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www.mast-victims.org forum / Health / THE HUM: Microwave Hearing: Evidence for Thermoacoustic Auditory Stimulation by Pulsed Microwaves
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# Posted: 17 Sep 2011 14:16

Ah okay.


# Posted: 21 Sep 2011 15:58

It's not produced by microwave transmissions. It's not deliberate mind control, although it IS affecting the way people behave (indirectly). The authorities would, though, rather label a few people mad rather than admit where it is coming from. Some people reading this will understand how that feels. I have lost friends and had my family disown me over this business.

I now know 100% what is causing it and can prove it but am unable to discuss it for fear of being thought mentally disturbed. You might expect that finding the source would make things easier - it does not. We are dealing with classified information and a problem that will take decades to resolve, even if the will is there.

# Posted: 22 Sep 2011 04:00

I now know 100% what is causing it

I wish I knew what is causing it... I have thought of so many possibilities. I'm pretty sure it is either caused by the military or controlled by the military. I have had too many NAVY helicopters fly too close to my house and other events that have convinced me it is not a natural phenomenom. Why does it affect so few? What is it about our brains in particular that "allow" us to sense the HUM? On Friday September 23 it will be 3 years since I started sensing this HUM in South Florida. I have posted many times to the Above Top Secret web site. It is more therapeutic than anything else.

# Posted: 22 Sep 2011 16:50

Simply, some people have different hearing responses, vastly different it would seem. Let's face it some people have vastly different moral compasses as well, and the ones who are lacking have come to rule our lives.

I wonder sometimes if anybody in the military is actually aware of it. All that weapons training is bound to damage the hearing somewhat. I'm pretty damn sure they do though because I have found the reasons for and the methods by which it is covered up.

Initially a military secret is has been expanded to cover civilian applications as well. Now there is so much invested that the reasons are now simply economic.

Knowing does not make it any better. In fact it makes it worse; there really is no escape.

# Posted: 22 Sep 2011 18:13

How did you find out this info, Will? I'm wondering if certain individuals are now getting this abuse as they are non-conformers, possibly long term benefits claimants, tax dodgers and so on - if you get what I mean?

The following links (both cover the same story but each with slightly different info) relate to the whole problem:


Sorry for being another anon poster (this abuse has been stepped up for me personally) but I must speak out about it. I have also had very low flying planes flying over my home and they follow me everywhere I go.

# Posted: 23 Sep 2011 17:55

Oh, I'm just an all-round clever-clogs. Too smart for my own good sometimes. I've been investigating for over a year. I didn't find it out (it's secret), I figured it out with my fearless rationalism.

It IS harassing but it is not harassment. It CAN make you paranoid but they are not out to get you. They DO watch this site so you are right to be cautious.

eric generic
# Posted: 23 Sep 2011 23:22

They DO watch this site

Why would they want to monitor a fairly obscure sufferers/victims forum if they are apparently so untouchable and we the public are apparently so powerless?

What purpose does it serve, other than for their amusement?


# Posted: 26 Sep 2011 15:05

To keep feeding us bullshit in order to stop us getting near the real truth.

It's a small price to pay to protect their investment.

Patty is one of these!

# Posted: 27 Sep 2011 15:42

So, if the hum is not deliberate harassment, not caused by microwave transmissions and the authorities are not out to get us then what the hell is going on? None of this makes any sense. I don't think anyone on here really knows what's going on, or else they would just tell us straight.

# Posted: 28 Sep 2011 12:24

Really! If you stumbled across a government/military secret would you go around broadcasting the fact?

# Posted: 28 Sep 2011 19:28

Will you know what you can do. I've been waiting for you to research and solve the problem.

It's not a secret it's a established side effect, just not considered a hazard.

So stuff it.

# Posted: 29 Sep 2011 05:09

I just finished watching an episode of a new show called Dark Matters on the Science channel and tonight's episode included a segment about infrasound being used as a weapon of mass destruction. It mentioned how when it was first discovered by accident, the two scientists kept getting nausea and headaches. One day, one of them figured out their sickness was being caused by sound waves - infrasound. It reminded of when I first started "hearing" the HUM I also got nausea for the first 3 days. It greatly affected my 2 dogs which have sinced died due to cancer.

