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www.mast-victims.org forum / Health / THE HUM: Microwave Hearing: Evidence for Thermoacoustic Auditory Stimulation by Pulsed Microwaves
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the Padma
# Posted: 26 May 2009 01:15

been 8 years now...that diesel hum
at night...2-3 hrs.
always same volume, yet stronger as of late
strongest when laying down
No industry in my small town yet this
irritating, ominously annoying hum appears as the Orks of the industrial military complex are underneath our small city tooling up their Mordorish doom. Well thats my take on it.

Ya I'd say that 56hz is a close proximity to the hums tone quality...but it ain't
"the hum" close but no.

# Posted: 27 May 2009 19:34

Thanks Padma, It's always a better day when something can make me laugh. Ork's will work, lately I've been calling them the monkeys just to alliveate the disblief of the circumstances.

The reason I believe a sound generated for 56hz just doesn't do it is because it is being generated for the outer ear to hear the sound. The hum is percieved with the inner ear, the cochlea, and then it worms it's way thru the auditory system as far as it can. Maybe I should be saying dam WORMS.

# Posted: 30 May 2009 01:47


Just thought I'd get my angle on this. I've been hearing the 'hum' for at least 3 years now, since around October '06. I reckon I must be 'over-sensitive' to sound/ vibration at low frequencies (I used to have difficulties living near busy roads and could sometimes feel the traffic through the building, especially in the center of big cities). For the first year of hearing the hum, I noticed it was worse indoors than outdoors, worse at night, about 1 or 2 pulses a second, bit like an idling diesel engine. I couldn't get to sleep until totally tired - usually 3 or 4 hours a night ( though I used to sleep 8 or 9). I had no idea what was causing it, searched the internet etc - no-one else I mentioned it to could hear it. At this time I was living in Kent, England - about 2 years ago moved to Scotland and could still hear it, and in other houses too. It is more frequent now - most of the time but used to disappear for weeks at a time. I came to the conclusion it was turbines after watching video recordings of turbine noise on youtube. The pattern was the same or extremely similar. These do produce low frequency vibrations. This long wave 'noise' can travel long distances and I was 20 km from the nearest bank of turbines, though there are nearer one's too now. The noise problem is pretty well documented. Look up Nina Pierpont or Van der Berg for evidence.

Saying that I've also noticed that jets flying over seem to coincide with noise onset and the microwave energy idea could be another possibility. Maybe the turbines are a distraction.


# Posted: 30 May 2009 02:17

My friend Catherine in Fife, Scotland has been experiencing this HUM for years.
She is very active in trying to find out what is the cause.
In her location she believes it is the TETRA Masts and equipment connected to Tetra and maybe 3G.

If you follow this link: http://mast-victims.org/index.php?content=resources Video: interviews, news and count down to the 5h interwie, with the headline: Tetra mast health disaster, Fife, Scotland
You have an interwiev with Catherine.

Believe me Catherine is an Authority on the HUM.

She might be able to sort out your problem, so if you are serious about
wanting an explanation write to me at: agnes@mast-victims.org
and I will forward Catherines e-mail address to you.
Best regards.

# Posted: 30 May 2009 12:58

Thanks Agnes.

I checked the website and will contact her.


# Posted: 3 Jun 2009 17:58

its the cell towers for sure

# Posted: 8 Jun 2009 08:32

Nice to meet you again guys.I have had something similar and it was stress related and all in my own head. There was nothing actually in the air as real soundwaves. It's another form of tinnitus. It came mainly with the raise in blood pressure from exertion and went as I relax.Can you help me?

# Posted: 9 Jun 2009 05:35

The Devils Organ

The Devils organ plays its tunes to us
it plays its song from dawn to dusk
all through the night they don't care
what are they doing to us from up there
the animals, the birds, things in the sea
we don't wont to hear these frequencies

how can we make them go away
it's frightening to think they're here to stay
with us down here and them up there
their advantage is their frequency; its everywhere
I've found nowhere in this country to hide
way out in the bush, the mountains or inside

there's two satellite frequencies that i know
one is slightly higher, the other very low
the tones fluctuate between themselves leaving with a hum
it makes me not feel so good when it vibrates my ear drums
I've heard this noise for five years now it has made me see
that these satellite frequencies are not here for the good of humanity

Feel free to post me any questions or comments you may have on: hearingthedevilsorgan@yahoo.co.nz

# Posted: 3 Jul 2009 20:03

Personally I believe that there is a link between mass-surveillance by the majority of governments and this humming noise. We are living in a mass-surveillance society.

