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# Posted: 12 Apr 2016 15:55

Hi all,

I am desperate for some advice.

6 weeks ago I had an MRI scan of the head to look at my eyes (the doctor suspected I had thyroid eye disease but was incorrect).

A couple of days after the scan I came over with an intense burning of the skin, which looked, and felt like severe sunburn. This pain ebs and flows, but in 6 weeks has not completely stopped. The skin looks slightly flushed, especially the face and chest.

My skin is very sensitive to touch, and reddens and goes into welts if I scratch or rub. It stings to scratch and often bruises afterwards.

Along with this, I am very weak and flu-like. I feel so shaky and exhausted. When the burning 'flares up' (out of no where- not related to my proximity to electrical devices), I get such bad flu-like 'fever' that I cannot function at all.

This is extremely distressing. I regret having the scan because I didn't want it (I had a bad feeling) but was trying to be brave and follow doctors orders.

I am currently completing my finals at university, and have worked so hard so far, thinking it was all going to be worth it for the freedom of a glorious summer off afterwards. Now that dream is in tatters.

I am looking for any hope or advice... really, hope, because that will help get me through. Does this sound like EMS? Will my symptoms eventually lessen now that exposure to the MRI is over? Am I destined to a life as far away from electro-smog as possible, and if so, will my persistent symptoms start to disappear?

Thank you so much in advance.

# Posted: 12 Apr 2016 16:41


Was this your first ever MRI scan?

# Posted: 12 Apr 2016 18:26

Hi Henrik,

Thanks for your response. No it wasn't. I had one in 2010 because I had a spat of severe migraines. I remember feeling really dizzy and wiped out after it, but only for the rest of the day. No long term effects from it.

# Posted: 17 Apr 2016 15:15

You could have developed electrosensitivity due to the high radiation from the MRI machine. You could start by trying to manage without your mobile and other wireless gadgets and see if you feel any better. Turn everything off especially at night.

# Posted: 20 Jun 2016 15:12

I had a MR scan of the head 2009, which seemed to worsen the EHS. Although at the time, I didn't know I had EHS. Paradoxically, I the scan was originally for symptoms related to the EHS.

I had a MR scan this year (2016) also, this time only on my feet (which by default also includes the legs). After this MR scan I did have worse EHS symptoms with increased sensitivity. The symptoms didn't arrive at once, but in the days to follow.

# Posted: 21 Jun 2016 10:13


"After this MR scan I did have worse EHS symptoms with increased sensitivity. The symptoms didn't arrive at once, but in the days to follow."

And that's the main problem with many of the oft quoted "no effect" EHS studies - they assume that symptoms are immediate.

# Posted: 22 Jun 2016 15:29


"And that's the main problem with many of the oft quoted "no effect" EHS studies - they assume that symptoms are immediate."

It's called lag time. Any decent scientist should know the concept of lag time. When lag time is ignored, it makes you question the involved scientists motives and professional level.

Another problem with EHS studies is that the control is ridiculous. At some point EHS sensitivity just flatten out, just like LDL cholesterol does. From that point on measuring anything meaningful is impossible. It is not likely that anyone will notice a 5th cell phone nearby, given that 4 cell phones nearby already are connected to masts. Either a EHS sensitive will not notice, or the person will have nausea from the 4 or 5 cell phones anyway. And properly shielded rooms as control are rare in studies on EHS.

Also, assumptions take up way too much space, not just in science.

# Posted: 25 Jul 2016 18:27

That is another problem - the control. It Is difficult to get a controlled study because it is so difficult to completely remove the background radiation, which is increasing for all the techs.
So they take a person that already had plenty of exposure to EMFs and add the EMFs to be tested and they don't see much difference. Then they are supposed to keep them clear of EMFs and test them again, but no difference.
For a start, it takes a while to clear the system of the effects of EMFs - the lag time as you put it - but also it is difficult to recover because of the background - as already mentioned.
Anyway all in all the mobile phone companies use this to their advantage and tells us that there is nothing to worry about and governments believe them.
In the meantime people are suffering.

