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www.mast-victims.org forum / Health / THE HUM: Microwave Hearing: Evidence for Thermoacoustic Auditory Stimulation by Pulsed Microwaves
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# Posted: 19 Feb 2011 02:18

strong tonight! bad weather lot of 'socialising' going on right now i guess. 01:00 sat am. (dont know what time zone this site is on). get out of my head you retards!

# Posted: 19 Feb 2011 02:36

I find it builds up from Thurs night, peaking on Sunday. 6pm yesterday (Friday evening) was diabolical.


# Posted: 19 Feb 2011 12:25

what i hear is more fine grained but perhaps power is increased gradually to cope with weekend demand. sunday is definately a maintenance job.

# Posted: 19 Feb 2011 15:21

been getting worse since 11am. going to have to go out.

# Posted: 19 Feb 2011 17:06

It's strong today, even here.


# Posted: 20 Feb 2011 12:41

another load of bullshit in the news today about mobiles not causing brain tumours. i have posted on every website i could, the following:

All this tells us is that statistically no link with brain tumours can be found. There are many more illnesses caused by microwave communications. Insomnia, lack of concentration, feelings of pressure in the head, other sensory distubances, anxiety and depression. The effect of this over time on the individual and society should not be underestimated. Mobile companies and the government are making vast amounts of money from us and have never put anything into worthwhile research. Occasionally they chuck a bit of money at something like this to disprove something which was not provable in the first place just to keep us reassured while doctors dish out anti-depressants to stop us worrying about why our lives are so intollerable. I have not slept properly for 10 years now due a very low frequency noise. I have just discovered this noise is emmitted from the mobile mast antenna. 10 years without a decent nights sleep can really mess you up. MS, CFS, ADHD, EHS all caused by mobile comms.

# Posted: 20 Feb 2011 15:06

I put this on the daily mail and the daily express
It was censored on the daily mail after a while

"Manchester University has links with the GSMA [ mobile industry association!!] One thing is certain, no researcher there will get a research paper published and keep their funding if they rock the boat and find adverse health effects of the radiation.

He who pays the piper calls the tune!"

News from 'The Register' 11.11.2009
"Industry body, the GSMA, has signed a memorandum of understanding with the University of Manchester to set up an Innovation Centre devoted towards health on the move.

The Manchester m-Health Innovation Centre will focus on "using mobile technology to enable people to play a more active role in determining their own health". The GSMA isn't actually funding the centre, but thinks it's a top idea to be fully endorsed."

Read more: http://www.express.co.uk/posts/view/229733/Mobile-phones-DON-T-cause-tumoursMobile-ph ones-DON-T-cause-tumours#ixzz1EVXsr0NP

The largest study [cost $25 million] carrried out by the mobile industry in the U.S.A. and headed by Dr. George Carlo DID find a link between mobile phone use and cancers. When he informed his employers that there was a problem..the phones were causing cancers ... they refused to publish the findings and he was sacked.

His book: "Cell Phones: Invisible Hazards in the Wireless Age"

# Posted: 20 Feb 2011 15:08

I put this on the daily mail and the daily express
It was censored on the daily mail after a while

"Manchester University has links with the GSMA [ mobile industry association!!] One thing is certain, no researcher there will get a research paper published and keep their funding if they rock the boat and find adverse health effects of the radiation.

He who pays the piper calls the tune!"

News from 'The Register' 11.11.2009
"Industry body, the GSMA, has signed a memorandum of understanding with the University of Manchester to set up an Innovation Centre devoted towards health on the move.

The Manchester m-Health Innovation Centre will focus on "using mobile technology to enable people to play a more active role in determining their own health". The GSMA isn't actually funding the centre, but thinks it's a top idea to be fully endorsed."

Read more: http://www.express.co.uk/posts/view/229733/Mobile-phones-DON-T-cause-tumoursMobile-ph ones-DON-T-cause-tumours#ixzz1EVXsr0NP

The largest study [cost $25 million] carrried out by the mobile industry in the U.S.A. and headed by Dr. George Carlo DID find a link between mobile phone use and cancers. When he informed his employers that there was a problem..the phones were causing cancers ... they refused to publish the findings and he was sacked.

His book: "Cell Phones: Invisible Hazards in the Wireless Age"

# Posted: 20 Feb 2011 18:10


20. While taking classes in the early 80's, my prof got involved with a terrible incident down in New Jersey. Seems a hospital had a high incidence of infant deaths in the intensive care section of the maternity ward. Late at night, the alarms on the babies' monitors would go off for no apparent reason. Annoyed, the nurses would turn them off and do the rounds on foot.

