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# Posted: 24 Nov 2008 00:39

I have just spent the weekend with my Mother in Harrogate, N Yorks. For the last couple of months she has been complaining of what we think we have now identified as "The Hum".

Having tracked down www.mysteryhum.com and watched the videos, she recognised the descriptions immediately.

She had been driven to distraction and has had electricians and plumbers check her house out and was about to call Environmental Health next.

This morning she said that although she had woken during the night, she was able to get back to sleep without worrying.

I have written to her local paper to see if we can establish whether there are any other local sufferers.


# Posted: 27 Nov 2008 12:50

(((Steve the diver you sound just like me we liver in Warrington and have had the same problem as you for some 4 months now - done everything within our power to locate the source of the humming, gas/electic meters changed, boiler checked, everything electrical removed from the house and placed in the garden including the freezer cannot locate this it is driving us mad. Had hearing test, we can all hear the humming. Environmental Health been out cannot locate anything.

Now stuck cannot live like this for much longer the lack of sleep is a killer.

Has anyone got an anwer?)))

Anonymous in Warrington, get in touch mate, (steve_the_diver@btopenworld.com). It might be worth joining forces, if it is the same thing we are hearing, maybe we could compare notes, so to speak, and try to find the source.. I am now devoting a lot of time to tracking this down. I am identifying possible sources of low frequency noise and isolating them to rule them out.. For example a pub local to me has a large "beer cooler" refrigeration unit at the rear of their premises, which produces a low frequency humming noise.. I contacted the landlord and he agreed to turn it off for 10 minutes around midnight one night. However when he turned the unit off, I could still hear my hum, so I can rule that out as being the source of my hum.. This may take some time, but we have to start somewhere.. Now if everybody could start doing the same, then maybe we could identify the source of the hum much quicker..

# Posted: 27 Nov 2008 13:11

Just thought I should mention....

I am now convinced that the hum that I can hear is fairly local to where I live..
Last week I was working down south in Welwyn Garden City for two days, then in the Birmingham area for a couple of days. Obviously I was staying in hotel accomodation whilst away from home. Anyway whilst I was away from home I could not hear the hum at all.. But I could hear it again when I got back home..
Now if this was something "in my head", surely I would hear it wherever I was ???

# Posted: 1 Dec 2008 18:31

What the hell ! This is such a world wide problem. People and dogs are affected by all this crap they are pumping thru the air waves. They know thier is a real problem. The proverbial THEY are ignoring people and denigrating them on the way. Here in Ontario, Canada they moved so quick to ban Pit Bulls because they already knew that they snap first and are the most dangerous. I'm stubborn, I know what I hear. It took a while to fiqure out why. They know the cochlea of the inner ear is sensitive to low frequencys. They also know that thier are great differences in the densities and formations in each individual. The cochlea has connections to the whole nervous system.

The EMF sufferers feel without hearing. I'm quite the skeptic so it's taken over 4 years to convince myself. That we are one and the same. For a while I let it go because I thought they were putting something in place to make sure we had communications during a terrorist attack. Then I realized that they already had the ball rolling before. Just imagine being raised in a strict religious sect. that is controlled by power hungry people that keeps you separate from the general populous imagine the terror of being afflicted with this phenomenon. What in the hell are they doing ! They have even lost control of the world financial stability. They have been lead down the proverbial garden path. Oh yeah the Gulf War syndrome, same symptoms. They used a new tech. electro-magnetic balls they dropped from planes so they had comm. a long the way. It made the soildiers so sick they will never recover in the environs we have to live-in today. Son of a B. We are going to have to make some kind of world-wide Inititive. They keep telling us to save electricity all the while they suck up every drop to fuel the towers. What a ruse !

