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www.mast-victims.org forum / Health / THE HUM: Microwave Hearing: Evidence for Thermoacoustic Auditory Stimulation by Pulsed Microwaves
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# Posted: 6 Sep 2010 10:55

As I have mentioned before, look at

There is a lot of informationa about ultra low sound.

Alsso, there you can find the HUM simulator.
It is a small program, with which you can simulate the sound you are *hearing* and save that as an audio file.
This one you can show to others, so they hear what you are hearing

# Posted: 24 Sep 2010 00:34

I know my individual vibrational pattern, use to hear it when I was a kid, like a nail in the back of my skull driving through the center of my skull, I would hum this so many times a day. I never really told anyone this directly, but now in later years I find it interesting that I hear a clicking sound in my left ear, to which my right ear is saved because I popped the eardrum years ago and the pressure is non existent, (that ear doesn't build pressure when I fly), also I can turn a radio down all the way or T.V. and I swear I can still hear an audible level, and I notice this amplifies in water say if I'm taking a shower, it's like I'm a radio receiver sometimes.

# Posted: 1 Oct 2010 22:38

hi im joseph ive been getting all this what you,s are on about,i know for sure mine is through forced mind control,im ill 24/7 its done with harrp,cell phone towers linked with sateralites there is no hiding unless you go under ground old mine etc,i get the drone sounds ive found what they do is make you do things when this happens its legal murder to us but how many people have died through whats going on it must stop for us and are children,this country is run by a higher group than i ever thought please e mail me jbsomerville@live.co.uk

# Posted: 1 Oct 2010 23:10

hi its joe here all im saying to all of you is that they are killing slowly ive lost 2 stone in 2 months ,they have stolen every thing i owned,loved,and had from me something needs to be done not for me as im sure its to late for me but surely for your kids and grandkids,please for there sake try and make this public thank you.

# Posted: 2 Oct 2010 00:35

Hi Joe, we hear you. I'm also quite sure that the unbearable levels of EMRs these masts pump out are not just to enable mobile phone calls. I've read enough to realise there's a lot more to it.

Ours has changed again this week, and stepped up yet another notch just when you'd think it couldn't go any higher. Actually, in truth it hasn't simply got stronger, it's changed in type. God knows what they up to with this crazy scheme.


# Posted: 2 Oct 2010 17:39

Hi joe and Eric; I hear and feel your pain and disbelief. I still can not believe this is happening. I truly understand now why the person at Spectrum Management I talked to (like four years ago) got so irrational and upset when I called to complain. I can not believe that this is aloud to happen.
I'm hearing your suffering joe, I feel the same way, all that I held dear, like the simple silence of night, a walk in my yard to quitely listen for all the different birds. To go for a walk in the woods with out the HUM. What I would not say to Foster and Rephacholi that made the summation that the microwave auditory is trivial in nature. Really who are they to make a summation like that anyway.

# Posted: 2 Oct 2010 18:44

hi its joe again,ive been under this mind control program for 5 years ,its real and please if any one wishs to know more please email me jbsomerville@live.co.uk im getting hit with 1400mhz to 1600mhz,if any of you get the clicking sounds this is when you have had too much exposure to microwave radiation,then i get a high pitch ringing that is when they try to tell me things and please understand that this country is been run by a higher group of people than we understand ,they have hurt me so much my teeth are dropping out,my little toe nails dropping off,weight loss 2 stone in 2 months and so much more as we speak im getting hit but if any one wishs to talk to me i will spend time with you,s and tell you my full story its pretty scarey that other people can do this to someone else also ive found if you go where there are no mobile signals it helps HERES A ONE FOR YOU ALL WHY CAN YOU NOT BUY A GPS BLOCKER THAT WILL HELP US ALL THEY ARE BANNED IN THE UK WHY JUST THINK IF EVERYONE HAD ONE OF THESE THEY WOULD FEEL ALOT BETTER IM SURE,ALSO IF WE COULD GET HOLD OF A ELF GENERATOR KEPT IT ON 7.5 MHZ THEN YOU WOULD KNOW WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT WE WOULD FEEL SO MUCH BETTER NOT JUST ME BUT ALL OF THE UK,THATS HOW IF YOU PUT A KITTEN NEXT TO YOU AND LISTEN TO ITS PURR WHY DO WE EEL SO RELAXED BECAUSE THEY OMMIT 7.5MHZ AS THEY PURR STRANGE BUT TRUE ive so much more to tell as im ill through there covert implants and tricks thats going on i will get this to the pulics eye before they hurt me anymore as it is insane,ive spent 3 years in and out of hospital but they cannot find any thing ,also ive been to the shrinks but he said im perfectly normal probably to bright for my own good so comeon whats going on

