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www.mast-victims.org forum / Health / THE HUM: Microwave Hearing: Evidence for Thermoacoustic Auditory Stimulation by Pulsed Microwaves
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# Posted: 5 Jul 2014 03:09

I can hear many noises. Doctors has diagnosed them as tinnitus but after some years a hearing loss in both ears appeared, sadly. I do work using my computer for almost 15 years. I'm a graphic designer and also have electrosensitivity. The noises increases and is hard to listen if I'm in a place sorrounded by regular EMF. I've stopped using cellphones 3 months ago and it has helped me with EHS. Some nights I find really difficult to sleep due to some pops and clicks and buzz noises. Then I look in the house for some uncovered metals things as they act as antennas and to cover them properly. I unplug everything, but can't do nithing for neighbours.
Companies are frying us with cell phone mast all over the city. It's really frustrating that people rent their places for placing new antennas.
According to my experience this sounds are the result of prolonged exposition to those EMF from antennas, cellphones and computer.

Technology has been helpful, but also seems to be the cause of many of our modern ills.


# Posted: 12 Jul 2014 10:49

There are many different confirmed sources for the hum and many unconfirmed. What needs to happen is for people to be able to tell where it is coming from and protect themselves from whatever is causing it. We need to be able to see it. Because there are so many possibilities this is not straightforward. Let us start by trying to start a list of what we do know can be sources and maybe some suggestions as to measure where it is coming from objectively and accurately. We need to be able to describe EMF in EMF terms and stop using acoustic words to describe it. Some of these are going to be cheaper than others. Also, equipment can be shared amongst ourselves to save costs.

Accepted: Windfarms, GPS blocking, tetra, wifi, 2G, 3G, 4G, unshielded/poorly shielded 50/60hz mains A/C,
Not yet accepted: HAARP

I have never had a major problem with the hum like many people here but I can sense it. That's something I think that can help explain it to people who's never experienced the hum - try going from a very desolate place and then going straight into a city. They should be able to notice the difference. I noticed a strong difference between the jungle and a 3rd world city this way. At the time I kind of felt that it was poorly shielded powerlines because I saw very badly worked wiring in the street... but actually I've experienced the hum outside of built up areas.

# Posted: 26 Jul 2014 12:41

from the buergerwelle.de news email received today,

mysterious sound is driving people insane, it s spreading and nobody knows what s causing it

# Posted: 1 Nov 2014 03:56

I posted on this thread a few years ago and live south side of Glasgow, UK. Had pretty much given up trying to block out the droning/humming and though I have to now sleep with earplugs in every night (habit now) they don't actually help. Is there anything that silences this? I had either learnt to ignore it or it's maybe been a lot less noticeable over the last year but just this week it has become louder than ever again. Had a blinding headache for a few days which paracetamol and migraine tablets didn't help. After a couple of days of the headache I noticed the droning was back and tonight is the worst yet. Was diagnosed with over active thyroid in the last year also and wondered if anyone else has any illnesses that are perhaps linked to this? Does anyone suffer from pressure type headaches that they think might be connected?

# Posted: 6 Feb 2015 16:53

i have the same in my flat but when or stay at a mats house its ok. london england

# Posted: 26 Feb 2015 17:10

I also pick audiable frequencys. Ive done some research. IT DID not start untill 2011. I have friends telling me its Ascention, The Spirit world trying to communicate, Its Angels, Planetary frequencies.. lol haha
Im feeling that is not correct and never did.
I am however picking up something , It is highly irritating and find it hard to keep a thought and to concentrate on anything.
The range is 4500-8000hz in multiple tones and layers some times it can be as loud as 100 db
I working on resolving and working on issues with binural beats .. i can get relief listening to an out of phase tone for a period of time and some how able to cancel it for a short period.
in Zeroing in on the condition It reguraly affects the tendons connecting my neck to my skull causing an intonation.

# Posted: 6 Jun 2015 09:48

Scientists investigating a strange humming sound in the New Zealand city of Auckland believe they have pinpointed the frequency.

