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# Posted: 16 Dec 2011 15:34

I recently needed emergency hospital treatment. I am due to have a heart operation.

Hospital 1 - A& E wireless heart monitoring using wifi - they called it telemetry. My meter showed wifi!
Cardiac care unit - wireless monitoring - lots of wifi antennae in the ceiling.
Also, DECT cordless phones on nurses desk. All doctors were carrying mobile phones or iPhones and were using them often.
At one stage got moved to another ward with phone mast radiation coming into the room. monitoring device attached to chest. Sent heart data to the orther side of hospital, wirelessly.

Hospital 2 - Same problems with DECT, wifi, mobile phones/iPhones.
Patients using phones and refused to turn them off.

Sheer hell! I had a severe headache and was prickling from head to foot.

Hospital 3 - I am due to have major heart surgery there after Xmas.
The OPD was alive with wifi.
Patients in intensive care unit get monitored wirelessly.
Same problems with mobile phones/iPhones.

Hospital are best avoided - but sometimes there is no choice but to enter their doors for treatment.

My experienc is that the doctors have little knowledge of EHS and about the research. The junior doctors are being sent out with iPhones by the local university medical school.

There is nowhere to go for treatment if you are electrohypersensitive.

# Posted: 17 Dec 2011 15:48

http://www.nytimes.com/2011/12/15/health/as-doctors-use-more-devices-potential-for-di straction-grows.html?_r=1&ref=mattrichtel

# Posted: 17 Dec 2011 18:42

I have always been staggered that so much EMR/wi-fi is now allowed and used in Hospitals and GP Surgeries, and how they have huge mast towers on their buildings. Whatever happened to "please turn off your mobile phone" signs?

But then you have tech-heads like rockstar Peter Gabriel who idiotically believe that iPads and smartphones are somehow the "future for high-quality healthcare". Sorry, what? How? Incredible.


# Posted: 18 Dec 2011 14:51


Yes. Telemedicine so you can be monitored 24/7- with devices on all the time not just sending information once a day.
The wireless monitoring is not confined to hospitals. I had a wireless ECG at the GPs. Connected some sticky pads to chest and the wires were attached to a small box. Do ECG, disconnect pads and box, and then transmit via phone to a local university where they read the traces and comment on them, In my case, i was told that i MUSt see the GP before i left the surgery. They found heart problem that we already knew about and which requires surgery. The GPs did get a diagnosis quickly. But the issue is that this is all being done wirelessly. The GPs believe that it is same as analogue radio and TV.

The 24/7 Telemedicine monitoring is worrying. It is to cut down clinics and spending rather than for the convenience of patients.

And the NY Times article is absolutely right.

I just wonder how many deaths are caused by the technology.
Rouleaux formation is caused by the HF-EMR.
Like abnormalities in heart functioning.


# Posted: 19 Dec 2011 00:13

Using EMR-pulsing, wi-fi-enabled gadgets (that HARM PEOPLE and AFFECT CONCENTRATION and JUDGEMENT) as part of "healthcare" is surely the single most stupid thing in the history of the human race, isn't it?


# Posted: 28 Dec 2011 15:23


The heart operation is tomorrow.
I will report on my experiences in the intensive care unit in due course.


# Posted: 28 Dec 2011 18:42

OK, I wish you all the best! And that the technology around doesn't affect your condition too much.


# Posted: 4 Jan 2012 21:19

Well, doctors will not be out of a job! They are creating the illnesses they are supposed to cure - heart disease, mental illnesses, dementia, cancers and goodness knows what else - with their wireless technologies!
A friend today went to the hospital for a checks and nearly passed out! Overloaded with electrosmog? Who knows?
Do things have to get worse before they get better and if they do get much worse will anyone know how to make them better?

I was taught to observe and notice 'cause and effect' . Has this simple rule been forgotten? It amazes me that so few people make deductions from their observations - that when they use their moblie they feel ill. But then often the ill feeling comes later and worse still, when they are exposed continuously then they cannot make the connection.

# Posted: 5 Jan 2012 00:08

A friend today went to the hospital for a checks and nearly passed out! Overloaded with electrosmog? Who knows?

I'm reminded of the former England cricket captain Chris Cowdrey (son of Colin), who had a stroke whilst in for a routine knee operation. He's only in his late 40s or early 50s. Of course, the line was "wow how lucky was I to be in a hospital when I had a stroke", rather than any connection between the stroke and the likely levels of electrosmog in the building.

