
Audio: interviews Created: 25 Apr 2006 Updated: 15 Mar 2014
  • Apropos om EHS, Danmarks Radio P1 2014-03-10

    Der kan være flere sandheder om en given ting - den officielle konsensus, og så den virkelighed, vi selv opfatter, og som i praksis styrer vores handlinger - fordi der skal være plads til en større virkelighed. Det gælder f.eks. for dem, der er el-overfølsomme. Ifølge Sundhedsstyrelsen, som følger forskningsområdet tæt, er der i dag ikke tilstrækkelig videnskabelig basis, der bekræfter en sammenhæng. Men der er mennesker, der siger, at de mærker det, der får symptomer som migræne, hedeture og søvnproblemer, på grund af den lavfrekvente stråling fra meget af den elektronik, vi omgiver os med. Medvirkende: Silvana Lund, EHS, foreningen af El-overfølsomme. Vært: Mikkel Krause.

  • Kan stråling fra mobilmaster måske være farlig? Danmarks Radio P1 04.10.2012

    Vi vil gerne have teknologien, vi bruger den som aldrig før. Vi kan være trådløse og på farten, ikke blot kan vi kommunikere over telefonen - også det meste af vores digitale liv er tilgængeligt gennem stråler fra mobilmaster.
    Men ikke alle jubler. Hvad nu hvis strålingen er farlig?

  • Phil Dobbie looks into mobile phones and health, part 1, 11.03.2010
    Interview with many people from the EMF field, like Prof. Olle Johanssen, Lloyd Morgan, Isabelle Deltour (Danish Cancer Society), Chris Althaus (telecom CEO) and Enrico Grani (tumor victim).
  • Phil Dobbie looks into mobile phones and health, part 2, 18.03.2010
    Follow-up to part 1. Interviews with Prof. Olle Johanssen & Lloyd Morgan.

  • Are Cell Phones Dangerous? Where We Live, 16.03.2010
    Host John Dankosky investigates cell phones and health impacts. Interviews with Prof. Olle Johansson, B. Blake Levitt, Joshua Muscat and Priya Ganapati (wired magazine).

  • Dr. Grahame Blackwell wifi interview Belfast Radio 25.09.2009
    Dr. Grahame Blackwell gives an interview on wifi in schools and the health effects on Talkback with Wendy Austin on Radio Belfast.

  • Steve "Afterlife" Miller interview on BBC Radio2 24.07.2009
    DJ Steve Miller talks to BBC's Jeremy Vine about his health problems with wifi radiation. Don't miss the listeners emails after the interview.
    Also, check out Steve's new album release called "Electrosensitive".

  • Sarah Dacre, Electro Hyper Sensitivity interview on BBC Kent 03.07.2009
    Sarah Dacre talks about her EHS condition on the BBC Kent morning show "Breakfast with John and Jules".

  • BBC's Vanessa Feltz hosts a debate on children and mobile-phones featuring interviews with Dr. Grahame Blackwell, Yasmin Skelt, Dr. Jill Meara and many other callers.

