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blatant bribe to irish phone regulator minister Ireland
Contamination level: Feeling violently sick all the time.
Author: John Created: 18 Sep 2006 Updated: 18 Sep 2006 Viewed: 4468 time(s)
Sick by Wi-Fi in home and near 3G masts
This case file has 1 entry and has been commented by 4 people

i live in ireland and since i suffered pain using wifi broadband in my home, i have also felt ill near 3g masts Created: 18 Sep 2006
i live in ireland and since i suffered pain using wifi broadband in my home, i have also felt ill near 3g masts. these masts have only been put up recently in my area (limerick). i complained to the government, but they are in the pockets of the mobile phone companies who set up these 3g masts! one minister on the irish communication regulator board (comreg) was given an executive\'s box ticket to a major irish football game by VODAFONE! he had the cheek to say this wasn\'t a conflict of interest!
17th sept 2006
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