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# Posted: 21 Dec 2006 13:37

Thansk for your reply. One thing puzzles me though, the satellite (GPS) car navigation systems don't transmit anything, so I'm not sure how he can detect them. Maybe it's just the electronics in them, like a computer?

# Posted: 30 Dec 2006 07:07

Hi OpenMindWaiting.

Thank you for your last feedback.
Truly sorry about the SPAM, inbetween, but we really Are trying to work on it and get rid.

But, anyway, to your question.
I have no idea why the Sat Nav registers, but the fact is It Does.
Just like the DECT next door.
And those who get the Tinnitus effects seem to be more affected by it than those who just get sick.

But then my new flat screen (LCD) TV also records, and a lot.
My old flat (LCD) computer screen did as well, my new (LCD) one isnt bad

But I have this problem with a member of my family, as some neighbours have now got Sat Nav, and when they park near to our house, he feels ill, and pls. note that He does not even know who has got one (I do as I have gone out with my Smog-detector when he has fallen ill to see if I could find out which car, and they all register on the emmission detector)

So, I wonder, What Will it be like in 2012 or when they turn of the ordinary TV and only allow wireless digital?

We wont be able to avoid it will we? TV or no TV.
We will feel our neighbors TV on Our hide even if we ditch ours.

Will they stop before we all glow in the dark?
I wonder.

Ever wondered why this is not counted into Global Warming?
All this heat from all those masts and wireless gadgets in use or on standby 24/7/365.

My MP asked for the usage power amount of just the masts in the UK parliament about 3 months ago, there has of course been no reply.
I do not expect there will be an answer.
I will let you know if ever we get one.
Best regards.

# Posted: 16 Jan 2007 14:47

Article "is wi-fi bad for humans?" on "IT-Management" website.

Here are the comments I wrote to the author:

Dear Naomi Graychase,

I have following comments and references regarding your article "Is Wi-Fi Bad for Humans?":

"RFR's biological effects are measured in terms of specific absorption rate (SAR)"
Not true! Biological effects have been widely documented as being related to the information-carrying part (modulation) of the RFR signal and not only related to signal intensity. The claim that biological effects of RFR are only thermally triggered is plain wrong.

"Since mobile phones were recently cleared as a potential carcinogen by a comprehensive, long-term study conducted by the Danish Institute of Cancer Epidemiology in Copenhagen, it seems very unlikely that devices emitting a lower (and less frequent) level could be more dangerous."
The recent Danish cellphone cancer study is seriously flawed and it's basis can not conclude that cell phones are safe. The Danish study has met harsh criticism from leading researchers in the field: Dr. George Carlo (US), Cindy Sage (US), Lennart Hardell (Sweden), Albert Gjedde (Denmark).
Hear interview with Cindy Sage on the Danish study here:
http://www.mast-victims.org/resources/audio/cindy-sage-interview-danis h-cohort-11-12-2006.mp3
Read Dr. George Carlo criticism of the Danish study here:
(the other researchers criticisms are not available in english)

"No expert review of the literature (by WHO or national health agencies) have indicated any cause for concern, nor do I know of any scientific papers in standard peer-reviewed journals that offer any evidence that would lead to concern," says Foster.
Not true! A recent review of studies related to mobile phone masts and health indexed in WHO database shows that 80% (eighty percent) report adverse health effects. Mobile phone mast microwave radiation is similar to wi-fi.
See review results here: http://www.powerwatch.org.uk/news/20061115_health_studies_guilmot.pdf
It is interresting to note that shortly after the above review was published, the WHO database access disappeared from the WHO website. It has now reappeared in a different location on the WHO site.

