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# Posted: 7 Jun 2016 19:14

I feel like a character in the movie, "Duel", 1971, Stephen King and Dennis Weaver. I walked my dog across the street around 10:30 a.m. today, and there is a tractor trailer cab running; however, that does not explain incessant noise all night long for nights on end and the fact that, when I walk out of the house at night, I don't hear it. Even with this tractor running, I don't hear it during the day. Also, I experienced the exact same sound in Georgia...

# Posted: 7 Jun 2016 19:38

And, it really messes with one's sleep...
I prefer to stay up watching TV all night in order to not have to deal with "the sound" but can still hear it over the noise of the TV. Then, when I go out in the mornings, I cannot hear it, with the exception of the tractor trailor actually running...

Vibro gal
# Posted: 8 Jun 2016 03:11

I live in a NYC boro. Today my husband heard a loud buzz/hum coming from our neighbor's house! but he does not feel the vibrations or the droning/thrumming faint constant sounds. I believe my neighbor(s) added too many mechanicals to these tiny attached homes. ie: hot water heater, A/c unit, washmachine/dryer. She attached her ductless unit to her outside foundation wall, which meets my wall 2' higher up to my house. She had the duct attached outside closest to our adjoining wall. It's quiet, but I figured out where some of the vibrations were coming from. it resonates along the entire length of the house. What to do? That does not explain the torture I endured during the winter being trapped in my home, constantly being distracted. I believe that everything changed last August 2015 when she had some renovation completed. I believe she has something else going on in her home attached to our "party wall" but can't talk to her because I complained to her about her stereo and had to blast my stereo in order for her to "get my point". Then she went ahead and got the A/c unit attached so close to my wall. So I am suspecting she has auxillary heat attached to the wall. My head literally vibrated on my pillow! When my husband went over to "make nice", she ignored the door and called the police. If I hear her hum/buzz again, I bang on the wall, stomp and will also call the police. I am more sensitive than my husband. I also live a block away from a concealed mast. Sometimes the drone is so strong I agree that she possibly couldn't be the source of all the vibrations. I can't but my finger on the constant droning. It may be coming from a commercial site. It seems to quiet down at night and picks up in the day time. I always feel the tingling in my feet at any position. I also found that visiting a rural area recently that the sensations are the same there as well. The same but different- maybe a different frequency I was not used to. I believe it is the wi-fi, etc. If my husband hadn't mentioned the hum, I would still be walking the neighborhood and I still but the stethoscope to the walls. One issue may have lead to the discovery of another, but I swear- I lived in my home for a couple of years before she moved in and it was calm-not always quiet, but calm. no vibrations! Then I read that people have started hearing the hum starting only recently, in the last few months. Could my situation be a coincidence?
Peace comes in the evening- I sleep in the farther, smaller bedroom. (maybe it has shorter standing waves?) I hunker down on the smaller bed, read the internet, (turn my computer & router off, remove my cell phone) read my book, drink hot milk with a spoon of honey and sleep comes every single time.

# Posted: 10 Jul 2016 21:31

Vibro gal

# Posted: 23 Aug 2016 21:03

Just in case anyone hasn't already seen this... there are over 10,000 reports of the hum on this site...

http://thehum.info/ The Hum Map and Database

https://theconversation.com/cracking-the-mystery-of-the-worldwide-hum-60296 Article in The Conversation which had 600,000 views.

https://hummap.wordpress.com/ World Hum Map and Database Project

http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b07mzv3z/episodes/guide BBC Radio 4 Punt Pi Programme about the Hum

# Posted: 9 Sep 2016 18:13

i believe you are the same person posting on noisy neighbours
i think you might be part of the conspiracy
but thanks for this:a

for real people there is some measured analysis here

# Posted: 19 Sep 2016 23:49

The same low frequency droning I can hear, Emerson Valley, Milton Keynes. Getting worse as the weeks pass. Driving me insane!

# Posted: 19 Nov 2016 11:48

Glen McPherson.... World Hum Map and Database https://hummap.wordpress.com/2016/11/18/we-are-alone/

# Posted: 7 Dec 2016 10:15

In 2011 I began to feel ill I was getting tinnitus for years however after a local hospital visit for a routine procedure I began hearing voices which I found out to be V2K harassment and I began having a electrical pulse running through my body 24/7. i am in a electronic prison with things being done to my body that should not be done to any one. I am being electronically raped and beaten to death and the sickest part of all this is I have been a victim of child abuse and molestation only to be victimized again by the powers that be from national grid or who ever. I have numerous pictures of drones stationary above my house and weapons being fired at me. Please some one help nme I fear for my life and I don't want to die like this. E.B.