As you rightly say, a complete loss of "cause and effect" observation is taking hold.


# Posted: 13 Feb 2012 18:31

Thank you EG.

I was glad to get out of hospital and away from the sources cauding headaches and prickling skin from head to foot. Also sleep problems and visula disturbances. I am now out of hospital after the operation for atrial valve replacement and single bypass.. mind you i was only out for 4 days BUT i had to be readmitted to hospital, but to one nearer home, with atrial fibrillation, as an emergency. In there for several days and them discharged.

Hospitals are not a good place to be - avoid where possible.

Wifi etc in the operating theatre.
Wireless monitoring of all patients in intensive care.
i asked if i could be monitored using yjr old system - answer NO.
Electrode Pads were stuck to my chest attached to a small boxs that transmitted wifi. Effect burning boobs. But when you are being monitored what can you do? They called the transmissions telephony... but doctors/ nurses were clueless about what frequency was sed or the effects.. and that includes the doctors! Nurses sat behind banks of computers looking at traces..

it was just as bad whether in A&E, intensive care unit, cardiac care unit.
Either antennae dangled from ceilings or else trolleys fitted wth computers and a transmitter. On one occassion i got moved, after complaining, to a private room where there was supposed to be 'no wifi'. There was actually, i could feel it and measure it.The wifi antennae there were in every other room.

The doctors were all carrying phones. many nurses had them . The physios had them.

I took into hospital
1 screened floppy hat, 1 shielding scarf, 1 metre of Naturelle. It helped a bit, but when there wifi transmitters attached to chest you cannot properly try to shield yourself.

Also, there were other patients and their visitors who used mobile phones, despite pleas not to do so.

Apart from the measuring equipment there was TV/phone/internet access to each bed. Not a good environment.

My follow up appointments in the next month will be at a local hospital with DECt/wifi and mobile phones in use and at another with many phone masts on the roof.
Patients can take in wifi laptops provided the electrician checks for safety.. that is statutory earthing and continuity.

i now have my sternum held together inside my chest with stainless steel wire, or is it clips. So another possible antenna source.

That is in addition to the metal knee replacement and amalgam fillings.

The local university has a medical school that sends trainee doctors out with i phones so they can keep in touch!

The drugs trolley from phamacy and the TETRA 'radios'used by porters were also a problem.

i am not going on computer much at present.
OK i have had surgery and i feel sore after it.
i think tht i shall have to be very careful to shield my chest area.


# Posted: 13 Feb 2012 21:45

It's a crazy situation! Where on earth this is all going to lead, lord only knows.

I'm glad you mentioned shielding your chest area, because that was my immediate thought when reading your post.


# Posted: 17 Feb 2012 22:38

Did you see the item in the news today where researchers had done a first, very small, study of very short duration on implants controlled wirelessly to release drugs?

'Pharmacy on a chip' gets closer
By Jonathan Amos Science correspondent, BBC News, Vancouver
The futuristic idea that microchips could be implanted under a patient's skin to control the release of drugs has taken another step forward.

US scientists have been testing just such a device on women with the bone-wasting disease osteoporosis.

The chip was inserted in their waist and activated by remote control.

A clinical trial, reported in Science Translational Medicine, showed the chip could administer the correct doses and that there were no side effects.

The innovation has also been discussed here at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).

One of the designers, Prof Robert Langer from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), claimed the programmable nature of the device opened up fascinating new avenues for medicine.

"You could literally have a pharmacy on a chip," he said. "This study used the device for the treatment of osteoporosis. However, there are many other applications where this type of microchip approach could improve treatment outcomes for patients, such as multiple sclerosis, vaccine delivery, for cancer treatment and for pain management."

The work is described as the first in-human testing of a wirelessly controlled drug delivery microchip. The technology at its core has been in development for more than 15 years.

Published in Science Translational Medicine Rapid Publication on February 16 2012

Sci. Transl. Med. DOI: 10.1126/scitranslmed.3003276
Research Article
First-in-Human Testing of a Wirelessly Controlled Drug Delivery Microchip
Robert Farra1,*, Norman F. Sheppard1, Laura McCabe1, Robert M. Neer2,
James M. Anderson3, John T. Santini Jr.4 , Michael J. Cima5 and Robert Langer6
+ Author Affiliations
1MicroCHIPS, Inc., Waltham, MA 02451, USA.
2Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts General Hospital, Endocrine Unit, Boston, MA 02114, USA.
3Case Western Reserve University, Department of Pathology, Cleveland, OH 44106, USA.
4On Demand Therapeutics, Inc., Tyngsboro, MA 01879, USA.
5Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
6Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Chemical Engineering, Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
↵*To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: rfarra@mchips.com.

