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www.mast-victims.org forum / Health / THE HUM: Microwave Hearing: Evidence for Thermoacoustic Auditory Stimulation by Pulsed Microwaves
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# Posted: 25 Apr 2011 10:09

hi joe again my health is so getting worse my gums are getting ate away from microwave radiation if this is happening to me im 100%that its going on with alot of people,there are so many groups on this mind control programs,yes masts do have somekind of connection with whats going on they piggy back with sateralites to make this happen if any one on here can prove me wrong please do so but its going on in this country and we as honest uk people should be able to do something but ive tried every thing from doctors to shrinks and they can not do anything to help as im sure they know but keep tight lipped on this subject

# Posted: 25 Apr 2011 13:49


You give a mobile phone number. I suggest that you avoid mobile phones.
Mobile phones give me a terrible headache. They are of course emitting pulsed microwave frequencies, which can be measured with a HF meter.
All mobile phones can be tracked. If concerned, perhaps remove the battery.


# Posted: 25 Apr 2011 15:02

Like I said, paranoia is one of the symptoms. We are electromagnetic beings. How can our minds listen to our bodies or the people around us or the environment properly when intuition relies on the tiniest of stimuli. We are constantly bathed in radiation and infrasound far in excess of natures own signals.

# Posted: 25 Apr 2011 15:04

Like I said, paranoia is one of the symptoms. We are electromagnetic beings. How can our minds listen to our bodies or the people around us or the environment properly when intuition relies on the tiniest of stimuli. We are constantly bathed in radiation and infrasound far in excess of natures own signals.

# Posted: 25 Apr 2011 15:05

Like I said, paranoia is one of the symptoms. We are electromagnetic beings. How can our minds listen to our bodies or the people around us or the environment properly when intuition relies on the tiniest of stimuli. We are constantly bathed in radiation and infrasound far in excess of natures own signals.

# Posted: 22 May 2011 17:12

Joe, lay off the crytal meth. That will f*** you up quicker than anything else.

Mind control - There is no way on this earth that EMF is capable of causing a predictable result with regard human behaviour. What is happening is that the pollution from this technology is having a subtle and prolonged effect on people's perception of reality. If you have no reference (i.e. less than 40 years old) you will not understand what has changed. Society has become totally f***ed up in the last 30 years. Mental illness (and what is regarded as such) has increased massively in that time. A 'modern' lifestyle does not explain this in a satisfactory way and neither does population density. There is a constant nagging at biological systems caused by EMF which creates an almost imperceptible change in people's mood and attitude towards the environment and other beings. School slayings, animal cruelty, psychopathy in general have all increased. Lack of sleep, relationship breakdowns and poor concentration are the result of this and the knock on effects affect the way society functions. If you are looking for an explanation as to why we are in such sh*t at the moment you need look no further.

# Posted: 22 May 2011 19:56

^ I wholeheartedly agree with all this.


# Posted: 26 May 2011 12:57

I have been hearing the hum for about 20 years now.but last couple of years it has started to pulsate. Long sound for 10 seconds then stops for 3 seconds. Always at night. I too went outside to hear, but it is collecting in the house. Thought it was a generator to start with but now I figure it is some low frequency. Some nights it's not there and others it's really loud. There are concealed phone masts near me. This area is in Brighton U.K. The residents did try to stop them going up but they ignored us and went on ahead.

# Posted: 10 Jun 2011 04:51

I need to qualify my last statement. The problem is not EMF as such but that the microwave transmissions are creating acoustic waves. These noises are having a debilitating effect on me. When it is quiet I think I may be able to get on with my life again then the noise comes back and I am unable to function. So there is a predictable effect. Hardly a positive one for someone trying to control people though. That is why I don't think it's deliberate.

I believe that this effect alone is responsible for poor sleep among a huge section of society (whether you are aware of it or not). Poor sleep causes disruption to the metabolism, especially glucose uptake. It is more than likely the cause of the epidemic of obesity and diabetes we see today.

I was given a piece of paper by a doctor entitled 'Sleep Hygeine'. It suggests that 4 hours a night is enough, not to worry if you can't sleep and all these things to consider before you go to bed. It's no bloody use if noise pollution wakes you up. The only measure of having enough sleep is whether you feel like you've had enough. Simple as!

