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# Posted: 9 Jun 2013 18:22

Have a look at: http://www.minderstraling.nl/Pagina050.html

# Posted: 8 Nov 2013 23:45

I am having the same problem. It feels like magnetism . I've earthed the walls now so i'd hoped it would go, but it's still there.

Did you fix yours??

# Posted: 23 Nov 2013 16:35

Hello, i am from Greece. I have bought the HSF 54 paint but reading this ports i am not sure if i should paint the rooms. Maybe i should spend my time to convince my neigboors to close their wi-fi cause they make me have terrible headaches!!!! Can wifi penetrate metal plates 0.5 cm thin? Does anyone tried to dress a wall with it for protection against wifi modems??

Thank you

# Posted: 27 Nov 2013 10:34

C Smith, in Electromagnetic Man, writes of radiation FROM ES people. The effect that cause watches to stop, computers to fail, when they (we) are near. Y-Shield paint is >95% reflective and <5% absorptive. In a reflective Faraday cage, ES people are known to zap themselves. The same conditions apply to canopies. It's Bioresonance therapy in reverse!
You can damp the reflections by having plastic jerry cans of brine, preferably in the middle of the space.

# Posted: 16 Feb 2014 19:26

If you have a problem with electro-magnetic sensitivity and you live near a phone mast, possibly the only thing to do is move away from that particular area. However, have you ever considered that the reason mobile phone masts may be making you and other people so ill, is because they've been intentionally designed to do so?! Ah the very thought. What I'm going to say may sound like it comes from the worst conspiracy theorist site on the planet, but unfortunately it's not and is an increasing problem and is very, very serious.

There are, as I have found out much to my dismay and concern, a growing number of people, especially in America, who complain of being deliberately targeted with electromagnetic waves, which are said to emanate from mobile phone towers, Tetra mast, GWEN towers and even from satellites no less.

The thing is often these unfortunates are often assailed by other nasty symptoms such as synthetic telepathy and deliberate torture. This unfortunately is not science fiction, but a terrible growing phenomenon, begun by unscrupulous governments the world over. They are part of some sort of awful experiment.

However, that's not to say that our wonderful leaders want to leave the general population out of anything or relatively unscathed - oh no not a bit of it!!

Anyone where there are mobile phone masts is most certainly not exempt. That's not to say that you're being deliberately singled out, but if population reduction can be affected in this dispassionate and plausibly deniable way, then who's to stop them. No-one is as yet, it would seem. Because it would seem, governments have purposely chosen frequencies that pulse at far greater levels than they need to, to give people headaches, confuse their minds, and worse, and give rise to cancer and other related diseases.

Former MI5 agent Barrie Trower has spoken on Youtube to many of the deliberately targeted people. And he has a lot to say about the dangers of Tetra and electro-magnetic sensitivity in general.

People can follow these links to find out what he's talking about.

Talking about the dangers of Tetra, microwaves and electro-magnetic radiation:


Talking about deliberate targeting of individuals with microwaves and electromagnetic radiation!:


He said he avoided the ill-effects of such technology by having his home insulated. He didn't say what with exactly. Perhaps he needs to be contacted directly so someone can find out.

However, having read websites that aim to help such targeted people, they may also help people who are suffering from electro-magnetic sensitivity.

The first thing you might want to invest in is some frequency jammers. These will stop radio frequencies and electro-magnetic frequencies from coming in to your home.

This store supplies them. Here are some links:


There are also some kinds of pendants and household devices from such places as these that are supposed to reduce electrosmog. I haven't tried them. But the powerful Geomack is supposed to work.

Three on your person is supposed to cut down any ill effects, on anyone really badly affected. They're not cheap though!

Here is a link:


Tim Rifat also suggests people reduce the radio frequency resonance in your home by using carbon sheeting or RFI filters.

Here is a link to his advice:


This German scientist has also produced devices to reduce electrosmog. I don't know whether they work, but he is very aware of the problems with mobile phone masts etc:

A link to his site and products is here:


# Posted: 16 Feb 2014 22:26


You write that: "The first thing you might want to invest in is some frequency jammers. These will stop radio frequencies and electro-magnetic frequencies from coming in to your home."