The first clinical trial of an implantable microchip-based drug delivery device is discussed. Human parathyroid hormone fragment [hPTH(1-34)] was delivered from the device in vivo. hPTH(1-34) is the only approved anabolic osteoporosis treatment, but requires daily injections, making patient compliance an obstacle to effective treatment. Furthermore, a net increase in bone mineral density requires intermittent or pulsatile hPTH(1-34) delivery, a challenge for implantable drug delivery products. The microchip-based devices, containing discrete doses of lyophilized hPTH(1-34), were implanted in 8 osteoporotic postmenopausal women for 4 months and wirelessly programmed to release doses from the device once daily for up to 20 days. A computer-based programmer, operating in the Medical Implant Communications Service band, established a bidirectional wireless communication link with the implant to program the dosing schedule and receive implant status confirming proper operation. Each woman subsequently received hPTH(1-34) injections in escalating doses. The pharmacokinetics, safety, tolerability, and bioequivalence of hPTH(1-34) were assessed. Device dosing produced similar pharmacokinetics to multiple injections, and had lower coefficients of variation. Bone marker evaluation indicated that daily release from the device increased bone formation. There were no toxic or adverse events due to the device or drug, and patients stated that the implant did not impact quality of life.

Copyright © 2012, American Association for the Advancement of Science

# Posted: 18 Feb 2012 00:25

I wonder how large doses such wireless implants can hold but this all reminds me of the famous cellphone-infusion-drip case:

From the FDA website:
A patient in the ICU was receiving epinephrine via infusion pump when a visitor received a call on his cell phone. When he answered, the pump increased the rate of the drip. The patient received an unintended bolus of medication and subsequently developed epinephrine toxicity.

What went wrong?
Under certain conditions, cell phone radio transmissions can cause electromagnetic interference (EMI) and disrupt the function of electrically powered medical devices, in this case, the infusion pump. Although EMI-related patient injuries are relatively rare, sources of electromagnetic energy such as radio signals, AC power line disruptions, and electrostatic discharge can disrupt medical device performance.

http://www.fda.gov/MedicalDevices/Safety/AlertsandNotices/TipsandArticlesonDeviceSafe ty/ucm225359.htm

I would also like to know if these things have been tested at all for electromagnetic interference. If I know this industry by now, nothing has been really tested for safety...

# Posted: 18 Feb 2012 19:33

Did you see the item in the news today where researchers had done a first, very small, study of very short duration on implants controlled wirelessly to release drugs?

I've heard quite a bit about this concept and it sends a chill down my spine. I cannot comprehend how anything good can come of putting implants into people that can be controlled by someone else remotely. The scope for things to go wrong, or be corrupted, or used nefariously, is huge. It's like a bad sci-fi movie.


# Posted: 2 Mar 2012 20:07

I saw the cardiologist yesterday. He says heart sounds OK now.

I had taken the precaution of measuring my blood pressure at home before i went ot the clinic. 155/80.

Measurement in clinic ~ 235/110
reading 0.66 V/m where the measurement was being done.

When I saw the cardiologist the reading in that room 3.6 V/m.

I reminded him about my electrosensitivity.
I had complained to him previously about the HF-EMR exposures that were affecting my blood pressure.

He took my readings as being correct.

# Posted: 12 Mar 2012 17:04

The telemedicine is sheer hell for the EHS.


BMJ News
Be wary of signing deals for telehealth technologies, conference hears


Be wary of signing deals for telehealth technologies, conference hears
BMJ2012;344doi: 10.1136/bmj.e1750(Published 8 March 2012)
Cite this as:BMJ2012;344:e1750

1. Matthew Limb,1
2. London

NHS organisations should be wary of bulk buying telehealth technologies and getting locked into unsuitable and costly deals, says a leading campaigner for patients' interests.
Jeremy Taylor, chief executive of the National Voices coalition of health and social care charities, said there were risks associated with the spread of telehealth and telecare initiatives and patients' needs must come first.
Although some technologies could help people with long term conditions live independently, they must not be a substitute for effective services and must be "wired in" to well coordinated support, he said.
Mr Taylor, who is a member of the NHS Future Forum, said health technologies were "usually designed by young, fitter people for use by older, sicker" ones.
He said the NHS had spent lots of money in recent years on "kit" that had failed to live up to expectations.
"We have to avoid the trap of having technology driven solutions in search of problems," he said. "It leads ...