# Posted: 1 Dec 2008 18:33

What the hell ! This is such a world wide problem. People and dogs are affected by all this crap they are pumping thru the air waves. They know thier is a real problem. The proverbial THEY are ignoring people and denigrating them on the way. Here in Ontario, Canada they moved so quick to ban Pit Bulls because they already knew that they snap first and are the most dangerous. I'm stubborn, I know what I hear. It took a while to fiqure out why. They know the cochlea of the inner ear is sensitive to low frequencys. They also know that thier are great differences in the densities and formations in each individual. The cochlea has connections to the whole nervous system.

The EMF sufferers feel without hearing. I'm quite the skeptic so it's taken over 4 years to convince myself. That we are one and the same. For a while I let it go because I thought they were putting something in place to make sure we had communications during a terrorist attack. Then I realized that they already had the ball rolling before. Just imagine being raised in a strict religious sect. that is controlled by power hungry people that keeps you separate from the general populous imagine the terror of being afflicted with this phenomenon. What in the hell are they doing ! They have even lost control of the world financial stability. They have been lead down the proverbial garden path. Oh yeah the Gulf War syndrome, same symptoms. They used a new tech. electro-magnetic balls they dropped from planes so they had comm. a long the way. It made the soildiers so sick they will never recover in the environs we have to live-in today. Son of a B. We are going to have to make some kind of world-wide Inititive. They keep telling us to save electricity all the while they suck up every drop to fuel the towers. What a ruse !

# Posted: 4 Dec 2008 13:55

You may want to contact the Low Frequency Noise Sufferers Association.

I have found two contact addresses, and I'm not sure which is the most up to date.

33 St James Park
SO52 9BJ

Tel: 02380 268 741
Best time to telephone: early evening.

The Helpline offers advice and information for those suffering from sensitivity to low frequency noise (also known as 'the hum').

There is a 14,500 word information pack available for a small charge which also contains a scientific paper. There are two introductory leaflets available from the group for a stamped, addressed envelope. The information pack also contains many links to use via a computer to sites of possible interest to sufferers.
(Sec: ) Michael Tubman, 1 Hazeldene Avenue, Stockton on Tees, TS18 4EJ


Hope that helps!

# Posted: 5 Dec 2008 13:08


Something of a random rant there. I think you may be a little mixed up about what Gulf-war syndrome is. It has nothing to do with any of the military's communications systems. It occurred as a result of the cocktail of defensive NBC (Nuclear, Biological and Chemical) injections that combatants were given. There was fear at the time that Iraq had, and would use, chemical or biological agents once attacked. They were after all known to have used them during the Iran-Iraq war and of course on their own Kurdish citizens. As it turned out they were not in the end used during the Gulf war. Unfortunately, it appears that some service personnel were made ill as a result of the never-tried-before combination of drugs they were given. However, even this is open to some debate.

It is interesting to note that most of the technologies and techniques used in today's public mobile communications systems have their routes in earlier military communications systems. Interesting also then that in the many decades since Motorola introduced that first walkie-talkie during the Second World War that that so-called EHS has never shown up in military populations. Or have the government suppressed it?

Nevertheless, there is one valid(ish) point you make. Communications networks do use quite a lot of electrical power and if the power they consume could be reduced then there would be some benefit for all of us in that. 3G base stations in particular are rather power hungry. Some manufacturers have demonstrated base stations running on wind turbines or fuel cells but they are more marketing statements that serious widespread solutions at present. Mind you, base stations do generally run from electricity from the national grid, which is the cleanest energy we have, especially if generated in nuclear power stations. Certainly a base station has very much less environmental impact than all those SUVs trundling around North America.

I'm not sure what all of this has to do with the 'hum'. Are you suggesting that the hum results from the microwave signal transmitted from cellular base stations (towers)? Actually, I think there is a possibility that that isn't as mad as it sounds. I have heard of cases where fillings in teeth have reacted in such a way as to create an electrical characteristic similar to the P-N junction in a diode. This can result in the demodulation of amplitude variations in a radio signal. It can also result in the multiplicative mixing of different radio signals. If the signal is strong enough then, potentially, this could set up a physical vibration in the jaw bone. That of course would be heard very clearly in the ear if it, or a harmonic of it, fell within the audio range. Since you describe this as a hum then I assume what you claim to hear is a low frequency tone. Does it vary or is it consistent? Any idea what frequency it is? Does it correlate with any of the AM content typically present in current terrestrial radio systems?