  • Dr. Louis Slesin interview on WPR radio
    Scientists worldwide predict that 35% of people are experiencing symptoms associated with EMF (electromagnetic frequency) technology. After five, join Ben Merens and his guest as they discuss what EMF is and what you can do to stay safe.
    Guest: Louis Slesin, Ph.D., Founding Editor, Publisher and Editor of, Microwave News, a bimonthly newsletter on the biological effects of non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation, with special emphasis on power lines and cellular phones.
  • Dr. Andrew Goldsworthy interview from the RRT conference
    Mast-Victims exclusive interview with Dr. Andrew Goldsworthy, honorary lecturer at the Department of Biological Sciences of the Imperial College London. Dr. Goldsworthy explains how weak electromagnetic fields such as those from wireless technology can damage living cells. This is a "must hear" !.
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  • BioInitiative editors, Cindy Sage & David Carpenter, Copenhagen, 27.05.2008
    Mast-Victims exclusive interview with the editors of the BioInitiative report, Cindy Sage and David Carpenter. Talk is about the BioInitiative report, how well it has been received, how governmental bodies are gradually softening to it's message and the role of the European Environmental Agency.
    Recording equipment kindly provided by ZorDesign
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  • Dr. George Carlo interview on Dynamic Health, Canada, 24.04.2008
    Allart interviews Dr. George L. Carlo, medical scientist, author and lawyer. His latest book. co-authored with Martin Shram, is "Cell Phones: Invisible Hazards In The Wireless Age". In an age where EMFs, and the use of cell phones, wi-fiis, etc., are rapidly increasing and serious health damage is rapidly increasing as a result, are there solutions out of this escalating disaster that is presently out of control?
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  • Finland bryr sig inte om mobilstrålning, Radio Vega, Finland, 21.04.2008
    En ny rapport varnar för att våra gränsvärden för strålning från mobiletelfoner och från kraftlinjer är för hög. Enligt rapporten kommer bland annat fallen av bröstcancer, alzheimer och barnleukemi att öka om vi inte sänker gränsvärdena för strålning. Men det finns inga planer på att sänka strålningen. Dessutom utvidgar man de trådlösa nätverken över hela landet med utökad mikrovågsstrålning som följd. Henrik Alfthan är angelägen om att det här åtgärdas, och förundrad över att rapporten har fått så lite uppmärksamhet i Finland. Heidi Finnilä bjöd in honom till Radiohuset.
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  • March of the Cellphone Towers, CBC Canada, 16.01.2008
    Cellphones, Blackberries... Canadians love wireless technology, and telecommunications companies market themselves on the seamlessness of their signal. But neighbourhoods aren't always happy about what it takes to feed the wireless habit - huge cell phone towers extending dozens of metres into the sky. Recent neighbourhood battles in places like Hamilton and Chilliwack, BC have highlighted the ongoing concerns of some about the health effects and aesthetics of the towers. Sounds Like Canada looks at the issue.
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  • Isle of Man radio programme 16.12.2007 debating health risks of mobile phone masts.
    Represented are an MD who has had mobile phone masts installed on the roof of his surgery, a local campaigner, a rep. from Manx Telecom and an industry scientist from the GSM association. Take note of the clip in the beginning with Dr. John Walker of S.C.R.A.M.
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  • Dr George Carlo, Mike Repacholi and Jasper Carrot on "Today with Pat Kenny" RTE Radio 1. 23.02.2007
    Dr. George Carlo, ex WHO EMF coordinator Mike Repacholi and Jasper Carrot discuss the health impacts of EMF. A must-hear.
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  • Dr George Carlo on "The Last Word with Matt Cooper". Ireland today FM. 23.02.2007
    Dr. George Carlo talks to Matt Cooper and a strange appearance by some Prof. Philip Walton(?) that unfortunatly gets the "last word" by mentioning the flawed Danish cancer society study. Also notice how the programme happens to be sponsored by O2 telecom with the sponsor advert at the end.
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  • Dr George Carlo and Prof. Lawrie Challis interview 26.02.2007
    BBC radio 4 "You and Yours" programme about WiFi and health. First segment is an interview with UK teacher Michael Bevington who has contracted EHS from WiFi transmitters. Second segment is an interview with Prof. Lawrie Challis who runs the UK Governments wireless health research programme. Last segment is an interview with Dr George Carlo & Prof. Lawrie Challis after Dr Carlo's Westminster presentation.
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  • Cindy Sage interview 11.12.2006
    Cindy Sage speaks to WBAI radio host Bob Lederer about the Danish Cohort Study and explains the problems with it's design, the lead investigators known ties to industry and how the study has been misrepresented in mass media.
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  • Dr. George Carlo interview 02.12.2006
    Dr. George Carlo lead the American Mobile Phone industries 28 million dollar research effort to prove mobile phone safety. When they unexpectedly found evidence of health dangers from mobile phone radiation the industry tried to suppress the evidence. Dr. Carlo went public and is on a mission to wake the world up to the threats from wireless technology through the Safe Wireless Initiative. Dr. Carlo speaks to Dr. Sherril Sellmann about the identified mechanisms of harm from mobile phone radiation and how epidemilogical evidence gained from published studies shows that the world is at the beginning of a non-ionizing radiation health epidemic.
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  • Dr. Gerald Goldberg interview 01.12.2006
    Dr Gerald Goldberg MD and author of the book "Would you put your head in a microwave oven" talks to radio show host Dr. Sherril Sellmann about how EMF from mobile phones, wireless equipment and masts is adversely affecting our health and offers advice on how individuals can use natural remedies to offset the cumulative health damage from EMF. Dr. Goldberg has over 30 years of medical experience and has extensively researched the scientific litterature on EMF.
