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www.mast-victims.org forum / Miscellaneous / Human rights POETRY!
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# Posted: 19 Jul 2015 01:39

Hi all.
If you do poetry about abuse of your Human rights (EMR/EHS included)
Go Here to post it:

Human Rights Poetry!

Asby Mcgowan

# Posted: 20 Jul 2015 14:29

Just to say that a few days ago I put up a message on my window saying, "Oppose the masts at Saint Mary's Cathedral". The next day, some young people were shouting things outside my window then tried to smash the window with the poster on it. The Police asked if I was taking it down. I said "No!"
I have tried covering my bedroom window with aluminium foil but the signal is so strong it is hard to tell if it is being cut down. It is still full strength but may have been way above full strength.
I am looking for people to write poetry about human rights concerns like mobile phone radiation. However, I don't have room on my own site. but it would be great to have somewhere to post poems.

# Posted: 20 Jul 2015 16:20


Try fine-meshed metal net instead.
Kitchen aluminium foil doesn't block RF well.

# Posted: 21 Jul 2015 16:25

Hi Henrik, will give it a go. As I am all upset about the trannsmitter mast in the cathedral next door to me, a Power company person comes to tell me that I will be made to have a smart meter by 2020. It is compulsary for everyone in the UK he told me. He came to change my meter but ended up not doing it as it didn't have the right fuse. I have just started reading up on smart meters too now. What a World. many thanks

# Posted: 22 Jul 2015 17:40


Do you own your property or is it rental?

Here in Denmark, they've passed the same law - or rather, "harmonized" EU-directives (2009/72/EF & 2012/27/EU) into national law (*) - but the law doesn't mandate that the transmission of the meter readings be wireless. Meters can just as well be wired and most of the meter types I've looked at have wired connection ports. It could go on your internet connection (ethernet) or even directly on your landline. Try challenging them on that.

However, wired or not, they'll still be able to spy on you through your dishwasher, which I suspect is the whole point of the roll-out. Other countries have done the math and found "Smart"-meters to be unjustifiable - so why are they so valuable to eg. the UK and DK govt's? - you know, against the backdrop of news like PM Cameron wanting to ban encryption on the internet so GCHQ can snoop. Just a question...

Look into opt-out possibilities with the Power comp.
In the U.S. and other countries, they've given in and allowed opt-out (usually for a fee, which just shows that they're not above simple Mafia tactics).

Some people have simply locked up their meters by placing a cage and a padlock around the meter. Changing the meter will then require the Power comp. to break and enter your property (the cage).

(*) that's why I call the EU: "trickle-down totalitarianism".

note: thanks to Magnus Falko for pointing me to the EU-directives.

# Posted: 23 Jul 2015 02:48

What the power company has told you IS NOT TRUE!

The Government decided (at the very start) to include an OPT-OUT clause!
I live in the UK and we have used this clause and Opted-Out for both our home and our workplace.

What you do is, you write a letter (in the post) to your Power company, Att: Chief Executive and tell them that you Do Not want a "Smart Meter" installed on your premises. That means they Cannot install it.

We then send them a meter reading over the landline phone or e-mail. And once in a while they send someone to read the meter itself.

As I have your e-mail address I will find this letter (it is very general, so needs editing I found but it works).

That does not stop them from Keep Trying it On, but you just tell them you have sent them an Opt-Out letter, (Please keep a copy on your computer) as you might have to send it to them again.

So don´t worry.
All the best

Thanks for the info, that was very useful.

# Posted: 23 Jul 2015 13:26

Hi to you both, I have emailed the opt out protest group and will write to my power company. Many thanks for all the info.

# Posted: 24 Jul 2015 01:46

You are Very Welcome.
If you can get your things in order with a little help from us, our purpose is fulfilled.
So, get in contact with them, ASAP, (send your letter off, Most importantly get it off and OUT of your system!) and you will see a new face of your power company.
All the best.