Hello I am a wildlife photographer in Africa, from California, and I started tracking wildlife in January using a telemetry device and animals that are collared for conservation. After about a week I could pick up the pulsing without turning the telemetry device on, and also which way to go to find the collared animals. It's a low pulsing hum, that gets louder in my left ear upon coming closer to the animal. I cannot stand this as I'm in the bush all the time and all day and night when these collared animals are around my ears are humming and buzzing very very low frequency. So I know it's nuts but do you have a clue as to how to stop the buzzing? Stupid question but I just have to ask it and thanks for bearing with me ;)

# Posted: 6 Jun 2015 12:12


With "collared animals", do you mean animals with radio transmitters fitted on collars?

# Posted: 6 Jun 2015 15:25

Yes that's correct, radio frequency collars for tracking with telemetry device. The collars make a low to high buzzing/beeping sound via the telemetry antenna depending on if you are close or far. Vibration speeds up as you get closer. And telemetry must be facing correct direction of where animal is. My ear now does that and unless I'm blasting music I hear it all the time as I am in the bush in Africa every day and night surrounded by the animals I'm researching and photographing.
Thanks for reading my post! I appreciate any info.

# Posted: 7 Jun 2015 02:11 - Edited by: sizzle

Did you say you could detect the pulsing without the telemetry device on? It's not too surprising as a lot of these devices continue to work even when shut off whether they be cell phones, etc. When my sensitivity is particularly high, I make it a habit to unplug everything and to remove batteries. An interesting thing about shutting things off--I once noticed a high pitched hum after turning off a brand new computer that I was using. After looking around for the source, I realized that the hum was coming from my old monitor--it never made that sound when I was using my old computer, much less continue making the noise after being shut off. As soon as I realized the humming was from the "off" monitor, I unplugged it. After a couple minutes, the hum finally died out. Lesson: sometimes switching things off isn't enough. You have to unplug/remove batteries and give the device time to lose stored power.

Food for thought: if you are experiencing these problems with short term exposure, imagine what this is doing to the wildlife forced to be on the receiving end of these devices 24/7. From what I heard, the longevity of tracked animals compared to untracked...not good.


# Posted: 9 Jun 2015 11:11

Thanks I will try your recipe to aid the hum out of my ear! Yes I don't like the collars AT ALL. The issue is that governments ability to begin mandating species into the SAVE column requires tons of data, which can't be collected unless we can track some of a pride, pack, individuals. Luckily I've seen many animals live very long lives, some even longer than normal with the collars as well so I don't know.
But no I have not used telemetry in over 3 months now it is in another African country, and still hear the animals roaming in Kenya right now as there is a conservation area located behind my house full of animals, some collared.
Just constant if they are near...
Thanks for your time!

# Posted: 14 Jun 2015 02:57

Wow, that is interesting how this exposure has not only made you sensitive symptom-wise, but has enabled you to hear the signals without a device. But I guess all of us who are electrosensitive or have suffered from too much exposure are pretty much walking rf receivers. Whether we hear noises or experience pain and discomfort, we are picking up on these signals all the time. Hope you are able to recover soon.

# Posted: 17 Jun 2015 04:07

Speaking of buzzing, I realized that there's not only over 100 cell towers in my area, but a new one is being added. And I just noticed that two cell towers were added a while ago to twin highrises right next to mine! They run the whole length of the buildings and look like silos. I have noticed "tinnitus" noises and blocked ears comes and goes every once in a while.

# Posted: 20 Jun 2015 12:40

Thanks for confirming it. I was thinking that there must be have been something else to being told that they're disrupting and going off topic when, in fact, they're were keeping on topic with everyone else.

# Posted: 23 Sep 2015 05:15

I started hearing the hum a few months ago... I'm in SW Colorado (US). A friend in my town also hears it... and she said she hears it more intensely when annually visiting coastal New Zealand. Have you all seen www.thehum.info website? An ongoing study and world mapping of those affected... pretty interesting and disturbing.

I'll try unplugging everything tonight... I feel it is more like an auditory vibration, since earplugs don't help me.

Thank you so very much for this forum!

# Posted: 23 Sep 2015 17:15

Thoughts on validity of this explanation? Hard for me to believe, as I am living in a landlocked region at over 8500 foot altitude (2590.8 Meters)...

http://www.independent.co.uk/environment/nature/have-you-heard-the-hum-mystery-of-ear ths-low-droning-noise-could-now-be-solved-10182111.html

Unplugging and removing batteries from digital items didn't work for me last night... only relief is from biting down on a mouth guard at night.