# Posted: 10 Jun 2011 05:17

I'm not religious but that expression 'the meek shall inherit the earth' always meant to me that someday caring people would prevail. However the 'newspeak' definition is: (dictionary.com)
1. humbly patient or docile, as under provocation from others.
2. overly submissive or compliant; spiritless; tame.
3. Obsolete . gentle; kind.
So it would seem that I am obsolete. It's not worth inheriting anyway. Roll on 21-12-2012.

# Posted: 10 Jun 2011 08:50


Care to explain how your last comment is supposed to fit into the context of the discussion?

# Posted: 10 Jun 2011 14:15

I am feeling VERY depressed. Are the meek actually the 99.9% of submissive and docile, spiritless and tame, capitalist-culture-brainwashed individuals? This Earth is no longer a suitable place for me. I don't think there are enough people suffering like me to ever make a difference. Even EMF sufferers are better off than I because they have the ability to avoid it or shield themselves. There is no escape from infrasound. It travels for hundreds of kilometers through the atmosphere. It is global and increasing month on month. A damn good solar storm might knock out some of this filthy technology. A global catastrophy would be the best thing that could happen to me.

# Posted: 15 Jun 2011 16:24

Hi Will; I've gotta bite and be the devils advocate. The statement true as it might be, (I know it is I feel exactly the same way). But emotions are not scientific. Our only reality now is whether it is a cognitive or behavioral reaction and forget about sense perception that has no worth in or standing against this hummmming beast either. They have covered that way back in 2005, gotta love those International committees. It really is making wonder what the world is heading for. Some scientist think they can do a better job than what this whole creation already was, all I can say is what a freakin ego they have!

# Posted: 17 Jun 2011 09:33

Never sure what you are referring to, Patty. Do you mean medically emotions are not a consideration? But what about psychology, politics, forensic criminology, surely there is science (of emotions) in these? You also don't believe in free will? Avoidng use of that word then, the balance of neurochemicals in my brain is being indirectly affected through my sense of hearing, at a level beyond that of conscious control.

The reality IS that it's pissing a lot of people off and affecting people whether they know it or not. If it amounted to one duvet day a year for 30% of the population that's a pretty serious dent in the economy, not to mention the cost to the health service.

Gotta go. Biggest, booziest weekend about to begin. And yes it is 8:30am.

# Posted: 20 Jun 2011 21:54

Sorry Will, enjoy your booze.

# Posted: 21 Jun 2011 02:03

2nd posting. Hear this, I have never had this experience before . The reason I searched for this site was for clarification of what I was hearing. But now what I am physcically experiencing. A few years of this wretched loud hum at night. (not Tinitus!!) I have now had on wakening at night finding that whenever I move, this sound increases I was puzzled, then I rubbed my fingers together. I created a volume of this buzzing. It seemed I was full of electricity, or something. Searched net, seems I have to be earthed. This is ridiculous that people have to put up with this. Progress or what!

# Posted: 24 Jul 2011 14:05

Patty, Ego is right. There are 'people' out there, and it's not the scientists, who think they are above the rest of us. They treat us like animals, guinea pigs to be exact. It is those making money off the technology who are responsible. Egotistical is too mild a term, they are psychopaths, and they are ruling our lives. That is the underlying problem of all society's ills. As time goes by the empaths are being driven to extinction. When was the last time you heard the word CARE used with real conviction? One is mocked these days for using it.

# Posted: 10 Aug 2011 19:18

I'm located in a remote rural area in Western Australia (Great Southern area, yep, in the boonies!) and this humming is at times quite severe (it is again tonight, so I know it's going to to be a bad night tonight...) to the point where it affects me physically.

The low frequency is a vibration that, when it's loud (like tonight), affects my heart, lungs and stomach. It sounds much louder when I put in earplugs. I feel like I'm being tortured. When it's very bad (yep, like tonight!) it's not just a low frequency humming, but irregular sonic pulses that can be quite loud that goes through my head and makes me think I'm having a heart attack... On the nights it is bad, my cat wanders around the house aimlessly and meowing as it's also affecting her (she's unsettled again tonight). It doesn't seem to affect my dog.

