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www.mast-victims.org forum / Technical / removing static electricity on basic Aluminium Wire mesh using as emf shield
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# Posted: 9 May 2013 15:36

Hi to everybody

I try to make home made basic shield to prevent coming 0,6 V/m
from my front window. I used basic aluminium wire mesh sold in stores.I have grounded it with sticking copper wire to water pipes in my house.Readings are lowered to 0,15
to 0,05 ok , but I cannot be sure if there is High frequency static electric occures in wire mesh shield (I cannot measure HF cause my device measures between 50 mhz to 3,5 ghz).

I want to ask how can I get rid of static electric from it or to be sure if it has no static electric inside (maybe using multimeter?)

thank you

Best Regards

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