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www.mast-victims.org forum / Technical / Theory on how WiFi/mobile phones could act as catalyst for biological processes
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# Posted: 1 Aug 2021 02:08

Hi, I'm new to Mast Victims but not new to health problems with WiFi, Mobile phones and other pulsed radiowave technologies.

For quite a while I have been trying to theorise out how WiFi/2G/3G/4G/5G etc. could cause the things that it does. The following is a summary of my thoughts. Ionising radiation is required to knock electrons, negative ions, out of the orbit of atoms. Microwaves and other radiowaves are not ionizing, therefore WiFi and mobile phones should not be a problem, yet as everyone at mast-victims will know they are a problem.

From my school days studying chemistry and physics I know that chemical and biochemical reactions often require a fixed amount of energy before they start. However, in the presense of a catalyst the energy requirement for the reaction to start can be greatly reduced. So, can WiFi and mobile signals act as a catalyst to biological processes in the human body?

When growing up I don't remember any problems with AM or FM radio signals. The one big difference is that WiFi and mobile phones use regular pulses to encode the data on the carrier wave. The energy levels go from maximum to minimum in an instant while the old fashioned AM and FM have a smother gradual change.

As a child on a swing I learned that small regular pushes from a parent, if timed correctly, result in a large amplitude of swinging. Small regular pulses of energy can build up to create something much larger.

The 2.4GHz frequency of microwaves is ideal for making the hydrogen/oxygen bond in water molecules vibrate. This vibration results in friction i.e. heat and is proportional to the amount of energy applied. Organic molecules often have OH bonds though there are plenty of other atomic bonds that could respond to other radio wave frequencies.

So small regular pulses of WiFi or mobile phone signal could result in quite large vibrations in organic molecules out of proportion to the amount of energy broadcast. It might even be enough to break chemical bonds. This could be how WiFi, mobile phone signals and other pulsed radiowave communication technologies act as a catalyst to enable biochemical reactions that should not be happening. Things that should not happen when you only consider the absolute energy levels involved and not the acumulated energy received through regular small pulses. I wonder if this has been considered in past and present research?

This is only a theory, but I welcome your thoughts.

# Posted: 5 Aug 2021 23:16

Bohr, Bohr and Brunak presented a similar theory back in the nineties:

Their predictions and calculations was verified by a series of experiments, which are described in furter details in the papers referenced below.


https://orbit.dtu.dk/en/publications/coherent-topological-phenomena-in-protein-foldin g

https://orbit.dtu.dk/en/publications/microwave-enhanced-folding-and-denaturation-of-g lobular-proteins

https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/(SICI)1521-186X(200001)21:1%3C68::AID -BEM10%3E3.0.CO;2-9

//Kim Horsevad

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