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# Posted: 27 Nov 2006 14:17

Please use this thread to discuss what's happening in the island at the moment.

May I ask the JMMCG (Jersey Mobile Mast Concern Group) what is their main issue? The visual impact of more masts, or the health concerns?

Visually, I personally don't see any great problems. Starting with JT, their network has been around for years now and no-one has complained about any visual impact. Ridiculous figures are bandied about, like "200 masts already", but most of JT's "masts" (which would be antennas more accurately) are hidden such that no-one would usually notice. They are mostly small panels on existing towers and buildings, hidden in flagpoles, or low powered ones hidden in phone boxes. There are only about a dozen that are on telegraph poles (genuine wooden ones) where that pole may not have been there otherwise (but many were there already). I don't believe anyone has any real gripe about good old fashioned telegraph poles, or small antennas here and there. We simply accept and ignore them.

Sure C&W (and yes we *DID* want competition!) have shared sites where they can, and have added panels to a number of well sited buildings. These have tended to be a bit uglier than JT's, with twice as many panels - but this is due to technical reasons beyond their control because they are only licenced to use the more difficult 1800 band (JT mainly uses the easier 900 band). The 1800 band simply doesn't cover areas as well as the 900 band, needing either more sites or higher vantage points, and the second antenna (in each of the 3 directions) is used for diversity reception (it can be very tricky to receive well at 1800MHz due to rapid fading as the mobile phone moves. One antenna can often get a signal when the other doesn't, so they use whichever antenna gets the best signal at any moment in time). In rural areas where there are no suitable structures to use, C&W have had to use their fake telegraph poles in corners of fields - there simply isn't any better alternative. So far I have only found 18 of these (and I've been following this with interest, collecting the planning app details). Most of them are well out the way down infrequently used lanes, and hidden amongst trees with only the top poking above the branches. I cannot believe there's any real issue here, although I must admit it does seem a bit of a shame if a third operator is going to need another 20 or so of these.

As regards the health issue, this still concerns me because I keep an open mind and I have one uncomfortably close to my house. I think the scrutiny panel will take the same advice from Health and say there's nothing to be scared of. Note that all our politicians seem to be in the phone book so it's quite easy to see where they live and surprise surprise do any of them live very close to a mast?! I would be fascinated to see if Sntr Cohen would approve one if it was less than 100m from his bedroom window!

Bear in mind that if you insist upon masts being at least 300m away from buildings, a lot of the existing sites would have to be moved, and covering town would be impossible. This isn't likely to happen.

Best wishes to the JMMCG though, I'm glad this is all being discussed at last, and that people are not too scared of being labelled as cranks by those who don't really have a clue what they're talking about and just blindly follow what they're told.

# Posted: 4 Dec 2006 19:28


Their list of sites :
Seeing as it hasn't been updated recently, allow me to comment :

Cable & Wireless mast locations

An essential part of our world class mobile phone network, is the location of our mast sites. This is a complete list of locations where masts have been installed, have had planning application approved or are awaiting planning approval.

La Moye Weather Radar, La Rue Baal
Planning permission approved. panels in place

Substation 410, Junction Of La Route de Noirmont And Le Chemin De Belcroute
Planning application submitted. nothing there, tel pole by the hotel though

West of Field 793 Sunfield, La Rue du Bocage
Planning permission approved. tel pole, can be seen from by school / silver springs

St.Aubin's southern pier, big thick white pole

---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
Mont Ube Lighthouse, La Rue de la Hougette
Planning application submitted. nothing visible, but tel pole on hill between church and Clos de Roncier

---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
No sites currently approved or awaiting planning permission
one tel pole at Fauvic pumping station

---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
Foreshore, The Powerhouse, Queens Road
Planning permission approved. panels in place

JEC Chiminey, St Helier Harbour
Planning application submitted. chim chiminey! panels at power station

Sand Street Car Park, Sand Street (shared site)
Planning permission approved. panels

Signalling Station, Fort Regent (shared site)
Planning application submitted. panels

