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www.mast-victims.org forum / Links & resources / We are the UK's No1 EMF Safety Experts
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# Posted: 7 Aug 2017 14:22

EMF Comp Limited is an award winning UK Company based at the European Space Agency BIC in the heart of the renowned Harwell Science Campus, Oxfordshire.

Our state of the art EMF assessments can solve even the most complex electromagnetic safety problems.
Please get in touch to discuss any EMF issues you may have, we would be delighted to hear from you.

European Space Agency BIC,
Atlas Centre R27,
Harwell Campus,

Tel: 01235 567332
Mob: 07881 024124
Email: enquiries@emfcomp.com

Hope this info is useful to someone.
Regards tilly

# Posted: 7 Aug 2017 17:12


They are physicists, not biologists - or even bio-physicists.

Its ICNIRP-style "thermal only" rubbish all over again.


# Posted: 7 Aug 2017 19:39

I' m sorry you found this info as useless Henrik but it was in regards to one of your viewers query on who could they seek out to check the emissions on a new mobile phone mast placed near their property.
This company would be able to check the output of EMF from the mast.

Any info is better than nothing don't you think ?

Regards to you Henrik

# Posted: 7 Aug 2017 21:31


If you look at their "concerns" page, you'll find this:

"PHONE MASTS - Worried about a nearby phone mast? - Buying or selling and need to show a mast poses no risk?"

Does that sound biased to you??!

And if you look at their "about" page, they write that they've co-written the "European Commission's Guide on EMF Safety" (link is on that page).

Download the PDF and have a look, for example, at table 3.2 on page 24 and tell me if those evaluations make any sense to you, given the available scientific evidence?

Mention of non-thermal effects is tucked into an appendix at the back.

No, I don't think it's "better than nothing".

Their info is misleading, biased and completely void of any reasonable or honest evaluation of the science.

# Posted: 9 Aug 2017 11:20

Thank you for your unkind comment when I was trying to help the public.
I'm no mastermind on what lies behind many of these companies mentioned. I give the benefit of doubt a fair trial before accusations. But if I were to take your point of harsh view on doubting credibility towards certain sites/companies then this leaves me to state my new understanding of mast victims.org.........
Having noted that your web site has been up and running for years collecting data from the general public on every aspect of the dangers inflicted upon them by the communications systems yet this information never gets further than the forum......I question your credibility.
Are you being paid to collect this information by unscrupulous mobile companies or scientific study trials on the effects of these EMF emissions on the public.
You have a large enough dossier to take to Parliament.
No you do nothing but take notes and gripe when someone else is trying hard to pass on informative news.
Instead of bitching about the company and trying to discredit me why couldn't you send all the information you have on the harmful effects put upon the public to the very company you say are biased ?
My guess is you will still be here preaching your nonsense but doing nothing else except extracting information from others to keep your site up and running.
This very site is biased and in collaboration with the very people we the public are against.
Wolves in Sheep's clothing = Mast Victims .org !!

# Posted: 9 Aug 2017 14:25


Too bad that you took my response as an attack on you. Its not personal. Or an attempt to discredit you. At all.

I'm critiquing EMFcomp for being biased and misleading. They specifically write: "...need to show a mast poses no risk?" in relation to their services - and that is the absolute giveaway that they're firmly positioned on telecom's "no risk" side.

"Are you being paid to collect this information by unscrupulous mobile companies or scientific study trials on the effects of these EMF emissions on the public."

No. Categorically: no.
Agnes, Erik and I pay for all aspects of running this site. There is no external influence or financial support of any kind.

"You have a large enough dossier to take to Parliament."

Many people have tried - and are trying - to take it to Parliament and even EU. As of now, such efforts have fallen on deaf ears. Its all discarded with reference to compliance with (obsolete) ICNIRP guidelines. So in the meanwhile, as the evidence grows, we collect said evidence for the day that Parliament realizes that the wireless industry is costing society far more money, through the health services, than the Govt. can ever collect from the wireless industry. We're getting there. 5G rollout will just accelerate it.