"Moulder, who has been studying RFR biology for nearly 25 years, concurs. "I know of no confirmed epidemiological evidence or experimental evidence that RFR exposures this low are of concern, and I know of no theoretical basis for thinking that such exposures would cause biological effects," he says."
Not true! This is a misrepresentation of science. Low RFR exposure triggers a stress response in animal & human cells and exhausts the immune system with continuous exposure. DNA damage can occur due to free-radical production and cell membranes shut down keeping nutrients out and waste products in thus damaging cells.
Refer to mentioned interview with Cindy Sage and this interview with Dr. George Carlo on the subject:
Also I recomment you listen to this interview with Dr. Gerald Goldberg:
http://www.mast-victims.org/resources/audio/dr-goldberg-interview-01-1 2-2006.mp3

Regarding your reference to the provocation study published in the British Medical Journal in March 2006:
This looks like a carelessly designed study since it took place in a "suite of offices" at King's College London.
Such a study should take place in a radio-void environment to rule out exposure from office equipment that produce electromagnetic fields.
The researchers clearly show no understanding of the impairment "electro hyper-sensitivity" (EHS) which is what half of their subject are suffering from. In Sweden EHS is officially recognised as a functional impairment.

Best regards
- Henrik Eiriksson.

# Posted: 12 Apr 2007 02:45

Hi OpenMindWaiting.

Here is a new piece about Wi-Fi.
And it looks like they are doing the same as they always do: re-writing/cut and pasting, supressing and hiding and denying evidence, like always. http://www.mast-victims.org/index.php?content=news&action=view&type=ne wsitem&id=1543<br>
This one by Art Kab is really worthe reading.

I am afraid we all reconnize the nasty symptoms.
Well, it seems to be OUR HUMAN RIGHT TO HAVE TO LIVE WITH THEM, (Like Tony & Cherie Blairs is shopping for Free) so that some other people and governments can cash in on becost of our health and quality of life.
Oh, I almost forgot Gordon Brown and his "Prudent" finance.
Fact is he got 20 mill for ruining our lives, and he has happily spent it all on Quangos and strange named middle management!
Please read it and have your say.
http://www.mast-victims.org/index.php?content=news&action=view&type=newsitem&id=1541 <br>Best regards.

# Posted: 24 Apr 2007 03:24

Hi all.
New Zealand calling.
http://mast-victims.org/index.php?content=news&action=view&type=newsit em&id=1611

We are getting somewhere right now, lets hope it lasts a bit longer.
Best regards.

# Posted: 29 Apr 2007 04:08

A Warning from Dr. Lawrie Challis:
Warning on wi-fi health risk to children.
Link: http://mast-victims.org/index.php?content=news&action=view&type=newsit em&id=1634

Zelda Herakleides
# Posted: 21 Jun 2007 16:41

Ya stanu toli plachem to li penje. Zelda Herakleides.

Kristel Lesly
# Posted: 14 Jul 2007 16:16

What in the world happened to yo. Kristel Lesly.

# Posted: 20 Jul 2007 02:32

Kristel Lesly.
Ugly things happened to us, that have left us maimed for life.
Mobile masts installed next to our houses.
Forced us to abandon our homes, nothing but sickness.
And here I used to think that torture was banned in the Western World, but no, it is absolutely allowed, often government subsidised,
That is what happened to us.
I do not wish that for anyone else.

# Posted: 1 Aug 2007 19:16


the 1600Hz and 320Hz sound way higher that the 10-60Hz mentioned in the early 70's-80's anti-EMF literature I've read. Isn't there supposed to be a 'window' frequency? 10Hz sounds like a rather slow pulse rate for WiFi, particularly the newer varieties.

I've only skim read the posts, so perhaps I missed something.


# Posted: 11 Aug 2007 03:31


# Posted: 16 Aug 2007 22:45


where did you get the 1600Hz and 320Hz from?

regarding the 10Hz: wi-fi routers continuously transmit 10Hz "beacon" pulses for nearby computers to detect.

D. Andre
# Posted: 17 Aug 2007 14:37

I don't have a WiFi at home and I'm fine when I use the computer. Now I am to work to see how the students have got on with their A levels and using the wireless computer. I have been immersed in the microwaves and after about half an hour I am getting a headache, and there is nothing I can do about it other than take an aspirin!
That is work for you - that is the reason I only work part time. I have skills that are needed, being a Maths and Science teacher, but I cannot do any more, I get too ill otherwise.

D. Andre
# Posted: 17 Aug 2007 14:40

Sorry about the English! "Now I am AT work". This is the trouble, we just jot things down quickly, post the message and make more mistakes than the students!

