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www.mast-victims.org forum / Website / Any requests for website features?
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# Posted: 10 Jun 2005 11:09 - Edited by: Henrik

The mast-victims.org website has been unexpectedly successful since it's launch May this year. As everything evolves, so do websites and It's becoming evident that some re-structuring is needed to make the website as useful as possible and to keep the information as accessible as possible. For starters, news items need to go into one single place and we need a searchable article base for scientific research information.

If you have any suggestions for the site please post them here.

- Henrik

Jim L
# Posted: 8 Jul 2005 16:59

Have you thought of devoting a part of the site to "official excuses" used to convince protesters that the proposed relay station is harmless. This could be useful to others who might suspect that they are being told lies by the authorities.

During and after the recent planning meeting in Worcester a number of things were said by councillors that (1) were untrue (2) seem to suggest that they consider us protestors to be idiots.

I am not into "conspiracies" but there could be a policy of trying to blind us with science if we suggest that these masts are not safe!

I would be happy to email you a few examples of official double talk I have recently heard.

# Posted: 11 Jul 2005 19:06

Thank you for your comment.
That was the idea when intruducing THE FORUM, that people could put their opinions and intrepetations of the daily discussions in there.

So, Please put your observations in here and give it a catchy headline.

And yes, we are very interested in knowing your examples of double talk, I bet there is a lot of intimidation there as well.

We have heard RED HERRING, LESS RADIATION THAN A STEAM IRON, (where do you get a radioactive steam iron anyway? M&S?) and the like from Peter Yates, Worcester Chief Planning Officer.

Allah Ditta had seen adverts on lamp posts that no-one else had seen, when Erik complained about that there had been no planning application notice in London Road, and a lot of us took our dogs for a walk in Fort Royal Hill park 3 times a day, and saw nothing.

Look at Eriks journal: It happened in Worcester, he is writing it in bits and adding to it as he gets the time.
The journal: our 3G mast from hell is my account of The Little Sauce Factory mast.

Best regards.

If you want to e-mail us here are the addresses: agnes@mast-victims.org
and a.ingvarsdottir@btconnect.com

# Posted: 13 Jul 2005 02:10

I have been thinking a lot about what you said about "Official Excuses" and how to utilise it.
The thing is just that these are not Excuses, they are Learned Attempts at intimidation of the concerned citizens.
So, pls. give us a hint.
Tell us what you see can be done.
We are trying very hard, but need all the good advice we can get to make it better.
So Pls. tell us.
Best regards.

# Posted: 27 Jun 2006 11:46

Hello! New here.

Perhaps a forum section for random banter where people can socialize. A lounge. Because at the moment it feels as though the "general discussion" section is mainly for posting and discussing news items.

I'd like to know who you people are, what's your story? where do you live? A forum where you can make friends with other people suffering from the same affliction would help alot.

# Posted: 27 Jun 2006 15:46

Perhaps a forum section for random banter where people can socialize. A lounge. Because at the moment it feels as though the "general discussion" section is mainly for posting and discussing news items.

Good point Radioactiveman.
I have created a "Lounge" forum section where people can chat and socialize.


# Posted: 24 Nov 2006 13:48

Here's an idea, I don't know if you've ever seen slashdot.org but it's tremendously successful because it allows people to comment easily on each story. The comments become as interesting as the story itself.

What you could do here is automatically add a topic in a new "News comments" section of the forum FOR EACH news story. At the bottom of each story would be a "Comments" link that would take us straight to it.

Do you see what I mean?

# Posted: 14 Dec 2006 19:15

There's so much spam on here in the last few days it's made it unusable for finding sensible new messages. Seeing as it's hopeless until you come along and weed out all the rubbish, it might as well work the other way around - have it so that all new messages need to be approved...? (apart from stuff from trusted IPs like mine of course ;o)
Just wondering if you've any plans to counter this problem. I appreciate it's difficult because some of us prefer to be anon. Perhaps a registration system would work, if it didn't require an email address... then again, disposable email addys are easy enough to come by. Just make it not difficult enough to put *us* off, but too much of a pain for the idiots to bother?

# Posted: 14 Dec 2006 22:52

hi Helpful,

I've got a cleanup script running every 20 minutes but that gets only the most obvious spams.
I'm working on implementing a "CAPCTHA" human verification thingie but the progress is a bit slow I admit. This forum is an out-of-the-box one I just threw onto the server and hoped for the best.

The spammers have auto-member-registering capabilities now so allowing only members to post won't keep out all the spam.

Any suggestions ?

# Posted: 15 Dec 2006 12:01

Captcha would probably do it, seems to work on other forums.

Other than that, perhaps you could plainly state that any comment with a link in it will be quarantined until you approve it? If the spammers see that their comments never appear, they'll hopefully give up?

An obscenity filter for Names would have helped in the last few days, but they're not always so blatent are they?

What I had in mind for registrations was :
a) we all register, by supplying a name and password (nothing else, no email)
b) new accounts can't post immediately, comments go into quarantine until you release them.
c) you allow immediate posting when an account has proven itself genuine
d) any abused login gets deleted, and they won't bother trying again


# Posted: 23 Apr 2007 13:21

we need link to report spammers please its so annoying and so insensitive - tipcell.com placing ads for mobiles and so many please report them

# Posted: 23 Apr 2007 17:37

Dear Anonymous,

Spammers are relentless. They use automated programs that fake IP-adresses and "spray" spam posts into forums.

Usually it's pointless to try and track them down.

If you want to report TipCell.com, the IP-address they used is:


# Posted: 4 Oct 2007 21:47

Hi Helpful,

Captcha would probably do it, seems to work on other forums.

Added a CAPTCHA anti-spam filter today. So far it seems to have stopped the spam cold :-)
There is also a filter that allows only 1 post pr. 60 seconds.
Hope this will make the forum more usable for all.


# Posted: 5 Oct 2007 12:45

Nice! That's better :-)

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