How is that supposed to help when said "jammers" are transmitters themselves??!

# Posted: 17 Feb 2014 10:37

On; http://www.milieuziektes.nl/Pictures/Jammer.jpg
I have placed a spectrum analysys of a jammer.

It is like fighting the devil with Beelzebub or Satan.

Besides it is legally forbidden to use jammers, and if caught, one ends in prison.

PS. I have placed images on http://www.milieuziektes.nl/Pagina600.html regarding the successful shielding of longitudinal waves.

# Posted: 17 Feb 2014 18:02

All these posts under different usernames, advocating jammers and pretending to be concerned sufferers, suggest spamming to me.


# Posted: 18 Feb 2014 09:57

Er no. I'm actually trying to suggest ideas or ways to reduce electrosmog. I haven't tried all of them yet, due to a limited budget. But I can tell you that there's a lot more sinister practices going on with microwave technology, than just mobile phone mast irradiation - that's 'unintentionally' harming people ...

And a frequency jammer is trying to stop harmful frequencies. So hopefully what they're emitting is not harmful. The radio waves and microwaves radiating out of the mobile phone masts certainly are, and can be used to lock onto people via Celldar - ie to target you deliberately if the so-called security forces want to experiment on you or think you're a threat.

# Posted: 18 Feb 2014 16:06


A frequency jammer transmits a continuous wave on mobile-phone frequencies in order to drown out the signal from the masts etc. The end result is that nearby phones can't get a signal and have to drop their calls - which temporarily reduces radiation in the vicinity. But you can count on people trying repeatedly to get their calls through.

You could argue that a continuous wave is less harmful than an intermittently transmitted wave (pulsed / modulated / information-carrying) but transmitting at a more powerful level than what you're trying to protect against hardly sounds like a great solution to me...

# Posted: 28 Feb 2014 03:58

I have used Yshield and Bloc paint to screen BT Wi-Fi from my neighbour who is keeping his Wi-Fi for himself and his young child who has an ipad. I applied 1 coat of firstly Y shield then 2 of Bloc paint but they upgraded in 2012 to a more powerful version and the paint was allowing it through, I have taken to using aluminium foil as all the painting is time consuming, messy and expensive when it is not totally blocking the signals. My living room has now been completely treated, paint on walls, Naturell on window and foil on floor (the Wi-Fi comes under the floorboards). It has been a organic process spanning a few years but when the neighbours go to bed and turn their phones off I feel well, during the day when a phone is on next door I feel less well. I have fairly sever ES and the levels in my living room are undetectable on my Acoustimeter by EMFields (no sound) it doesn't pick up the mobile/Wi-Fi signals still in the shielded room which I know are there as I feel them and hear them in the pattern of my tinnitus, but some of this is I believe from HAARP too.

Last year the neighbours turned of their router to do some DIY, WOW I felt AMAZING!!! my mum felt it too, she has ES symptoms too, we went in the garden and I felt lighter and had a happy/optimistic feeling which is non-existent in me, we jumped and danced about. Our garden has some of their Wi-Fi in it, it is very low on my meter but as someone in their early 30s who is very healthy, I walk around there feeling like someone in their late 90s, I feel heavy, my legs don't bend very well and I tighten up too, my brother who thinks I am mad even says I move like an old person. Our ducks unusually were inquisitive and less scared coming up to see me and the aviary birds were singing more and looking happier. I sat and enjoyed the feeling for what seemed like half an hour, then the aviary birds launched like a flock of startled birds and I felt the vibration all over me and the depression coming back, the ducks had gone back into their usual corner, it was back on. It was turned of for a few hours again a week or so later and the same thing happened with the birds, although I spent most of this time in the house and I felt the same optimism and lightness, our chickens I noticed were more friendly with one another. I lost my favourite chicken last year, he had ES worse than me I think (hatched in Wi-Fi from BT hub with Wi-Fi switch in off position) but I didn't know until a few months before he caught a illness from the Chemtrail fall-out and passed over to the spirit world. He would cry a lot and go into his bed for comfort, I didn't know he had ES and this was why he was displaying this strange behaviour until I covered him in my shielding fabric and his whole body relaxed and he went so calm and quiet, I shielded his house so he could sleep well and repair at night. I have screened the fence next to their garden with mesh from Emfclothing.com which has helped when close to it.

