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Wales Created: 11 Jul 2005
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Wales Created: 11 Jul 2005
Pontypool: Talywain:
Protestors dug in

Protestors dug in and NRPB urging more research? Can we believe this?
Protesters of a mobile phone mast being put up on land near a rugby club will stage an all night vigil after rumours work would begin early on Saturday.

Demonstrators have already erected a shed at the entrance to the site next to Talywain Rugby Club in Pontypool.
They plan to man the protest line throughout Friday night after hearing work on the Vodafone mast would begin.
Vodafone said it had legal permission to build on the site but could give no assurances when work would start.
Residents are objecting to the mast on health grounds and have said that they are seeking a judicial review over the plans.
Cath Gullick, who represents the protesters, said they wanted all of the issues to be discussed before any work was carried out on the site.
"There are a number of issues which we want to see resolved before any work begins," she said.
"We are concerned about several things including the health issues of putting a mast on a site which is close to residential properties.
"We just want these matters sorted out before any preparatory work takes place."
She said that since the first protest on 6 June where residents prevented contractors from entering the site of the planned mast, they have maintained a continued presence at the site.
She added that following rumours that contractors would attempt to begin work early Saturday morning, an all night vigil would be held at the site.
Ms Gullick said: "We are going to keep a close eye on things and if any lorries make their way here, all we have to do if phone everyone and there will be a crowd within minutes.
"There is such strong feeling about this whole matter."

Opinion split
Vodafone said it had planning permission from Torfaen council to erect the 15m mast at the site and to provide a service for the local people who use mobile phones.
A spokeswoman said that the start time of the work was dependent upon the contractors.
People in a number of areas across the UK have complained about masts amid concern over possible health risks.
Last month the UK government announced new research into their location, as well as mobile phone technology.
Scientific opinion is split, and the National Radiological Protection Board has urged more research into masts.
Torfaen planners have approved Vodafone's proposals for the 15m mast.
BBC News Website 18 June 05

Wales Created: 11 Jul 2005
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Wales Created: 11 Jul 2005
Mast decision deferred by council

Members of Tenby Town Council have deferred making a decision on the proposed siting of a temporary telecommunications mast on Caldey Island. At Tuesday night’s meeting, councillors elected to take into account the views of residents on the island, before giving their recommendation to the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority. However, in a twist to the proposed planning application, the applicant for the mast, Airwave O2 Ltd. has revealed that they have already scrapped plans for the mast’s installation on the island, claiming that any application put through must be due to an ‘an administrative error’. According to the National Park planning authority though, Airwave O2 Ltd. has not yet withdrawn the application which as it stands will be considered at the next meeting the development management committee on Wednesday, June 15. The application for the temporary mast on Caldey Island is for installation for a period no greater than 12-months, with a proposed permanent site share intended at the existing NTL telecommunication installation at The Ridgeway. When discussing the application at Tuesday’s meeting, councillors decided to the defer their decision until the residents of Caldey Island had given their views. “I think we should wait until we hear the thoughts of the people of Caldey Island on the application before making a decision, as we are really hear as a council to represent their views on this matter,” said Clr. Mrs. Caroline Thomas.
Created: 6 Jun 2005 Tenby Today

MOBILE phone firms have been dealt a double blow - after plans to erect two new masts in Renfrew were rejected.
Communications giants Vodafone and T-Mobile had both hoped to be able to install phone masts in the town.
But after more than 150 complaints from locals, councillors rejected their plans.
Bosses at Vodafone had applied for planning permission to install a 21-metre mast on land just off North Lodge Road in Renfrew.
But 135 people contacted Renfrewshire Council planning chiefs objecting to it.
Worried residents felt it would be sited far too close to homes and would also be an eyesore in the area.
SNP Councillor Richard Vassie backed them by speaking out against the mast proposal at a meeting of the council's planning and
development board.
And he and the residents were delighted when councillors voted by eight to four against granting planning permission.
Afterwards Councillor Vassie, who represents the Glenburn South area in Paisley, said: "More than 100 people objected
to this mast going up so there was a very strong feeling in the local community against this going ahead.
"I wanted to make sure that those objections were heard and I'm delighted that the majority of the planning committee agreed with me."
At the same meeting councillors also booted out plans by T-Mobile to put up a 15-metre mast up on land just off Afton Drive.
Once again angry residents had blasted the proposals, with 17 folk complaining to planning bosses.
They feared the mast would be close to a children's play area and also argued that many youngsters would have to walk past it on
their way to and from school.
Local councillor Alex Murrin also hit out at the mast plans.
Councillor Murrin, who represents the Deanside area of the town, said: "I object to the site of this mast, and I ask councillors to reject it
on the grounds that it will have a significant impact on the visual amenity in the area."
After hearing from him members voted by nine to five to refuse planning permission.
Paisley Daily Express 15 06 05

Wales Created: 11 Jul 2005
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