I wonder if some kind of weapon is being tested on us...

# Posted: 2 Oct 2011 12:13


As you rightly state - infrasound can be dangerous at high enough power but it is emotionally disruptive at much lower levels. Experiments have proved this (though more need to be done) and the Nazi's used it to highten emotion during Hitler's rant's. But, by definition, it is not infrasound if you can hear it. It is nothing more than noise pollution.

Hum hearers are being treated with the utmost disregard, we are not even given the status of collateral damage. Not recognised, deliberately denegrated, constantly mislead, labelled as medically or mentally ill. And as long as you go on believing there is something sinister about this you are putting yourself in the last category and no one will ever take you seriously.

The irony is that we are the sentries, the look-outs, the canaries, we are the ones able to warn of impending natural disasters and save the populace from tragedy. But this ability is of no value in today's world where profit is more important than people.

There was a superb edition of Horizon about psychopaths - there are four times as many in top jobs as the rest of the population. The cause is primarily genetic but also environmental. Their performance is abysmal yet their salaries are astronomical. Their brain scans show a complete lack of activity in the more primitive emotional centres thus they are unable to empathise. These are the parts of the brain that are sensitive to the hum. We are the opposite end of the spectrum and as such tend to be quite meek, but we must not roll over and capitulate. One thing we do have is a superior moral sense and this is what will win-out in the end as long as society is not completely destroyed by capitalism in the mean time.

# Posted: 4 Nov 2011 09:02

I've been doing some testing with a radio transistor. I've noticed when the aerial is pointing down to the ground in certain spots (especially around where the landline is) the white noise changes to a loud sonic sound when the vibration is at its worst. (I've got radio tuned in between stations to get general white noise to use for testing).

When it's not a problem and I point the transistor in the same areas, that loud sonic noise isn't there.

Interesting. Can anyone explain why that might be?

# Posted: 4 Nov 2011 09:09

...BTW, how many other West Aussies are there that are experiencing this? Anyone else in remote rural areas?

# Posted: 20 Nov 2011 15:08

I have been hearing the HUM for 8 weeks now and we have lived in this house for 23 years. On the last week of October 2011 my nice quite days and nights were over. The hum is so irritiating I am at the point of finding a new place to move to.

I found out were my hum is coming from - a cell phone tower located .80 miles from my house. We live in a valley and are at the upper end of the valley and the tower is at the lower end of the valley, so the hum is following the valley up to my house. I have contacted the company that owns the tower and have received no response.

I don't know what to do but I'm still checking on who to contact to stop this noise. It seems to be the only thing you hear and it is driving me crazy.

# Posted: 20 Nov 2011 19:10

I live in Cumberland Md and if you are in this area and hear the hum let me know.

# Posted: 21 Nov 2011 12:50

It's nothing to do with mobile phones. They would have you believe it might be something to do with microwaves but that's just to throw you off the scent. So don't move because of that. Local geography and building construction can make a considerable difference to the volume though. I have found brick to be better than stone and hilltops better than valleys. The reason you are hearing it now is because you have just become aware of it, not because it has just started.

# Posted: 11 Dec 2011 23:32

hi im joseph and the hum noise /buzzing noises you are hearing are the mind control that manying of us are going through,its bigger than we think its been going on for years ive met many people going through this torture they are hitting us with elf frequencies

# Posted: 11 Dec 2011 23:38

they torture me 24/7 ive met a guy whom has been getting hit since 1960 so forget the masts,this is just to knock us off what is really going on,google gang stalking electronic harrassment,voise to skull,also elf weapons this should answer all your questions and for those who think im crazy please forget it as ive been to the shrinks/docters and they say im not mad but say they cannot help me

# Posted: 13 Dec 2011 01:57

I want to know more. Why do so many people think it's mind control? It sure does affect the way you live your life. But why, if someone was able to control your mind would they turn you into a depressive wreck? Population control, maybe? Surely it would make more sense to make people compliant and productive.