For me it's the 4G now which goes through my Naturell window coverings (I have to put speakers on my Acoustimeter to hear it) but in places there is a faint sound and I am feeling ill when in the room facing the mast which about 100m away I think, so I am feeling old and clinging on to furniture when in this room which has 2 layers of Bloc paint on all the walls and 3 on the ceiling and I have to sleep under 3 layers of Naturell with a 50dB headnet to sleep without insomnia and lights in by brain. I agree that this is all planned by the New World Order, along with all the other population reduction techniques. They "deploy" this technology, like they deploy weapons because as Barrie Trower says microwaves are weapons and the military know all the symptoms we have and can choose what disease/effect they want by varying the frequency. This Geo-engineering programme or Solar Radiation Management is highly tied in as it uses conductive particles of aluminium released from aircraft to move the Jetstream using the HAARP arrays all over the world, so they can manipulate the weather and own it by 2025, the floods here a couple of weeks ago was carried out this way, as are hurricanes, droughts and other natural disasters. But we are waking up to the lies of the mainstream media and FREEDOM could soon be with us if we stop complying, the Elites cannot enslave us on their own, we do it on their behalf through the "system" including the statute laws which are commercial and only apply to commercial things not living human beings (we have a straw man created for us at birth with the birth certificate, it is a "legal fiction" it is not us "me" we just mistake it to mean "me"). Search using terms like "Freeman movement" & "Sovereign movement". Watch Ian R Crane, Brian Gerrish, Anthony J Hilder, Alex Jones, Gregg Braden, G Edward Griffin's & David Icke's videos on YouTube and his new 24/7 internet TV station www.thepeoplesvoice.tv.

# Posted: 28 Feb 2014 04:34

I agree with all of the above, except for the stuff about David Icke; he's been completely discredited with his recent behaviour and TPV. But the key points about a NWO and geo-engineering would appear to be all too true.

The recent floodings were a quite blatant example. As is the constant determination to mess with our DNA by encouraging as much EMR exposure as possible, regardless of the effects or our basic rights to a life free of this tech-induced mental and physical imprisonment.

But people like Barrie Trower, when challenged, say there is nothing we can actually do, and advise extreme caution in attempting to fight back and speak out. Is he, just like Icke and the others, merely controlled oppposition I wonder.


# Posted: 28 Feb 2014 16:52

i had to replace theNaturelle self made tent-with a Voile shielding materialover my bed when we got4G

# Posted: 28 Feb 2014 17:40

So 4G renders certain protective/sheilding materials as no longer effective?


# Posted: 1 Mar 2014 03:42

My experience with Naturell window coverings and 4G is that it will keep out the signal to a degree depending on its intensity like with other shielding fabric and paint, it really depends upon this factor and your own degree of sensitivity. I get no readings on my Acoustimeter just a faint sound in places when amplified through headphones or speakers, the levels I have at that window are 0.2V/m and I react fairly strongly to RF. I watched "Take Back Your Power" and this showed the levels of non-ionising radiation beginning with those that are natural to the worst manmade levels, those in nature have lots of zeros before any numbers and so really the Acoustmeter is not sensitive enough, but if it was very sensitive would we be able to screen ourselves effectively without having access to military grade shielding? especially since the levels here in the UK are very high.

