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# Posted: 22 Mar 2018 00:16


# Posted: 11 Apr 2018 00:57


On 5 April 2018, the UK telecoms regulator, Ofcom, announced the results of a spectrum auction of the 2.3 GHz band (for improved 4G capacity) and the 3.4 GHz band for future 5G mobile services. The results are:

Airspan Spectrum Holdings Limited has not won spectrum in either band
EE Limited has won 40 MHz of 3.4 GHz spectrum at a cost of £302,592,000
Hutchison 3G UK Limited has won 20 MHz of 3.4 GHz spectrum at a cost of £151,296,000
Telefónica UK Limited has won all 40 MHz of 2.3 GHz spectrum available, at a cost of £205,896,000; and 40 MHz of 3.4 GHz spectrum at a cost of £317,720,000
Vodafone Limited has won 50 MHz of 3.4 GHz spectrum at a cost of £378,240,000

The total of £1,355,744,000 will be paid to HM Treasury

# Posted: 18 May 2018 13:13

The total of £ 20,355,744,000 will be taken out of the HM Treasury in economical and health costs due to the radiation.

Probably a lot more...

#ers they are. All of them.

# Posted: 20 May 2018 18:36

Where do you get that figure from.

I thought they were doing it to lower their TRILLION pound Govt shortfall UK in pensions. If any business did that they would be in court.

Life expectancy has gone down 2.5 years in the UK and France etc in the last 10 years. Irradiation plan working well then?!? Thank the Gods for new technologies. Its them well be talking to.

# Posted: 27 May 2018 19:55

That is why the government does not want to hear anything bad about the use of mobile phones. They got 2billion some years ago (about 10 years?) and the masts and band widths keep bringing in the loot!
The fact that illnesses are skyrocketing is another matter. We all know about the increase in mental illness, heart disease, dementia, childhood behavioural problems (e.g.ADHD). But the clever people from Westminster, Oxford, Whitehall, don't want to know because they know it all already.

What happened to observation? You get a wifi in the house and you get to feel ill - sad, bad tempered, children cry a lot, become contrary. That is what is happening to my friend at the moment but he will not hear of it. In fact when I mentioned that he should try and observe what did he do that day when the kid started to get behavioural problems and I gave examples of new wifi in the house, mobile phone on all the time, playing too many wireless games etc. He got grumpy and did not want to discuss it. This is what addiction is doing to people - you cannot take away their favourite toy.
Of course the trouble is that many children now are born in homes that have wifi, and mobile phones, etc. on permanently so they cannot connect cause and effect. They are born like that.

# Posted: 27 May 2018 19:58

That is why the government does not want to hear anything bad about the use of mobile phones. They got 2billion some years ago (about 10 years?) and the masts and band widths keep bringing in the loot!
The fact that illnesses are skyrocketing is another matter. We all know about the increase in mental illness, heart disease, dementia, childhood behavioural problems (e.g.ADHD). But the clever people from Westminster, Oxford, Whitehall, don't want to know because they know it all already.

What happened to observation? You get a wifi in the house and you get to feel ill - sad, bad tempered, children cry a lot, become contrary. That is what is happening to my friend at the moment but he will not hear of it. In fact when I mentioned that he should try and observe what did he do that day when the kid started to get behavioural problems and I gave examples of new wifi in the house, mobile phone on all the time, playing too many wireless games etc. He got grumpy and did not want to discuss it. This is what addiction is doing to people - you cannot take away their favourite toy.
Of course the trouble is that many children now are born in homes that have wifi, and mobile phones, etc. on permanently so they cannot connect cause and effect. They are born like that.

# Posted: 28 May 2018 00:24

Two frontpage headlines on a major newspaper last week:

"Pollution in the air is causing illness and death".

So that'll be petrol fumes, and not blanket 4G microwave radiation.

"Babies are developing cancer because they are too clean".

Not the fact that pregnant women have sat with a smartphone on their lap, and then once it's born spend the day pointing it at the baby's head.

Okay then.


# Posted: 29 May 2018 15:42

You say "They got 2billion some years ago" . Actually they have netted over a TRILLION so far in the UK and not paid a penny to those whose lives have been destroyed. Thanking you Marry Hodge of the Labour Party who organised the sell off. 1/3 of pensions are in phone techs so there is no chance of independence or objectivity in any review. Until they recognise thats phones make people ill there is no chance this will change and NO PHONE HAS EVER MADE ANY ONE ILL thanks to the CODE OF ETHICS of doctors being abandoned 8 years ago in the UK. Idiopathic they call it. "No known cause". STINKING CORRUPTION I CALL IT. How many will die horrible and unrecognised by the "medical establishment" before they are recognised as the NAZIS that they are?