Minden Place car park, panels
---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
Bonne Nuit Bay Water Closet, Bonne Nuit Slip Way, Bonne Nuit Bay, St. John
Planning application submitted. little panel in place

---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------

Field 492 Dunedin Farm, La Rue des Bilieres
Planning permission approved. tel pole, covers Sion and Waterworks valley

Field 5, The Fencing Centre, Northend, La Rue de la Scelletterie
Planning application submitted. tel pole, near the S-bend area

Field 727, Bingles Berries, Blanche Pierre, La Rue de la Blanche Pierre
Planning application submitted. tel pole, covers Sandybrook area

---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
Field 730A, La Rue de la Maitrerie
Planning permission approved. big tel pole, west of the school

Harbour Office, Gorey Pier
Planning application submitted. little pole aerial

Field 103, La Pepinierie, La Grande Route de Rozel
Planning permission approved. tel pole by one of JT's, near campsite

Le Catillon, Le Charrieres
Planning application submitted. tel pole by one of JT's flagpoles at farm near St.Cath woods

St Catherine's Pier Light House, St. Catherines
Planning application submitted. nothing yet, hope not approved, would be unsightly

---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
Field 292, La Rue de la Hougue Mauger
Planning application submitted. tel pole by Le Mare vinyards

---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
La Chasse, Le Chemin De L'Eglise (shared site)
Planning permission approved. the big masts site, JT too

Field 906, La Rue des Haut
Planning application submitted. tel pole by a JT one

Milano Pumping Station, Field 1258, Le Chemin de la Brecquette
Planning application submitted. nothing there yet, just a JT one

Pontins Pumping Station, Pontins Holiday Village, La Route De Plemont
Planning application submitted. haven't checked lately, nothing there month or two ago.

---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
Airport Runway, States of Jersey Airport, Avenue de la Reine
Planning permission approved. panels, end of runway overlooking bay

Airport Transmitter, Field 198 States of Jersey Airport, Avenue de la Reine
Planning permission approved. panels on mast North of airfield

panels on radar mast, Jubilee Hill too

Field 390, La Rue Des Sillons
Planning permission approved.
tel pole near Les Charrieres hotel, covers top of valley

---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
Field 452A Hambury, La Rue de la Hambye
Planning permission approved. tel pole, by Houge Bie

Field 690, La Rue de la Freminerie
Planning application submitted. tel pole above Swiss Valley

panels on small mast at CSL, Five Oaks

---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
Field 1184 La Roulerie, La Rue de la Roulerie
Planning application submitted. above Grands Vaux.. not seen yet

Field 261, La Rue De La Bergerie
Planning permission approved. tel pole above (west of) Bouley Bay

Rozel Harbour WC, Le Mont De Rozel
Planning permission approved. not checked yet

one tel pole in field south of the zoo, west of shed center


also panels on Fremont TV mast and Les Platons FM mast

rumour has it there's one at their shop so that they have no problems demonstrating phones!

look for new applications at :

* Glad to help *

# Posted: 4 Dec 2006 19:35

Field 906, La Rue des Haut, St.Ouen is by Grosnez, by the way.

See this too :

# Posted: 5 Dec 2006 14:28

That's less than 40 Sure sites, not exactly the 100 masts (per operator) that they think here:
- and JT have about 60 if you ignore the very low power ones in the phone boxes (although the levels can be very high very nearby, I admit)

The number of sites is NOT overkill for Jersey - it is densly populated and a very lumpy landscape and really does need that number of sites for adequate coverage (why would JT have spent so much if they didn't need to?) - and also for the calls capacity. You simply couldn't cover the whole island with one site from tethered balloon half a mile up in the air - yes the signals would reach everywhere but there wouldn't be enough channels for all the calls at once. That's why it's "cellular", with small "cells" reusing the same channels in different areas. When the traffic levels out-do the capacity of a site, they need to split the cells into smaller ones with less range.

The third operator isn't on the air yet, which is another small mistake on the JMMCG site. And they haven't linked to this website either :o)

I'd also like to see a 300m limit apply to existing masts (i.e. move some existing ones).