# Posted: 2 Oct 2010 23:14

hi eric my dear friend,i think we need to be looking up to the sky,s also to get the answers,there are so many people seeing bright lights that move in the sky ive witnessed for my self any many other people type strange lights over consett uk ,also haarp program ommit frequencies that seem to make a hum sound thats when im at my worst,for 5 years now i have never had a still day in my life they can focus on any one person if they wish,also im on facebook under joseph barry somerville if any one wishes to be my friend there are alot of people in groups that are getting this too,also voice to scull,covert electronic harrasment,frequencie torture,there are so many to list we need to let as many folk know as what is going on in this real world is not fair we sould be able to be free people,

# Posted: 4 Oct 2010 22:09

hi every one it joe again,why is nothing been done about the humming noise,the reason is its more than we think,why because even if i ggo where there are no masts also no radio signals im talking total blackout,this tells me its sateralites,why am i ill every day people say its in the mind what a load of nonsense,this being that today and for the last 4 days when the electrican came on site next to me he is vommitting real bad soon as he leaves the site hes fine,and this has been going on for the last 5 years with me so i think we need to be looking in different places for answers,yes masts do have something to do with it but also harrp program also tesla too,its all down to frequencie torture please look up this and it will open your eyes ive so much to tell you on this as ive been under a mind program for years and its real ive got plenty of evidence,not just mine but alot of other people whom have seen whats going on it must stop maybe someday THANKS FOR READING THIS PLEASE GET IN TOUCH jbsomerville@live.co.uk

The Bean
# Posted: 8 Oct 2010 06:45

I,ve now had the hum for around 2-3 years I am a male aged 42 and live in Hull. I work all over the country and all ways hear it at home and the hum varies from town/county to county sometimes it's there sometimes it's not. I've studied this phenomenam and have tried to solve the enigma via all of the above but to no avail. I do however believe it is an induced effect either by increasing freeview digital signals/satellite/Bluetooth/3g/802.gb etc wifi/mobile phone technology/cordless landline phones scattered around the houses/ to name just a few all these coupled with old fashioned 240v wiring and appliances at 50 hz wrapping around your home acting pretty much like a transformer and you being the center (have you heard a transformer hum slightly when switched on? That's the core vibrating) anyway maybe an answer is to install screened wiring and to fit screened Walls/ceilings/floors like in radio rooms on ships to stop interfearace but I can't afford that on an electricians wage so I will just have to make do with my lead cap and underpants. Happy hunting hummmmmm.

# Posted: 20 Dec 2010 20:58

Hi replying to The Bean's post I have heard the humm on and off for years thought it was just in my head but recently I had a digital aerial fitted to the outside wall a week or so later I heard the humm again loud spin dryer loud could not pinpoint direction no change in volume when covering my ears went on through the night driving me mad. Found an artical about vortex shedding basicaly a pole/bar oscilates in low wind speeds and starts to drone then amplified by the drum effect of the wall gave me the humm I cut the mast from 5' to 2' it cut the sound by more then half but still to loud I took it down but left the bracket when the wind is in the right direction I can hear a slight humm it must be the bracket if it is then any outside wall fittings hanging basket bracket etc. could cause it. Your thoughts on freeview being a factor is right in my case as the digital aerial is much larger then the analogue one. I hope this helps I only sufferd for a few weeks it made me feel like s*^t Good luck

# Posted: 25 Dec 2010 03:54

Voice to Skull technologies

# Posted: 29 Dec 2010 14:48

To all fellow Hum hearers

I'm an Airline pilot and travel all over the world. I've heard the hum in most of the places I've visited and am presently in Tobago hearing it. I've also heard it in the middle of a game reserve in Africa miles away from any power lines so I'm not convinced they are the cause. It sounds like two similar frequencies interacting to me and cyclically reinforcing and cancelling to give the characteristic droning. I first heard it when I was 18 and am now 60 and it's no different. For me it is not too loud although sometimes I find it difficult to get to sleep. It also is not constant, I can go for weeks and not hear it and then it will happen for a few days in a row. I call it the 'Earth Song'

# Posted: 29 Dec 2010 15:33

Further to my above post I've been hearing the hum since 1969, well before any cell phones were even thought about so that can be discounted as the source of the hum. The only thing I can liken it to is the sound of the propellers on a turboprop aircraft being slightly out of sync but it goes on for rather longer than it would take for an aircraft to pass over. I really do not think that it's anything sinister - what would be the point of that? I personally rather like it but I can understand that for some it may be intrusive. I'm just curious to discover what causes it.

# Posted: 29 Dec 2010 15:34

Further to my above post I've been hearing the hum since 1969, well before any cell phones were even thought about so that can be discounted as the source of the hum. The only thing I can liken it to is the sound of the propellers on a turboprop aircraft being slightly out of sync but it goes on for rather longer than it would take for an aircraft to pass over. I really do not think that it's anything sinister - what would be the point of that? I personally rather like it but I can understand that for some it may be intrusive. I'm just curious to discover what causes it.