# Posted: 5 Jul 2008 19:57

I just want to ask 'openmindwaiting' about sat navs. I don't have a mobile and I have recently ditch my dect after reading the reports as I realised it was this that was affecting my concentration and making me unusally stressed and really tired.

I also have a Sat Nav - is this also bad for my health and if so how much so.
ie is it as bad as mobile or wi-fi as I can't find any warnings about it on the internet.

I would appreciate links to any info or reports

Thanks very much in advance


# Posted: 5 Jul 2008 19:59

just want to ask 'Hendrik' or any one else that knows about sat navs.

I don't have a mobile and I have recently ditch my dect after reading the reports as I realised it was this that was affecting my concentration and making me unusally stressed and really tired.

I also have a Sat Nav - is this also bad for my health and if so how much so.
ie is it as bad as mobile or wi-fi as I can't find any warnings about it on the internet.

I would appreciate links to any info or reports

Thanks very much in advance


# Posted: 5 Jul 2008 20:00

just want to ask 'Hendrik' or any one else that knows about sat navs.

I don't have a mobile and I have recently ditched my DECT phone. After reading the reports I realised it was this that was affecting my concentration and making me unusally stressed and really tired. I feel so much better since.

I also have a Sat Nav - is this also bad for my health and if so how much so.
ie is it as bad as mobile or wi-fi as I can't find any warnings about it on the internet.

I would appreciate links to any info or reports

Thanks very much in advance


# Posted: 6 Jul 2008 01:17

I'm a technology exec in Silicon Valley and became hypersensitive to electromagnetic fields on February 29, 2006. Since then I have suffered head shocks, burning, rashes, sleep disturbances, memory loss, concentration issues, heart palpitations and more than 20 other symptoms from all forms of wireless technologies. A pain hits my head 5-15 seconds before a cell phone rings nearby. I can detect wireless networks by the sharp rodent-like biting across my scalp. I am affected by frequencies both from power-line fields (60 hertz) and radio frequencies (300 kilohertz to 300 Gigahertz). I can tell relative size of the wave by the pain sensation in my head. For instance, on a trip in the Rocky Mountains, where cellular and WiFi were absent, I experienced Park communications signals at UHF/ VHF like a thick 2 inch nail penetrating my skull. I experience cell phones signals as a drilling sensation. WiFi burns for awhile across a wide area of my head/ face like a rope burn and then starts biting like quick pricks from the tooth of a hamster. 2.45 Gigahertz is one of the worse (WiFi, microwave ovens and many cordless phones) frequencies for me. Later I discovered several scientists including Ross Adey have discovered 'frequency windows', where bioeffects attain at some frequencies but not others. I have removed all wireless technologies from my house (I had 11) and even had three of my neighbors move their wireless routers to divert their WiFi signal. I also had to sell my brand-new 2006 BMW 5 series because the GPS and BMW assist systems kept transmitting signals into my house, even with the car turned off. I had already disabled Bluetooth, but that was not enough. I got rid of my cell phone in late 2006.

I've personally met two dozen people with the same symptoms. Strange finding: almost everyone I've met with this affliction either went to top ten schools, or has an advanced degree. Sampling; five PhD's, three attorneys, three media execs, five technology execs, two doctors, a pharmacist, several real estate execs, a handful of educators. Only two have ever had any previous psychological or emotional issues. In Sweden, between 230,000 and 290,000 (2.6% of the population) are registered with the government for this disability, which they call electric hypersensitivity (EHS). Britain recognized this disability in September 2006 and asserted that as about 3% of the population might be suffering from the affliction.

I understand that skeptics abound. I was an early adopter. I would never have believed that tiny radio waves that I could neither see, nor feel could affect my health. I bought my first cell phone in 1990 and began using WiFi (remember Ricochet?) in 2000. I've worked extensively with Cingular Wireless, Apple (iPhone), Microsoft (Xbox) and Google. I am anything but techno-phobic. Still you might use my experience and hundreds of thousands like me to curb your usage and consider the bet you are making that these signals are not harmful.

