Case history files for Greece

Will my organism get healthy again? Greece
Contamination level: Seriously concerned, but little or no symptoms.
Author: George Flemetakis Created: 18 Dec 2005 Updated: 18 Dec 2005 Viewed: 3644 time(s)
If I abandon my house, will the the cancer possibility remain?
This case file has 1 entry and has been commented by 2 people

No symptoms so far Greece
Contamination level: Seriously concerned, but little or no symptoms.
Author: G.F. Created: 26 Nov 2005 Updated: 26 Nov 2005 Viewed: 3932 time(s)
I am seriously concerned on the issue but i have no symptoms so far. I am highly depressed with all of this and i am planning abandon my house actually. I have measured the RF field in my room and i have 0,265μW/cm2 at the possition of my desk and 0,12μW/cm2 at where i sleep.
This case file has 2 entries and has been commented by 3 people