Even just a bit of advice that people should be careful using their mobiles after an MRI scan could go a long way in reducing the symptoms. Doctors never seem to give any advice on prevention - of anything!

# Posted: 8 Jun 2017 22:27

I'm hoping this thread will continue to be watched.

I sustained a thermal burn injury during a routine MRI procedure last November. The incident occurred on a Siemens Vero 3Tesla MRI machine during a CSpine/Thoracic scan. Here is a brief account of what happened : When I arrived I noticed the room and MRI bed were warmer than usual because they were very busy and moving people in and out. I was positioned lying on my back and entered head first. There was no padding used during the study but no part of my body touched the walls of the machine. I held the 'panic' button in my right hand and my hands came together just below my sternum in a typical 'praying' position so my arms rested on my upper abdomen as opposed to down by my sides. The procedure was started immediately. About 10 minutes into the 2nd procedure (thoracic) I started to feel a sort of prickly vibrating heat hitting my skin. It felt like a kind of rippling wave and I started to feel quite warm. It even seemed to vibrate my T-shirt and penetrate through. It was accompanied by a loud hum which I could hear over and above the typical clicking sound. I had never felt or heard anything like this on previous MRI procedures. The sensation wasn't excruciatingly painful like you would expect from a contact burn, so I decided I would just see it through. I believe the combined CSpine/Thoracic procedure took approximately 30-40 minutes and I felt this sensation for about the last 10-15.

When I got off the table I felt hot and mentioned it to the technician. She said it was normal to feel a bit warm when the machine had been running for a while. As the day wore on my skin got redder. I felt and looked like I had a bad sunburn. I started applying Aloe Vera gels and lotions. By the next morning I was very red and sore. I was pretty concerned and worried there may be deeper tissue damage. The next day I went to see my doctor. She said she was unfamiliar with MRI related burn injuries but after looking at me felt it had been caused by some type of thermal exposure and advised use of cooling gels and lotions. She consulted with an MRI physicist about the problem and was told : "Regarding the burn: I'd definitely recommend the pt to be checked out by a Dermatologist. MR burns typically starts at subcutaneous fat (no pain receptors) and moves up to epidermis. If the pt was not sedated during the scan and ended up with a burn, there is a clear chance that the patient has damage under the skin that is not visible. I reached out to a Professor of Radiology at USC who looked at my story and pictures and told me this was an RF radiation burn and that I needed to be checked out by a dermatologist ASAP. This was the beginning of a nightmare that has now lasted over 6 months. I have consulted with numerous dermatologists, general practitioners and MRI specialists over this time as well as conducting my own research and have learned a lot about RF frequency injuries and SAR. One of the other MRI physicists I contacted recommended I look at the SAR readings for my tests. He said these are used as an indication of over-exposure and are usually less than 1.

I was able to find these readings in the DICOM data on the disk (shown below). The overheating feeling I experienced started about 5-10 minutes into the Thoracic procedure which coincides exactly with the 4th thoracic sequence. I was between 2.5 and 2.72 SAR for about 7 minutes and this is when the burning occurred. These SAR reading are of course the machine estimates and not the actual SAR on my body. My belief is that sustained exposure to SAR above 2.5 was too much for my body to dissipate the heat and I burned. Having had many MRI's in the past I wondered why I had never had any problems before, but when I looked back at the SAR readings for numerous previous exams I noticed it was never more than 1.5 and whenever a sequence showed a higher SAR it was followed by one with lower SAR etc.