Two months ago I had to go to an emergency department at the local hospital (twice!) because I really thought I was having a heart attack. I did all the tests including bloods and stress, only to find my heart is very healthy and there's NOTHING wrong with it. (When I was laying in bed on both those times, I wanted to "give in" to the heart attack and let it kill me! I can't help but wonder... does the sound also contain subliminal messages???). I now feel angry. So, when this "sonic pulsing" starts and I think I'm going to have another heart attack (like tonight), I check my blood pulse and start counting my pulse aloud and that helps reassure me that what I'm "feeling" isn't really a heart problem.

A couple of times I wandered around outside to see if I could find a direction for source of this sound, perhaps it was a generator, train, road trains or even planes, but the sound is in the atmosphere, everywhere. I visited friends who live 60kms away and could hear it at their place, they'd never noticed it until I mentioned it. I also could hear it quite loudly in town (50kms away).

I've tried numerous things including switching off mains and disconnecting the aerials to TV, phone and computer. Doesn't make much difference.

I recall reading somewhere that during the Katrina Hurricanes, "Calming Technology" was used to keep everyone evacuating from the cities calm. Specific sound frequencies were being released from all the mobile phone towers to do this. Knowing this and wondering if these towers could be the source of my distress, I recently contacted the local PM's office to find out where all the local towers were located, other that those ones that are easily seen - perhaps there are some camouflaged ones nearby that I haven't seen. I thought this office would have better access to information and am still waiting to hear back from them. I figure that if this sound problem isn't coming from the mobile phone towers, then the source could be from satelites.

It's so easy to think it's in my head and that I'm going nuts, but if that where the case, it wouldn't be affecting my cat and that reasures me greatly!

I've been experimenting with orgone energy - purchased a couple of pyramids (from the UK on ebay) and whilst it doesn't remove the problem, it does ease it slightly when placed on my heart and stomach areas.

Have also purchased a Tesla Farm kit which I'm now using to minimise any harmful electric magnetic radiation. At night, I wear the travel plate over my heart area, put the small practitioners plate (purchased separately) under my pillow horizontally and I wear the tesla pendant all the time. When the humming and sonic pulsing are not loud, but still quite bothersome, I've found these have helped me to sleep better.

I've noticed that when I do certain things like I did today - a bit of shooting at a rifle range, the humming noise is quite loud and the sonic pulsing accompanies it so that my nights end up being quite torturous. I wouldn't be at all surprised that after leaving this reply on this website, my next couple of nights will be awful.

A friend sent me info about an interesting youtube video and he said that what I was experiencing was on this video... have a look at anunnaki. It's interesting information though sobering and which I believe could be true (the sounds where never a problem for me until after I went on a website to read up about mind control!). Whilst I don't believe in aliens, nothing would surprise me about any government's agenda, including our own. Here's the link, worth checking out. Worth hanging in there to watch all of it as mentioned, there's some very interesting information here.

I've noticed that when I do certain things like I did today - a bit of shooting at a rifle range, the humming noise is quite loud and the sonic pulsing accompanies it so that my nights end up being quite torturous.

You can't imagine how grateful I am to find this website! Thank you so much all who have posted their replies. It's great to know I'm not the only one going through this! Will post again if I find out any more interesting information.

# Posted: 10 Aug 2011 20:05

Btw... I notice the humming and pulsing are bad whilst doing various searches on this website. So out of curiosity, I just bent down to listen to the computer hard drive tower and noticed the humming sound wasn't to be heard. Weird! Maybe I should sleep with it on my head?!

# Posted: 11 Aug 2011 18:57

Another horror night. The vibrations are playing havoc with my heart (worse than last night). Whilst I was trying to sleep, my mobile phone rang once. It was a "phantom ring", but my head turned straight towards mobile phone where the sound came from. I thought I'd turned it off... I had. OK, so I disconnected the battery, removed the sim card. I'm now going to do this every night. I'm now convinced the cause of my troubles are mobile phone towers.