# Posted: 24 Aug 2009 22:18

I am a victim of this torture with microwave abuse. I am an expert at mind control and it even threw me off guard. My ex boyfriend and his girlfriend wanted to take my genious child from me so I was programmed to be a delutional child abuser. I beat the program and it did not affect me at all. I was taking adderall for ADHD and it opened my brain receptors and made the voices stronger. Be ware of Adderall torture! They threaten to kill you and say its an expierement that someone must die in the end. Danica Lariviere and Michael PEREZ started this expieriment. Beware of these two they dont want to have their own kids but they want anyone elses genious children. I say it should be them in the end in the casket!!!!! Who agree's??? I love feed back. I am working on becoming a spokes person on mind control in south carolina. I would love to hear from victims. These people try to steel your identity and pose as Dr's!!! This is a sick world. Par Pharmacuiticals is a great company and they would also love to hear about all the adderall torture and people dragging the pharmacuitical industry down as well!!!



# Posted: 3 Nov 2009 00:29

Oh my. Since moving to my new house just over a year ago, this "hum" is driving me bonkers! I can sit in my house and it is droning over and over in my head UP and down UP and down UP and down; like a fridge stuck in the walls or underground, i cannot locate it, when my electricity is turned off it is still there humming away up and down up and down.
It vibrates through my pillow to my head at night. I feel sick, my brain feels like it is about to explode.
No-one else can hear it, i cannot hear it when i am out of this house, i do not want to sell my house because of this.
One thing i noticed, last night was quiet for the first time yes! I slept very very well, it was a windy night. Are windfarms still in use on very windy nights i can see a windfarm from my window despite it being approx 5 miles away, maybe the sound is carried through the land? Bats use my house for nesting, maybe it picks certain sounds up well, is in a good location for sound?
I live near a train track, do they have electrical noises through the ground? But there is a canal between us and the track?
When my surveyor gave plans for this house, there were no pipes under it.
So many questions, anything to try to Help!

# Posted: 3 Nov 2009 00:32

Can i add, i am in the North West of Lancashire for anyone else who is picking this sound up.

fellow pilgrim
# Posted: 4 Nov 2009 17:34

Yes, me too, from Spain. Have been hearing for some years but thought it was the freeway, somewhat a distance but audible. But later I have been sleeping at a different place nowhere near traffic and notice it. At night, in the silence when trying to find deep silence to sleep. And thought it was somekind of machine from the neighbours (it is a flat) and even woke up in the middle of the night to check, down the stairs to the first floor from the fourth, and even the street. And nothing, except when listening very carefuly and being relaxed o trying to relax. It is a hum, nothing to do with tinitus (or what they say it is-never experienced tinnitus). Like a refrigerator o a computer´s motherboard on. But more subtle and continuous, without ups and downs. To me it is continuous. I must add that I am also electrohipersensitive (EHS) to a moderate degree. I can stand some electrosmog, but not a mobile phone to my ear anymore. It enters like a knife through my ear. And wifi immediately produces a reaction.
I am so glad other people also know what I am talking about. My partner though I couldn´t possibly... But I was always sure it is there. But I cannot use earplugs to block it. It doesn´t block it.

fellow pilgrim
# Posted: 4 Nov 2009 17:42

I forgot to add that I am a female, and when renewing my drivers license, the testers always tell me that I have very acute hearing, I hear the first sound they test you with. They say almost no oneelse does, so they stop testing there and tell me that my hearing is outstanding.

# Posted: 30 Nov 2009 09:25

I have a ability to hear, loud, low frequency sounds that almost nobody else can hear.


I got off a bus at a stop on a very noisy main road - and immediately became aware of a loud, continuous, low frequency sound. It was coming from a portable deisel-engined generator on a building site in a side road 200 yards from the main road. When the generator was under load the sound wasn't present - but when it went into idle the volume went up dramatically and the frequency went right down. I could feel the sound pulsing through my body, to me it was an all pervasive presence.

I took a number of friends to the site, people of various ages - most of them thought the engine had stopped when it went into idle, some of them, when they concentrated, said they could hear "a slight rumble".

When I lived in an isolated part of Wales I sometimes noticed a "hum" - it was coming from a farm over 2 miles away.

One of my hobbies is caving - there're no "hums" in underground caverns.

Noises that "annoy" a lot of people, police and ambulance sirens, children shrieking, etc., don't bother me in the slightest. My mind just thinks "police", "ambulance", "fire engine", "child(ren)" ... harmless sounds.

