

# Posted: 27 Feb 2012 18:27

Has anyone painted the whole of the outside of a detached property before with Yshield, in conjunction with also putting shielding up at the windows?

My boyfriend and I are thinking of doing this in desperation due to Wifi etc from neighbours, which in now coming in at too might levels through the walls as well as windows now.

We have both reacted to being in a shielded environment before though, and also seem to be allergic to a lot of shielding materials, e.g. the metals.

We think also that maybe ES people react to being in a shielded 'faraday cage' set-up because the human body gives off very low level RF, and it may be that this 'bounces' around inside the shielding causing the body to react to this.

In addition, it may not be good to be shut off from the earth's natural Schuman waves (which transmit between the ground and ionosphere).

My boyfreind has previously painted rooms with Y-shield and suffered a bad reaction, similar to what some people describe here. It is also very hard to shield out RF completely, any tiny crack and it will get in still.

We were thinking that if we did the outside of a house it might be better, as the brick may act as an 'absorber' between the layer of paint and the body, and also you could avoid doing the floor.

I know this has been done in Sweden and places a lot for ES sufferers, but does anyone know anyone in the UK and does anyone have any thoughts?

Many thanks

P.S. Annonymous: Yshield would not be expected to block magnetic fields - it is designed for RF only, and ELF electric fields if earthed correctly.

# Posted: 27 Feb 2012 18:58

At the moment I do not advise shielding paints.
The best is now to hang various fabrics.

The painted walls must be grounded, and there lies also a culprit.
The grounding wire transmits dirty frequencies from the ground, and transmits them into the room.

# Posted: 27 Feb 2012 22:48

The painted walls must be grounded, and there lies also a culprit.
The grounding wire transmits dirty frequencies from the ground, and transmits them into the room.

Yep Charles that is so, because since I used Yshield and grounded the wall the bedroom has turned into a microwave oven. Also, if you have a light bulb and ceiling fan in your ceiling, the electrical cable connecting to such will emanate through the hole in your ceiling used by these electrical apparatuses.

Since I put the earth pin outside and is placed into the front garden all the roses have stopped growing and the flower are reduced in size, and disease and bugs have stormed them. In all other gardens around our unit the same has happened to all other garden plants.

I believe that the ground is full of dirty power.

# Posted: 28 Feb 2012 10:05


I believe that the ground is full of dirty power.
Yes, and that is the problem in the UK. Don´t ask me why.
How can one avoid dirty power? Shielding without grounding? - No, not good as the electrical fiels will increase. So what to do?

# Posted: 29 Feb 2012 13:26

Have you tried putting ferrite-beads onto the earthing cable? They should reduce high-frequency signals coming through a cable. Ferrite-beads are cheap and you can get them as "snap-on" types that you can attach to an existing cable.

# Posted: 3 Mar 2012 07:12

Have you tried putting ferrite-beads onto the earthing cable? They should reduce high-frequency signals coming through a cable. Ferrite-beads are cheap and you can get them as "snap-on" types that you can attach to an existing cable.

Haven't heard of ferrite-beads, but I believe there is more than HF signals coming through the earth pin cable, as there is so much in harmonics and the immersion from all the DECT phones, Mobile phones and Towers, and probably faulty underground power lines that have been there for years, and then all the microwave and Wi Fi emissions that we will need more than just beads. A large "OFF" switch will be the answer.

I sitting here in front of my computer, and the next-door neighbour has a faulty refrigerator, and it's pumping out 150 milligauss through a three-coated YShield painted walls, and by the time it gets to me a metre away it's 2.5 milligauss.

Then I have whatever is directly in line with my computer and myself, that is punching out anything from 0.50 to 2.5mW/m2, which I assumed couldn't get through YShield.

I guess if I was to conver my unit completely in chicken wire, something would still get in and possibly through the concrete flooring via the copper water pipes.

Then everyone around us have inverters for the solar panels on the rooves of all the units.....never-ending.


# Posted: 3 Mar 2012 15:58

Yshield paint only works for HF and NF electrical fields.
NOT for magnetic fields

# Posted: 7 Mar 2012 08:58

Correct, for magnetic fields you need some kind of Mu-metal.

# Posted: 20 Mar 2012 22:30

Using a canopy seems to help, but I'm sure this opens another can of worms. The actual sleep is better, but I often wake not feeling refreshed. I also have bags under my eyes if I use the canopy. Could it be that the paint/canopy somehow influences the human aura? A number of the websites seem to have conducted scientific tests but do not address these subtler problems. My situation has improved with the shielding but I'm still not 100% happy, despite a significant investment.