# Posted: 29 Dec 2010 17:37

I've been hearing the hum since 1969, well before any cell phones were even thought about so that can be discounted as the source of the hum.

Cell phones themselves may not have been existence that far back, but the microwave technology dates back to at least the 1950s when the military were developing/testing it. So it's not completely out of the question.


# Posted: 2 Jan 2011 06:15

Hi Anonymous; Check out the dates of SKYNET (satellites) Wikipedia, 1st November 1969.
I had heard it before 2003 but never in my house. I consider its effects too strong and obvious now.

# Posted: 3 Jan 2011 02:58

From 'anonymous' Thanks for the replies, oddly I stopped in my car next to an underground water reservoir in the New Forest yesterday to make a phone call. As soon as I stopped the engine (before I made the call) I was immediately aware of the 'hum' much louder than usual. Has anyone investigated the thought that it may be water pumps in the mains water supply which, of course, comes into all our homes through mostly metal pipes which would be a very good conductor of sound?

# Posted: 4 Jan 2011 00:11

I have heard the hum for the last 8-10 years, and many of these recent comments ring true. The more I learn the more things I can rule out but the real cause remains a mystery. I would like to see a concerted effort to discover the cause, but controversy and bureaucracy cloud the truth.

The way I see it so far is:

The sound we are taking about is around 40-50Hz, beat frequency 1-2Hz and phasing.

It is not torture or mind control (just feels like it sometimes). Too indescriminate!

It is not local sources (water, masts, transformers) although they do contribute and can sensitise you to it in the first place.

It is not the earth's own sound. The Hum has a cycle which fits into three hourly slots.

It makes people ill. It is polution!

I urge anyone still unsure to accept these conclusions (and move on).

That's what I know and this is what I'm working on:

Is it acoustic or electromagnetic? Some say it's gravity! The effect is definitely acoustic; some (poor) recordings have been made and I have found a kind of earplug which can attenuate it somewhat.

As for the source, some agreement exists that emf can energise the atmosphere and cause a wave to be set up. How that is translated into air pressure remains a mystery, but so does the neurological process that turns air pressure into sound, lets not get hung up on these details.

Anecdotally, I am finding correllations with the introduction of new microwave systems (satellite 1969, mobile 1981, 3G 2007).
In my own case I have felt it really badly since 3G has been on the up. Gas pipes, water pipes, power lines? All reasonable suspects perhaps but my money is on wireless telecoms - "electromagnetic fog".

I hope so, because there is a solution - most wireless could move to fibre. Keep an eye on government policy, they are trying to introduce PLC (power line communications) this has already caused hell on earth for many people in the states. A real cheap and nasty solution to rural broadband.

I would be interested in linking up with hum sufferers in merseyside where this trial is about to take place.

microscott at live dot com

# Posted: 31 Jan 2011 23:04

well, i hear hum at night before I go to sleep, the sound is similar to that of around 16-20Khz, high pitched constant noise.

Some very interesting points I would like to add are:

* I occasionally sleep next to a laptop and a mobile phone, both capable of Wifi, 3G and HSDPA. The frequencies are running on various providers, Wifi at 2.4GHz, GSM at 800 Mhz and 1200MHz.

* Next to the bed there are a set of transformers/chargers for various devices. (One must not forget that these are long coils of cables used to dissipate and reduce voltage power),

* the bed has a modern design with flourescent tubes inbuilt. these are also known to generate interference

i have noticed that the sound does not go on and off with switching on / off devices, rather it feels like it comes and goes gradually.

something very interesting to note is that, sometimes I forget to switch off the laptop, and i fall asleep just next to it (about 10 cms away from my head) . It has been noticed that every this this happens, (happened over 15 times already), I wake up with severe high frequency noise and a sense of slight disorientation. This sensation takes around 10 minutes to wear off, even if the laptop is moved away or turned off.
The same exact thing happens when I accidentally slip my mobile phone (which also uses Wifi) underneath the pillow.
This doesnt wake me up at night, but it feels like something has been affecting my head and well-being.
Nowadays I take good care to switch off wireless signals before I go to sleep.
My suggestion is to divert your mobile phones to your landline when unavailable. And just turning on flight-mode at night. This will completely turn off any wireless signals coming from your own phones.
A similar symptom can be noted when near cordless phones or their base-stations.. The cordless phone base-stations especially, do transmit a constant signal to the phones. This was also noted to create further disturbances.

By the way, could possibly a radio active material, such as plutonium or a small radio-active rock/fragment somewhere beneath the ground actually cause a similar symptom?.

There are hundreds of possible causes, however knowledge help us prevent.