If you do the research, you'll see that these waves are probably affecting us all. 632 studies link 51 bioeffects to low-level, radio-frequency signals (see www.marinproject.org for a complete listing). The 616 page BioInitiative Report (www.bioInitiative.org) released August 2007 by 14 international scientists, reviewed nearly 2000 studies and concluded a strong connection between electromagnetic fields and radio frequency (RF) signals to brain tumors, immune dysfunction, DNA damage, genetic aberrations, Leukemia, cancer, depression, suicide, ADD, Autism and Alzheimer's. You also might check out www.wirelessStress.com to see how everyday nagging symptoms like headaches, anxiety, sleep issues and joint pain, which we typically attribute to the stresses of modern-day lifestyles, may in fact be triggered by our increasingly wireless world. Test it out: if you have been having sleep problems, or are feeling cloudy, or feeling over-stressed, especially in the past 5 years, unplug your wireless router and turn off your cell phone and move your alarm clock more than 5 feet from your body for a week and notice the difference. Why? Hint: the pineal gland is being disrupted by your WiFi, cell phone and cordless phone. The pineal gland is radio-sensitive and uses the Schumann Resonance (7 hertz wave at less than a picowatt) to trigger endocrine function at night. The pineal gland is responsible for the regulation of melatonin (free-radical scavenger), serotonin production (attitude) and the regulation of your biological clock.

Love to hear the results.

# Posted: 16 Jul 2008 20:24

Hi phil4v19,

As far as I know, satelite navigation (GPS) is a receiver only.
It tunes into signals from satelites positioned in orbit around earth and calculates it's own position from those signals.
More about Sat Nav here.

So, no I don't see the simple GPS unit as a health threat like cellphones, wifi and other microwave transmitting technologies.

The blanket microwave signals from the satelites might be a health problem though - as suggested in Dr. Goldberg's book.

# Posted: 9 Nov 2008 11:53

Did you know that WiFi systems can get into other's computers and find out passwords and bank details?
Perhaps someone can tell us more about this. I know of people who would not have WiFi for this reason - and they know about computers.

# Posted: 10 Nov 2008 10:49

Yeah, that's not actually quite accurate.

If you have a WiFi system that is not secure, it is possible your own computer would be vulnerable. Or at least if you are using a wireless router your home network may be vulnerable. I would certainly recommend wired from a reliability and a security point of view, but if you know what you're doing you can make your home WiFi network pretty secure. You'd be amazed at how many residential internet connections can be hijacked for some free bandwidth these days, I think Wireless home hubs shouldn't be sold by BT at all without some really solid supporting documentation on wireless security and setting things up correctly.

Irish Masts
# Posted: 17 Apr 2010 11:34

I live in Ireland & I just wanted to find out how John Keeley is? As I have spent the past 2 years trying to prove a phone mast next to my 13 year old daughters school is making her very sick. Symptoms: Nausea, head aches, constant buzzing noise, dizzy, unable to sleep, feeling confused, unable o concentrate etc etc....... She was perfectly healthy before going to this school.
I tried local politician, principal at school but nobody believed me, they would not agree to contact all parents to do a health questionnaire as a precaution. I took it upon myself to put a website together & print leaflets, then hand them to parents outside school. The 1st day I handed out 20 leaflets. 7 parents came back to me saying their child had same symptoms, they didn't know anything about phone masts!!! One child asked their parent could they have sleeping tablets!! Other people living near it told me of cancers. Within 2 weeks the phone mast was mysteriously dismantled. They had planning permission til 2014 so I am hoping a leaflet reached the land owner who knows a child in the school or one of the people living near. I guess the landowner has a conscience?
I have contacted another politician & he is being very helpful. Turns out we have 5 other masts here with no planning permission!!

# Posted: 6 Dec 2016 05:34

in our tender specifications, it was mentioned that high mast light tower is required equipped with WIFI. so what is the function of this WIFI and how to request it from the supplier?

# Posted: 6 Dec 2016 14:38


Not sure what you're asking, and whether its within the scope of this forum, but Wi-Fi is a type of wireless computer network. Since Wi-Fi is wireless, it transmits microwaves and on this forum we discuss the how to avoid the adverse health effects of such exposure - not how to get more of it.

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