To ericgeneric, about your comment about David Icke, we each have a right to make up our own mind on what we believe to be true, this is regularly pointed out by those who make films to enlighten us to the truth about reality, there used to be a show on Edge Media TV (before it was stopped from broadcasting) called "Question Everything" we as ES sufferers have had to question what the government and media say about the safety and purpose of RF microwave technology, we have examined the evidence and used our own personal experiences and observations in order to say that there is a cover-up and we are being lied to. David Icke has took a lot of upset and ridicule early on over his beliefs, as has his son Gareth, but he has a mission to fulfil and I believe that this is a the most important mission that someone can undertake, what can be more important than saving the future of our planet and all its life forms? Nothing I think is the answer, there is light and dark, truth and lies, we can only be on one side or the other (as with 9/11 truth, it is better just to be "one" on the side of truth, rather than arguing about the technical aspects of how they brought the towers down, that can be talked about later when their lies are exposed). Now every culture on Earth speaks of the same events in the past with different names etc... and every individual who seeks the truth draws the same conclusions about the origins of life and why we are in this situation now. David Icke has come along way, his live shows are sell out (they are on YouTube), he is putting so much time and effort into his TV station, becoming ill from stress as a result and has used his own money and raised some from donations, he takes no sponsorship from organisations working for the enslavement of humanity and has been faced with loosing the channel due to not having enough money to keep it on air. Sonia Poulton made a lot of trouble for him and his response which can be seen on YouTube shows us a man of integrity working so hard to keep going to bring out the truth to humanity, struggling against the Elite who try to make him and the ideas he speaks about look silly to put us off the scent and keep us asleep and as slaves.

Our hearts all resonate with goodness and love and we each make a difference to this world as we are energy (which originated from the same source) and effect change by putting out love from our hearts, which is the biggest generator of electromagnetic energy in our body. I know from my own experience that the amount of feeling I am able to get in my heart depends on the levels of RF surrounding me. Gregg Braden gives an excellent talk on all of this in a video on YouTube called "How To Control The Matrix". This is no doubt one reason for the microwave agenda we are experiencing now, shutting down our ability to give out and absorb good frequencies to affect positive change in the world. Another FANTASTIC video is "Harry Oldfield - Energy Fields Revealed" on YouTube, he is a scientist and a entertaining person to listen to, with his comedy too. He looks at auric fields and uses Kirlian photography and has invented his own photographic methods for seeing the unseen realms including the "Oldfield filter", he has also picked up "entities" that were not physically present around participants. I am going to look more at his work and inventions I think his research with crystals, light and sound especially would help with healing from RF damage.

# Posted: 1 Mar 2014 10:37

Hello Anonymous,
I have all the gadgets of Harry Oldfield.
His Crystal Harmony Light unit as well as his Personal Crystal Voice are excellent instruments.
About his New Energy Vision Pro, please have a look at:

# Posted: 1 Mar 2014 12:30

we as ES sufferers have had to question what the government and media say about the safety and purpose of RF microwave technology, we have examined the evidence and used our own personal experiences and observations in order to say that there is a cover-up and we are being lied to.

Hi, I absolutely agree with this. DI, for all his recent failings, at least played a part in that process for me in the earlier stages. I simply no longer think he embodies the values that he once aspired to, through his own actions and decisions, and also through others surrounding him. But that does not change the Truth, and the reality of what is happening..these lies on a grand scale, and the way this world is heading. I always question everything.


# Posted: 2 Mar 2014 09:50

EG : David Icke has been on a mission for over 25 years to uncover the truth in so many areas of society and humanity. He has been and still is a MENTOR for many around the world. The information he has collected and published may just save our arses!

# Posted: 2 Mar 2014 11:50

P.s it has only been in the last 5 months I became aware of the rise in popularity of David
Icke and his findings. After studying his long research, answers to many questions that I have had unanswered over the years have come to fruition. I have a lot to thank him for !

His request to WAKEN UP and JOIN THE DOTS is serving me well as a realisation that everything we do has been governed and orchestrated with the help from certain sectors in society we would not think about.
Starting my research from an ordinary citizens point of structure ie; health, food we eat, water we drink, air we breath, our views and opinions, our communities, our choices, our privacy, etc
Are all now obliterated without our realization of how deep this control has become until now. We seem to be well and truly bagged and tagged ! ! The NHS has become the driving force of sharing information to others. They are the spider in the web of deceit. Every part of our existence is scrutinised allowing for use and abuse - like mice in a lab ! !

You cannot speak out to the media as it is controlled by a private company called DC THOMSOM who scrutinise what information comes in and what goes out in newspapers and magazines. Twice my letters to two different newspapers on fraud and incompetency in the NHS were not allowed to be published. Also be aware that before you take out life insurance you will need to now be Genetically tested ?!
You go down this road and it leads to another burrow in tagging!