# Posted: 10 Jun 2018 17:08

I can well believe that - over a trillion. Actually I meant to say 21 billion.

I feel even the BBC is covering up the problem. They push kids to go onto their games on iPads etc. To play some game that is related to the show on CBeebies.
I sometimes write to them to say that as they don't depend on advertising they should investigate this problem of illnesses from mobile phones and wireless devices. I get no response - similarly from my MP.
Eric it is funny how in recent years we hear so much more about pollution as though the car has just been invented. I am not saying that it is not an important health hazard but pollution has been there for a long time and has been gradually increasing. However the mobile phone and related gadgets are relatively new and they are increasing in line with the increase in these illnesses - mental illness, heart problems (palpitations) ADHD, and just about every neurological problem you can think of.

Plop, I watch 'GPs Behind Closed Doors' sometimes and you can explain many of the problems they go the doctor for by the wireless 'toys' they love so much. But would a doctor even mention such a thing? 'Leave your mobile phone alone - turn the bl...y thing off.'
The most argumentative person on the subject is a doctor I know, so we agreed to disagree and just don't mention the subject when she is round. Sadly her kids are showing signs of 'microwave illnesses' but I feel I cannot even say anything.
And 'Babies developing cancer because they are too clean.' I could not resist writing a comment to the paper about this. Not only is this wrong but it is dangerous - especially at a time when we should be reducing the use of antibiotics. And I listed that in rich countries we have more: pollution, pesticides, vaccines, X-rays, food, ........... and wireless gadgets! Strangely a lot of people did agree with me.

I have been in my own way vocal about this with people I know (& letters to VIPs, MPs ) but few ever listen, now I feel rather resigned that humanity has to do whatever it will do and what will be will be. I am getting too old and tired to worry and underlying everything I also suffer from it all as I cannot hide from it. I just reduce the effects by not using wireless.
Sorry I have gone on a bit!

# Posted: 10 Jun 2018 22:12

Dont forget they made it law that you could not blame RFR so capitalism could beat the commies supposedly. Strange thing was that once they beat the commies all constraints came off and they irradiated us to hell.
"Doctors" are the worst most corrupt and culpable as they,(if they had a code of ethics) would insist that if MW communications is the biggest live experiment in real time in history that there MUST be recognition of NEGATIVE results like EHS ES MS ME CFS etc, They know that if they break this law they get struck off and thanks to the ending of there code of ethics they have no protection now and no defense.
INSTEAD THEY HAVE BANNED HEALTH STATISTICS! How bent is that? Seriously and not just in the UK. The WHO is NOT FIT FOR PURPOSE unless its the murderous exploitation of innocents. The dark face of capitalist murderous greed and a legal system rotten to the core and totally useless is all we are worth now! Human rights that no one can get access to so are not even worth their words. SERIOUSLY SAD. Never been so rich... never been so F*****D over! Probably killing more than the NAZI death camps but its OK cos there is no paper work. Perfected DEMOCIDE!

Sorry I have gone on a bit!

# Posted: 17 Jun 2018 15:37

If the increase in mental illness was due to infection they will all be up in arms trying to find a vaccine / cure, but since it could be due to their precious wireless no one cares. Any harmful evidence is never broadcast and the mobile phone businesses can carry on making a fortune. Well it can't go on like this for ever, since they are putting 'smart' gadgets in everything even the hardy ones will start to show symptoms. And when all the mental hospitals are full then somebody might say something. (sorry, I forgot they are full!).
The trouble is people are not dying - they just feel like sh..t - they cannot work, they are unhappy, they cannot cope with life, they cannot bring their children up .... And their children are difficult, negative, depressed, hyperactive and so the problems escalate.

What amazes me and upsets me is that most people cannot see it, they are not making the connection, instead hey argue about causation and correlation. When I was at school the teacher encouraged us to write our observations and conclusions to some experiment and used to make a fuss of us when we got it right. Now if you suggest a connection, hypothesis, from observations, happenings, we are told we are jumping to conclusions.

Doctors cannot go their own way, they are so indoctrinated they stick to the mantras. They follow 'the Oxford Handbook of Medicine ' and dare not diverge from it. Litigation is their greatest fear (and I don't blame them.)

