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www.mast-victims.org forum / General discussion / So who is our microwave specialist: Barry Thrower?
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Eileen O´Connor
# Posted: 16 Dec 2005 03:04


I trained at the Governments Microwave Warfare establishment in 60’s. I worked with the underwater bomb disposal unit, which used microwaves.
In the 70’s I helped de-brief spies trained in microwave warfare.

My first degree is in Physics (I specialised in microwaves)
My second degree is a research degree.
I have a teaching diploma in human physiology.
I teach advanced physics and mathematics at South Dartmoor College.

Author of the Tetra Report for the Police Federation. I predicted the illnesses, which the officers now complain of.
I predicted the illness’s the residents now complain of.
These are illness’s that occurred before my report was published and cannot be psychosomatic.

At a conference in Birmingham I said “ This Government, Industry and Government Scientists will be responsible for more deaths (of civilians) in peace time
than all the terrorist organizations ever.” The evidence I have is showing this is correct. I put my money where my mouth is and stand my ground.
It is easy to prove TETRA is not safe.

I would like those who sign to say it is” and should go ahead, to stand trial in future years for their decisions.

If microwave systems are safe. Why is there a still on-going stealth warfare industry, going back 60 years, based on the fact that these waves
(AT TETRA STRENGTH) are and have been used to cause illness’s now occurring in residents / police officers?
At this point in time it is now into the germ warfare programme. If microwaves did not affect cells, this industry would not exist at all! No microwave communications system can e safe, especially TETRA. They are the same power as in the warfare industry and in Tetra’s case the same pulse rate.

This Industry is a big money earner for everybody who gives permission to go ahead yet they: the Government; Industry; Government Scientists;
do not take any responsibility.
That falls on the Landowner and the user (Police Officer) who “volunteer’s” to use it as part of the 10 & 15 year cancer trial.
The option (given at the Police Conference – Birmingham) was to resign.

Tetra has a possible outlet of 32 Countries and 52 organisations within this Country, at present.
It must be stopped until there is a full judicial and public hearing into every aspect of this industry.
Not as in “Hansard” where the Minister in response to questions say’s “It is within Government guidelines”.
Which is based only on how warm you get: and even then it is wrong.

Somebody, somewhere, must stop what could be the biggest cause of illness around the World since the plague.
This must go public without fear/prejudice from those in a position of power.
The evidence is already to hand and proof can be obtained experimentally. In a few days. I will do it.

It is time that the intelligence of the general public was recognised and their wishes were respected.
As opposed to Governmental pressure from an intimate relationship with Industrial Power/ Money, on planners.

Latest reports

11 children leaving a school (sick) in Sussex.
11 Leukemia and 3 motor neuron diseases around a tetra mast in East Fife.
90 illness’s in Dersley around a new Tetra mast. Sadly, in each case, neither the police nor Industry could attend the MP’s ‘call’ for a meeting.
Only I turned up! How much confidence does that instill in everybody?

Barry Trower

Document 2.:

In Sir William Stewart’s report page 113, frequencies between 300 MHz and 300 GHz are defines as microwaves.
This is in line with the International Commission’s definition of microwaves as defined in 1998.
Therefore everything discussed in this report is in the microwave frequency.

Microwaves react very differently in our water-based bodies to radio waves.
The term ‘Radio Frequency’ is often used to describe microwaves based communication systems.
It is important that the term ‘Radio Frequency’ is not associated with Radio Waves, but associated with microwaves.
Microwaves are used by the communications industry because they are more penetrative than radio waves.

The Stewart Report 2004 asks that anecdotal evidence be taken seriously in the absence of long-term epidemiological studies, concerning illnesses around the area of mobile phone transmitters. Such anecdotal evidence produced July 2002 refers to 92 cases of cancer around just 19 mobile phone transmitters.
Other illnesses on the same paper refer to breast cancers, thyroid, bowel and blood problems.
Another report dated November 2003 titled ‘School References (school and cell tower antennas)’ from 138 schools lists miscarriages, brain tumours,
cancers, breast cancers and teachers ill within this report. One single school had transmitters on its roof in the Saint-Cyr-l’Ecole quarter of France where
8 cases of cancer were confirmed among children in the district.
Common sense dictates that if you surround the school with mobile transmitters, the children will be able to use their mobile phones in school, this obviously exacerbates the problem of surrounding the children with microwave radiation.

The Stewart Report on page 63, section 4.1.1 recommends …..RF fields to which the public will be exposed will be kept to the lowest practical level that will
be commensurate with the system….