Other than that, well done JMMCG, good luck

# Posted: 5 Dec 2006 14:34

Agnes, can you link to here from the news story "The Jersey Mobile mast Saga so far: (w. comments intertwined) United Kingdom Created: 24 Nov 2006"
please? thanks

# Posted: 5 Dec 2006 18:05

it might be handy to email the http://www.jerseymastconcern.co.uk/ site owners ( jmmcg @ hotmail.co.uk ) and ask for a link here for discussion

# Posted: 5 Dec 2006 18:56

States minutes 7th November 2006

Deputy Deirdre Wendy Mezbourian of St. Lawrence asked a question of the Minister for Education, Sport and Culture regarding consultation with the Planning and Environment Department on the proximity of any telephone masts and base units to schools.

The Connétable of Grouville asked a question of the Minister for Planning and Environment regarding applications for the erection of mobile phone masts on agricultural fields.

Senator Ben Edward Shenton asked a question of the Minister for Health and Social Services regarding the possible health impacts of mobile phone masts.

Where do we find the answers?!


More on 21st Nov
http://www.statesassembly.gov.je/documents/minutes/37716-16232-2811200 6.htm


Tuesday 5th December 2006
http://www.statesassembly.gov.je/documents/orders/39324-45003-30112006 .htm

14. The Minister for Planning and Environment will table an answer to the following questions asked by Deputy D.W. Mezbourian of St. Lawrence -

“Would the Minister inform members –

(a) of the location of all telecommunications masts and base units, if any, approved by the Minister (or the former Committee) and erected within a three hundred metre radius of the perimeter boundaries, including playing fields and car parking areas, of St. Lawrence Primary School together with details of the provider of any masts and base units that have been erected?

(b) the intended location of all telecommunications masts and base units, if any, currently applied for and awaiting a planning decision within a three hundred metre radius of the perimeter boundaries, including playing fields and car parking areas, of St. Lawrence Primary School together with the name of each applicant, if any, currently awaiting a planning decision?”

# Posted: 5 Dec 2006 19:08

found it.. click Questions at

"There are no applications that have been approved within three hundred metre radius of the perimeter boundaries, including playing fields and car parking areas, of St. Lawrence Primary School. The Planning Department does not have any knowledge of any installations that have been erected within that radius.

There is currently one pending planning application submitted by Jersey Airtel to erect a wooden clad replica telegraph pole, 3 No. antennae, 1 No. dish and 3 No. equipment cabinets in Field 467, La Grande Route de St Laurence, St Lawrence (Planning Application Number P/2006/2353). The installation is proposed in the north-eastern corner of Field 467. The corner of the north-eastern boundary of the playing fields associated with St Lawrence Primary School is 280 metres from this proposed installation.

The application was received on 24th October 2006 and advertised in the JEP on 7th November 2006. The advertising period ended on 29th November 2006. No letters of representation have been received for this application."

I couldn't find much else.

http://www.scrutiny.gov.je/ looks promising... oooh, there's a Message Board!

But there's nothing on there about a Scrutiny review of the masts issue - or did I dream it?

# Posted: 6 Dec 2006 21:12

This was reported on C103 today http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/6209960.stm
"Long or short-term mobile phone use is not associated with increased risk of cancer, a major study has found."

Links from there:
http://jncicancerspectrum.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/jnci ;98/23/1707
http://www.cancer.dk/epi+research/news/use+of+mobile+phones+and+risk+f or+cancer.asp

Note that it only seems to apply to handset use, not the masts.

see also http://www.cancer.dk/epi+research/news/mobile+telephones+0510+christof fer.asp
"Mobile telephones may increase the risk for benign tumours on the hearing nerve"

# Posted: 8 Dec 2006 16:41

The Danish study has been discussed here : http://science.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=06/12/07/223218
(set the threshold to at least 3 to avoid reading silly comments)

Interesting comment :
The blood-brain barrier becomes permeable when exposed to EM cell phone frequencies. This is shown by injecting dye into the blood of rats and exposing them to cell phone EM. The short version: control groups don't end up with dyed brains while the exposed groups do. This experiment has been repeated numerous times.