CSpine Sequence start 14:05 End 14:19

1 14:05:17 (0018,1316) DS [0.08906601] # 10, 1 SAR
2 14:07:43 (0018,1316) DS [0.9164475] # 10, 1 SAR
3 14:09:52 (0018,1316) DS [1.062324] # 8, 1 SAR
4 14:12:48 (0018,1316) DS [1.062324] # 8, 1 SAR
5 14:15:28 (0018,1316) DS [0.07535206] # 10, 1 SAR
6 14:18:50 (0018,1316) DS [0.7580933] # 10, 1 SAR
=> Thoracic Spine Sequence Start 14:19 End 14:37

1 14:19:29 (0018,1316) DS [1.7210823] # 10, 1 SAR
2 14:21:36 (0018,1316) DS [0.07548546] # 10, 1 SAR
3 14:22:24 (0018,1316) DS [0.15613435] # 10, 1 SAR
4 14:24:37 (0018,1316) DS [2.560578] # 8, 1 SAR
5 14:27:15 (0018,1316) DS [2.7193305] # 10, 1 SAR
6 14:28:17 (0018,1316) DS [2.7193305] # 10, 1 SAR
7 14:31:50 (0018,1316) DS [1.2738155] # 10, 1 SAR
8 14:34:23 (0018,1316) DS [1.8311454] # 10, 1 SAR

At 6 months post incident :

1) Skin – My skin continues to hurt wherever the thermal rays hit it. Face, neck, arms, upper torso and some on upper thighs. Erythema still present on face, neck and upper chest. I have a little temporary relief with lidocaine based topicals and anti inflammatories. Skin continues to atrophy and now shows marked deterioration and scarring. Dermatology consultations refer to skin corrosion consistent with a thermal burn injury and talk about protracted recovery times, and sometimes permanent damage.

Phoenix, AZ

# Posted: 27 Jul 2017 18:39

Binny123 - There is a Facebook group out there called 'MRI Injuries and Side Effects'. We are not alone with these MRI burn injuries as I'm sure we're not alone with the dismissal, disbelief and discrediting we put up with from the medical community. I am trying to get as many people together as possible who have experienced this. Please join the FB group and feel free to reach out to me at john85331@gmail.com

# Posted: 23 Oct 2017 19:07


# Posted: 8 Nov 2017 18:11

Do you think the doctors are interested in your health? They would be out of a job but for all the chronic illnesses out there. They leave out a huge chunk of the population who suffer from chronic allergies, headaches, ES. Unless you've got cancer they are not interested and then it takes them an age to diagnose. Instead people just get more and more iatrogenic diseases .......

# Posted: 26 Nov 2017 17:18

Read about my experiences with mri burn at www.mriburn.com


# Posted: 26 Nov 2017 17:20

ARCTIC. I'm sorry. Same happened to me. Do you look like this ?- www.mriburn.com

# Posted: 19 Sep 2018 01:53

Anyone had a feeling that your insides were "jumping up & down" sort of like an intense vibration feeling while getting an MRI? It makes me so nauseous that I have been unable to complete the last 2 attempts at getting an MRI? This happened the very first time I had one but was able to complete it with true grit. Tech says i may be claustrophobic, but last time I was outside the machine from my shoulders uo (mri of my thigh) & I do not have any problems with being in an elevator or our tornado safe room. People think i'm a wimp I know, but it physically makes me ill. Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this?

# Posted: 21 Sep 2018 17:32


I know of a case where a person felt like he was physically burning while in an MRI. Had to abort the screening.

# Posted: 23 Sep 2018 18:24

Henrik is your mum alright? We have not heard from her for a while.

# Posted: 24 Oct 2018 11:55

After an mri or ct scan even though mri has non ionizing radiation I get terrible blood pressure/ heart rate symptoms for up to 2 days.

# Posted: 25 Oct 2018 11:56


MRI exposes you to both an intense static magnetic field and bursts of radiofrequency field.

# Posted: 17 Nov 2018 11:13

25 KW AM radio burst which (when divided by the dielectric coefficient) is all designed to short and stay inside your body. Thats why AM radio is so nasty. The French wont use it. It cripples me.

# Posted: 2 Apr 2019 22:30

I had an MRI this morning and although I'm feeling ok, just tired. My face is very red and my husband keeps asking why I am getting more red. I just look and my chest is now red. Is there anything I can do to help stop this?

