Create a case history file...

Here you can create an online case history file.

Quick guide:
  • First you create a case history file by filling in the form below.
  • After completing the form, click "Create case history file".
    Your case file will be created and you will be given a password so that only you can edit and update it.
    Remember to make a note of your password!
    If you supply your email address then you can have your password emailed to you.
  • You can log-in to your case file at any time and add new entries by clicking on the "Create new entry" link
    that you will find once you have logged into your case file.
  • Once you are logged in, you will see this icon: at the parts of your case file that you can edit.
    You will see this icon: at the parts of your case file that you can delete.

Case history file info

Please describe your case file by giving your country, a title, your e-mail (optional) and a short description (maximum 4-5 lines).

Please select your country:
Your name (or alias):
Your e-mail (will only be used for e-mailing your password in case you forget it. You can leave it blank if you wish):
A title for your case file:
A brief description of your case file (1-4 lines of text):
Health impact of mast
How would you rate the impact the mast has had on your life? (please select one):

 Severe illness! Forced to abandon a home.

 Feeling violently sick all the time.

 Bearable degree of physical symptoms (headache, nausea etc.).

 Seriously concerned, but little or no symptoms.

Mast information
You can now create a description of the mast your journal is about.
If you give the location of the mast (or the address closest to it) then we can present a map showing the mast location.
Please supply as much information as possible. This is a optional step and you can leave this blank if you wish.
City where mast is located:
Street where mast is located:
Description of mast (is it on a rooftop, is it camouflaged ..etc.):