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# Posted: 4 Feb 2011 04:11
No worries. I accept, or at least I used to accept, there was some need for mobile technology within high-end business and industrial/manufacturing companies etc. But this determination to put powerful wi-fi into every home and every facet of modern life has made me think again. We are being forced to run with this stuff before we've learned to walk with it, and checked it's not going to cause havoc with our health and lives.
If I leave my home, and go into a busy shopping centre, I reluctantly accept that in this modern world, I am going to be bombarded with various things - noise, smells and lights. Even a degree of EMR (though I do not think being zapped with smartphones from every angle while trying to buy food is acceptable). But not in my own home, at 3am. Every single night, and all day. Every day.
# Posted: 4 Feb 2011 04:17
we may have passed the point where reasonable debate is possible. everybody has become so attached to their gadgets they are going to impossible to persuade. the government, local and national, makes loads of money off operators and the operators themselves are as big as porn and drugs.
# Posted: 4 Feb 2011 04:21 - Edited by: ericgeneric
Looking at the news page (taken from the breaking story on Powerwatch's website), I'm wondering if the findings of that 2009 meeting between the scientific advisors were known by the various governments and telecom firms for a while already; it would explain their rampant insistence on upping the wireless rollouts to every corner of our lives, and the almost headless, wilful recklessness they continue to show even when confronted with evidence that this junk is dangerous.
It's as though 2010 was their last hurrah before the dam bursts.
Change cannot come soon enough; in fact, for many it's already later than it needed to be.
# Posted: 4 Feb 2011 18:23
Hi Microscott; So far as microwaves being turned into acoustics, If you look into the auditory pathway -acoustics occur from external sound vibrations, entering the auditory pathway from the outer ear.
I think this hum effect is a auditory nerve reaction, that stimulates the auditory cortex. Papers by J.C. Lin and Henry Lai about the Microwave Auditory Effect try to give an explaination from an observers perspective. They seem to have though it was the outer hair cells that were being directly stimulated to produce the effect. (the hair cell portion of hearing is were the acoustical pressure waves are turned into electrical potentials) the electrial potentials transfer on the auditory nerve (I know thier is alot more to it) the electrical potentials are transfered to the brain which actually interpets the sound. I think it's our auditory nervous system that is picking up the signal. I know my experience is showing me that it is effecting my nervous system.
I also think it's having an effect on the general population - you might want to read Allan Freys papers on microwave hearing, he highlighted the stimulation of dopamines in the brain - when we talk addiction, it really is addiction - addiction centers of the brain.
I'm glad you've decided to join the discussion. It's better than suffering in silence (if thier was an silence left to be had)
# Posted: 5 Feb 2011 14:45
Thanks Patty. I had read about Alan Frey's experiment. I think what he was producing was a thermal effect. Also the frequency of the sound produced was in the middle of the hearing range. What is interesting is that he decided to use ~1GHz as the carrier for the 'clicks' transmitted and that is in the same range as mobiles. There's something more subtle going on here. Take a look here It's possible to pick it up using a bass speaker as a microphone. This would suggest it's turned into audio before it reaches our bodies. There is a device called a thermophone which produces sound by heating the air around it. Are the transmitters having this effect? This fits with it going quiet when it rains. Water acting as a coolant on the surface of the transmitter. I don't deny that some people are EHS but I am not. I just have very acute hearing. But then the ears have little to do with it. The skin is a more likely receptor I think. I felt the minor earthquake near Skipton, 60 miles from here. The only other person to report it said his dog sensed it, he did not.
# Posted: 5 Feb 2011 15:00
I think mobile transmitter power is in the range of 10's of Kilowatts. A 10K PA rig is more than enough for most venues. So potentially a mast is capable of producing sub-bass at the level of a night club.
# Posted: 5 Feb 2011 16:33
Thermophone _theory.html
Slotted Waveguide Antenna
Convinced yet!
# Posted: 5 Feb 2011 17:26
way out on mast power - more like 10's of watts. still thing the design of the transmitter can produce sound.