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  • Wireless networks health debate on BBC "You And Yours" radio programme
    Radio programme extract of debate over health dangers of wireless networks in schools.
    BBC You And Yours
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  • Dr. George Carlo interview 03.11.2006
    Dr. George Carlo speaks to host Bill Good of Canadian Radio Station CKNW, explaining the mechanisms behind adverse health effects from cellphones and wireless devices and responds to listener calls.
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  • B.Blake Levitt & Prof. Martin Blank interview 24.10.2006
    Some scientists say the radiation cellphones give off can cause cancer - the government says it's all perfectly safe. Host Daphne Wysham speaks to B. Blake Levitt about how cell phones work, and how cell phone companies pay big bucks to put their antennas and Professor Martin Blank from Columbia University about the radiation given off by cell phones.
    Earthbeat radio
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  • Prof. Jerry Philips interview 24.10.2006
    Jerry Philips is currently a professor and director of the Science Learning Center at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs. He was one of the first scientists to study the health effects of cell phone radiation - recruited to do work by Motorola. But when Phillips' research came up with results the cell phone company didn't like - they shut down any attempts to publish his work.
    Earthbeat radio
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  • Libby Kelley interview 24.10.2006
    What can people do to protect themselves from cell phone radiation? Join Libby Kelley of the Council of Wireless Technology Impacts. To learn more about the scientists organizing against the electropollution of cell phones, visit here.
    Earthbeat radio
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  • Prof. Magda Havas & Dave Stetzer interview 07.27.2006
    When you turn on the lights, dirty electricity may be affecting your health. So say Joy Cardin's guests, who say electricity pollution is widespread, but offer ways to stem the problem.
    - Dave Stetzer, industrial electrician, and president of Stetzer Electric
    - Magda Havas, professor of environmental and resources studies, Trent University, Ontario. She's conducted several studies of the health effects of dirty electricity.
    Host is Joy Cardin of Wisconsin Public Radio.
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  • Dr. Gerald Goldberg interview 07.21.2006
    Dr Gerald Goldberg MD talks about health problems with microwave exposure, the US healthcare system and the problems we are facing with the unregulated proliferation of microwave transmitters. Host is Lee Stringer of the Progressive Radio Network.
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  • Louis Slesin interview 07.11.2006
    Louis Slesin of Microwave news speaks to Dr. Layna Berman & Dr. Jeffry Fawcett on the programme Your Own Health And Fittness.
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  • Dr. Gerald Goldberg interview 19.06.2006
    Dr Gerald Goldberg MD author of new book "Would you put your head in a microwave oven" talks about the biological hazards of EMF and the link between microwave dosimetry and the rise of illnesses we are observing in wireless societies today. Radio show host is Dr. Sherill Sellman of The Progressive Radio Network.
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  • Det trådlösa samhället - en strålningsfälla?
    Audio extract of video clip of Swedish TV programme featuring Olle Johansson & Mona Nilsson
    I februari i år startade Götene kommun i Västergötland sitt trådlösa bredband. Tämligen omgående insjuknade åtta invånare och några av dem tvingades lämna sina hem och bosätta sig i skogen. Hur farlig är strålningen?
    I studion Mona Nilsson, journalist och författare, Olle Johansson, forskare i neurovetenskap på Karolinska institutet, Hans Wiksell, professor Karolinska institutet, Lars Mjönes, SSI.
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  • Prof. Magda Havas Interview 30.05.2006
    Magda Havas, BSc, PhD, Associate Professor of Environmental and Resource Studies, Trent University, Ontario, Canada discusses low dose radiation health effects.
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  • Prof. Olle Johanssen interview 25.04.2006
    Olle Johansson, MD associate professor in the Experimental Dermatology Unit, Department of Neuoscience, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden discusses new research about the dangers of exposure to radio frequency radiation from cell phones and wireless technologies.
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  • Angst vor Strahlen (in German)
    Die Mobilfunkanbieter erweitern ihre Kapazitäten, die Zahl der Sendemasten im Land steigt stetig. Schaden die Funkwellen der Gesundheit? Einen neuen Forschungsansatz hat der Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz (BUND) vorgestellt.
    Programme link
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  • Dr. George Carlo interview 12.01.2006
    "Your Cell Phone is Dangerous" A Special Radio Interview with Dr. George Carlo by Dr. Catherine Saltzman and AchieveRadio.
    Dr. George Carlo, Ph.D, M.S., J.D, head of the nonprofit Safe Wireless Initiative (SWI), was the former chief research scientist of the $28.5 million research program funded by the cell phone industry.
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  • Prof. Olle Johanssen interview 29.11.2005
    Researcher Olle Johansson, MD, associate professor in the Department of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden, discusses recent studies showing the adverse health effects of exposure to radio frequency radiation from wireless technologies.
    Also in this radio session: Activist Doug Loranger discusses his film "Bad Reception, The Wireless Revolution in San Francisco and community activism against citywide wireless broadband Internet access".
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  • Dr. Neil Cherry interview 09.10.2001
    Dr. Neil Cherry, of the Environmental & Design Division of Lincoln Univ. in New Zealand, has been doing studies with very thorough research from many angles the effects of radio & microwave pollution.
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Video: interviews, news Created: 25 Apr 2006 Updated: 03 Mar 2013

