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www.mast-victims.org forum / Health / THE HUM: Microwave Hearing: Evidence for Thermoacoustic Auditory Stimulation by Pulsed Microwaves
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# Posted: 14 Feb 2011 15:46

There's no reason to suppose different networks in different areas keep the same schedule. Such data is really only useful when linked to location.

Was it raining or not?

I know I can prove the infrasound theory now. All I need is a mobile mast, a decent microphone and a place with no hum! The last one is the real problem.

# Posted: 14 Feb 2011 16:56



dBW:- a convenient way to obscure the truth.

Most of the masts near me have a peak power of 32dBW = 1584 Watts.

# Posted: 14 Feb 2011 17:34

Yeah, last night it was raining.


# Posted: 14 Feb 2011 17:43

Hi Microscott; From what I've been able to hear, I don't think the same amount of information is being transmitted everywhere. From what I can sense, it (the type of towers) have different feelings and sounds to them. The new smart meters are nasty invaders. I was reading that some people think that the new meters are making some computers go haywire.

Concerning cutting bleeding edge science, the Microwave Auditory was actually acknowledge and used as a precaution to setting the peak power density level for alot of years. So it's not really so new.

I mean no malice when I say trivial consequence, trivial is not my word for it, it is the word that scientist applied to it when they did the research. They being observers of rats, guinea pigs, monkeys, cats, dogs and some healthy volunteers. ( I don't think we have access to the research data about the volunteers that actually can hear the hum.)
The word trivial is the one that was used to give permission to the standards societys' in 2003 to increase the peak power density.
I think at that time they were desperately concerned about communications safety. Which I can understand, but it seems to have opened the door to industrial insanity.
Believe me it took along time to overcome reading about the observed trivial effect. All the time feeling the effects and my doctor saying I was not taking care of myself well enough and that I should go to a dermatologist, my skin gets all red and blotchy, especially around all thier wireless gadgets then the doctor forgets to set-up an appointment that wasn't the first time either. When the hum started in my house I went immediately to the doctor so I could talk to a psychologist she also forgot to make that appointment, I reminded her again and she still forgot.

I didn't have much more than the peace of quiet - now that is gone too and I don't hold out much hope for ever getting it back.
I think it is tortuous - cruel and unusual. If I hadn't actually spoken with scientist about it's existance I don't think I would have been able to hang on as long as I have. It really scares me to think what type of neurodegenerative disorder or disease is ahead of me or if I'm lucky my heart will give out or will it be cancer, I already had cancer when I first started hearing the hum back in the early eightys' almost got me too.
So yes I understand that it's not trivial and I think they were real idiots for saying that and I would stand up in front of the highest court of law and say so.
Thats how I'm feeling today

# Posted: 14 Feb 2011 18:20

Patty, I've always noticed differences between masts...there are ones which feel identical to the one outside my home, and then there are several other types as well, with their own strengths and creating different symptoms. But on Sundays (rain or not), everywhere is stronger in general; the most powerful ones (or the ones which cause me the most agonising pains) therefore become even stronger, as do all the other types and strengths.

Smartphone use is reaching critical mass out there, it's impossible to be out in the world now without being surrounded by people glued to these things, waving them around in front of them and their children/babies, and so on. This timebomb is going to off quicker than any previous public health problem, and it won't be pretty.


# Posted: 14 Feb 2011 21:46

I think I am unique in crossing camps between hummers and ehs'ers. Hummers are going insane, and so was I. Thank god I found out what was causing it! I've just joined yahoo hum forum.

Haven't revealed it to them yet. Link you when I do.

# Posted: 15 Feb 2011 13:22

OMG! I've just found Tamesides Mast 'Roll Out'. Approx 140 in one year thrown up. It's a ffffing disgrace. Found on google by entering mast ref. no. from ofcom/sitefinder.

# Posted: 15 Feb 2011 18:13

The "Sitefinder" database is (purposely?) out-of-date. None of the masts which have been installed in our town in the past 12 months are displayed. And the one outside our house is still shown as a "single operator" mast when Vodafone and O2 clubbed together to use it (after enlarging and expanding it with extra boxes) about 2 years ago.

Ofcom say the database info is submitted on a purely voluntary basis. It should be law for the telecom firms to submit such info, because otherwise what are they trying to hide?


# Posted: 15 Feb 2011 23:40

I know sitefinder is a bag of shite. It gets slower the more you use it as well. That is a memory leak in the application. This mast has only appeared in the last couple of months. Given the location thought it was a little repeater. No. The mast is a good 100m from it's location on the map. Top of the hill, radiating right down on top of the house I'm supposed to be moving into. 140 masts erected in 12 months in my borough. 140! 140! for fucks sake.

# Posted: 15 Feb 2011 23:50

British Rail or whatever they are called these days are putting up their own network. Think its on 1500Mhz. Different to everyone else. God knows what they need that for but they do not need planning permission and do not submit action to ofcom database.