--Now aside from an artificially permeable blood-brain barrier making your brain more susceptible to whatever agents happen to be in your blood at the time, the really interesting question people should be instantly asking is, "How does cell phone EM cause this to happen?"

And better yet, "What OTHER cellular responses are stimulated by cell phone EM?"

This isn't rocket science. It's simply a matter of taking the data as it comes, remembering it as you read more articles, and applying it in a logical fashion to form more questions.

Why the heck is everybody so caught up by the Cancer question when there is OBVIOUSLY something else important going on?

# Posted: 8 Dec 2006 18:19

Hi Helpful,

Good point. The fear of cancer is stealing the show - because:
A) it's hard to prove (very long latency from cause to effect)
B) it scares the daylights out of most people so noone notices the "unseen epidemic" that is on the rise.

Hop into our resources section and listen to Dr. George Carlo explain the scientifically proven mechanisms of harm.
Check out "Dr. George Carlo interview 02.12.2006".
Dr. George Carlo lead the 28 million $ American wireless industries research effort into mobile phone safety in the early 90's and has now gone public with what they found (since the industry kinda doesn't wanna to disclose the findings).

Another excellent authority on this matter is Dr. Gerald Goldberg, a medical expert with 25+ years of experience that has researched the EMF litterature extensively. Check out his latest interview in the resources section under:
"Dr. Gerald Goldberg interview 01.12.2006".
He explains what happens biologically under mobile phone radiation exposure, seen from a medical doctors point of view.

- Henrik

# Posted: 8 Dec 2006 19:06

http://thisisjersey.com/comment/letters2.html today (URL won't last)

How I got rid of my phone and cured my child's sickness
From Christine Garnier.

A MONTH ago I went to a meeting to find out more about mobile phone masts. I went away and looked at information for myself, because I decided there may be a risk.

I kept on looking.

I came across numerous articles about digital cordless telephones stating that these were more dangerous than mobiles and that they were like having a mobile phone mast in your house as they continue to emit radiation while they are not in use (see www. tetrawatch.net/science/dect.php for one example).

I decided to pull the phones out. I had had cordless phones for almost two years, and I live in a very small place, but I was very shocked to find that within 48 hours my son and I were feeling much better than we had felt for the last few months.

The feeling of pressure in my head stopped, I no longer had aches in my joints, and both of us lost the feelings of nausea, tiredness and irritability.

My son used to wake crying every night. He now sleeps through.

And whereas he used to complain of feeling sick in the mornings, he now eats a good breakfast. He has become a different child.

Now my symptoms could be psychosomatic, but his cannot. He is six.

If someone came to me with a million pounds on the condition that I lived with those phones in my home, I would not do it.

This exposure to radiation I can control. I cannot control the proximity of masts to my home or my child's school because someone else is telling me they are safe. What choice do I have here?

14 Grouville Arsenal, Rue Don, Grouville.

# Posted: 8 Dec 2006 20:33

Dear Helpful.
Not an awful lot of choise.
The Governing bodies and the industry just roll over you.

You have No Human Rights untill you becaome a criminal, in Modern Britain.

I have tried opposing it, and All the way, it did not work, the mast came up, after a short period of being sick as dogs, We moved out.

Try and read the advice on opposing a mast application, given by "Anonymous" under the Forum topic "What do you do when a mast appears overnight"

It did not work for us, but You might be able to use some of his advice.

All the best luck to you on Jersey.
I do know its coming up around the 20st of December in your Parliament.
Best regards.

# Posted: 12 Dec 2006 01:46

States of Jersey minutes for 22nd November 2006
http://www.statesassembly.gov.je/documents/minutes/40991-9533-28112006 .htm

"THE STATES commenced consideration of a proposition of Deputy Patrick John Dennis Ryan of St. Helier requesting the States to –

(a) establish a Committee of Inquiry in accordance with Standing Order 146 in order to investigate –

(i) the health risks associated with the emissions from mobile network antennae and dishes;

(ii) the environmental impact of the proliferation of multiple network infrastructures; and

to report to the States thereon within a period of 6 months from the establishment of the Committee;

(b) request the Minister for Planning and Environment to suspend consideration of all new and existing planning applications involving the mobile telecommunications network infrastructure pending the results of this investigation.