# Posted: 21 Mar 2012 00:56


Some people start detoxing when they sleep under a shielding canopy. The absence of EMR helps cell membranes to open up and flush out toxins.

Consider taking Chlorella to help transport the toxins out of the body. In any case drink enough water - helps flush toxins.

# Posted: 18 Sep 2012 13:54

(insult post removed by admin)

eric generic
# Posted: 18 Sep 2012 17:35

Thanks for your insults. Now, do one.


# Posted: 5 Oct 2012 07:09

I have followed the instructions for applying the grounding strap EB2 and drilling the holes on the wall for the grounding plate.
I have painted the first layer with the shielding paint hsf54 the three walls and the ceiling of the room. The fourth wall is a closet that didnt need painting.

I measured for the emf level and it has reduced considerably.

However i have also measured the voltage on the wall and noticed the following.

After the first layer was dry after two days i measured the voltage with a regular AC voltage meter at a random point of the painted surface area on the wall by touching one lead-wire on the painted surface and the other lead-wire on the ground point of the power socket.
The voltage meter displayed 2.2 volts. I did the same thing in other points in the painted wall and every time i get the same voltage readings.
I also checked the voltage by measuring the ground point of the power socket by connecting it the voltage meter to the heating pipe and there was no voltage present so the voltage is coming from the painted wall.
I have read all the info in your site and i didnt find this situation anywhere so i am very worried in what to do next and how to avoid having the walls "active" with 2.2 volts.

Anyway after all these measurements i applied a second layer of the shielding paint and now i am waiting for it to dry.

Please help me in order to understand what is going on.

My question is , Is this normal and expected ?
Where is this voltage coming from?
Is it going to be like this from now on in this room or it will decrease to zero when the grounding plate is installed and the grounding cable is connected to the ground plug (ESW+)?
Is it static electricity or something else?
Is the emulsion plastic paint that will be applied later over the shielded wall going to insulate the wall so that the wall voltage will be screened by the emulsion paint so that it is not possible to come in contact with the voltage meter-lead wires and prevent measuring the voltage?
Is this voltage dangerous for me and my family?
I am really worried so please explain to me what is happening because there is no voltage present on the unpainted areas of the wall.

Finally let me know if there is an easy way to remove the shielded paint from the wall in case there is such need.

Thank you

# Posted: 7 Dec 2012 17:22

For sensitive people. This may sound strange but I had it done to me. I was sensitive to even my computer screen & other things even the sun stuff. Anyway simply do an allergy or sensitivity removal done for yourself. I used natural Dr connected to these people. Don't get me wrong these waves are not good for us but it can be corrected & livable.

Other Dr's do these treatments that are permanent just be open & look.


# Posted: 25 Jan 2013 21:53

I agree with Charles - in my case the problem was the quality of the grounding; i used also yshield color. it only got better when a specialist made an additional grounding in the garden (copper rope 6 m deep). the quality of the grounding can be measured to find out whether it is sufficient.

# Posted: 1 Feb 2013 11:54

Here are photos from whole houses painted on the outside with Yshield
I suggest you take contact with Volker or Christina at Yshield as they could tell you exactly how to and what to be aware off.
Best regards.

# Posted: 10 Feb 2013 17:39

Wow, thanks for all of the information on this topic. The paint does seem to be more trouble than it is worth to me now. The problem in my neighborhood is mostly smart meter related, so I'll focus my money & time on education via posting flyers, opting out of the smart meter program, & detoxing/healing myself for now. Thanks again for this thread.

# Posted: 10 Mar 2013 01:59

I have a tower 20 meters from my house. It made me very sick, to the point I was living on a beach in a tent. I finally got this paint and it has helped. The problem is when we earthed it. As soon as it was earthed the headaches returned. My brother who did not believe me about the tower came in to look at the paint. He was like there is a buzz here and my ears are hurting. I unplugged the earth and he was like it has stopped. I think he's a believer now. My father who is an electrician did the earthing with the ES grounding kit.
I told him about Dirty electricity and how the earth could be connecting to that. He was DIRTY ELECTRICITY? what a load of crap...

