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www.mast-victims.org forum / Technical / Femtocells
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# Posted: 5 Mar 2007 17:30

Apart from new threats of satellite digital radio broadcasting and the terrestial infill repeaters (where did my comment go, can't find it!), here's another new one - femtocells.

The idea is to have a low power cellsite in your home which is a genuine cellsite for use with normal cellphones, albeit with very low range. It's connected via your broadband to the phone company. Thanks but no thanks!

http://www.theregister.co.uk/2007/02/09/femtocell_ubiquisys/http://dis ruptivewireless.blogspot.com/2006/04/more-femtocell-noise-but-just-how .html

And while I'm at it with new tech, those little cheap walkie talkies on 446MHz? Yep, there's a new digital version coming. 500mW of pulsed UHF in the palm of your hand :o)
- standard agreed in Europe, legal in some EU states but not yet in the UK

# Posted: 5 Mar 2007 17:31

sorry, those two links got joined up somehow!

http://disruptivewireless.blogspot.com/2006/04/more-femtocell-noise-bu t-just-how.html


# Posted: 5 Mar 2007 17:35

ah sorry, I found the comments I thought I'd lost about satellite radio, so they hadn't been lost to antispam deletions after all :o)

http://www.mast-victims.org/forum/index.php?action=vthread&forum=1&top ic=454

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