By the way Cochlearhearing, I think I qualify as one of the 'THEY', although I'm afraid I haven't had anything to do with the financial crisis, so milder language would be appreciated.

# Posted: 7 Dec 2008 16:12

where in the south west are you as I am suffering with the same problem and live in Bracknell Berkshire ?

# Posted: 18 Dec 2008 16:41


on http://www.milieuziektes.nl/Pagina114d.html

something has been placed there about ultralow frequency sounds.

Also, the Humsimulator can be downloaded from there.
With it, the sound you here can be simulated and recorderd.

Charles Claessens
member Verband Baubiologie
checked by Bitdefender

# Posted: 27 Dec 2008 17:33

a few years ago i was living at my mothers old house ,i used to sleep in the old spare room .i would hear humming in my ears ,sometimes it seemed to drown out everything an other times it was just a low background noise . when it was realy loud the hair on the back of my neck would stand up.after i moved out my mother told me that a small child died in the house before we lived there ,his room was mine,an his bed was in the exact place that mine was. i belive the louder the hum ,the closer they are .ive tested this theory many times ,an others have reported similar effects near suposedly haunted sites. has anyone else felt a presence when the humming starts? move round the room slowly an concentrate on the noise an i guarentee u wont think its electricity any more!!!!!!

# Posted: 5 Jan 2009 17:58

I also live in Warrington (Pensacola) and am also hearing the humming sound. It is very distacting. I thought I had something in the house that was causing it. I unplugged everything and turned off the power and still heard the sound so it is not inside. If I walk outside at night when traffic is low, I can barely hear the humming, but can not tell which direction it may me coming from. It also has caused me not to sleep at night. I have started to goggle it to see if anyone else was hearing this. This needs attention from someone to have it stopped.

# Posted: 10 Jan 2009 10:16

I hear it in Virginia (USA) and I hear it in Texas. The waveform seems slightly different but the frequency/tone is nearly identical.

Barring aliens from outer space or apocalyptic changes naturally happening to the Earth, the source must be human related. Evidence points to the cause as being outside the body.

Assuming people in say, 1955 would have spoken out it if it existed then...

From my research, reports really took off in the late 1980's onward. My intuition looked for what consistent human technologies increased at that time. Cellular/communication towers was one source. Another was the trend in very loud music with pumped up bass speakers (of course that would mean someone is always having a party at 2 o'clock in the morning).

If someone could travel FAR outside the vicinity of any tower or booming speaker and listen for the hum, that could help narrow down a range of possibilities. I'll start worrying about the aliens and conspiracy theories if it still exists in that scenario.

# Posted: 14 Jan 2009 01:24

GeorgeSpelvin, I'm not sure what you mean by the "waveform seems slightly different..." In my case (southern end of the Cumberland Plateau in middle Tennessee, USA), I have heard it not only here but also in Tacoma, WA; Lawton, OK; and many other places (but not all) when my husband and I were fulltime RVing for nearly 3 years. The hum, to me, sounds "the same, yet different" -- much like you can prepare a dinner the same way over and over, and it doesn't necessarily taste "exactly" the same. (Sorry for my inadequate explanation.) To me it sounds like a diesel engine idling or someone blowing over a Coke bottle or someone constantly holding down-releasing when the sound decreases-holding down again one of the lowest toned keys on a piano. I used to blame the neighborhood kids for constantly turning up the bass on their stereos until I realized there was no "space" between songs, just a constant droning. I should have kept a journal when all this started, but I had no idea it would continue this long or get this bad. How do you figure out where the "safe spots" are?
Kir in TN