Recommended reading: books Created: 26 Apr 2006
  • Would you put your head in a Microwave Oven
    Very easy to read and understand, approx. 80 pages.
    Author: MD Gerald Goldberg.
    About the book:
    "In this book I examine the common link between microwave radiation and seemingly unrelated illnesses. The book demonstrates that the rising incidence of certain illnesses and cancers across broad geographic regions parallels the increasing rise in exposure and use of microwave radiation. This book is a common sense approach to the subject which is presented in a clear language that the laymen can understand. Also it is liberally referenced from the scientific literature. The book is designed to be generally informative as well as a reference source for the average reader. Additionally I have provided a wealth of resources that have been shown to be beneficial to offset the consequences of excess microwave exposure."
  • The Body Electric: Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life
    Author: Dr. Robert O. Becker.
    About the book:
    The Body Electric tells the fascinating story of our bioelectric selves. Robert O. Becker, a pioneer in the filed of regeneration and its relationship to electrical currents in living things, challenges the established mechanistic understanding of the body. He found clues to the healing process in the long-discarded theory that electricity is vital to life. But as exciting as Becker's discoveries are, pointing to the day when human limbs, spinal cords, and organs may be regenerated after they have been damaged, equally fascinating is the story of Becker's struggle to do such original work. The Body Electric explores new pathways in our understanding of evolution, acupuncture, psychic phenomena, and healing.
  • Cross Currents: the perils of electropollution, the promise of electromedicin
    Author: Dr. Robert O. Becker.
    About the book:
    Becker explores the healing potential and adverse effects of electricity. Many alternative therapies attempt to tap the curative abilities of electromagnetism, and Becker thinks they are often effective modalities which do not have the dangerous side effects of chemotherapy, radiation, and other mainstream medical procedures. On the opposite side of the coin, he reviews the potential dangers of electromagnetic fields from such sources as common household appliances, power lines, and computers--risks exhaustively exposed in Paul Brodeur's Currents of Death ( LJ 10/1/89). This accessible book is recommended for public libraries.
  • The Powerwatch Handbook
    Author: Alasdair & Jean Philips
    The handbook contains an overview of the current status of EMFs and health effects The book includes sections on powerlines, substations, mobile phone masts, underground and overhead cables, railways, the potential levels of EMFs they generate and tips for reducing your exposure to EMFs from these sources.
  • Spelet om 3G, Fakta och desinformation i det trådlösa samhället
    Author: Mona Nilsson
    I boken Spelet om 3G - Fakta och desinformation i det trådlösa samhället, presenterar frilansjournalisten Mona Nilsson delar av den omfattande forskning som visar att strålning från mobiltelefonin kan leda till allvarliga konsekvenser för människors hälsa.
  • Cell Phones: Invisible Hazards in the Wireless Age: An Insider's Alarming Discoveries about Cancer and Genetic Damage
    Authors: Dr. George Carlo & Martin Schram.
    About the book:
    In 1993, when the cell phone industry's chief lobbyist hired epidemiologist and pathologist Carlo to refute claims that cell phones, which had never been subjected to premarket testing, cause cancer, no one thought he would discover otherwise. But after six years of exhaustive analysis and scrupulous peer review, the results proved, according to this report, that radiation from a cell phone's antenna can cause the formation of micronuclei red flags for cancer in the brain. Children in particular are more susceptible to the radiation than adults.
  • Gerritt Teule
    Dutch author of numerous books on the subject of electromagnetic radiation and health. See his website for book descriptions.