THE STATES rejected a proposition of Deputy Robert Charles Duhamel of St. Saviour asking the States to agree to request the relevant scrutiny panel to consider having the proposition referred to it, in accordance with Standing Order 79(2)."

# Posted: 12 Dec 2006 11:47

I just noticed another Sure C&W mast at the weekend, by the recent new golf driving range in Rue Des Pres, Longueville - a telegraph pole not particularly close to much housing but very close to the golfers. I only had a quick glimpse but I think if it fell over it would hit the clubhouse, that's how close it seemed! "Would you like your body chemistry messed about with while you whack those golf balls, sir?"

# Posted: 12 Dec 2006 11:48

btw it was 9.39 am when I posted that, so the clock needs a reset! :o)

# Posted: 12 Dec 2006 16:04

The more I read the more convinced I am that there's something going on - even if the signal strength 100m away from a mast is 10,000 times less than some arbitary safety limit it can still be the dominant signal in the area, far higher in strength than anything else. If a signal is pulsing millions of times more powerfully than the background 'smog' levels at all other wavelengths, that's surely got the potential to cause problems, even if most people can't actually feel it. Unfortunately this means it's an extremely uphill struggle to convince people who are so blinded by science that they'll believe anything they're told.

Anyhow, here's another link : http://www.regutil.gg/rma/audit_information.asp
- they Guernsey regulator's audit of all telecommunications masts in the Bailiwick of Guernsey (Feb 2005). I wonder if we'll ever get one over here? Mind you, as it clings to the ICNIRP limits it's not much help anyway.

But at least that website shows (click the island links) how many sites there are over there, as a comparison to Jersey.

# Posted: 14 Dec 2006 13:27

Third phone company (Airtel) to start up :

And I see there are aerials on the 'lighthouse' at the end of St.Catherines breakwater now.

JEP yesterday :

Phone mast sharing is not an option - minister
By Anna Heuston

APPLICATIONS to put up phone masts around the Island will be considered again from January.
And there are no more opportunities for phone companies to share masts, according to the Island's Environment Minister, which means that more masts will be necessary.

Senator Freddie Cohen says he will go back to making decisions on applications by the Island's three telecommunications companies next month, even though a scrutiny report on the matter will not have been compiled by then. At the end of last month Senator Cohen announced that he would stop considering mast applications for six weeks while scrutiny looked at the health and environmental impact of them.

But there have been delays in setting up the panel, which is now to be chaired by Deputy Alan Breckon, and Senator Cohen says he will risk being taken to court if he puts off making the decisions any longer.

'Many of the pending applications have been effectively suspended for a considerable time,' he said. 'Clearly I have an obligation to determine applications within a reasonable time. I am concerned that if I don't do that very soon, aggrieved applicants may take the matter to court.'

Published 13/12/06

# Posted: 14 Dec 2006 13:43

JT history + more

# Posted: 14 Dec 2006 14:03

a) found this numbering info, though I'd share it
07700 3xxxxx Cable & Wireless Jersey Limited
07700 7xxxxx Cable & Wireless Jersey Limited
07700 8xxxxx Cable & Wireless Jersey Limited
07797 7xxxxx JT
07797 8xxxxx JT
07797 9xxxxx JT
07829 7xxxxx Jersey Telenet Limited
07829 8xxxxx Jersey Telenet Limited
07829 9xxxxx Jersey Telenet Limited
07937 xxxxxx JT

b) Committee of Inquiry: mobile telecommunications
Presented to the States on 21st November 2006
http://www.statesassembly.gov.je/documents/propositions/22791-39914-21 112006.htm

"...some States members have been concerned at alarmist but spurious reports about the alleged “health risks” of mobile phone masts. The effect of these has been to generate sincerely held, but nonetheless misguided, fears and concerns" !!