# Posted: 17 Jan 2009 09:59


Wellington Antonio Doninelli Pereira Adicionar contato portoalegre.rs.5@gmail.com
yourcomments@foxnews.com Adicionar contato yourcomments@foxnews.com ,host@americanradioshow.us Adicionar contato host@americanradioshow.us ,humanrights@bol.com.br Adicionar contato humanrights@bol.com.br ,tv@sendo.gov.br Adicionar contato tv@sendo.gov.br ,tv@camara.gov.br Adicionar contato tv@camara.gov.br
17/01/2009 05:42


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: EMFields Info <info@emfields.org>
Date: 2009/1/16
To: portoalegre.rs.5@gmail.com

I'm sorry to hear of your problem. Our instruments are not suitable for measuring radiation of the sort you suggest.

Best wishes

From: info@emfields.org [mailto:info@emfields.org]
Sent: 15 January 2009 15:37
To: info@emfields.org


host@americanradioshow.us, trombone@band.com.br data 15 de janeiro de 2009 09:34 assunto MASER ELF C.I.A SATELLITE IS ATTACKING US / MICROWAVE ATTACK enviado por gmail.com ocultar detalhes 09:34 (3 horas atrás) Responder Imagens não exibidas Exibir imagens abaixo - Sempre exibir imagens do portoalegre.rs.5@gmail.com host@americanradioshow.us, trombone@band.com.br, portoalegre.rs.5@gmail.com data 15 de janeiro de 2009 09:32 assunto Fwd: Copia de: MASER ELF C.I.A SATELLITE IS ATTACKING US enviado por bol.com.br ocultar detalhes 09:32 (2 horas atrás) Responder Em 15/01/2009 12:28, Wellington Antonio Doninelli Pereira escreveu: Your company sells microwave detectors. I am being attacked by microwaves, a kind of Maser, the terrorists read my brain real time and present themselves as C,I.A, they say I should either destroy socialitic targets like Cuban, Chinese, Venezuelan, Vietnamese embassies and bomb the marxists or hand myself in the nearest C.I.A headquarters,and they give the address via a kind of Voice-to-Skull message saying that I will am being slowly killed with radiation and that the radiation will only stop if I carry terrorist acts for the United States of America government; I refuse, I say I am a humble peaceful person and they hear my thouths and awser with more threats and sleep depravation by radiation, my feet are hot, there is cripting noises in my ear, i say I will denounce them to the authorities and they laugh stating that The United States is the only authority. I am searching for a Microwave Detector and Microwave shield, I hope you send me the details on how to protect myself, I shall purchase the equipment if you have these equipments of protection against radiation. my related webpages: http://humanrights.43.zip.net/ http://www.postcard.ru/get.cgi?id=1601320816&x=3&y=18 http://www.pco.org.br/biblioteca/socialista/inicio_temas.php http://www.direitos.org.br/index.php?option=com_fireboard&Itemid=113&func=view&catid= 10&id=7#7 - Ocultar texto das mensagens anteriores - http://acampamentoajr.blogspot.com/2009/01/entrosamento-e-interesse-pelo-marxismo_08. html?showComment=1231775580000#c8613802596498753546 ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Aló Presidente Date: 2009/1/15 Subject: Copia de: MASER ELF C.I.A SATELLITE IS ATTACKING US To: portoalegre.rs.5@gmail.com Esto es una copia del mensaje enviado a Contáctenos mediante Aló Presidente Este correo ha sido enviado mediante http://alopresidente.gob.ve desde Wellington Antonio Doninelli Pereira http://www.santiago.cu/?detalle=postales&action=vp&subaction=sp&s=1&confirmacion=ok&n ombrer=Wellington%20Antonio%20Doninelli%20Pereira&correor=portoalgre.rs.5@gmail.com&n ombred=HEROES%20OF%20HUMANKIND&correod=korea@korea-dpr.com&mensaje=Mais%20um%20noite% 20sem%20dormir,%20os%20Norte-Americanos%20usaram%20uma%20tecnologia%20de%20guerra%20d o%0D%0ASat%E9lite%20espi%E3o%20da%20C.I.A%20o%20chamdo%20Maser%20ELF%20para%20ler%20o %20meu%20c%E9rebro%20em%20tempo%20real%0D%0Ae%20ficavam%20me%20torturando,%20dizendo% 