So much connections to every aspect of our lives that ultimately lead to THE AMERICAN DATA BASE.
I often wondered why they changed from being the USA to the US . Well now I know -they no longer were happy controling their own country so dropped the AMERICA part and used the UNITED STATES to mean all states united. They become the ruler of the world.

But only if we comply. It may seem a daunting task taking back our control but what they created to imprison us can be turned against them to free us.

I no longer comply. I give out no personal details, have let go of materiism, paid off debts and aim to get out of the data base. I only have one chance at life and will live it accordingly with freedom to have my voice heard at Government level if they keep threatening and destroying my right to live a healthy, peacefull and non-destructve life.

As a writer I love to collect wise sentiments to pass on. Here is one by the great man himself- Nelson Mandela:
" There is no passion to be found in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living"

# Posted: 2 Mar 2014 12:31

EG : David Icke has been on a mission for over 25 years to uncover the truth in so many areas of society and humanity. He has been and still is a MENTOR for many around the world. The information he has collected and published may just save our arses!

His latest venture is about to go down the pan, having taken over half a million pounds' worth of donations from honest people and done very little with it. It's tantamount to fraud. I have no interest in championing a flawed messiah figure.

tilly, I appreciate your passion and focus, and wish you well in your endeavours, but I - and many others - have been down the same road a long time ago. This is nothing new. I found the same bombshells and trails of corruption, the same recommendations to allow blanket cell-tower installations.

Our old MP was even told in no uncertain terms to stop asking questions, and stop asking the relevant authorities to rein in on exposing the public to so much EMR. This was 2005. He didn't let it go, and he lost his job. Barrie Trower himself advises not to fight these people. He must say that for a good reason.


# Posted: 3 Mar 2014 21:46

Ericgeneric: please don't believe the hype of Icke scamming the public of money-if you have looked into the issue more deeply you will find it was deliberately sabotaged to discredit him.
To have worked tirelessly around the world for 25 years never asking for a penny yet bringing the truth to many including writing quite a few books that pay their way, while trying to set up a tv channel (against the government's wishes) for the people to air their views on subjects like this forum but in mainstrem media should somehow want to steal money before the programme begins- I don't think so!!

You walk into the trap thinking negative. Seek out the truth. Fight the cause !


# Posted: 3 Mar 2014 22:03 - Edited by: ericgeneric

If people question Icke in any way they are censored and kicked off his site. I don't call that being prepared to "question everything".

Sorry but he's a charlatan and a plagiarist, let's just move on.


# Posted: 3 Mar 2014 22:21

Rather than place misguided faith in people like Icke and Trower, who talk big but ultimately do nothing of tangible help for those caught up in the crossfire of NWO tech warfare, better to highlight articles and websites and individuals who offer something useful to aid our struggle.

In the latest What Your Doctor Won't Tell You, the series on Electrosmog by scientist Guy Hudson makes some very good points, raising arguments and angles that I haven't come across before. Granted, a lot of these type of articles will offer precious little new to those of us living this nightmare for some time now, but the most recent piece was excellent.

If the Governments and Telecom/Energy firms push Smart tech and blanket EMR in our homes on the basis of it saving us all pots of money, then what better argument to make than to counter it with evidence that, actually, it won't do anything of the sort. It will actually save money to stay wired, and not have all this tech.

Play them at their own game, instead of whooping up militant action and scaremongering. Beat down every single one of their spurious reasons for implementing this "Internet of Things" in a way, and using the language and reasoning, that people who might be swayed by monetary factors will perhaps sit up and realise they don't want it, and question why they are being forced to have it under false pretences.


# Posted: 3 Mar 2014 22:42

Ok ! No problem! I'm happy with my belief that ICKE RULES. At least he has not just sat back on his backside.
He has inspired me to do more- thats not a bad thing !

I have written to many in positions that can make a difference regarding radiation emissions and tomorrow will be phoning a few TV Stations to try and get the Barrie Trower, Open Mind Conference, 2012 aired to the general public.

If I have to tie myself to the top of my council building (its massive in centre of town) and lower a huge placard with the words MAST-VICTIM.ORG + BARRIE TROWER, OPEN MIND CONFERENCE, 2012 - I will.

Whats your next step or are you too scared in case they come to get you ! !

# Posted: 3 Mar 2014 22:43

Now I see why Henrik posted what he did yesterday...