# Posted: 13 Apr 2019 14:41 - Edited by: Morien

Hello everyone. I have just registered on this forum and this topic attracted me for similar reasons. This is my first post to introduce myself.

I had my first MRI scan in 2005 and noticed then that what I was told was my Fibromyalgia (FMS) had an almost instant flare-up. I say almost as there was a lag of maybe 30 mins after leaving the hospital.

At the time I had a DECT phone at home and it was maybe 3 months after I got it that I began experiencing odd pains over areas that I was told in 2001 were FMS 'tender points'. I'd first got the DECT phone in 1993, and my general health deteriorated from that time until my Diagnosis of Fibromyalgia in 2001.

I moved from N. Wales to Southport to be nearer a spinal injuries unit, and because it was so flat I moved there permanently.

I was sent to my first MRI in Southport in 2007, and again in 2009. After the last MRI I had to go to the Pain Management Clinic at the same hospital a week later.

I was left in the waiting room for almost a hour. After 15 mins or so I felt a strange vibrating tingling on my face and hands which soon changed to a 'hot itching' and then to a definite burning sensation.

When I went to the loo after the consultation I saw my face was not just flushed but red as if I'd fallen asleep in the sun for a few hours. My hands felt and looked the same.

The hospital had many compact fluorescent bulbs (CFLs) and once I left the building it started to ease off slightly, but the fatigue hit maybe 20 minutes later, and I also began feeling nauseous.

My GP told me I was imagining the 'effects' of the MRI scans and photo-sensitivity, and suggested referring me for Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. I refused, told him he should read up on what I then knew to be EHS and never saw that one again.

I have found since that I cannot have CFLs in my home, and have to use alternatives to the fluorescent lights in the bathroom and kitchen. The same goes for wifi and mobile phones.

Supermarkets and any other shops that have fluorescent lights now have to be avoided and I have to wear a wide-brimmed hat to protect my face as best as possible when I have to go anywhere that has any sort of fluorescent lighting to prevent my skin burning.

My feelings now are that unless I am unconscious I will never have another MRI scan despite a continuing spinal problem. I can now source much of what I eat in shops that have no wifi, which also sets off EHS flare-ups which include ALL the symptoms of Fibromyalgia and others

I believe that it was the DECT phone that initially made me electro-sensitive (ES) and the subsequent MRI scans that made me hyper-sensitive (EHS) to EMFs generally with RF rads being the worst.

In town there are numerous over-lapping wifi hotspots that I have learned to avoid, but after any trip into town, no matter how short, I always return with flushed face and tingling/burning of any part of my skin that is exposed.

Sadly my story is not unique, and I have encountered many others who have the same symptoms but who have never thought they could be caused by the MRI scans they had, their mobile phones on 24/7, home wifi, DECT phones smart meters etc.

I believe there are many more people affected than realise the probable cause of their problems - especially the skin problems described above and by others on this thread.

Avoidance is the only option, and I have found that getting out of urban areas and into any woods or forest relieves almost ALL my symptoms.

Does anyone else notice this when in the woods?

Best wishes to everyone,


# Posted: 14 Apr 2019 09:27


Yes. And I've heard many personal EHS stories of the same.

# Posted: 14 Apr 2019 13:06


Thanks for that response, but do you mean that you have heard of many personal EHS stories where people find relief when in the woods/forests, or the general progression from ES to EHS following MRI scans?

Or both?

I am alone here in Southport as far as I know as I cannot get out to meet others in the evening because where do you go? If I go into pubs/bars they are usually full of people with smart phones etc, and usually all establishments have free wifi, leaving me in a way socially isolated.

I try to educate others with material I print out for them that often find its way into a nearest bin. People express interest, probably read a little and feel uncomfortable so they dump it.

I've had people say "Don't tell me any more I don't want to know." Or words to the effect that "I can't manage without my iPhone" and "My business relies on my mobile".

I'm sure I'm not alone in this, and would love to find others who are ES/EHS in my area so we can get together and discuss mutual problems and offer mutual support.