20que%20tenho%20que%20me%20entregar%20no%20endere%E7o%0D%0Ado%20escritorio%20deles%20 no%20Centro%20de%20Porto%20Alegre,%20n%E3o%20vou%20colocar%20o%20endere%E7o%20aqui%0D %0Aporque%20o%20jornal%20Nacional%20saber%E1,%20%E9%20um%20local%20bem%20conhecido,%2 0exigem%20que%20eu%20e%20outros%0D%0Acidad%E3os%20cometamos%20atos%20terroristas%20co ntra%20as%20na%E7%F5es%20socialstas%20amigas%20do%0D%0ABrasil,%20a%20tecnologia%20que %20eles%20est%E3o%20usando%20pode%20ser%20verificada%20 pelo%0D%0Ae-mail%20de%20quem%20tem%20os%20aparelhos%20de%20detec%E7%E3o%20deste%20tip o%20de%20ataque%20eletr%F4nico%0D%0A(%20elec@siin.com).%20Os%20Norte-Americanos%20est %E3o%20exigindo%20que%20as%20pessoas%0D%0Apratiquem%20o%20terrorismo%20e%20est%E3o%20 torturando%20as%20pessoas%20utilizando%20o%20SAT%C9LITE%0D%0AESPI%C3O%20DA%20C.I.A,%2 0quer%20dizer%20que%20n%E3o%20h%E1%20como%20se%20esconder%20da%20microondas%0D%0Adisp aradas%20pelo%20sat%E9lite,%20estaremos%20informando%20em%20tempo%20real%0D%0Aas%20ex ig%EAncias%20dos%20Norte-Americanos%20que%20o%20Terrorismo%20se%20torne%20realidade%0 D%0A,%20quando,%20ent%E3o,%20os%20bombeiros%20ter%E3o%20a%20confirma%E7%E3o%20do%20en dere%E7o. Mais um noite sem dormir, os Norte-Americanos usaram uma tecnologia de guerra do Satélite espião da C.I.A o chamdo Maser ELF para ler o meu cérebro em tempo real e ficavam me torturando, dizendo que tenho que me entregar no endereço do escritorio deles no Centro de Porto Alegre, não vou colocar o endereço aqui porque o jornal Nacional saberá, é um local bem conhecido, exigem que eu e outros cidadãos cometamos atos terroristas contra as nações socialstas amigas do Brasil, a tecnologia que eles estão usando pode ser verificada pelo e-mail de quem tem os aparelhos de detecção deste tipo de ataque eletrônico ( elec@siin.com). Os Norte-Americanos estão exigindo que as pessoas pratiquem o terrorismo e estão torturando as pessoas utilizando o SATÃ?LITE ESPIÃfO DA C.I.A, quer dizer que não há como se esconder da microondas disparadas pelo satélite, estaremos informando em tempo real as exigências dos Norte-Americanos que o Terrorismo se torne realidade , quando, então, os bombeiros terão a confirmação do endereço. Preciso de equipamento de proteção contra ataque por microondas: Mais um noite sem dormir, os Norte-Americanos usara uma tecnologia de guerra do Satélite espião da C.I.A o chamdo Maser ELF para ler o meu cérebro em tempo real e ficavam me torturando, dizendo que tenho que me entregar no endereço do escritorio deles no Centro de Porto Alegre, não vou colocar o endereço aqui porque todo mundo sabe, é um local bem conhecido, exigem que eu e outros cidadãos cometamos atos terroristas contra as nações socialstas amigas do Brasil, a tecnologia que eles estão usando pode ser verificada pelo e-mail de quem tem os aparelhos de detecção deste tipo de ataque eletrônico ( elec@siin.com). Os Norte-Americanos estão exigindo que as pessoas pratiquem o terrorismo e estão torturando as pessoas utilizando o SATÃ?LITE ESPIÃfO DA C.I.A, quer dizer que não há como se esconder da microondas disparadas pelo satélite, estaremos informando em tempo real as exigências dos Norte-Americanos que o Terrorismo se torne realidade , quando, então, os bombeiros terão a confirmação do endereço. POR FAVOR ACESSE O URL: http://www2.camara.gov.br/internet/conheca/ouvidoria/acompanhamento-de-mensagem/index .html (...) E COLOQUE O NÃsMERO DE PROTOCOLO: 09B6100552781 A MENSAGEM RELATIVA Ã? LEGISLAÃ?ÃfO NECESSà RIA PARA O CONTROLE DA POLUIÃ?ÃfO AMBIENTAL POR RADIAÃ?ÃfO DE MICROONDAS APARECERà NA TELA DE SEU COMPUTADOR. http://www.gabeira.com.br/debates/debate.asp?id=2978 Gira Internacional 2008 (en Radio Nacional de Venezuela ) Conrad Electronic SE - Automatische Mail-Ei