The main source of low frequency sounds in London are the newer "low emission" deisel engines ... which have replaced one pollutant (particulates) with another. It was thought that the high incidence of asthma in infants in cities as opposed to rural areas was due to exhaust emissions ... so they designed low emission engines - which produce low frequency sounds that, so some researchers say, are the REAL cause of the asthma!

# Posted: 17 Jan 2010 13:27

Steve, if he doesn't know of any conditions that cause a hum, you should probably change your doctor. Or read the post from 'Anon on 26 Nov 2006'. Or see a psychologist.

# Posted: 26 Feb 2010 16:57

Anti- Radiation Yarn,Anti-Radiation Fabric,Silver Bamboo Fiber Health Care Fabric,Anti-Radiation Clothing

# Posted: 2 Apr 2010 00:13

This is microwave pulsing transients caused by the 217Hz. Please take the time to view our videos. Click on more info to read our story.


Dr Robert O. Becker, M.D.
twice nominated for Nobel Prize of this research.

"I have no doubt in my mind that at the present time, the greatest
polluting element in the earth's environment is the proliferation of
electromagnetic fields.

I consider that to be far greater on a global scale, than warming, and
the increase in chemical elements in the environment."

# Posted: 2 Apr 2010 00:15

This is microwave pulsing transients caused by the 217Hz. Please take the time to view our videos. Click on more info to read our story.


Dr Robert O. Becker, M.D.
twice nominated for Nobel Prize of this research.

"I have no doubt in my mind that at the present time, the greatest
polluting element in the earth's environment is the proliferation of
electromagnetic fields.

I consider that to be far greater on a global scale, than warming, and
the increase in chemical elements in the environment."

# Posted: 2 Apr 2010 00:17

This is microwave pulsing transients caused by the 217Hz. Please take the time to view our videos. Click on more info to read our story.


Dr Robert O. Becker, M.D.
twice nominated for Nobel Prize of this research.

"I have no doubt in my mind that at the present time, the greatest
polluting element in the earth's environment is the proliferation of
electromagnetic fields.

I consider that to be far greater on a global scale, than warming, and
the increase in chemical elements in the environment."

# Posted: 21 Apr 2010 11:15

Wind farms cause the same low frequency noise as tera. I have been told in comes from the inverters, Catherine

# Posted: 14 Jun 2010 07:28

It's coming frm "cell towers," but it's a microwave weapon system being camouflaged as telephone towers. Therse are TORTURE TOWERS. THis mainstreeam U.S. journalist is also a victim:

http://nowpublic.com/world/u-s-silently-tortures-americans-cell-tower-microwaves OR http://NowPublic.com/scrivener

# Posted: 8 Jul 2010 02:28

I'm a victim of organized stalking/electronic harassment. I was hit hard with some unknown weaponry - some of it felt like electroshocks others like acoustic bullets, then there's something my harassers posted as "lightning." (I also have internet and phone surveillance/interference. And proof even.)

Right now I get that weird tinnitus hum, sometimes accompanied by an ear vibration buzzing. The "tinnitus" is sudden onset and only appears in certain places (e.g., in my room but only after I've settled down).

I suspect this might be microwave hearing and that it's part of my harassment. Does anyone know how I could shield from it? I have occasional fatigue attacks from it. The whole thing is sickening and I'm hoping we get true justice... but in the meanwhile I want to know what I can do.

(ps perhaps *not* coincidentally, a family member has a leukemia similar to CML - I believe various members of my family have been targeted.)

# Posted: 8 Jul 2010 02:30

I'm a victim of organized stalking/electronic harassment. I was hit hard with some unknown weaponry - some of it felt like electroshocks others like acoustic bullets, then there's something my harassers posted as "lightning." (I also have internet and phone surveillance/interference. And proof even.)

Right now I get that weird tinnitus hum, sometimes accompanied by an ear vibration buzzing. The "tinnitus" is sudden onset and only appears in certain places (e.g., in my room but only after I've settled down).

I suspect this might be microwave hearing and that it's part of my harassment. Does anyone know how I could shield from it? I have occasional fatigue attacks from it. The whole thing is sickening and I'm hoping we get true justice... but in the meanwhile I want to know what I can do.

(ps perhaps *not* coincidentally, a family member has a leukemia similar to CML - I believe various members of my family have been targeted.)

# Posted: 8 Jul 2010 13:29


I have had tinnitus for many years, initially caused by loud noise/antibiotic ear drops.

The emissions from mobile phone masts, neighbours DECT phones/wifi can also cause tinnitus and fatigue.