# Posted: 5 Feb 2011 20:12
Hi Microscott; I think I understand what you are getting at. I think it has something like that going on too. I think (because heavens this is complicated) because the signals from all the different modalities are propagated and they must be forced thru the air, so the different recievers can pick up the signals and interept each thier own signature signal. I can't go to Ghz, so I am trying to understand it purely physical. I'm thinking the human nervous system is like a dipole. When I have time, I'm still trying to understand the meninges (if thats spelled right) but I think I read that the covering of the brain and mylinated sheaths of our nervous system have magnite (if that is spelled right, I'm answering quickly and just glad that some one seems to understand what I'm talking about) The magnetic particles, are helping to absorb the signals. I think that is what I'm trying to understand from Dr. Andrew Goldsworthys paper, what I'm getting from that is the workings of the nervous system (the ion channeling). It's complicated, I'm still looking for the words to explain it, but I do remember when the cell phones that could send and recieve pictures were introduced, it complicated the sound I was perceiving, it no longer sounded like a diesel engine running in the distance, the sound became more complex. The ones I am hearing are called reasonance cavitys ( I think they were called that for a reason) Thanks for responding. Patty
# Posted: 6 Feb 2011 06:12
I've heard it for ten years. The last two have been really bad. This correlates with the rise of 3G services. I know what you mean about the nature of the sound changing. Sometimes these days it's more than just intensely irritating it's urgent and overbearing as well.
It's been relatively quiet now for a couple of days. I'm sure the rain's got something to do with it. Have you noticed this also? Keep getting these little blips lasting a few seconds to a few minutes. Woken yesterday at 07:10 and just now at 04:00, breaks in showers perhaps. Anyway, Sunday again, been woken at 06:00 on the dot last three weeks, will be awake to hear it start today.
I don't deny that we are electromagnetic beings but I am convinced the hum is purely accoustic. I am not surprised that other people do not hear it, it takes a particular sort of person to be aware of ~10Hz, hence the earthquake incident. It's not helping the case to have all these theories about how microwaves produce sound in the body. I am happy that I have now discovered a mechanism by which a mast can produce this noise. Just need somebody to take up the gauntlet and prove it.
# Posted: 6 Feb 2011 07:22
It's there but it's very low level. Still chucking it down and the wind is in the right direction to take it away.
# Posted: 6 Feb 2011 10:12
Rain stopped, more evident now but very low frequency, making me properly nauseous.
# Posted: 6 Feb 2011 18:48
I don't deny that we are electromagnetic beings but I am convinced the hum is purely accoustic. I am not surprised that other people do not hear it, it takes a particular sort of person to be aware of ~10Hz, hence the earthquake incident.
Masts and mast emissions, iPhones and any kind of wireless signal, hurt me like hell. Crippling, agonising, torturous pain. All day and night. Yet I cannot hear anything, so that kind of confirms what you're saying. Although I'm not quite sure - not being especially tech-minded - where you're going with the "purely acoustic" stuff; it goes right over my head I'm afraid!
# Posted: 6 Feb 2011 21:41
It's just cut in 20:30 on the dot. Bastards! Though I might get a good nights sleep.
# Posted: 6 Feb 2011 22:25
E.G. Infrasound has some pretty weird effects on the body. It is perceived in the amygdala, a very primitive part of the brain, it has subconscious emotional effects. I spoke to someone the other night who saw Lancaster Bombers flying over until a jet came into the frame, when the jet was gone the bombers came back. A month ago I would have thought "nuttter!", but that ties in exactly with the sound that I experience.
No doubt there is more to this than infrasound but from my experience this is what it's all about. You seem to suffer more from phones, with me it's masts. The signal is supposed to be stronger from phones than it is from masts so I can understand that. The problem is it's more difficult if not impossible to prove. I think I may have a way to prove where the hum comes from without any reference to EMF or unproven psychology. It will be a lot easier to get accepted by the powers that be. It might be the first step.