# Posted: 19 Jan 2009 20:19

It is not an attack. It is all the press and cell phone users not to mention security that is going on right now it's related to the inauguration of the first black pres. for the U.S.

I am convinced that this hum is the low frequency electromagnetic pulses generated by the comm. towers. Our electricity was effected at the same time. All of our lights and our electric stove is effected by it. Here in rural Canada our electricity fluctuates. Some times the lights are so brown.

The vibrations that I feel are directly linked to the sound I am hearing. I think I understand how that happens now. The Inner Ear, is picking up the vibrations and the vibrations are effecting the nerve endings in the cochlea . There are also various fluids in and around this area that are being effected by I'll say the turger pressure the pressure of the wave forms hitting the fluids that help us keep our balance and our sixth sense focused. Thier is also a duct that leads from and around the cochlea right into the fluid that surrounds our brains.
From reports that I've read they the experts already know that some people and animals are sensitive and capaple of hearing low frequencies.

Personally I think it's been used by groups since the beginning of time that's how some left before the earthquakes, or take shelter from approaching storms or large groups of animals on the run. The stories have always been told of people who could hear or sense danger before all the others.
I really think that these vibrations are effecting alot of people I think it could be an explaination for alot of confusion and not so smart decisions that are being made.

# Posted: 31 Jan 2009 22:10

I have heard the hum for three years now. In almost all buildings. Worse in small spaces with tiled walls. My son had a room in a place with bad telephone reception a few years ago and it was less there. If I left the window open to get some noises from outside I could sleep without earplugs. The earplugs only halve the sound, but without them I get a splitting headache and palpitations from the stress. I've found - I forget on which wesite - that our body recognises this sound as relevant, which is why we can't tune it out. Instead it starts up the fight-or-flight mechanism. I have to flee (it feels like that) the house for one or two hours each day to just be able to hang in there. And I have to watch TV all evening to mask the noise. When I listen to music the hum invades the silences and the soft parts.
I had never heard of gum shields, but I'll start looking for them.
I live in Holland and visit friends in England. I hear the hum in all houses, though in some worse than others.
In retrospect it started when in this country the UMTS masts went up. From one day to the next. But the local politicians won't give me a date to compare with mine. I think they are afraid I might have a point.

# Posted: 7 Feb 2009 20:46

this humming is driving me crazy in washington state it doesnt happen everyday. mind control is here

# Posted: 13 Feb 2009 18:50

From my perspective the Hum does have a controlling aspect to it. But please consider yourself fortunate if it's not running everyday yet. Soak up that quite and remember it in your soul. It might sound a bit dramatic but once they start running there seems to be no end to the amount of info they will run. They seem to really be pushing to make everything go wireless.