"The anticipated total for the 3 mobile phone companies is approximately 150 installations"

# Posted: 3 Jan 2007 11:41

http://thisisjersey.com/news/news6.html today :

Mobile phone mast petition
By Orlando Crowcroft

MOBILE phone masts must be kept away from schools and homes in Jersey, according to the Jersey Mobile Masts Concern Group.
They are presenting a petition to the Planning department tomorrow asking them to forbid the erection of masts within 300 metres of schools and residential areas.

The petition, signed by more than 1,000 Islanders, comes one week before the moratorium imposed by Planning Minister Freddie Cohen comes to an end and he is due to begin processing applications.

Well it's useful to register protest, I suppose, but it's fairly safe to assume it will be ignored.

# Posted: 4 Jan 2007 17:52

http://www.thisisjersey.com/news/news3.html today :

Mobile phone mast petition presented
By Orlando Crowcroft

A PETITION signed by over 1,000 Islanders against the building of mobile masts near schools and homes in Jersey has been handed over to the Planning Department.

Deputy Anne Pryke received the petition - organised by the Jersey Mobile Mast Concern Group - less than a week before Minister Freddie Cohen is due to begin processing applications for masts.

But representatives of the group, who believe that the emissions from phone masts have an adverse effect on health, are not holding out much hope that their point of view will be taken into account.

# Posted: 5 Jan 2007 12:11

More news coverage today, with small items on BBC Jsy and c103fm news.
CTV channelonline.tv/news/ :

Phone mast health probe

The feared health risks posed by mobile telephone masts are to be looked at in Jersey.

The newly-formed Health, Social Security and Housing scrutiny panel is to examine issues raised by islanders since the rash of applications to erect new masts began last year,

The panel will be chaired by Deputy Alan Breckon who anticipates the review period will not run for more than eight weeks with a report to be produced before the end of March.

Also sitting on the panel are Senator Ben Shenton, Constable Mike Jackson and Deputy Colin Egre. They're meeting in private tomorrow (Friday) to agree their terms of reference and to set dates for hearings and public meetings.

Full details of the review will be available online from Monday.

# Posted: 5 Jan 2007 19:29

jerseyinsight.com today :

Telecom mast investigation

The first scrutiny meeting on the health risks of telephone masts is being held today.

A group of four politicians will look into the concerns islanders have about putting phone masts up.

With two new phone companies strating up in Jersey there's a need to install more masts around the island.

The Scrutiny Panel will spend no more than two months investigatin any evidence of health risks to islanders.

They will then report back to the States on their findings.

# Posted: 8 Jan 2007 16:11

I found a new mast this weekend, a Sure pole overlooking the top of Beaumont Hill (you can't miss it!). Anyway, back to officialdom...

http://www.statesassembly.gov.je/scrutiny/documents/footnote/46787-398 01.htm
"Full details relating to the Review will be released following the Sub-Panel’s first meeting and will be available online at www.scrutiny.gov.je from Monday 8th January"

Those "full details" : http://www.statesassembly.gov.je/scrutiny/show_programme.asp?reviewid= 48
Lead Officer(s): Carol Le Quesne
The Sub-Panel will consider the concerns of the public relating to perceived health implications, as a result of the increase in applications for mobile phone mast installations, following the recent expansion of the mobile telephony market.
In undertaking this review the Sub-Panel will have regard to -
The advice provided by the Health Protection Department;
International standards and best practice in respect of health precautions;
Health concerns raised by the Public; and
Reporting its findings and recommendations to the States.

link "Call for Evidence" :
Telephone Masts
Are you concerned about the increase in the number of telephone masts?
The Telephone Mast Review Sub-Panel is looking into this topic
Please tell us what you think.

The Sub-Panel will consider the concerns of the public relating to perceived health implications, as a result of the increase in applications for mobile phone mast installations, following the recent expansion of the mobile telephony market.

In undertaking this review the Sub-Panel will have regard to -
The advice provided by the Health Protection Department;
International standards and best practice in respect of health precautions;
Health concerns raised by the Public; and
Reporting its findings and recommendations to the States.