It is the government that should be doing more to limit this madness of wireless connection to everything, and warn people to limit its use. At least the French government is doing something about it by banning mobile phones from schools.

# Posted: 18 Jun 2018 22:41

Front page of The Times today, headline about how Millennials are set for the worst health and mental well-being for people their age in several generations.

Of course, the many reasons given did not include chronic EMR exposure.

Nothing to see here....


# Posted: 26 Jun 2018 19:52

"The trouble is people are not dying - they just feel like sh..t - they cannot work, they are unhappy, they cannot cope with life, they cannot bring their children up .... And their children are difficult, negative, depressed, hyperactive and so the problems escalate."

Bang on Ande.

Wow. With living next to a phone mast, my anger soars to new heights.

# Posted: 27 Jun 2018 17:37

From that original article: Project run by Quickline Communications Grant: Rural across 7 counties

"This project is named the 5G Rural Integrated Testbed (5GRIT) and will be used to trial and test smart agriculture, 5G-ready AR apps for tourists and connecting poorly-served communities across the following counties: Cumbria, Northumberland, North Yorkshire, Lincolnshire, Inverness-shire, Perthshire and Monmouthshire."

Funny how open land across the UK keeps bursting into flames lately.


# Posted: 1 Jul 2018 16:32

Jonny, these are my observations of all those that I see and know and that is my explanation.
No hiding place Eric! The dream of escaping to the country is no more and they are going to put masts in church stipples as well.
They talk about putting all these 'smart' gadgets into everything. I think it was this morning they were talking about putting some 'smart' sensor in the toilet so it can monitor your urine and send you and doctor a massage of the analysis. Big business knows no bounds.

# Posted: 9 Jul 2018 21:06 - Edited by: Jonnyloosegain

"They talk about putting all these 'smart' gadgets into everything. I think it was this morning they were talking about putting some 'smart' sensor in the toilet so it can monitor your urine and send you and doctor a massage of the analysis. Big business knows no bounds."

So radiation is now going to be even more widespread?

I am sure the general population will love their new toys.

Hell why not go the step further, and put a headband that monitors brain activity for the doctor and operates under 50GHz at 90 mW/m2. The product package can read "for BEST RESULTS wear 24/7 !!!! "


We can't mock the population, they are non the wiser. But their ignorance is no excuse.

# Posted: 15 Jul 2018 15:26

Jonny, it is getting desperate out there. Everyone I know are either too tired or too stressed to cope with life and bring up their children. And their children are too difficult to control, escalating the problem, but do you think they would listen to what I have to say? It is possible of course that there is some genetic predisposition to ES, may be people with allergies are more prone to feeling the effects of microwaves, but these people cannot be ignored - 30% of the population have the allergy gene(s) . They are too many to be written off as 'survival of the fittest', will prevail.

This is how I think of it: some people are allergic to mould spores (say), and in mouldy conditiond get quite ill with sneezing, sore throats, coughing, asthma, etc. Others who are not allergic only become ill after prolonged exposure if they have mouldy houses and bedrooms.
I think we are reaching that position with wireless gadgets - for many years only those who have some sort of predisposition became ill with headaches, stress, depression ...... Now with wireless gadgets becoming so ubiquitous people are getting an overload, without time to 'refresh' and so get ill.
Brave new world eh?

# Posted: 15 Jul 2018 15:40

Jonny, it is getting desperate out there. Everyone I know are either too tired or too stressed to cope with life and bring up their children. And their children are too difficult to control, escalating the problem, but do you think they would listen to what I have to say? It is possible of course that there is some genetic predisposition to ES, may be people with allergies are more prone to feeling the effects of microwaves, but these people cannot be ignored - 30% of the population have the allergy gene(s) . They are too many to be written off as 'survival of the fittest', will prevail.

This is how I think of it: some people are allergic to mould spores (say), and in mouldy conditiond get quite ill with sneezing, sore throats, coughing, asthma, etc. Others who are not allergic only become ill after prolonged exposure if they have mouldy houses and bedrooms.
I think we are reaching that position with wireless gadgets - for many years only those who have some sort of predisposition became ill with headaches, stress, depression ...... Now with wireless gadgets becoming so ubiquitous people are getting an overload, without time to 'refresh' and so get ill.
Brave new world eh?

# Posted: 23 Jul 2018 04:49

What you say is consistant with mast cell activation and histamine stress reactions. Microwaves penetrate enough to create skin problems.
Historically there was no evolution to protect us from these radiations as they are a modern event and man only made.
How much protection you have is total chance and not evolutionary design. The doctors are neo-nazis imposing a new slow and painful death sentence on those being low level electrocuted. Effectively it amounts to withdrawal of service for political reasons.