Don't believe them when they tell you that you don't know what you are hearing. Their is scientific evidence that has been published, one is by James C. Lin, The Thermoelestic theory. From my own experience he seems to be right on. Whether WHO will ever listen that remains to be seen.

Thanks for letting me know about washington state I had been wondering if it might be a refuge without moving to the utter wilderness.
I've found it helps to get informed the IEEE, ICES and ICNIRP have what I think are the guidelines that the Industry is going by.
PubMed has documentation on the cochlea but Lin seems to have the explaination at how this sound is bypassing our outer ear. Hang in there and let's try to stay away from crazy.

# Posted: 2 Mar 2009 15:14

I am in the east midlands uk and thought I was going crazy. I hear the hum. It wakes me. A cople of years ago there was a power cut for 3 days. During this time the hum was missing. Complete silence.When the powercame back on the hum did not return straight away but did after a day or so. I cannot hear it outside. Just sticking my head out the window stops it but I am certain it is tied up with the power lines. I live in a small issolated village and am in my mid 50's.

# Posted: 2 Mar 2009 18:44

Do you have cell towers or hidden antennas in your area? I too am EHS and it is maddening hearing this noise...piercing ringing and it is loud, but can go louder at times which makes the ears hurt. Petition your government to lower the standards they use. Look at the standards that Russia has. Even the USA standards are much too high. Besides the noise it causes many other symptoms. Carol

# Posted: 2 Mar 2009 23:18

Am going through the same thing in West Sussex. Have contacted environmental Health to locate the hum which started 2 months ago shortly after a 3g mobile phone mast was put up near to our home (coincidence??) Drives me mad, having to wear ear plugs at home to reduce the sound a bit but having to take nytol to get any sleep. No-one else in my family hears it.

# Posted: 3 Mar 2009 10:23

I am in an isolated village. There are power lines within 400 - 500 meters but no close phone masts. I only hear it in one ear and found the best ear plug is a wad of blue tack. Cuts the buzz but highlights your heart beat breathing and the slight hiss and whistle that I otherwise dont notice. My wife occaisionally hears it but it does not bother her. It drives me crazy. I really thought I was going mad so I am so pleased to find that I am not alone

# Posted: 3 Mar 2009 13:26

Since 2003 I have heard the piercing ringing in my ears/head, and at times it hurts my ears. Moved twice and many EMR I have encountered in the 3 places. Had 2 places checked by experts, and high EMR found and other problems. The first place I moved to though in the woods, I noted when the power was down in the area I did not hear the noise, but hours later when it was turned back on it started again and it hurt my head like something being switched back on inside my brain. I too find it wakes me at night/early morning. Sleep has been very disrupted!!!

# Posted: 10 Mar 2009 14:42

Just thought I'd put my 2p in here, the reason I said our instruments (emfields) weren't suitable for measuring the fields is that although they're great for measuring EMF fields, the frequencies actual microwave weapons use are almost certainly outside the standard frequencies we're set up to measure.

They will pick up wifi, cellphones/masts, and most other "usual" sources of radiofrequency signals. (and the powerfrequency instruments will pick up magnetic and electric fields too!).

For those suffering with "the hum" - you may also want to contact the Low Frequency Noise Sufferers Association ...

Low Frequency Noise Sufferers Helpline

33 St James Park
SO52 9BJ

Tel: 02380 268 741
Best time to telephone: early evening.

The Helpline offers advice and information for those suffering from sensitivity to low frequency noise (also known as 'the hum').

There is a 14,500 word information pack available for a small charge which also contains a scientific paper. There are two introductory leaflets available from the group for a stamped, addressed envelope. The information pack also contains many links to use via a computer to sites of possible interest to sufferers.

