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www.mast-victims.org forum / Miscellaneous / Now they are killing the poor mans chickens-
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# Posted: 5 Jan 2021 20:22

https://www.iceagefarmer.com/2021/01/05/uk-going-door-to-door-killing-chickens-bird-f lu-as-cover-story/

This depressed me a great deal- they are removing the poor mans protein - this is seen as a threat to the Elite, get some food stored while you can. God bless the chicken we owe it so much.

# Posted: 9 Jan 2021 19:09

The food chain is going to be obliterated by "the Beast" the Street lights kill the insects, which kill the birds and the polinators, the cattle, sheep and humans are sterilised . the trees are full of nano aluminium just to make sure they burn well.
Luciferase is the name given to the gates vax with 666 in it s number

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