Access to the full text of this article requires a subscription or payment

# Posted: 31 Mar 2012 19:57

I shall be sending my GP and cardiologist this document.

'Guideline of the Austrian Medical Association for the diagnosis and treatment of EMF related health problems and illnesses (EMF syndrome)
Consensus paper of the Austrian Medical Association's EMF
Working Group ( AG-EMF)
Adopted at the meeting of environmental medicine officers of the Regional Medical Association´s and the Austrian Medical Association on 3rd March 2012 in Vienna.


# Posted: 17 Apr 2012 15:16

I was once admitted into a hospital for a teeth surgery. They never monitored me first before I went in the surgery theater. After I went into the theater, they started sticking electrodes on me. Then they connected the wires into a small box. One of the doctors then turned on the power, because I was still a kid, I was amazed by the lines on the box, so I asked them what is it called. One of the nurses told me everything I needed to know. Then the other nurse started anesthesia. I was then knocked out. After a few minutes later, I was pushed out. I woke up when my mom started calling my name. After I was discharged, I went to the changing room. I saw many sticky patches still sticking on to my chest. I left all of them as a memorabilia. I later asked the nurse for the ECG. The nurse referred me to a store that sells these things. I still have em'.

# Posted: 17 Apr 2012 18:04

The hospital staff are so ignorant of the effects of the pulse high frequency.
I should be having post-operative exercise classes - but the wifi exposure there sends my blood pressure to over 200/100. That is despite prescribed medication.

A follow-up at another department and a wait of 2 hours in the waiting room with people using their iPhones for the whole 2 hours left me with a terrible headache.

The government prefers the doctors and nurses to remain ignorant about the effects of the microwave radiation and the low frequencies added to them.

Medical care is no longer easily obtained tby the electrohypersensitive.

# Posted: 21 Apr 2012 23:01

Yet another follow-up out-patient visit to hospital.

Mobile phone transmitters on the roof of this hospital, wall to wall wifi, plus numerous people with phones, including medical staff.

Reading SBP/DBP 220/105 despite the blood pressure medication.
Much higher than at home.

The medical and nursing staff neither know, nor care, about the effects of the radiation on the blood - rouleaux formation.

How many cardiac problems that they see are actually caused or worsened by the radiation that they are inflicting on in-patients and out-patients?
Such ignorance!!

# Posted: 23 Apr 2012 14:48


Hospital wards break WHO noise limits

If it was ONLY just the noise!

eric generic
# Posted: 26 Apr 2012 03:42

5 years ago you couldn't use a phone anywhere near a hospital.

What happened?

Oh yes, money. Silly me.


# Posted: 17 Jun 2012 13:21

I had pre-existing fibromyalgia for 7 years before I developed radiation sicknss/ES 8 years ago - triggered when a Vodafone antenna mast was put beside my house and left there for 3 years. I managed to successfully contain the fibromyalgia whilst holding down a full-time job, however my health rapidly deteriorated when the irradiation began and within 12 I had to go on sick leave.

The mast was only removed when I notified them that my eye doctor told me I could permanently lose my sight if the frequently recurring eye inflammation continued - it had started when the mast was switched on and for the first 6 months I didn't know it was even there.

By the time the mast was removed I had lost my job, my livelihood and my health. The more frequent flare-ups of fibromyalgia made life difficult.

Being ignorant about ES I tried to get my life back on track - possible now that the mast was gone. I wanted to try and get back to work and started on a pain management course run by the local hospital.

By this time I realised that something was wrong. Despite the mast being gone I started to feel sick in shops and public places where I was exposed to mobile phone and wi-fi radiation. I knew that I had developed a reaction to the radiation and the only solution was avoidance.

I had waited almost 3 years to go on this pain management course - specially for fibromyalgia sufferers. Despite the ES I believed I could still try to get back to some kind of work. In my naivety I thought that all I had to do was explain to the organiser of the course that I had radiation sickness/ES and that the mobile phones of the other patients participating on the course would make me ill. I requested that the phones be kept in cars or another room.

I was listened to and treated sympathetically by the psychologist who was organising the course. I provided reports etc of evidence that this radiation was harmful, and I was assured that I would be accommodate. It was a bit embarrassing as I did not want to inconvenience anyone but I felt that I had a right - the same as everyone else - to participate on the course for which I had waited many years to attend.

