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Contamination level: Bearable degree of physical symptoms (headache, nausea etc.).
Author: Jane Created: 18 Sep 2006 Updated: 20 Sep 2006 Viewed: 4085 time(s)
UCLA has put in cell antennas and wireless over most of the campus, including right across from my office
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Anyone know of any doctors who would write me a note so I can work in the room away from the antennas? Created: 20 Sep 2006
UCLA has put in cell antennas and wireless over most of the campus, including right across from my office.
I have also been working under fluorescent lights only, no daylights, in front of an old cathode screen, with1-3 mG EMF constant exposure at work for 8 years.
I have very severe headaches, tinnitus, shortness of breath, increasing with time.
There are also unknown toxic chemicals stored on ground floor of building.
My supervisors have given me a LCD screen but refused to let me move to an available room away from the antennas.
I can't find a doctor who will write me a note so I can work in the room away from the antennas...Anyone know of any doctors who would do this?
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