# Posted: 1 Feb 2011 13:34


eman777 You are taking the piss and are not welcome in this forum!
You are not funny and you are not clever.
Just plain ignorant!

I have reported you to Webmaster

# Posted: 1 Feb 2011 14:00

Funny how these mickey-takers all appear in the same week.


# Posted: 4 Feb 2011 03:02

I have now proved it! (to myself at least).
If I had not experienced this for myself I never would have believed it.
I am not EHS. I have a scientific background and a healthy scepticism.
For 2 years I have suffered badly from the hum. Lack of sleep and concentration. For two weeks in January it was quiet. (Saddleworth Manchester, anybody else local notice this?) Allowed me to track a local source and eliminate. Allowed me to sleep and concentrate. Felt wonderful after 2 weeks. Kicked in around 00:00 28/01/11. 2 days later and I'm back to square one. Sundays remained noisy, had to go for a walk to get away from it. Whilst walking past a row of terraced cottages, just before I reached the end, I felt (heard) the hum, it had direction from my right (side with houses). Stopped me dead in my tracks. Stood there a moment trying to decide if it was music or not. No, unmistakeably the hum. As I set off again and cleared the end of the terrace and glanced to my right what do you think I saw?

Yep, mobile mast!

As you can see from my previous post I was not prepared to accept this a month ago. But that day it became patently obvious where the noise was coming from.

I first heard it ten years ago and went walking in the night trying to find out where it was most intense. I homed in on a water treatment plant. Assuming pumped water caused the sound at the time, I now discover a cluster of 4 masts quite nearby.

I hear it, but a lot of people don't, yet the same pattern of insomnia is reported by many people. I believe entrainment of brainwaves is the reason. I am now convinced that it is ruining my concentration as well as my sleep.

It's always louder at night and always loud on a Sunday. What are they doing with the network when it is quiet? Telecoms mole would be handy. My guess would be that they are collecting location data from the base stations. This can all be cross referenced so they can track your (mobile's) movements.

We really need a properly organised campaign.

Eric, you know the score. Please drop me an email, I would like to chat at length. microscott at live dot com

# Posted: 4 Feb 2011 03:32

Hi microscott,

My family and I have also mused upon why the strength of the signals are often at their peak during the night. Sunday is also the worst night of the week in our experience. Are they booting it up ready for the start of a new day/week, or something else? Do they think nobody will notice if the strongest emissions are slipped out while most people are asleep? Could it be more sinister?

Questions, questions.

Obviously I can completely identify with your "eureka" moment of pinpointing a mast you had no idea was there, simply from your body's reaction to the EMRs in your immediate vicinity. People have (jokingly) said to me that I could be of use to the government or security firms because I can sense the exact location and direction of an iPhone/Smartphone in a crowded building, and when that signal is on and off.

This is untested technology being used in a completely unchecked way by the largest amount of people you could imagine, all sucked in by addictive gadgetry, tempting offers and led by a subtly-induced but dramatic shift in social behaviour.

What happens next will not be what many "experts" - both pro- and anti- this technology - predicted. This is going to go way beyond cancer in children and brain tumours for heavy users. Already this fundamental assault on the human body and brain is changing everything.


# Posted: 4 Feb 2011 03:42


Why is it louder in houses?

Anyone who has touched on accoustics will know what an anechoic chamber is. Think about the view of the neighbourhood from the top of a mast. Houses form the perfect absorbtion surface for emf - pointy, random and black. Hence more power needed in highly populated areas.

Still don't understand how microwave turns to accoustic. Maybe I do sense emf but i'm not oversensitve.

The cause is now beyond doubt in my mind and I want to get involved in putting pressure on the government to do something.

Very rainy tonight and fairly quiet hum. Microwaves don't like rain. So never really fit for purpose in Britain were they.

# Posted: 4 Feb 2011 03:52

(Tried to drop you an email, but it came back every time!).


# Posted: 4 Feb 2011 03:59

From my point of view if they just stopped the noctural and sunday stuff i would be so much happier. I now recognise though that it is having a massive effect on the general populace. Lack of sleep and concentration are not mild effects, they have huge knock on effects. People suffer in silence and blame themselves or society for their mood. Society has been getting sick for thirty years. We are going backwards as a race. All we've got to do is turn off the masts. Nobody needs a fucking mobile. Nobody can remember what it was like without them. It's turning the whole human race into a bunch of fucking retards!

# Posted: 4 Feb 2011 04:00

scott.mills@live.com ???

# Posted: 4 Feb 2011 04:02

Nobody needs a fucking mobile. It's turning the whole human race into a bunch of fucking retards!

Extreme emergencies aside, I absolutely agree with the first comment, and agree with the second without any reservations.


# Posted: 4 Feb 2011 04:03

sorry, my mistake.

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