"Instead of bitching about the company and trying to discredit me why couldn't you send all the information you have on the harmful effects put upon the public to the very company you say are biased ?"

We've tried to reason with people from such companies. Its been a waste of time. Biological science has little impact on their simple-physics-only view of radiation. We're not giving up though.

Best wishes,

# Posted: 9 Aug 2017 23:01

Hi Tilly,
Long time and luckily no see! or hear from you for MV.
I can see you are trying to get at my son Henrik as you tried me, years ago,
Well since I have been "Really Sick" from EHS and in and out of hospitals,

BUT NOTE! Agnes, Erik and Henrik are still the sole owners and runners of Mast-Victims.org, and just note that what you are implying is, (in the UK) where both you and me live, called "Slander" Which is a Criminal offense! which will be investigated if reported. So hold your wrath a bit, I do know I threw you off Mast-victims.org many years ago, and honestly you should have left it there, and kept your wrath under wraps like we all do.

# Posted: 10 Aug 2017 23:54

Yes Agnes slander is a very serious matter and judging by Henrik's statement on the EMF Company I'm sure they would not be too happy to read that given it is supposed to be on a reputable network site for many to see.
My original comment was as always in good faith as I don't harass or be rude to anyone unless I am under attack which has happened here on many occasions without real reason.
Also you did not throw me off your site as I left after constant unfounded rudeness.
I had hoped time would change your manner but I was wrong.
Many of us are suffering and constantly ill due to this onslaught of radiation so having nasty comments into the bargin when I'm only trying to pass on good information is unacceptable.
I won't let it happen to me again as I will never be on this site again.

I don't wish you any ill will, I just pity you !
God Bless and Goodbye !

# Posted: 11 Aug 2017 00:30

Thank you Tilly for your "Good Will" which unfortunately is unknown to us.

But you have made my day, just now by announcing " I will never be on this site again" then again, I seem to have memories of you saying something like that before, years ago, when I chucked you off the website.
And if in doubt, take it from me Tilly, all you have contributed to this website has been Bad Toxic News, so PLS. find someone else to pester

Re: Slander! You wrote: And please note this is in print, and visible to all!

"Having noted that your web site has been up and running for years collecting data from the general public on every aspect of the dangers inflicted upon them by the communications systems yet this information never gets further than the forum......I question your credibility.
Are you being paid to collect this information by unscrupulous mobile companies or scientific study trials on the effects of these EMF emissions on the public.
You have a large enough dossier to take to Parliament.
No you do nothing but take notes and gripe when someone else is trying hard to pass on informative news.
Instead of bitching about the company and trying to discredit me why couldn't you send all the information you have on the harmful effects put upon the public to the very company you say are biased ?
My guess is you will still be here preaching your nonsense but doing nothing else except extracting information from others to keep your site up and running.
This very site is biased and in collaboration with the very people we the public are against.
Wolves in Sheep's clothing = Mast Victims .org !!

You have No Idea of where we send our objections, or how many "Unanswered objections" we have sent to local and National councils.

Don´t pity Me Tilly, I try my best, You, what do You do, other than try to pester the people who actually work for the case, to get the pollution highlighted?

Do you do the same on Mast-sanity.org? or the other websites who work to try to get the UK authorities to listen to the affected people and "Read" the studies we send them.
I bet you don´t!
Goodbye to you to Tilly, and "Hopefully" for the last time, "Good Riddance"

# Posted: 3 Nov 2022 16:23

Hi Guys, I have recently come across a company in the UK that that measures EMF to the biological effects and seems fairly independent/unbiased. I used them for my own survey in my home and was very happy with the level of detail they went to. The company name is EMF Testing Ltd, not sure if I am allowed to share their website here, if not just delete it admin pls. Hopefully, this might be helpful to someone. www.emf-testing.co.uk

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