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NOTES FROM FAY United Kingdom
Contamination level: Severe illness! Forced to abandon a home.
Author: Fay Created: 26 Aug 2006 Updated: 26 Aug 2006 Viewed: 6185 time(s)
Fay had a sick little girl who was allergic to a lot of things so she thought she would move her nearer to the sea, hoping she would recover.
Mother and daughter moved to a coastal area in early 2004. They loved the fresh air after London but Fay could hear a noise, which she initially thought was the sea, whenever it was quiet.
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Fay is still trying to recover and the TETRA changes recently are not making it easy. Created: 26 Aug 2006
Fay is still trying to recover and the TETRA changes recently are not making it easy. Even I am struggling with double the normal protection and I had almost completely healed! As she really wants her story to go out to raise awareness and help others, I have agreed to try to fill in the bits between the brief notes because I know her story and have live part of it with her. As I am also suffering from memory/concentration loss etc, please accept the rough dates and many omissions. Fay’s actual notes are written in blue, the rest is my construction of her story as I know it.
Sandi Lawrence
Mast Sickness UK
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After a few months she gradually became even more unwell.
Created: 26 Aug 2006
Fay had a sick little girl who was allergic to a lot of things so she thought she would move her nearer to the sea, hoping she would recover.
Mother and daughter moved to a coastal area in early 2004. They loved the fresh air after London but Fay could hear a noise, which she initially thought was the sea, whenever it was quiet. A relative visited her and could hear it, too, but they eventually realised that it wasn’t the sea. It got so annoying that they moved again to further along the coast, but the noise was still there. Also Fay began to feel unwell, but endless trips to the doctor didn’t help and the doctor didn’t seem to know what was wrong with her.

After a few months she gradually became even more unwell. The symptoms were:
Swollen glands; blisters on the back of the throat (yellow spots); croaky raw throat; dry itchy skin; bleeding gums, weight loss even though she ate a lot and was always hungry; exhaustion –even from talking too much; dizziness; aching bones, flu like symptoms. (She) could not do the ballet lessons and practice (she loved) and swimming made her very ill. (She had) bouts of sickness/diarrhoea – terrible nausea; failing eyesight, especially in one eye; pins and needles in fingers; sties and sores in nose; itchy, puffy eyes; allergies; intolerance to some foods; static noise in ears; vivid dreams; poor sleep, irritable bowel syndrome; feeling irritable.
(She had) problems with alcohol – one drink made (her) feel sick. When (her) glands were bad it began to affect (her) eyes and make (her) feel really ill. If (she) went to (one nearby town) she had flu-like symptoms, if she went to (another) (she) was ill and exhausted for a few days. The vivid dreams developed to become very life-like and frightening nightmares.

At this time (Aug/Sept 2004) Fay contacted me because she had seen my phone number in a local paper in a letter about TETRA and health. (I used to write to local papers across the UK to raise awareness) She asked a lot of questions and told me very little, but I could sense she was low and ill. I said she could contact me anytime and I worried when she didn’t. A month or so later she phoned me again in an even worse state and I suggested that I visited her. She kept saying if it wasn’t for her daughter she would be glad to die. Knowing she needed her was all that kept her going.

When I travelled to see her I realised her home was directly in the path of TETRA. I could feel it and became unwell.

I phoned Fay a lot for a while and she seemed relieved to talk to me. I tried to encourage her to move because I had felt TETRA strongly in her home. Soon after, Fay stopped contacting me and her phone was disconnected. When she finally contacted me several months later she said she felt she was being a nuisance so she had tried to soldier on. It took me a while, but I finally convinced her that she wasn’t a nuisance and that I was there for her. We laugh about it now and share symptoms, thoughts and feelings freely. We have become close friends.

Fay and her daughter moved in 2005 to a small town centre area. She had gone from the frying pan into the fire. Symptoms were more or less the same as above, but worse with severe depression, apathy etc. We couldn’t get anywhere with her doctor and her daughter went to a school with a TETRA line through it, so we changed her doctor and her daughter’s school eventually, though it seemed as if it took forever to get her motivated. When she was motivated, she didn’t ask me to get the new flat tested, she just moved!
When she became really unwell and none of the tests or medication helped, I told Fay to ask for a white blood cell count. The result was that they suspected leukaemia as her white blood count was almost rock bottom. We discussed diet, supplements to diet and all sorts of stuff. She was scared stiff and afraid she would die. She refused to go back to the doctor for a further blood test but I managed to persuade her. This blood test was only slightly better. By now it was February/March 06.

I had healed with the protection I have used since April 05 so I talked to the man who provided it. Fay was very poor at this time, as her daughter was still on a special diet and alternative medicines cost money, and she was too ill to work. She simply could not afford any sort of protection other than the tin foil on boards she put round their beds. The man who provided my protection gave her protection on loan and on condition that she reported her symptoms and progress. I can’t tell you how grateful and relieved I was. I just didn’t have the money to help her.

After taking advice from the man who supplied her protection, she was taking vitamin tablets and vitamin E occasionally.
(Her) throat cleared up but (she) still had some yellow spots; slight nausea; tiredness; bleeding gums; puffy, itchy eyes; occasional aching bones; slight pins and needles; anxiety; a noise in (her) head –most noticeable when it was quiet, vivid dreams. Food intolerance now only includes boiled milk or cooked cheese. Still cannot drink alcohol without feeling unwell

Fay’s appointment finally came through to see a specialist at the hospital. He was a consultant haematologist. She was really scared because her appointment was in a hospital ward and a bed had been booked for her. She realised that she might have bad news. However she had a blood test and the white blood cell count was well up, from rock bottom to half of the normal amount in just three months or so. She had also put on weight. Instead of keeping her in for more tests she was told she could go home. An appointment was made for 6 months time but the consultant told her that there was no need for her to attend if the improvement continued. He confessed to her that he was amazed at the improvement and asked her if there was any reason for this.
She was too wary after previous experiences with doctors to mention TETRA or protection, so she just said she did not know. She later wanted me to tell him that she had been protected from TETRA and phone mast emission in such a way as to pretend she did not know about the protection. She knew her case was some sort of proof and wanted to try to prove it but was too scared, with good reason. Other mothers had been given a rough ride over talking about their children or themselves being affected by TETRA. One I know of was treated very badly. Much as I wanted to try to prove the harm TETRA causes, too, I couldn’t risk it for Fay’s sake and her daughter’s. So the proof lies in waiting for another day to come.

TETRA changes were made in Fay’s area from June 06 through to mid July 06, at the same time as two new TETRA lines turned up running through my home. I share all her symptoms except the noise in the head and the drinking of coffee. I only get pain in my head, not noises, and my coffee now tastes off! I also got ulcers on my tongue and a really bad throat. These TETRA changes have made us both worse and also other people I know, or know of, across the UK who are sensitive to this technology.

From early/mid July 06 noises in head louder- (she turns) a personal cassette on full volume and can still hear it. Other symptoms: sick stomach; nausea; anxiety; a few yellow spots on the sides of the throat, exhaustion; heavy head/forgetful/unable to concentrate; waking every hour till about 3am; vivid dreams/nightmares; irritable on and off; seem to catch flu and viruses easily; everything an effort; sometimes doesn’t know if (she) is asleep or awake. (She) can’t drink coffee or alcohol

Fay had improved a lot before the TETRA changes, so now we just have to get her and I moved out of TETRA lines of emission, so that we can both feel better again. There is a bond between us now that even TETRA can’t tear asunder.
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