Phoned the local shire today who said they'd had another person phone them earlier this year complaining about the humming as it was keeping them awake at night. They kept complaining to the council who eventually got Dept of Environment to come out and put in her house one of those meters they measure sound with. The health inspector at the shire wasn't sure what the outcome was with the readings, but I said to him I'd be very interested in getting in touch with her to find out. Looking forward to that.

Tomorrow I'll phone Dept of Environment, then will off emails to local TV channels to ask them to bring this to the general public's notice. See what happens?!

# Posted: 11 Aug 2011 19:05

Oh, forgot to mention - that subliminal thing happened again tonight (hasn't happened in a while) where I just wanted to "give in" to dying from a heart attack. I realised what was happening and thought "bugger them!" I'm NOT going to... I'm master of my OWN destiny, not them!!! Interestingly the subliminal stuff ceased to have any affect on me as soon as I took took back my own power.

Sounds like the ravings of a lunatic, I know, but there must be others out there who have experienced similar?

# Posted: 17 Aug 2011 20:29

Hi WestAussie; Sounds all too familar to me. From what I've read so far it's not Environmental Agency's that have any control over this effect. In Australia it's ARPANSA, they even had a statement on thier website, that at the least microwave auditory effect or RF hearing would be aggravating.

The subliminal thing , I think is because of the activation of the dopamines in the brain that occur, if you want take a look at Allan Frey's papers (Frey Effect). I google it and can access it on wikipedia.

I run a fan to sleep, even in winter and to calm my nervous system I use 222's, they are like aspirin with a opiate.

I do wish you well

# Posted: 19 Aug 2011 13:19

The hum and its related pulses and vibrations are caused by electromagnetic radio waves (microwaves) that are being emitted from mobile phone masts, street lights and satellites in the sky.

It is deliberate electronic harassment being tested on individuals and small communities by various government and military related groups.

Environmental Health officers from local councils never find the source of the problem - that's part of the plan. They want you to think you're going crazy. Don't waste your time contacting them. It only puts a flag against your name for further and more intense harassment from the microwave abuse.

If you feel invisible pressure or vibrations on any specific body parts, try deflecting the microwave beam(s) with the use of a mirror. White/pink/brown noise can help cover up the humming noise. I know it's difficult but try to ignore the noise and physical sensations - reacting negatively is what they want you to do.

eric generic
# Posted: 19 Aug 2011 19:08

It is deliberate electronic harassment being tested on individuals and small communities by various government and military related groups.

Environmental Health officers from local councils never find the source of the problem - that's part of the plan. They want you to think you're going crazy. Don't waste your time contacting them. It only puts a flag against your name for further and more intense harassment from the microwave abuse.

If this is true, why should anyone stay quiet and allow this outrage to continue?


# Posted: 30 Aug 2011 23:23

Hello fellow victims,

I have published two videos and most recently a blog at:


Please feel free to post your information about the microwave noise pollution you are hearing. There are other victims who feel isolated who are experiencing the same. They are greatful when they find sites that help them in understanding what is happening to them. We need to circulate and distribute these sites widely so that we can raise awareness as well, to the public.

Resonant hum
# Posted: 14 Sep 2011 21:59

If you feel invisible pressure or vibrations on any specific body parts, try deflecting the microwave beam(s) with the use of a mirror

I have a hard time believing the mirror thing... How does that work exactly. Sounds like you are having fun with this. Not funny.

# Posted: 15 Sep 2011 00:09

Maybe give it a try first?


Resonant hum
# Posted: 16 Sep 2011 20:30

Why? Why is this being done? What is the ultimate purpose? Is it to make us weak so we will agree to something ridiculous in the near future?
Maybe to better manipulate us for a desired final outcome?
Do you know Anonymous?

# Posted: 17 Sep 2011 00:04

How can I know someone who doesn't post under a name? I've absolutely no idea who it was.

I'm just as inclined to wonder why a user I've never seen post before appears on here merely to discredit a suggestion to help combat the effects of these intrusive, debilitating beams. If you've tried it, and found it doesn't help at all, then fair enough. But I don't see anyone else offering much, however unfunny or ridiculous it might seem.


Resonant hum
# Posted: 17 Sep 2011 04:22

An Obvious missunderstanding here... I was asking Anonymous why people are being subjected to the HUM.

We have a right to question. And we deserve an explanation. That is all.

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