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www.mast-victims.org forum / General discussion / Some hope, AI and/or new hardware to save money, to lower power output
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# Posted: 30 Apr 2023 01:13

Of course money motivates them.

https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.computerworld.com/article/3668168/upgrading-cell-tow ers-could-save-enough-energy-to-power-entire-cities.amp.html

>AI tools are useful in managing the cell sites' hardware, by understanding better just how much power is needed for each connection, rather than just turning radios on and off at full power which is basically what happens on the older equipment," Gold said. "If you're close to the tower, you don't need to transmit to me a signal at full power."

>AI can also recognize previous patterns and manage equipment on that basis ( the software could "learn" that a site rarely has traffic from 2 a.m. to 3 a.m. and puts it on minimal power). That kind of granular management can reduce power significantly.

Maybe expect quick roll out of software on this. Keep eye on your emf meters, phone signal at different times and phone carrier news.

# Posted: 19 Mar 2024 15:47

Keeping an eye on the rollout of this software sounds like a good idea. Thanks for the heads up!

# Posted: 22 Mar 2024 13:42

Just don't get hopes up. I'll keep an eye on my tower with readings, i remember my old ones.

It will be hard to know if this is in effect.

Like my other thread, the possible idea of a human being electrically charged, like static, once we're charged, as this holds by non-earthing or little movement to break alingments we could remain numb to electrical realtime change.

In the light of maximum charge and holding it... like this EMF website quote by an expert, no EMF is safe. Natural EMF is easily undone by earthing and movement. I'd say what we are exposed to being millions higher than natural, depending on proximity. It will be very high for most urban lot near towers, wi-fi... anywhere... that'll be high!

EMF "solutions" i.e. reducing EMF is next to pointless, unless you can get the EMF so low as to be beat it with casual movement and earthing.

So hope in my title... possibly, if reduced power takes you out off cell tower influence. But with phone data, wi-fi routers, more towers for 5G, it seems humanity wants to take the apple from the tree and wrap itself in static. Scary.

# Posted: 22 Mar 2024 13:50

Also ironically possibly pesky AI bots on the website.

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