# Posted: 24 Sep 2015 00:55

You are so very welcome,
This Forum was set up for people like you and me, and I am truly sorry for your sleeplessness, but I am afraid you will unfortunately find Many here in Forum who suffer the same way, but it might help to look through and at what the different people offer as "Their solution",
You never know it just might help you to.
At least it is worth trying out.
All the best, and I hope you get success and help from our Forum.

Somehow we seem to be the (ever growing worldwide group) who have been left to cope, on our own, with a society made impossible for us to live and thrive in, without Any Help from our rulers.
The profits seem to render us Expendable from today's living,like the Lepers in the old days!
Only, its Not us who are the Lepers, the Addicts are the Lepers.
Best regards.

# Posted: 22 Jan 2016 09:35

I think the sound is drones or something possibly secret gov't related to spy on us and listen to what we talk about. Not enough people can hear this low frequency hum to warrant it being a 'problem'. We r just the unlucky few percentage. These are inplace over all the world, ready to strike for the uncertain and unfriendly future should we get 'out of hand or become non compliant'.

# Posted: 26 Jan 2016 01:29

The Hum was here Long before Drones were invented, so that cannot be the reason.

# Posted: 12 Feb 2016 23:47

The HUM is loud and 24/7, since aug2015, i ve heard it from mountblow to burnside. (GLASGOW)
just a thought but has Motorways ever BEEN QUESTIONED

any advice on ear defenders I canny get any relief
aw the best andrew

# Posted: 13 Feb 2016 17:30

Is it always a low frequency hum?

I can hear a high frequency noise as though it is very distant as though a motor is running or buzzing and is is not unlike the noise a detector makes when it is on, but very very far away. It happens anywhere - different places in the country and even abroad - as though it is in my ears. I notice it especially early in the morning when I wake up. I don't particularly find it annoying.

# Posted: 14 Mar 2016 05:25

Hello. Suddenly I have become aware of a quiet humming with pulses, at night and in the day time if it is really quiet. Dosent sound like a diesel engine idling far away but more like electrical noise. Have moved out into the country recently and have been very busy organising house and land so heard nothing. Then suddenly on a cold frosty night this pulsing humming forced itself to be heard.

Very distracting, so I got up and trekked around the village in my van to see if it was only near to me but it was everywhere. Don't hear it when busy, or if sleepy it doesn't bother me, thankfully. I decided that I wouldn't allow it to get to me, so if it gets too loud I get up and find something to do or read. Studying my Bible helps as it is so interesting.

It does affect my ears, though I am a little deaf, even when I don't hear the humming, so it is still there in the background.

Because it isn't a low rummbling as others hear, I wonder if I am hearing the same thing...

# Posted: 15 Mar 2016 12:02

The hum is very loud to me also auxilliary noises, oscillating noise and others....I am aware of energy in all buildings which is worse usually near walls, inside and out...across doorways....best not to sleep with your head near a wall!...something which came up for what I experience is Standing Waves https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Room_modes Just my experience but I believe the vibration from standing waves makes my ears vibrate and contributes to the hum.

What causes the standing waves now present in all structures, I believe it is from wireless technology.

# Posted: 5 Apr 2016 16:33

I believe you are right, Torment.
Three and a half years ago, I left my house in town and when I returned I could hear electricity. It seemed to be coming from the top corner of the lounge, but after 15 mins had spread throughout the whole house.
Later that night, sitting in my chair watching tv I felt and heard my first low frequency. Very low force which vibrated the chair, my legs and anything which I touched.
I was moving, but I wasn't ! Something was telling my brain I was vibrating.

At first, I thought I was a victim of low frequencies and ultrasound, and the hum. I thought this for two years.

To cut a long story short, I moved four times in three years and had a stroke just over a year ago. I have lost the support of friends and family and battle this alone.

In my most recent house the noise is constant. There is always a prominent electrical hum which varies in pitch. Then there is thunder. I walk outside and there is thunder in the garden. This is very disconcerting. I hear drumming, explosions and low booming noises all rotating around the clock.
I cannot live in this house.

I'm about 800 metres from a local sports club, with 4 masts and a tetra mast. The masts are all uprated to 4G.
I thought I'd drive up there one night and have a listen. I didn't stay long as the first mast I approached solved the three year riddle.
It spoke to me. I could hear tones out of that thing that I immediately matched to those in my own home. There was no doubt.