# Posted: 6 Feb 2011 23:20
Oh, I am definitely more affected by masts. We live right under one, which has made me and now the rest of my family EHS. It's just the effects are manifested as excruiating pain. I'm aware of a feedback type noise when the masts are at their peak, but I wouldn't have called it a hum so it's probably a different thing I'm picking up on.
# Posted: 9 Feb 2011 00:08
Hi All; The hum I hear isn't acoustic, my husband has never heard it, but he gets woke up by it. I would think if it was acoustic or infrasound, some one would have recorded it by now. Probably it would affect many more people too.
I know I hate it when I get all ready to sleep, did a good days work feeling relaxed and ready for sleep and then the hum goes into nerve pain overdrive.
Ericgeneric; Don't you know that the Microwave Auditory Effect is an established effect recognized by IEEE and ICNIRP, it's only considered a trivial consequence. It's EHS that they are fighting to have recognized.
# Posted: 9 Feb 2011 02:39
It doesn't seem very trivial, does it Patty! I just get lost a bit when these discussions become too technical - I've always struggled with that stuff, and so I wasn't sure of the point being made. If the Hum doesn't necessarily have to be heard to be sensed (and affect the body) then your description does seem very similar to how I describe the feeling in our house having "turned". Something just feels like it's been switched on and altered. It takes a split-second, and you immediately know it's happened. Then the next x minutes/hours are affected.
# Posted: 9 Feb 2011 13:59
Infrasound is not consciously perceived by everyone but you can nevertheless be affected by it.
Patty, may I have your email address. I have some information I would like to send you.
# Posted: 12 Feb 2011 01:53
the news that i will report at this time is sublime... all these frequencies we are hearing... ARE COMING FROM US... THIS IS NANO TECH... ITS IN THE CHEMTRAILS... this is codex alimentarious or CODE "X" A LYM ENTER US. this is AGENDA 21... this is the final push for total control over all of us by the ELITE..
# Posted: 12 Feb 2011 02:18
we are being bioengineered or "TAGGED"...specifically for control... there is a way to check yourself... get an occilliscope and check... you will see the pulses and waves we are emitting. people do not naturally emit these microwaves at 2.0 GHz PERIOD! THIS IS WHY THE GOV. TOOK AWAY THE ANALOG T.V. does anyone know of a remedy? please email me at
# Posted: 12 Feb 2011 10:34
cfsa, you are a fuckwit!
log entry
11/02/11 19:12 fuck me its bad tonight, internet out, laptop crash.
# Posted: 12 Feb 2011 12:38
its bad tonight, internet out, laptop crash
I wondered if anyone else had ever experienced this....when it's especially strong, or when it "turns" (switches on), it cuts off the modem and completely paralyzes my computer.
# Posted: 13 Feb 2011 01:37
back again 00:30
# Posted: 13 Feb 2011 01:38
not reading anything into the crashes. random!
# Posted: 13 Feb 2011 01:52
# Posted: 13 Feb 2011 01:53
night, night
# Posted: 13 Feb 2011 18:03
not reading anything into the crashes. random!
Must be a different thing then. Mine are not random.
# Posted: 14 Feb 2011 13:54
If it happens again it won't be random.
I don't know which order it happened in, unfortunately. I was out and came home to major hum and no internet. Perhaps they route stuff over mobile if there's a break on the ground? The computer crash happened twice doing the same thing so I'm putting that down to bug in OS.
Better explanation for quiet when raining: Microwaves don't like rain. They wouldn't want to do a massive data transfer on a dodgy network. If I have heard it during rain it's always very loud, a stronger signal would be required.
Had a quiet Sunday but it came back after midnight. Starting to incorporate this stuff into my dreams. Last night the masts became holographic projectors changing the scenery, surroundings and putting extra people in the room. There were spaceships I first dreamt about in the mid 80's. Benign and amusing but it makes me wonder about the subconcious effects and why people go on about mind control.
# Posted: 14 Feb 2011 14:30
Sunday for us was very strong as usual. And not just the mast outside; all in the area were the same, so I don't feel I'm being targeted or anything. There IS a pattern, but not confined to just our mast.