# Posted: 24 Jul 2015 13:47

I enclose the poem I have been working on. I hope you get other people sending in theirs. I will be performing this at the next poetry night I am at.

(A prose poem)

You communicate...
But your message is...
Not wanted.
Twenty four hours a day you,
Urgently, powerfully
Through my brain
Through my body
When I read
And when I sleep.
I believe that you harm me
That you cause cancer.
But no one listens to me,
So I lie awake
So I cry.
I cannot communicate
As strongly
As you

# Posted: 25 Jul 2015 01:51

Maybe you should spell out WHY you believe They harm you and WHY you believe they cause Cancer, that way, I believe, you could hammer in your message.
When Not mentioning the "WHY" no-one will know What/WHO you blaming for your troubles.
Best regards.

# Posted: 25 Jul 2015 11:33

Excellent poem, Ashby.

# Posted: 25 Jul 2015 13:59

Dear Anon, many thanks Ashby

# Posted: 26 Jul 2015 12:46

As others have told you above, the energy companies tell LIES!

If you have not done so already, I suggest that you look at the Stop Smart Meters UK website.


# Posted: 27 Jul 2015 11:12

To : Ashby McGowan

Your poem is very good....full of feeling !
I only hope Agnes doesn't close you down like she did me !

Regards Tilly.

# Posted: 29 Jul 2015 15:29

Hi All, Glad you liked the poem, Tilly. Have a look at my human rights website. URL Hi ES, I got a reply to the email that was sent out on my behalf by the Stop Smart Meter group. The reply was from my previous energy supplier: British Gas. I was shocked. It was upsetting. I did also write to my present supplier though-it is Ebico who have SSE Scottish Hydro who do the reading meters etc. A person phoned from SSE and could not have been nicer. He put me on the opt out list. Ebico have also been truthful with me. And they save me money on Bills. I do recommend switching to them. I will look at the Smart Meter website.

# Posted: 29 Jul 2015 22:11

Hi Ashby.
Smart Meters send to ALL the Energy firms, so you will get more letters.
Notice that you probably were Not asked who your provider was.
Instead they send the standard letter to All, it saves them time not to edit the letter.
But I am glad your own provider already has contacted you.

Do look at the Smart Meter website, it is worth it.
They are world-wide like Mast-victims.org.

Best regards.

# Posted: 29 Jul 2015 22:22

To Tilly.
It was your own fault that you were asked to leave.

You were asked time and time again to respect the "Topic´s" and post your poetry where we had given you space, but you obviously thought you were above showing respect for others and debaters, and disturbed other users at your liking.

Don't say I did not warn you! I did, and several times.

But after several users wrote to me to complain about you, and your invading topics and breaking up debate, we decided to call it a day for your poetry.
There are loads of websites and blogs who look after that category out there. I even sent you an address link.

This website is meant for debate on issues, and users are truly helpful to others in similar situation and give each other advice from their experience, not for people who treat them with disrespect and behave as if they own the space.

# Posted: 30 Jul 2015 04:30

You say, and I quote:
am looking for people to write poetry about human rights concerns like mobile phone radiation. However, I don't have room on my own site. but it would be great to have somewhere to post poems.

Just be warned that you ARE NOT FREE to invite Anyone to post poetry on Mast-victims.org!

Mast-victims.org is a debate website with One Issue, and One Issue Only!
Namely EMR (Electromagnetic Microwave Radiation)!

So keep the advertizing away please, and you OK here,
If you abuse that, yes, just as Tilly, you are out.
Now you are warned, so keep to the rules.

# Posted: 5 Aug 2015 14:10

Hi Ashby, Thank you for info and will certainly look in your website. Good Luck with your writing as there is definitely a Poet in the making. Just remember to not waste your talent in the wrong place. Take it where it will be more appropriate thus appreciated. Will look out for your name in the future as I know you will go far and not render to becoming stale !

Regards Tilly.

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