It seems there are a certain few of us that for some reason CAN hear and feel EMF's. We are Ultra Hypersensitive.

At least I don't need a meter. I am an antenna and I'm receiving loud and clear.

# Posted: 9 Apr 2016 18:01

I don't know how you can hear it in the van. I can only hear it when everything is quiet and when waking up in the morning. It is like a bussing, pulsing noise in the distance, but then I am not near any masts.

# Posted: 17 Apr 2016 15:18

Sometimes it seems that I can hear my heart beating but that quite different to the buzzing noise at other times.

# Posted: 23 Apr 2016 17:08

I am pursuing independent research on microwave effects on beings, with special regards to plants. I first dedicated to the plants decline, but I am now forced to take action against my own decline.Just after the big switch-on of the digital tv in south of Italy, living about 100 m from a mast, my hearing went like"resonant sound, amplified in my head" , I developed a tinnitus, adversion to higher tones sounds, and I tried to sleep in many places, in very quiet secluded villages. I AM TOTALLY CONVINCED, and 4 specialist doctors confirmed it, that my hearing is perfect, and that' s the reason why I am disturbed. It is us HEALTHY GOOD PEOPLE THAT WE HAVE TO STAND TOGETHER TO SUPPORT CLEAR UNBIASED OBJECTIVE ALARMING EVIDENCE OF THE WI- FI PLAGUE TO ALL BEINGS NATURAL BALANCE.
In any place there is (I can hear because is there, in fact I never had this problems ever before) a continuous 'engine like' high tone noise, that is everywhere also in woods, where stands out more clearly because, " not natural, out of place, not expected by your brain there, and is is due to some "electric grid installation" running continuously. In Italy many telephone street cabins produce an intermittent nouse that mines your brain.
I am researching, but not yet arrived at conclusions, how microwaves disperding energy in the air and possibly conveying some "bouncing" movement to water particles interfere with the sound propagation, by amplifying in many directions and making it annoying to human perception. I believe that I hear the hum in one place in the mountains, where I live because of researching on possible tv tradmission as responsible for forest trees progressively drying out. I don't hear it in England in Leicester where I also rent a place. The hum is more a vibration than a sound, i can hear as a very torturing vibration that comes and goes in my hear, but I open the window and it comes from outside. Hear plugs make it better, I cannot sleep without. I am looking at possible sources of outside noise. I believe it is a natural noise overamplied by microwaves pollution. I am not far from a phone mast. I also struggle with tinnitus( 3 years) and hyperacusis. I am going for a visit in a tinnitus centre soon.
If only just a person would be affected in health by a comnercial business, for the right to life and health of that person the commercial business has to modify its business not to damage other people. That is the law in any country. I love my life. I want my life now and at its best.

# Posted: 23 Apr 2016 17:48


"If only just a person would be affected in health by a comnercial business, for the right to life and health of that person the commercial business has to modify its business not to damage other people. That is the law in any country."

That seems to be a law governing any business except telecommunications. They seem to be, somehow, immune to government regulation.

Thanks for your thorough post and I agree with your idea of water molecules being "bounced" by the pulse-modulated microwave fields of telecommunications and possibly creating low-frequency pressure waves.

Please keep us posted on your research.

# Posted: 12 May 2016 12:37

Hi, I am reading your publication and i wonder how your mother managed to get her sleep back. I have been hearing that hum more than 8 month by now. I am getting totally crazy of that:((((. It is driving me insane. I feel like electrecity going through my body i have heavy pulsing in my whole body especially heart and ears and the whole head often. I had many friends over to sleep and only one said he was hearing it. Everybody else told me i am imagining something and i am crazy according to them. I can not sleep at nights and in the days i also feel it very badly. Since almost noone heard it i recently put on google surch low frequecy suffuring and it came up so much information about that. The problem is i do not find information how to help myself!!!!

# Posted: 7 Jun 2016 12:28

Hello! I have heard what sounds like a diesel truck idling somewhere in the neighborhood, both at my previous residence in Cumming, GA, and where I now live in Florence, AL. It is very strange, as I cannot hear it when I go outside--only in the house. Is anyone experiencing the exact same sound? Thank you!

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