# Posted: 7 Dec 2016 11:02

In 2011 I began to feel ill I was getting tinnitus for years however after a local hospital visit for a routine procedure I began hearing voices which I found out to be V2K harassment and I began having a electrical pulse running through my body 24/7. i am in a electronic prison with things being done to my body that should not be done to any one. I am being electronically raped and beaten to death and the sickest part of all this is I have been a victim of child abuse and molestation only to be victimized again by the powers that be from national grid or who ever. I have numerous pictures of drones stationary above my house and weapons being fired at me. Please some one help nme I fear for my life and I don't want to die like this. E.B.

To protect oneself and ones family against the increasing antropogenic microwave radiation one need to aquire the means to make accurate measurements.

This way the current status can be monitored and thereby enabling a baseline from which any shielding project can be evaluated.

I am not familiar with the term "V2K Harassment". Could you please elaborate furter?

Could you include some of the photos of drones in a post here? It would be quite usefull in order to determine their operational capability in regard to the intensity of the electromagnetic field you presume they are generating.

//Kim Horsevad

# Posted: 7 Jan 2017 13:50

Is it possible that all this noise comes from the smart meter grid? I can't say I have heard this noise, maybe a few times, but I'm unsure. I do have tinnitus and have for many years, but thats a whistling not a humming, and have also felt my ear thrumming on occasion, like a muscle spasm inside the ear, like how you sometimes get on your body.

Anyway I am EHS and am kept awake nightly by neighbours smart meters, not by noise... but thats not for this section of this forum, but its a living nightmare to be sure.


# Posted: 17 Apr 2017 13:56

I also have been experiencing this since the summer of 2014. I live in Newhaven East Sussex. Apart from two occasions I only usually hear it in Newhaven, when I get back from work at night ( I work all over Sussex) the moment I turn off my engine I hear it, it is louder in my van but I can also hear it outside and at home. I have tried to keep a diary but it is very difficult as the time and frequency and intensity change so much. I also feel it in my neck and chest. It is also affecting my concentration and sometimes it makes me feel unwell. There has been (more so in the beginning a couple of times when I walked into my lounge that it hurt my ears, it was as though the air pressure changed like being on a plane.
I went to have my ears checked to see if it was a problem with my ears. While in the waiting room I heard nothing, the moment I walked into the 'sound proof booth' I could hear it really loudly, when I went back to the waiting room it was gone again so I waited and then went back to the booth and the moment I walked into the room that contained the booth I could hear it and again in the booth. I think I may have been down to equipment in the hospital.I mentioned this to the audiologist and asked if they had come across anyone else with the same problem ... they hadn't. My hearing was said to be good, so they gave me a pressure test. The results didn't match, looking at my ear drum it was said to be rigid (sorry I can't quite remember the facts exactly) and I should be quite deaf but my hearing test was good, then the pressure test proved to be quite low ( I think ) any way what I trying to say is none of the test put together made any sense. So I think I am picking up low frequency sound due to a problem with my ear drum, but then WHY can I feel the vibration. I was given white noise generator hearing aids, which had no effect at all as no one in audiology wants to recognise this is not tinitus. I also suffer from Misophonia which also needs some research.
Sorry to have gone on so much but I just thought it might be the same for others out there and it could be a start into researching the HUM. Would be interested to hear form others in Sussex.

Alfa Kay
# Posted: 27 Nov 2018 04:44

Hello al! Hope you're having a noiseless time for the being^^

Started hearing this annoying high pitched ringing sound that resembles a whirling engine type piercing and its been on now more than ever.
Its 11/26/18 and its almost been going off randomly at different tones each time which makes it even more frustrating when I can't even make a recording for my music. And it has stopped for almost a month at one point and on my birthday I think it restarted (11/16).
This has never happened before all years living hear- none that I remember anyway.
Not only that I'm concerned about the noise, I'm worried for my health after reading about radiation and that can explain half my problems.
I've always been lenient with a few noises but this takes the cake I can't sleep at night when it doesn't stop for a few hours.

Before though I hated sleeping at night but now when I want to it started up.
It appears louder in my bathroom and when I close the door it helps so tonight when I go to sleep I'm gonna pull out my fan.
It can be heard all over the apartment, outside too apparently.
I am sure after researching its these cell towers...
but the summer it was quiet. Weird.

Oh and it seems to stop for a few hours and sometimes a few seconds- I can still hear it through my music.
I'll update more when something changes.

Ps. I'm not the only one who hears this and I aint gonna put up with this so I'ma have to exploit it somehow.

# Posted: 28 Nov 2018 18:22

It could be your wireless techs, receiver/ transmitter dishes, mobile phone tower or tv mast near by?
It is worth turning off all your wireless gadgets and see if it makes any difference.

Alfa Kay
# Posted: 7 Jan 2019 07:35

Yes I could try that but we have 2 cell towers on our buildig. I can feel the hum actually shaking my bed and maybe even see it shaking other stuff. I want the cell towers off but there's nothing I can do but complain. We're moving in a year so lets hope its cell tower free then!

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