# Posted: 13 Dec 2011 18:23

I'm finding it harder and harder to believe that the behavioural side-effects are just coincidence, although I wouldn't maybe go so far as actual mind-control programmes. The people who don't get ill (who could be some kind of accepted collateral damage) do get compliant...this generation is far less questioning than any before it, thanks to the dulling effect of wi-fi, smartphones, junk TV, etc. Their brains might be more "active" (in fact I'm sure thery are far more overloaded and overstimulated than ever), but not necessarily in a good way.


# Posted: 13 Dec 2011 21:08

Collateral Damage would be a compliment. We are not even recognised. We are not worth mind-control, Joe. We are simply treated like shit. Mind control is a conceit. You are not worth it! You are shit as far as the oligarchs are concerned. You are not important. A life is worth jack shit to them.

# Posted: 14 Dec 2011 21:16

I have recently realised i'm a low frequency noise sufferer, i live in Kendal, Cumbria. I have found this site really useful, particularly knowing im not suffering alone. is there anyone who lives nearby in cumbria or north lancashire who wants to share their experiences.

# Posted: 14 Dec 2011 21:45


An interesting book.
Controlling the Human Mind: The Technologies of Political Control or Tools for Peak Performance [Paperback]
Nicholas J. Begich (Author)

Look up 'Open Letter + Barrie Trower' +
'The Communications Industry is in the position where it is spiralling out of any person's ability to control it'.

He documented the low frequency modulations at which various physical and psychological effects were produced. Here is an extract.

1 Heartbeat Rhythm
1-3 Sleep Pattern
3-5 Paranoia/Hallucinations/Amnesia/Illusions/Drowsiness 'Absent' Feeling
6-7 Depression/Suicidal Feelings/Visual Distortion/Confusion
8-11 Cannot Relax/Feeling Unwell/Unhappy
11-13 Anger/Manic Behaviour/Problems with Movement/Flashes/Loss of Appetite
14-18 Small Seizures/Disturbed Orientation/Auditory/Visual Hallucinations
18+ Inability to make decisions/Sensory problems (sight/touch/sound)
24+** Confusion/Flickering/flashing lights/Dizziness
35+ Mania/Hyperactivity
40+ Anxiety/Sleep disturbance/Reaction time slowed/Unable to make decisions

He wrote the Trower Report on TETRA for the police incidentally.
His work is on Mast Sanity wenbsite.


# Posted: 14 Dec 2011 22:04

"Surely it would make more sense to make people compliant."

Make people apathetic so they do not complain. Make people depresssed etc.
Bear in mind that the frequencies above were obtained from Soviet spies during the Cold War era. So were being researched.

During the margaret Thatcher era tramps in Brighton were targetted with LF modulated HF-EMR. Rioters were targetted with LF modulated HF-EMR.

There is particularly a problem when the LF frequencies are used that are the same region as those used by the brain. The brain can become entrained by the external LF frequencies added to the HF frequency.


# Posted: 15 Dec 2011 01:26

Interesting, but Begich seems to have more to do with mind reading than controlling. Either way it is ultra-fascist insanity; wanting to bring everybody in-line. WTF is wrong with these people? Oh yeah forgot, the hum is making everyone insane.

# Posted: 15 Dec 2011 01:50

Many thanks for that, ES. I have no doubt that all the various problems with today's society, the trends which are becoming more obvious and common that had previously not been so prevalent, are due to the various types of (now blanket) LF/EMR pollution. Anything from people in authority being unable to make the right/logical/sensible decisions (small time councillors to football referees), to these family murders/suicides.

This stuff is altering human behaviour at a very fundamental and dangerous level. Some of it might seem trivial or anecdotal, some is downright horrifying.


# Posted: 15 Dec 2011 12:33

I am aware of a strong 18Hz component to the hum. This corresponds to inability to make decisions. In my experience this is very true. It takes away your insight and confidence. It has neutered and shackled the decision makers. Is it any wonder the global economy is screwed?

# Posted: 15 Dec 2011 13:03

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2074412/Lloyds-boss-Antonio-Horta-Osorio-sign ed-sick-insomnia-firm-reveals.html

See what I mean!

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