The same page the Stewart Group recommend….. Base Stations sited within school grounds that the beam of greatest intensity should not fall on any part of
the school grounds or buildings without agreement from the school and parents. Similar considerations should apply to macro base stations sited near school grounds.

Doctor Gerd Oberfield of the Environmental and Resource Studies Programme, Trent University, Ontario, Canada, published a report dated November
and December 2004, titled ‘Putting Cellphone Antennas near schools is too Risky’.
This report states:…..with respect to negative health effects on people living in close proximity to cell phone towers, there are three different epidemiological studies including our recent study. All of them found statistically significant relationships between exposure to radiation and health effects.
Two of the studies did measurements in subject’s bedrooms and found significant increases in stress related symptoms as well and neurological symptoms…. Also depression, fatigue, sleep disorders and concentration difficulty were found. These symptoms were related to exposure levels, not distance from the antennas. A recent research project called EU-Reflex or European Union Risk Evaluation of Potential Environmental Hazards from Low Frequency Electromagnetic Field Exposure using sensitive in Vitro Methods shows that cells exposed to cell phone radiation exhibit chromosomal damage well below
the exposure guidelines of the W.H.O.

It is worth mentioning that the ICNIRP Guidelines also the NRPB Guidelines are based purely on the thermal effect of the waves.
No account what so ever is given to the effect of the electric and magnetic of the wave interacting with the physiology of the body.
The WHO’s Guidelines are based on the short-term effects of this radiation. No long-term experiments have been done in terms of safety levels.
Further, no experiments have been done to determine the safety levels from the pulsed microwaves exhibited by all microwave communication systems.

Doctor Oberfield’s report concludes…..as a general rule cell towers should not be placed near schools.

The recent Stewart Report on page 31, states: ‘Where a base station is to be installed near a school or college, local consultation is also required prior to
the submission of an application for Planning Permission’. Page 53, continues…we also recommend that the mobile phone industry should refrain from
promoting the use of mobile phones by children.
Placing mobile transmitters in the vicinity of schools cannot discourage the use of mobile phones by children.
Only this last Christmas the German VERUM group which consists of twelve research groups from seven countries, concluded that mobile phones cause
DNA damage. It can be argued that as responsible adults in charge of Planning, giving the opportunity to children to use mobile phones, some responsibility
MUST fall on the Planners for the scientific ignorance of the children.

Referring back to semi-scientific and/or anecdotal evidence concerning masts, at this present time in Osafia, Israel in the last four years, 165 people have
died of cancer from living in the vicinity of antennas. This has now become a legal case.

Scientific research by Dr. John Walker has highlighted cancer clusters within the ‘footprint’ of base station transmissions.
Coloured photographs of cancer clusters can be found in the main part of base station beams.
Theoretically, looking at this research, which has covered several transmitters, it should be possible to predict future cancer clusters.
Dr. Walker’s research is on the Internet.

General practitioners in Naila examined the medical histories of nearly 1000 patients, searching for link between the distance of the patient’s living quarters
from a long-standing mobile phone base station and the incidence of cancer. The physicians distinguished between an inner circle, within a 400m radius from
the tower, and the area outside it. Tumours were found in patients living within 400m of the base station three times more frequently than among patients living outside.

The result of the Naila study, November 2004 shows that the proportion of newly developing cancer cases was significantly higher among those patients
who had lived during the past 10 years at a distance of up to 400 m from the transmitter site, and that the patients fell ill on average 8 years earlier.

A similar study from the National Institute of Sciences (Professor Santini) showed from a study of 270 men and 260 women less than 300 m from a transmitter, showed signs of nausea, loss of appetite, visual and motor problems. Less than 100 m the symptoms were irritability, depression, concentration problems, memory dysfunction, dizziness, libido problems, headaches, sleep and skin problems.

The highly respected Professor

# Posted: 13 Aug 2010 13:34


We are fighting a campaign against a fifth mast being installed in our ward, near a school.

The phone company are saying that they want to hold a public meeting. Do you have any representatives who could attend?

We will pay all their expenses.