It was one day a week for 6 or 8 weeks. At the beginning of the first session we all introduced ourselves , talking about any additional health problems we faced. I made sure that I explained how ill mobile phone radiation made me feel. At the end of that day I did not feel too bad until I got home and ES symptoms started - the usual malaise. By the second session I had dizzy spells - falling over when we were doing exercises. Stubborness made me continue attending but I realised that the other patients had no intention leaving their mobile phones at home or in their cars. It was a disaster. Out of the 7 other people on the course one never used a mobile phone and 2 others were very understanding when they saw how it was affecting me, but there was resentment - anger even - from other participants who said that as the hospital was full of radiation their phones being in the room and on wouldn't make much difference and the attitude was 'get over it.' By the 2nd or 3rd session I was suffering from vertigo - not only in the hospital but at home when I fell down the stairs and the concrete steps of the patio. My GP witnessed my inability to walk a straight line. I was late for one session and within minutes of arriving I felt 'zapped' - I could not make sense of the words nor could I even look at the face of the organiser/psychologist - all I could do was stare down at the floor- my mind numb. At the end of the session an hour or two later a phone went off on the small table beside the psychologist. She picked it up and said 'I forgot to put the phones out of the room' - there were 7 mobile phones beside her - only feet away from me. Books were in front of them so I hadn't noticed them. When I got home I drew a map of the room position and the mast in the hospital grounds. It turns out that I had been sitting in a direct line of the signal between 7 mobile phones, the window and the big mast in the hospital grounds.

During the penultimate session the psychologist discussed phobias with us - when it was my turn to be addressed she said words to the effect that the mind can affect us so that we develop phobias about technology. The inference was clear - that I was imagining things and the truth was I was phobic about mobile phones. I was too ill to attend the final session. It explained her attitude throughout - and the others took their cue from her.

The physiotherapists, occupational therapists and all the staff were brilliant in that hospital - I can find no fault with them. I can't blame the psychologist either. Until the public decide not to use mobile phones I think the politicians won't do anything until the mobile phone industy profits crash - then we might see a change in hospital attitudes

eric generic
# Posted: 18 Jun 2012 00:12

Hi Alex,

That scenario sounds predictably plausible, exactly what I would expect if I were in that situation. The usual mind games, peer pressure, antagonism through ignorance, and so on.

Unfortunately for their theories, ES sufferers, especially the chronic ones, can't be tricked or fooled. We feel what we feel because the masts/phones/hot-spots are where they are. No amount of kidology is going to change that.

Interesting that you come to the same conclusion as I did about a year ago, that ultimately the whole wi-fi/mobile phone boom (aka insanity) can come crashing down purely from the public deciding not to use it anymore. That will, of course, depend on one of two things happening - a rise in EMR awareness/education, and a rise in the onset of chronic ES in enough people to make everyone think again.

Obviously the media's very deliberate campaign of misdirection, allied to the NHS' disgusting refusal to acknowledge the very existence of ES itself, has shown that contingency plans are already in place to effectively blame anything else expect this damn technology for what is happening, and will only continue to happen at a deadlier rate if it carries on unchecked.

# Posted: 22 Jun 2012 14:26

Hi Alex,
It sounds horrendous what you have been through. I sympathise with you.

The latest thing being offered at the local pharmacist is a Medicine Usage REview {MUR] - see the pharmacist for 10 minutes to discuss your medication usage and how you are taking it, problems etc.

I noticed a sticky label with 'May be eligible for MUR' under the sticky label on my medication. At the pharmacy - DECT/WIFI/mobile phones and not far away mobile phone masts, TETRA.
Another environment to avoid as far as possible.

# Posted: 11 Jul 2012 06:18

It is staggeringly STUPID that hospitals are covered wall to wall with this wireless menace.

I guess the experts from the industry said it was safe (because, you know, it is like, common knowledge that it is impossible for humans to be affected by EMF) and medically harmless and they had a shiny badge and/or diploma so everything is peachy-keen!

# Posted: 11 Jul 2012 09:24


Of course it's common knowledge that non-thermal EMF has absolutely no effect on humans - what so ever - and that's probably why the U.S FDA approved a non-thermal electromagnetic field device that can cure brain cancer. See here:
and see under "News & Events" -> "Press releases" -> Apr. 15, 2011

We first reported this back in 2007.

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