# Posted: 3 Mar 2014 23:58

Well in my own view actions speak louder than words sometimes.

That is not to say I'm not appreciative to the founders of this forum, as I'm very grateful to be in contact with others who suffer the same symptoms. It is helpful to hear how they cope alongside sharing useful information.
But there are many others out there who suffer alone because no one informs them of available help.
I was left alone in dealing with my "radiation sickness" for many years with painful consequences and so you can forgive my eagerness in wanting to share information whether it be about this site, David Icke, Barrie Trower or whoever has knowledge on how to stop the madness that thrives on others pain in this world.

Being new to this forum you can maybe enlighten me on the protocol as I seem to have offended you in some way .

# Posted: 4 Mar 2014 00:21

Icke and Trower will not stop this, they are not magicians. They may know the truth, as many of us now also do, but they cannot stop it any more than we can. Placing faith in such figures is unwise. It gives false hope and false information, which can be worse than no help at all if you put yourself naively in the firing line.

I am doing what I can, as I always have done since 2008, but I am not scared of anyone. I simply recognise what power certain organisations have, and choose my battles accordingly. Making a martyr of myself, and opening myself up to ridicule, abuse and "freak of the week" pieces in the media is not going to get me anywhere, and it hasn't got anyone else anywhere either. Journalists will like the idea of jumping onto a story for their own agendas, but at the first sign of Truth, they will back off. They always do.

I am not placing my future, and how I am perceived by the world, and how Microwave Radiation Sickness - which is what we are all REALLY suffering from - is going to blow up in society's face - in the hands of hacks, charlatans and chancers.

Neither am I giving money to David Icke, random "ES" seminars, and other "charities" which see this continual ruination of the human race as a means to earn extra money or make a name for themselves. I don't want to read sob stories about people driven to suicide because the 24/7 zapping eventually tipped them over the edge, and hear them saying "oh if only they'd contacted us, everything would have been different".

HELP US NOW. Stop bleating on about some watered-down condition that doesn't exist, is not recognised and does not represent the truth of the situation. Don't keep asking for money, and treating the information as a way of milking the public. Nobody is going to give a s**t about the letters after names when we're all reduced to simpering zombies, in agony and dying.

Cut the ES c**p.....get back to what Powerwatch called it 5 years ago. MICROWAVE RADIATION SICKNESS. From, you know, MICROWAVES. That are broadcast via 2G, 3G, 4G, TETRA, Wi-Fi, and all these "SMART" gadgets. This is not sexy, this is not fun. This is BAD for us. This will finish off society as we knew it. And why? BECAUSE THEY WANT IT TO BE THAT WAY.

Let them know we know. Stop pandering to their agenda and watering down our arguments. There are enough people in senior positions around the world that know all this, have vast experience and expertise, and yet what have they achieved? Nothing. The technology continues to roll out at an insane pace. Why is that? Why is all their big talk not amounting to anything?

So, strap yourself to a rooftop if you wish, but it won't help.


# Posted: 4 Mar 2014 00:23

That was more an Open Letter than directed at an individual.


# Posted: 4 Mar 2014 03:03

Tilly, I agree with everything I have read in these past comments you have left, but I feel I should just point out in case readers are unaware (sorry to be negative) but Nelson Mandela seems not to be what we have officially been told. Please look at "Mandela's South Africa became a Third World country, the rape and murder capital of the world" from Friday, December 06, 2013 on "The Tap Blog", here we see a photo of him wearing what is the robe of the Knights of Malta, so he was a freemason?

We are all on the side of truth as opposed to that of lies, we need to keep this at the front of our memory and stop arguing amongst ourselves, everything is energy, a vibration, words are vibrations, so through our language we are having an effect. As Gregg Braden says we need to live from our hearts and have "the feeling of love" this also changes our DNA and ourselves and so therefore all matter too, as we are the same matter, we are ONE as the great David Icke keeps telling us. Please watch "Gregg Braden's How To Control The Matrix " on YouTube (with respect Ericgeneric I feel you need to listen to this) Peace, Love & Oneness.

# Posted: 4 Mar 2014 10:06


This is a friendly reminder that you are too far off topic.

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