The whole system is so ponsi and fragile that their excuse is that any mistake can never be admitted. For the greater good. Sadly millions must die because of this unsustainable arrogance based on the lie that non ionizing radiation is not dangerous. This was originally just to protect industry from pollution damages. So the US could export dirty electronic to the free world without fears. Now we see the effect of this fraud in an even bigger fraud that is unbridled capitalism. The greed of the very rich is killing our children and making them sick and the corrupted law is doing nothing to protect them. I think this greed is sociopathic and mentally ill.
May be that once you have loads of money the only pleasure left is destroying the lives of poor peoples.

The worst this is that is you say that out loud you are a terrorist. How fucked up is that? And they call us mentally ill.

Sadly health is not on the bottom line even in government. Money is the only measure of worth. Parato optimality is being written out of history. The health service is being sold to US investors as a result of their silent weapons for silent wars program. ( RFR legally used) They are going to make a fortune out of our poisoning. Neo Con heaven. Its not just the UK. If you wont let them in to do it you are part of the Axis of Evil.

# Posted: 24 Jul 2018 18:33 - Edited by: Jonnyloosegain

Jonny, it is getting desperate out there. Everyone I know are either too tired or too stressed to cope with life and bring up their children. And their children are too difficult to control, escalating the problem, but do you think they would listen to what I have to say? It is possible of course that there is some genetic predisposition to ES, may be people with allergies are more prone to feeling the effects of microwaves, but these people cannot be ignored - 30% of the population have the allergy gene(s) . They are too many to be written off as 'survival of the fittest', will prevail.This is how I think of it: some people are allergic to mould spores (say), and in mouldy conditiond get quite ill with sneezing, sore throats, coughing, asthma, etc. Others who are not allergic only become ill after prolonged exposure if they have mouldy houses and bedrooms. I think we are reaching that position with wireless gadgets - for many years only those who have some sort of predisposition became ill with headaches, stress, depression ...... Now with wireless gadgets becoming so ubiquitous people are getting an overload, without time to 'refresh' and so get ill. Brave new world eh?

Jesus it is like some subconscious kill off to those who don't embrace the system, the "fun" or something. With people subconsciously accepting the demise of others and their allergies for their own benefit.

Yeah I know what you mean and the allergy bit is a very good analogy when you look at how people can be susceptible to something that others aren't. Like Hay fever. Sufferers suffer from an invisible thing (tiny) whilst non-sufferers crack on. Except ES, is artificially caused and could also potentially affect particular people more than others.

The wireless industry is rather creepy with its head in the sand drama.

# Posted: 29 Jul 2018 15:21

It is frightening that so few people can have so much influence over the population. Lets face it, it is only those who are making money out of the wireless industry that are benefiting, yet they manage to keep most of the population following them without question.

If you want to fall out with friends or relatives you only have to mention the effects of microwaves and wireless gadgets on health and they yet upset. I have a gagging order by one relative - never to mention again the subject in their house or in front of their children. It is like brainwashing or addiction - you try and reason with an addict.

What benefit is there for these people to 'kill off' the population? No they don't kill you off - you just become dependent on them - and become disabled needing even more gadgets to keep them in business.
( NB all the apps to keep your health in check are becoming big business.)

The most successful viruses are those that don't kill their host but feed off them while they become chronically ill. There you are a good description of the mobile phone businesses.

# Posted: 29 Jul 2018 15:25

And do you think the doctors mind - they more sick the more money they can keep asking for the NHS. Besides many of them cannot do their job properly because they are stressed out and depressed with the radiation from the wifis in all hospitals which they have embraced with relish.

# Posted: 5 Aug 2018 11:16 - Edited by: Jonnyloosegain

The most successful viruses are those that don't kill their host but feed off them while they become chronically ill. There you are a good description of the mobile phone businesses.

Yeah too true.

cannot do their job properly because they are stressed out and depressed with the radiation from the wifis in all hospitals which they have embraced with relish.

Sadly this is true.

If you want to fall out with friends or relatives you only have to mention the effects of microwaves and wireless gadgets on health and they yet upset. I have a gagging order by one relative - never to mention again the subject in their house or in front of their children. It is like brainwashing or addiction - you try and reason with an addict.