# Posted: 16 Feb 2011 00:00


# Posted: 16 Feb 2011 00:01


# Posted: 16 Feb 2011 00:31

British Rail or whatever they are called these days are putting up their own network. Think its on 1500Mhz. Different to everyone else. God knows what they need that for but they do not need planning permission and do not submit action to ofcom database

Oh I read about this too, a couple of months back. Apparently there are fundamental health & safety risks with the technology, and how passengers' use of wi-fi and 3G will affect the trains and interfere with the network!


# Posted: 17 Feb 2011 00:00

So it's for wifi on the train! Not for 3G, different frequency. Went to look at a base station. All it said 'GSM 1500' erected by co. in cuntsthorpe.

# Posted: 17 Feb 2011 00:37

microscot, what happened to your other "t"?


# Posted: 17 Feb 2011 02:13

just found this in case histories

http://www.mast-victims.org/index.php?content=journal&action=view&type=journal&id=201 #entry_545

exactly the same experience as myself.

# Posted: 17 Feb 2011 02:58

thought i would share this also


but google seach did not work today. hmm?

# Posted: 17 Feb 2011 03:44

it's that bad it's almost funny

http://www.vodafone.co.nz/about/company-information/mobile-phone-sites/EMF-fact-sheet .pdf

the diagrams take the piss. lying about mast power and lumping radio with microwave.

# Posted: 17 Feb 2011 04:03

Those "roll out" type announcements made by local authorities (we had exactly the same thing 'round here) are almost brazen in the tone they use. They just stop short of actual admitting there is no real consultation process (which is the reality) and the erection of all these masts is a done deal. The illusion of any public say is just that, an illusion.

And yeah, the total disregard for accuracy and honesty from these companies is scandalous. One day they are going to be held to account for what they are doing.


# Posted: 17 Feb 2011 04:15


author is now flogging quack therapy


we know what her concern is then.

# Posted: 17 Feb 2011 04:16

along side this


# Posted: 17 Feb 2011 04:18

along side this


# Posted: 18 Feb 2011 00:01

Scotty, not quite sure where you're going with all these links? Other than the newspaper journalist appears to be a hypocrite; writing about the hushed up evidence that EMRs are dangerous, and then a few months later writing about these same dangers frustrating the progress of new fangled mobile gagdetry.


# Posted: 18 Feb 2011 01:57

you have to question peoples' motives.

incedentally: two lots of antennae have just disappeared from my local mast. talking to a friend on facebook earlier - sensations of pressure in the head. new orange mast last year coincides with mate telling me he heard the hum! next door neighbours! next gen mobile will be little boxes that anyone can stick on their house. oppose, oppose, oppose!

# Posted: 18 Feb 2011 02:10

Oh I always question people's motives! It's the only way. The results won't always be to our liking, but ignorance isn't bliss for us.

If antennae are being removed, must mean they're either going to go up elsewhere, be replaced with newer versions, or as you say they are to make way for a different kind of network altogether.

Two doors' along from us have had that Virgin housefull-of-wifi installed...it's chronic. The irony is that it's the person who originally made the most fuss about the mast going up. Obviously the sexy ads have duped them into thinking that a mast next to his children's school is any different to filling their home with this crap.


# Posted: 18 Feb 2011 02:22

bt and o2, same company essentially, have complete free reign over how they manage their network and are working for the government. the only way to stop this... i really don't know. it's going to take a paradigm shift in peoples expectations. we have to get people behind us. stop using the service! stop your kids using it for a start. they are the only ones with the disposable income to use it in the first place and are going to suffer most in the long run. people used to converse and interact. what happpened to that? there is an entire generation out there that have known nothing but anxiety and depression since the moment they were born.

# Posted: 18 Feb 2011 02:23

bt and o2, same company essentially, have complete free reign over how they manage their network and are working for the government. the only way to stop this... i really don't know. it's going to take a paradigm shift in peoples expectations. we have to get people behind us. stop using the service! stop your kids using it for a start. they are the only ones with the disposable income to use it in the first place and are going to suffer most in the long run. people used to converse and interact. what happpened to that? there is an entire generation out there that have known nothing but anxiety and depression since the moment they were born.

The bean
# Posted: 18 Feb 2011 05:49

Here here ! Time for a mast er plan- the cure for the hum is not an Elastoplast it's a blastamast!

The bean
# Posted: 18 Feb 2011 06:33

Iron in the bloodstream through your neural networks inducing signals. We all have different levels of iron so the hum varies in people. How does this theory sound- anybody?

# Posted: 18 Feb 2011 23:27

just realised something. maybe the quiet weeks i experience in january are the same as the springboard effect from travelling in a car. based on the amount of network traffic going on. this should be on the hum forum!

welcome bean! i don't know about any of that. i just know this goddam noise has been messing me up for ten years now and i have just found out what it is. the only way i am going to prove this is record it for myself and amplify until the audiences internal organs disintegrate.

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