So Mr YShield person. what do you think? my earth shit? It seems to work better without it, but an independent earth will make it better, I'll look into doing that, but I'm a disability pensioner and am already spending what I don't have. I need to know this is the way to go before I go this way.


# Posted: 10 Mar 2013 16:21

I know how you feel Eric, its a nightmare!

I've been told and there seems to be increasing support for the argument that although faraday cages offer relief, they are not the cure either, though whether you believe that is up to you. I also am struggling to work out what to do to get the microwave and ELF radiation down without spending 100s or 1000s

I have found the only solution -if at all possible- (apart from moving) is healing yourself through alternative medicine such as craniosacral therapy (if you believe in the such) or acupuncture. I'm confident people are reacting to radiation without overtly getting ill, perhaps with simple symptoms such as being a lot more stressed out.

# Posted: 10 Mar 2013 22:24

Also see the comments here on measuring the voltage with the paint earthed and unearthed.

Dirty electricity - our local electician tells me that he never learnt about microwave frequencies let alone about dirty electricity when he did his training,

We certainly have phone mast frequencies and wifi from next door picking up on our electrical wires.

# Posted: 16 Mar 2013 01:10

I gave my Yshield it's own earth and it was much better, but I notice that I can not be within a meter or the paint or I get extremely ill. If I'm a few meters away it stops the constant headaches, so I'm at a loss....

# Posted: 18 Mar 2013 11:20

First you say that you gave the paint´s own earth and it was much better, then you say that you cannot be within a meter as you get extremely ill.

It really seems that you made no proper grounding. Do you have a LF meter to check?

The comments by emfields are plausible. But only to a certain degree. If we in Germany would tell people that "It is not always necessary to earth" we would get one warning after the other.
Grounding is a must!

If one is not able to make a grounding/earthing, he/she has to look for alternative materials.
Grounding measures are only permitted in TNS or TT networks! Grounding measures may never be executed in network forms with combined PEN wiring! A leakage/fault circuit breaker (FI / RCD) with less than 30 mA must be installed.

# Posted: 18 Mar 2013 23:22


'A leakage/fault circuit breaker (FI / RCD) with less than 30 mA must be installed.'

Ah. So that could be a problem then with the present set up here if we were to use YShield...

Volker -We have the old fuse box that was put in the house when we bought it 40 years ago. There are a number of fuses - porcellan holders with fuse wire held between two screws. Fuse for downstairs lights, fuse for upstairs lights, fuses for electrical sockets upstairs and downstairs,
fuse for the cooker, fuse for the garage.

So, not the type of fuse that you just screw back in if it comes out.

What we have:
If the fuse blows the fuse wire breaks and you have to repair the electrical fault and then replace with another piece of fuse wire.

Volker - So, you are saying that I canot use YShield with this type of fuse box.

@Volker or anyone else

Q2 I do not understand this:
'Grounding measures are only permitted in TNS or TT networks!'

Q3 I do not understand this:
'Grounding measures may never be executed in network forms with combined PEN wiring!'

TNS or TT networks; PEN wiring - what are they?
Please can you enlighten me. Thanks.


# Posted: 19 Mar 2013 10:25


I have to quote Wikipedia, this is easier for me as I am a non native speaker.
BTW: The existent or non-existent RCD has no influence on the shielding itself.
RCDs are designed to disconnect the circuit if there is a leakage current. By detecting small leakage currents (typically 5–30 milliamperes) and disconnecting quickly enough (<30 ms), they may prevent electrocution.
PE and N are separate conductors that are connected together only near the power source. This arrangement is the current standard for most residential and industrial electric systems partially in Europe.

A combined PEN conductor fulfills the functions of both a PE and an N conductor. Rarely used.
Part of the system uses a combined PEN conductor, which is at some point split up into separate PE and N lines. The combined PEN conductor typically occurs between the substation and the entry point into the building, and separated in the service head. In the UK, this system is also known as protective multiple earthing (PME), because of the practice of connecting the combined neutral-and-earth conductor to real earth at many locations, to reduce the risk of broken neutrals - with a similar system in Australia and New Zealand being designated as multiple earthed neutral (MEN).

Whenever you see a "C" - earthing is not possible/permitted. Please ask your local inspector!

Hope this helps.


# Posted: 8 Jun 2013 19:03

Guys, you should read about issue with STRAY VOLTAGE before grounding the paint.
So, grounding is good when you cen get real grounding and not fake one as in most buildings with several flats.

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