# Posted: 10 Mar 2009 14:43

oops, realised I posted this earlier. And I obviously forgot what my login details were! Apologies for the confusion.

F### Illuminati
# Posted: 11 Apr 2009 02:31

I also have been hearing this hum quite often, and it's really annoying. The symptoms i've been experiencing is very much like what most hum-hearers have experienced. Since i'm an audio-engineer i did some testing, and found that the frequency was 93Hz. That doesn't correspond to power-lines at all, as the second harmonic for 50Hz would be 100Hz, and for 60Hz it would be 120Hz. My symptoms started when those cellphone-towers started to pop up everywhere. There is truly something weird about these towers. There are far more units than necessary for transmitting these signals, and why are there large amounts of cables on these antennas if the signal is digital? Digital communications requires just one cable for the powersupply, and one for the digital bus. This is probably a mind control weapon designed to drive people to commit suicide. Part of the Illuminati's plan to reduce the population.

F### Illuminati
# Posted: 11 Apr 2009 16:00

There also seems to be a connection between so called "chemtrails" and the "hum". These fake clouds are reported to contain Aluminium and Barium. This make these skies a great conductor for ELF/VLF-waves, Because such long wavelengths requires extremely long antennas. So it seems that the "cellphone towers" uses these trails to extend their range, and carry the low frequency signal. In addition, these chemtrails are highly toxic. Please do some research on your own. google keywords as: Bilderberg, Illuminati, new world order, Alex Jones, Council on foreign relations, Chemtrails, ELF/VLF, Eugenics, georgia guidestones, Freemasons etc... There are also many documentaries to watch on http://video.google.com (use the same keywords) You may also check out: http://www.infowars.com

# Posted: 14 Apr 2009 14:07

There are not far more units than necessary for transmitting these signals, because there actually aren't all that many radio channels for use with cellphones. The way it works over the whole country is to use very many masts with restricted coverage, allowing the same channels to be reused time and time again - hence the term 'cellular'.
If you tried to cover the whole country from a high altitude balloon platform, there would only be enough bandwidth for a few hundred calls at any moment!

As for cables, the radio transceivers are down on the ground in cabinets, and the cables simply carry the radio signals to passive aerials up on the masts (like your TV aerial cable). No power goes up there except radio frequency power, and each panel antenna has its own feed cable.

# Posted: 21 Apr 2009 22:13

Thanks to a kind person from Stanford U. scanned the article by Dr. Lin.

Read for yourself, Hearing Microwaves - pdf. 2 page on google, under
Print Hearing Microwaves.tif (3 pages)

A small excerpt, " The microwave auditory effect is the most widely accepted biological effect of microwave RADIATION, aside from tissue heating, with a known mechanism of interaction. The thermoelastic theory of the microwave induces acoustic pressure waves in the head."

It goes on to explain the other possible effects on the neural receptors and where they can start research to discover other possible side effects.

I downloaded it, now I have the proper explaination. I'm glad Dr. Lin is part of the Bioinitive Report gang.

# Posted: 8 May 2009 19:54

Lin isn't working on Bio Report but he is named on the NCRP in the states, and as far as I can find out Allan Frey is still with us working on something in the states.

Excuse me while I run around the box for a while but I've explored the Geo magnetics.

Let's see; Earth's magnetic fields are strongest at the poles and weakest at the equater then their is a thing called THE SOUTH ATLANTIC ANOMALY where the earth's magnetic field is the weakest. The Danish set-up an Radio Observatory on Tritan da Cunha last Nov.

This info. has lead me to discover that radio oberservatory's need the quiet. They have been monitoring the pulsed waves for awhile now. I don't have one within hundreds of miles. But I did discover one at Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics, Lovell Telescope, Cheshire.
In the States they have a couple, one in Arizona and one at Greenbanks Radio Astronomy in West Virginia a dedicated quiet zone.

If any hum hearers or electro sensitive people have visited any of these sites I would like to know what they have experienced.

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