# Posted: 6 Sep 2010 17:59

Joe- you might want to contact Chris LeFevre who writes for Mast Sanity and who has a website of his own offering help and advice:

# Posted: 11 Oct 2010 00:17

Just found this - which might help

# Posted: 11 Oct 2010 00:35

and to contact LLRC you can ask about their health survey http://www.llrc.org/

# Posted: 13 Jan 2011 18:34

Hell, I am dead and I do not know it ! Seriously, because this is a very serious problem: when I was 12 and had a lot of health problems (recurrent sinusitis and otitis, with already an ear gone, demolished by indispensable chirurgy in A.P., Ante Penicillin era, I was subjected to a procedure called "Marconitherapy", where my head was positioned between two microwave antennas and heated, say, to the level of a big fever (39,5 Centigrade degrees, I believe). In those days, it was the better way to solve my problems: I successfully survived ! Caution: I worked a little also with statistics, so I can say that my example and that of the many others with the same positive experience does not prove that mobile telephony antennas are certainly without risk. BUT, ALWAYS GIVE THE NUMBERS AND THE CALCULATIONS IN A EASY TO VERIFY FORM, OTHERWISE YOU DO ONLY DAMAGE TO YOUR GOOD INTENTIONS !
AND ALSO, REMEMBER THE LATIN DISTINCTION BETWEEN "POST HOC" AND "PROPTER HOC", THAT IS TO SAY BETWEEN "CONCURRENCE" AND "CAUSE" ! Ok, I try to explain: in a classical example, two series of numbers relative to annual incidence of some social phenomenon were examined with thorough statistic methods, which gave the undisputable result: B was so strictly related to A that out of any possible doubt B was caused by A. Indeed, A was the incidence of primary school frequency in Papua-New Guinea, and B the rate of minorile crime in New York City.
So, BEWARE, also because I know a lot of real dangers not acknowledged by the public opinion and by the medias, because not enough sensational as mobile phone antennas, and because fixed phone industry has a big stake in slowing down the switch to mobile (especially for data trasmission).

Claudio Fornasari
Born June 15, 1935
Rome, Italy
e-mail "claudiofornasari@yahoo.it"

# Posted: 11 Apr 2012 05:47

This is going on in the usa. I know who the freak to blame and try because I know his sister. He was in the cia and doing consulting now. I need some help for the authoritiesto question him.

robbinbird#live .com
# Posted: 23 Dec 2012 23:06

my son put a magenet from a dart game on my cell phone when i pulled it off could it have a effect on me like shock my hand is numb

# Posted: 24 Dec 2012 11:42

There are many recordings of interviews and also transcripts of interviews with Barrie Trower on the internet. They are worth watching/reading.


# Posted: 24 Dec 2012 12:15

Barrie Trower Cell Phone Tower Radiation Dangers Deception Part 2

TI victim
# Posted: 4 Aug 2017 17:01

My spine is beeing destroyed and my brain is beeing sqeezed together and my eyes are shaking my heart is controlled and all my joints hurt :(

# Posted: 26 Dec 2017 20:30


# Posted: 4 Jan 2018 20:14

Does anyone have the HTTP link to the UK Govt report about NI radiation and cancer please? I cant stop it without it being blocked, to copy it.

# Posted: 1 Oct 2019 08:17

Hello Mr thrower, I was listening to your podcast on the Richie Allen show about the harmful effects of 5G I have done lots of research and been to a few talks in Glastonbury and other places I have become very concerned about my health as I have a rare genetic disease called CMT or hmsn which means I have no mylan on my nerves and I am becoming increasingly concerned of the effects of 5G to my health I am Wi-Fi sensitive and have been suffering by living on an estate 8i can't go into certain places or cities I don't have Wi-Fi in my house or a smartphone as I can become extremely ill very quickly I have passed this down to my children and my three grandchildren as it is hereditary I am also registered blind which I passed down to my children and my grandchildren so I was wondering if you could possibly help me or supports me and give me some advice on a fight that I might have on my hands with the local council to buy some land and live on it I would like to live off grid and limit the danger to my health my children and my grandchildren ,I'm not too confident about getting support from my doctor's as I have explained this to them and they've looked at me like I'm an alien so I don't know how my local council would consider my situation as being life-threatening and I know you have been working with solicitors and other people in educating them to help people like me me,and I would greatly appreciate any advice that you could give me me or contacts that you could put my way to support my course thank you very much. Miss Lisa Bradford.

# Posted: 2 Oct 2019 13:11

Lisa Bradford,

Barrie Trower doesn't use computers or internet.

You'll have to write him a post letter.

If you write me at webmaster@mast-victims.org then I'll send you Barrie's mailing address.

And re your doctor: download this medical guide to EHS diagnosis and treatment and give your doctor a hardcopy:
https://www.degruyter.com/downloadpdf/j/reveh.2016.31.issue-3/reveh-2016-0011/reveh-2 016-0011.pdf

# Posted: 22 Mar 2020 11:31

AFAIK Magda Havas and Barry Trower are no longer able to do anything.. its beyond anyone's control really!

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