Write to us: Scrutiny Office, Morier House, Halkett Place, St Helier, JE1 1DD
E-mail us: scrutiny@gov.je Telephone: 441080
Terms of Reference are also available from the website: www.scrutiny.gov.je

If you wish to make a written submission please forward it to the Scrutiny Office to arrive no later than Friday 26th January 2007. All written and oral submissions will be uploaded to the Scrutiny website as a matter of course with the exception of any evidence received under a confidential or private agreement which, in accordance with Jersey Data Protection legislation, will not be released into the public domain.

I notice that when Dep. Breckon speaks about the issue, he says the public are worried and deserve to be reassured. I take this to mean they've already made up their minds that they think there's nothing to worry about, and that the whole excercise is simply to persuade us that it's safe. I wonder how they'll explain away the whole Electo-HyperSensitivity Syndrome and the more stringent safety limits in other countries. This should be interesting!

# Posted: 9 Jan 2007 03:09

Hi Helpful.
Sorry Im so late.
But here is the link to Jersey so far, and I have a few thing that need to get posted on Jersey ASAP that my French friend Sylvie has sent me, so look out for our newsitems.
But here is the link, better late than never:
http://mast-victims.org/index.php?content=news&action=edit&type=newsit em&step=1&id=1248

But i have been clogged down with loads of matters, and believe you me, things are happening right now, and fast and in the near future.
The Danish Cohort Study was published start of December and Sh.. the fan. They are getting a beating now from All sides.

But I will also post the Jersey news here, to have it under one hat.
Best regards.

# Posted: 9 Jan 2007 03:21

Mobile phone mast petition
MOBILE phone masts must be kept away from schools and homes in Jersey, according to the Jersey Mobile Masts Concern Group.
They are presenting a petition to the Planning department tomorrow asking them to forbid the erection of masts within 300 metres of schools and residential areas.

The petition, signed by more than 1,000 Islanders, comes one week before the moratorium imposed by Planning Minister Freddie Cohen comes to an end and he is due to begin processing applications.
By Orlando Crowcroft
Published 02/01/07

# Posted: 9 Jan 2007 03:22

Mobile phone mast petition presented
A PETITION signed by over 1,000 Islanders against the building of mobile masts near schools and homes in Jersey has been handed over to the Planning Department.
Deputy Anne Pryke received the petition - organised by the Jersey Mobile Mast Concern Group - less than a week before Minister Freddie Cohen is due to begin processing applications for masts.

But representatives of the group, who believe that the emissions from phone masts have an adverse effect on health, are not holding out much hope that their point of view will be taken into account.
By Orlando Crowcroft
Published 04/01/07

# Posted: 9 Jan 2007 03:23

Public have their say on phone mast health risks

ISLANDERS will be able to have their say about thepotential health risks associated with mobile phonemasts.
The scrutiny sub-panel set up to look into the issue will hold a series of public meetings this month as part of their review.

Chairman Alan Breckon said that the panel also plan to take to the streets with a questionnaire to gauge theviews of Islanders on the risks of radiation from the masts.

The meetings will take place on 18 and 19 January and on the morning of Saturday 20 January, although the locations are yet to be confirmed.
By Orlando Crowcroft
Published 08/01/07

# Posted: 9 Jan 2007 20:05

Hi agnes, sorry but your 03:09:07 link doesn't work.



Go-ahead for mobile phone masts

A scrutiny investigation into any health implications is continuing
Approval has been given for 26 mobile phone installations in Jersey. Only one application for a site in St Lawrence was refused.
Planning Minister Freddie Cohen granted permission for the sites on the day a six-week moratorium came to an end.

The installations include seven new masts and 19 replacements or additions to existing masts.

The permission is on a temporary basis with installations subject to removal if negative health effects are proven.

The moratorium was imposed following health concerns raised by residents.

In October, 150 people attended a public meeting in Grouville to protest about the siting of some of the masts.

A States scrutiny investigation into potential health implications of mobile phone masts is continuing, with islanders invited to contribute to the debate.

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