Thanks for your consideration Henrik. It's really appreciated.


# Posted: 23 Apr 2019 11:27

I've no doubt an MRI scan was key to triggering my complete intolerance of any radiation-emitting tech, along with a great base station that was installed less than 100 meters from our front window. This was 15 years ago.

M, everything you describe is exactly how it is, none of it is imagined. Unfortunately, when broadcasters like the BBC continue to brazenly claim there is no evidence that mobile tech and wireless radiation cause any harm at all (as they have done this morning), then it remains a very long road to enlightenment, and a long way to go before people such as us, not to mention the public in general, get to hear the truth.


# Posted: 23 Apr 2019 11:54


Never a truer word spoken. The BBC and any other broadcaster does not want anyone asking awkward questions about cancer clusters near their transmitters and booster masts.

And, when it comes to ES/EHS they are happy to feature the 'experts' to cast 'doubt' on good quality independently-funded research because, as the old saying goes from the days of tobacco and asbestos denial, "doubt is our business".

We saw that a few years ago with the much-discredited 20-year Danish Cohort Study, quoting the BMJ (British Medical Journal) who published it.

The BBC was pushing this study every 15 minutes on their looped newsfeeds, and I rang both to tell them that the study was flawed because it only used a cohort of 'light users' - not business users.

And also that 20 years previously even business users were not spending as much time on their mobile phones as the average child/teenager does today, making the study irrelevant.

They also failed to notify the unsuspecting viewers and readers that the study main author was one Anders Albom, who at the time the study was set up was a director of his brother's mobile telephony company!!!!

I can't find my original critique at the moment but simply googled the phrase "Anders Albom Danish Study" and top of the results was a post from 22 October 2011 on EMFacts Consultancy here:

https://www.emfacts.com/2011/10/further-critisisms-of-the-flawed-bmj-danish-cell-phon e-study/

Not had time to read it yet but will later as I have to go to GP Surgery and endure their bloody wifi shortly.

We will never get an truly independent assessment on so-called mainstream media, dependent as they all are on advertising revenue from the very same mobile telephony and wifi industries.


# Posted: 23 Apr 2019 17:28

I just read the announcement of 'mobile phones do not cause brain cancers.' Go to the Daily Mail website and make your comment. It is interesting actually that a lot of people point out that it is the mobile phone companies that funded the research.
As for the BBC, I frequently wrote to them about anything that I heard on the radio about mobiles and health, and pointed out that some people get ill especially on mental illness.
They obviously have also been taken over by big business. I had hope that because they don't depend on revenu from advertising they would be more independent. But they have been bought or at least certain people working for the BBC are paid ............. Sad

# Posted: 23 Apr 2019 17:55


I really I am sorry for your symptoms. I hope you get some relief at home because it has become so difficult to go out anywhere without the old symptoms troubling you. No hiding place!
My problems started when I had a microwave oven. I remember the heart palpitations, headache, anxiety, weariness, and memory problems, but I did not pin it down to the cause for many years later when I got a mobile phone.

The 'road to Damascus' as it were, was one day going down the motorway and passing by the masts/towers, when I realised that the symptoms I was experiencing were the same as when I was near the microwave oven or using my mobile phone and then it clicked: It must be the microwaves emitted by these techs.
So I reduced the use of the mobile and stopped using my microwave oven - eventually I got rid of the mobile. I felt better and the main improvement was my memory because my job requires to be sharp and I was getting worried that I had to give up.

I shall not bother you much more, but you are right you have to be careful where you go but I will tell you this, that perhaps as you avoid getting exposed to too many wireless techs with time you might find you can cope with a bit more. Also get yourself a EMF monitor/ meter and you can find out where the strong levels are and avoid them.

As for becoming an activist for the effects of microwaves on health you will make more enemies, even members of my family refuse to discuss the subject, so don't get yourself upset. They will find out the hard way, but they might be lucky and don't find out at all.
Good luck

# Posted: 23 Apr 2019 21:24 - Edited by: ericgeneric

Also get yourself a EMF monitor/ meter and you can find out where the strong levels are and avoid them.