On the flip side this could be how painful the reality is for those who are new or un-entered to the awareness of being at the mercy of something bad they can't stop because the greater population around them would make it also hard to put an end to the radiation due to how popular wireless gadgets and the internet is.
They know not only would authority make it hard due to money and legal process but also their friend and family too - and the public would be ignorant to them also.
Their anger to your information on microwave energy is a quick realisation they are in too deep. It is a bit like a struggle when you realise you are in deep water and there is no life ring to help you, but in this case, they can step back on to dry land, i.e. deny what you say.

(though in reality, they should learn to swim to greener pastures than jump right back on to the surface of hell and giving support to the devil - the wireless industry)

BTW I can confirm I get the same passive aggressive sometimes aggressive response from others when bringing up microwave energy. I've learnt to wait for the right time and place to bring it up.
One of my friends used to be spiteful to me when I brought it up. Though carefully I brought up that I would make my English presentation on cell towers and radiation when he asked me what my presentation would be. He was then intrigued? This goes the same for others too. The time, place and situation has to suit them. Naturally hearing bad things needs a offset of being in a good mood, just choose a mood that is willing to hear a negative vibe.
The marketers behind the wireless industry use the same tactic though it is for their self serving greed and goes negatively against our health. They make out there is a social and economic gain to being exposed to radiation though this is done in the most subtle and sub-conscious way possible. (though it is not subtle if you know what you are looking at)

The subject is putrid for me too because even with everything you know you are still left of suffering the radiation from masts.
Learning more new information on the negative consequences of the wireless industry also makes me depressed. Though the benefits is that you can learn to disable wifi at night (or as much as possible) or use wired house phones. So there ARE positives to awareness.

Don't give up on people, choose a good time and place. Don't rattle on too much or be extremely minimal with friends unless you have their interest. I've swapped my Dad's house phone for a wired one. He got used to it. He knows I don't like Wifi and that I turn it off. He doesn't mind. You quickly learn that the convenience of wireless gadgets is made inconvenient through the issues it causes to our health therefore living without them is actually quite pleasurable.

When people realise they can use this knowledge to help themselves, they become more willing to listen. It is only natural. I too would be upset learning that invisible forces are negatively affecting me and I can't do anything to help myself. It is a big inertia. But with careful guidance and insight you can teach them ways to minimise exposure. Wifi off at night is a big one. They don't use it at night do they.

Some people don't live anywhere near a phone mast and have zero to trace amounts of radiation but they ruin that grand opportunity with wifi or DECT wireless house phones. If they learnt the negative health effects of microwave radiation, they could put themselves in a golden opportunity of health.

# Posted: 12 Aug 2018 17:12

You are so right Jonny. However, you make one assumption that people would be reasonable if you are - remember they are probably affected to some extent by the radiation. These are very highly educated people that think they know it all (to some extent they ignore my level of education -also high).

Some years ago, when I was more enthusiastic about the subject, I explained some of the warnings and the research on microwave radiation in relative detail, the result was they presented me with a huge pile of research papers (printed) showing that it is safe and discrediting one of the researchers who showed otherwise. (Name of this researcher begins with H and he is sometimes mentioned on this website.)

After that I was told not to mention the subject again. I know I am not telling you the full story and my relationship to these people, but they have young children and they are affected the most with hyperactivity and tantrums.

Also true their house does not have any radiation from the neighbours because when I go there they turn everything off and I cannot detect anything with my EMF detector. At my house I detect quite a bit of radiation from neighbours. Worse still they have a wireless mouse and that seems to emit lot of radiation, even if the Wifi is turned off.

But I have come to the conclusion that people would have to live with the consequences and sink or swim with the rest of them.

# Posted: 7 Oct 2018 11:17



# Posted: 8 Oct 2018 16:49

5G map

https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=1NcB0Fwann_77u51pTsAG43mdTXrRUCSk&hl=en&ll=5 2.47126827842766%2C-2.0148392332031335&z=5

# Posted: 8 Oct 2018 23:12


# Posted: 14 Oct 2018 16:20

Thanks for the above 5g website. I have signed it I will read it more carefully soon. I fear for humanity.

# Posted: 14 Oct 2018 16:30

Anonymous are you responding to my 'sink or swim' comment? (seriously).
Believe me I've been banging on about this to friends and family where they all hate me and by choice they probably would not speak to me again, (but they need me!) So I had to find some sort of coping mechanism and let them do as they please otherwise I would go mad.

# Posted: 2 Nov 2018 21:58


UK Woman Detained At Mental Health Facility For Claiming 5G & WiFi Radiation Is Harmful To Health!

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