After some preliminary investigations, my prof found out that a nearby TV transmitter was allowed by their FCC license to increase their output wattage by some enormous amount after say midnight but had to reduce it prior to 6am, or some such arrangement. The cable interconnecting the nurses' station to the various baby monitors sang like a lark with these frequencies and set off alarms with the induced voltages. Not sure now of all the specifics except what I have related above, nor the name of the hospital, but they lost something like 6 kids before fixing it. (From Doug Mckean, via emc-pstc@ieee.org, 29/7/98)

Why, why, why would they want to do this? Infrasound theory still holds strong - heart monitor is infrasound detector. !!!!! wonder if stethoscope would help me record it?

# Posted: 20 Feb 2011 18:29


They don't generally let you post links. Still on express but post again at mail about MU links to GSMA.


# Posted: 20 Feb 2011 18:49

The Daily Mail have censored every single comment/post I have ever made on their website (see my blog archive for the way they are determined to silence any debate on the subject of masts).


# Posted: 20 Feb 2011 19:08

My comments on yahoo hum forum are not being posted. Obviously not able to trust yahoo. got a disgusting email from spurious address, prevented from direct reply by spam filter. (damn, deleted it in disgust, was going to post.) go so far as to say the forum is completely fake, only interested in putting up a smoke screen.

# Posted: 20 Feb 2011 20:17

I'm really scared!


# Posted: 20 Feb 2011 21:25

I have been hacked by

Akamai Technologies

Be back when i have worked out how they have a permanent network connection to my laptop.

Over and out.

# Posted: 20 Feb 2011 21:26

I have been hacked by

Akamai Technologies

Be back when i have worked out how they have a permanent network connection to my laptop.

Over and out.

# Posted: 20 Feb 2011 21:29

I have been hacked by

Akamai Technologies

Be back when i have worked out how they have a permanent network connection to my laptop.

Over and out.

# Posted: 20 Feb 2011 21:30

these multiple posings are worring me as well

# Posted: 20 Feb 2011 23:31

what we have here is a huge problem. it is not just a problem of noise pollution, it is a problem of governnment, of economics, of power and greed, vested interests, share holders, apathy, ignorance, mass poisioning, and again greed. i'm going to cry now!

# Posted: 21 Feb 2011 08:49


They need to be told what's actually causing it.

# Posted: 21 Feb 2011 13:16

^ I predicted this would happen; memory loss (especially short-term and concentration types) is directly caused by these EMRs. They've tried to palm it off under the Alzheimer's umbrellla, and now they're giving it this other name. Like you say, I can tell them the reason in 30 seconds.

Whether they will actually listen is another matter!


# Posted: 21 Feb 2011 14:06

It would appear that Akamai Technologies and Panther Express are Content Delivery Providers. They were port scanning me, but that could be looking for bittorrent traffic or just 'aggressive' marketing. There was something else trying to get a connection out to Cable and Witless (who are provider for the other two). Not sure if that machine is compromised so have switched computer.

Comments removed from all TopNews sites. Can't find out who backs them.

# Posted: 21 Feb 2011 18:15

You can not put it any clearer than this.


Mona Nilsson - You rock!

# Posted: 21 Feb 2011 18:16

Maybe fork cover-ups to new thread?

# Posted: 21 Feb 2011 19:15

How do you find out who is hacking into your PC?


# Posted: 23 Feb 2011 22:11

netstat and whois. interpreting the result is tricky, especially when you are paranoid.

scottsmate :)
# Posted: 1 Mar 2011 21:12

Scott, got some info about Akamai and port fingerprinting, and some websites you might want to look at.

I'll come and see you as per our 'phone conversion on Thursday ...



# Posted: 6 Mar 2011 17:01

Has anyone in the London area recently started to hear the HUM in their homes?

# Posted: 8 Mar 2011 01:41

I'm in Upper Michigan. Hum is ridiculously strong. I hear it over noise in the house, such as a low tv. It's so strong it's almost a physical vibration. It was off two days end of Feb. How good it was to experience silence again. It's really been cranked up the past few months. I'm to the point of hiring someone to measure frequencies and get some media on this. Would probably be pointless to go to govt environmental agencies, they are probably already very fully aware of what is going on.

# Posted: 8 Mar 2011 02:22

The low flying (make that circling) helicopters have been busy these past few days. Just by coincedence (yeah right) the mast output patterns have changed again, shifting by a day.

So I know what they're up to, no mistake.


Bri the Pie
# Posted: 10 Mar 2011 21:28

So it not just me! My bro's think I mental. I hear HUM for ages. Times I not sleep. It come from the masts, yeah? That figures, it since 3G come here. Ilkley near Bradford.

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