I would highly recommend the newer mini EMF meters (Acoustimeter2) that are the size of an iPod. They are not only easier to carry around and discreetly take measurements when out, but they also pick up more of the radiation from the latest EMR devices, compared to the big old EMF acoustimeter. I find it a lot more sensitive, and thus more useful both for myself (as confirmation of what I feel) and to show others.


# Posted: 24 Apr 2019 12:32

Many thanks for those comments Ann, ann, EG.

Two years ago I bought the Acousticom 2 meter for RF measurement. A week later I bought the PF5 meter for Electric and Magnetic fields measurement.

As I got used to using them and being able to interpret the measurements I began moving furniture to safer areas away from powerpoint sockets for plugs and embedded wall cables for light switches.

At night I can switch off all sockets except for the kitchen which is on a separate circuit and therefore does not switch off my fridge/freezer.

This means I have no electricity in my bedroom - BUT, in their wisdom/ignorance those who wired this house put the smoke meters and carbon monoxide meters on the same circuits as the lights. So I have to endure electricity still available in the bedroom light and switch - not to mention the cables that feed them.

During winter time there are no leaves on the trees in the large rear garden and I can then see the phone mast array from my bedroom window and my lounge window. It is around half a mile away.

I manage to get GREEN readings on the Acousticom 2 where my head usually lays in bed but my feet are bordering on the YELLOW/AMBER exposure level. The same applies for the RadAware meter, as a couple of months or so ago I bought the new RadAware meter, and with it set to High Sensitivity level manage to read much of where I go when I have to go into town, and the RF in my home

In mid March this year I went to West Wales, Carmarthenshire, looking for somewhere to live that was as low RF as possible. But the constant rainstorms kept me in the hotel most of the time and I left sooner than I'd expected to as I don't drive and got fed up of walking around in torrential rains. The hotel also has wifi, so no restorative sleep was possible.

The journey back on the train took 6.5 hours just to Crewe. Another 40 mins to Liverpool South Parkway, then a further 1 hour to Southport. Every train had "Free Wifi" with booster modems for mobiles in every carriage and not forgetting the mini base stations for the TETRA/Airwave system that the Transport Police use that are located in most carriages I'm told.

The passengers were almost all using their mobiles constantly, and many were using assorted laptops and iPads. The meter readings went off the scale for the whole journey on the RadAware, which the advertising blurb says is thousands of times more sensitive than other meters available from EMFields and elsewhere.

In short it was a very uncomfortable journey and after leaving at 10:00 am I got home at 18:30 - just in time to see the phone mast array before it got dark. The pains, headaches and fatigue were also off the scale, and I found it took two days before I could manage to think clearly again - and only then with a struggle.

Each time I go somewhere on a train or bus to look for somewhere new to live I encounter these high levels of EMR across the spectrum. When I get home again I step into the usual high levels for this house.

I would like to get the Dirty Electricity meter and some Stetzner filters to neutralise the DE, but EMFields no longer deal with the public. They are now wholesale only.

But please do not recommend any other meters at present, as I hope to find someone with a car in NW England who has the time, is prepared to travel without a mobile on, and without any Bluetooth music players on and no SatNav.

I am prepared to pay all the petrol and food costs, and even for 2 rooms in a B&B if we can find one with no wifi in an area wher I could live more comfortably than where I do at present.

If I find somewhere which has very low levels of RF pollution I will begin to look at nearby facilities such as GP surgery, open or covered market for food so I can avoid supermarkets, and some wooded areas where I can wander to have some regular digital detox. If I can find somewhere which meets those criteria I will then look for somewhere to live nearby.

So will not buy any more meters until I can find somewhere new to live and move there, as money is scarce for everyone these days and I'll save mine now for finding a new home ASAP

Many thanks for all comments above, and if anyone has any suggestions regarding someone with a low-end older car with little electrics in the NW I would be eternally grateful.


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