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www.mast-victims.org forum / Miscellaneous / Will implants affect MRI results???
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# Posted: 23 Jan 2020 12:25

I had an accident recently because of which I lost two teeth. So my dentist in Ajax has suggested getting an implant.
According to my research, most of the dental implants are made of titanium or some sort of non-magnetic material. Because of the accident, I have some complications in the brain, which would require MRI scans at least twice in three months for a few years.
But with this dental procedure (advert link removed by admin), I have heard it may add complications to the scans since the implants are magnetic materials. Is that true? Will the implants make the MRI go all crazy??
Do leave your thoughts on this. Thanks!

# Posted: 23 Jan 2020 23:59

It is possible to have non-metallic dental implants.

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