You mention that you observe the symptoms in specific places.

I wonder if you have actually measured what level of microwave radiation is coming into your home? There are high frequency [HF] meters available to buy, or possibly hire, that will give you a reading of the HF level and also give different sounds depending what is present.
You need to look at the frequency measurement range of the meters/detectors listed.

There are other HF detectors like the 'Electrosmog Detector' which just give a noise for up to ~ 3.5 GHz, but are still useful for indicating where the radiation is coming in and which areas have lower/higher exposure levels..

I know from my own measurements with Gigahertz-Solutions HF meters that the phone mast radiation/neighbour's DECT/wifi can come through plain glass windows, the walls, the ceiling.

For general information on the measurement/shielding of microwave frequencies from mobile phone masts, wifi, DECT etc. you might try looking at these websites:



If you have a small battery operated AM/FM radio [with an aerial preferably] you might try using it around your home with it tuned 'off station' on AM to see where the noise is louder - it will pick up HF and also mains 50/60 Hz electrical fields, but nethertheless it is a quick rough guide and the aerial helps to give direction of source.
Then, put some aluminium foil between your radio and the source and see whether thick aluminium foil reduces/stops the noise.

There are a variety of materials that can be used to shield homes = they tend to be expensive -
e.g. Swiss Shield materials 'Electrocloth', 'Chromax' or 'Naturelle' ,
'YShield' carbon paint, -
but you can also use inexpensive, supermarket, thicker type aluminium foil. The foil may need to be earthed depending where it is used.

Look at the Powerwatch articles on shielding by logging into their free subscriber area.

I am electrosensitive and i now sleep under a canopy.
You might try a shielding headnet, perhaps.

# Posted: 8 Jul 2010 14:21


Sorry for typo in my last email.
It is 2.5 GHz and not 3.5 GHz.

It should read:
"There are other HF detectors like the 'Electrosmog Detector' which just give a noise for up to ~ 2.5 GHz, but are still useful for indicating where the radiation is coming in and which areas have lower/higher exposure levels..

But, in some places there is WIMAX or 5.8 GHz wifi and you need a meter capable of picking it up.

Anyway, if considering buying or hiring a meter check out the freqeuncy range.


# Posted: 10 Jul 2010 13:06


Here is an interesting link regarding tinnitus- go to the webpage URL
to see the full entry.
The above link refers to research from 1982

Journal Title: Acoustical Society of America Page: vol. 71
Published: Jun 01, 1982

TITLE: Auditory perception of radio-frequency electromagnetic fields

Chou, C.-K. Guy, A. W. (Washington, University) Galambos, R. (California, University)

Absorption of pulsed microwave energy can produce an auditory sensation in human beings with normal hearing. The phenomenon manifests itself as a clicking, buzzing, or hissing sound depending on the modulatory characteristics of the microwaves. While the energy absorbed and the resulting increment of temperature per pulse at the threshold of perception are small, most investigators of the phenomenon believe that it is caused by thermoelastic expansion. In this paper, literature that describes psychological, behavioral, and physiological observations as well as physical measurements pertinent to the microwave-hearing phenomenon is reviewed.

Click 'original link' at bottom of webpage http://myweb.cableone.net/mtilton/audper.htm

It links to http://www.sti.nasa.gov/

Well, well........look whose database it is on!

# Posted: 15 Jul 2010 03:00

Google Sandaura youtubes

# Posted: 5 Aug 2010 15:26

Something of interest. I was listening to Beethoven: "Moonlight" Sonata, 1st movement. I then on impulse preceded to investigate one of Van Gogh's drawings while listening to it: A starry Night (based purely on memory of both pieces from back in ~grade 9.)

I used to hear two different noises when I was a kid, I can't recall what they were but recall I used to move my legs in sync depending on which I heard. I'd like to point out that this may be a "3 dimensional noise" when correlations between your visual, kinaesthetic and audio parts of the brain are made.

(I notice the humm (which got loud but noticed it would lessen if I moved my eyes around the room quickly and become louder if I stood still and listened) the noise disappeared when a train drove past.)

# Posted: 12 Aug 2010 21:45

Hi All; Yes the HUM is the Microwave Auditory Effect. Recognized and excepted as an effect of microwave exposure.
I'm just wondering how this effect has migrated from being a special precaution ( back when we weren't all in a microwave trance) and migrated to RF Tinnitus and Idiopathic Environmental Intolerance.

Does the HUM cause Somatic pain and why is it so difficult for them to understand that initiating sound to the cochlea from the wrong side (internally) is just plain wrong.

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