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Electro Sensitivity United Kingdom
Contamination level: Feeling violently sick all the time.
Author: Lynn Created: 12 Oct 2006 Updated: 12 Oct 2006 Viewed: 5418 time(s)
I am a qualified Social Worker and Teacher of Further Education. I would describe myself as rational, I do not generally respond to anecdotal accounts, preferring to take evidence from more than one source.
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I developed symptoms of extreme fatigue, experienced pins and needles and numbness throughout my entire body Created: 12 Oct 2006
I am a qualified Social Worker and Teacher of Further Education.
I would describe myself as rational, I do not generally respond to anecdotal accounts, preferring to take evidence from more than one source.

In July 2000, I was forced to give up a full time job. I ran a health and social care NVQ programme for a college of further education, which at its peak had
15 assessors on the team.

At the point of leaving I was hardly able to function. My capacity to think and make decisions was virtually non existent.
I began to call things by the wrong name, paper clips one day may become sausages and students soldiers, when the mistake was pointed out, I could not recall their correct name without a huge effort. I had difficulty remembering colleague's names and confused people and situations. I could not manage to dial myown or office number without careful thought.

I developed symptoms of extreme fatigue, experienced pins and needles and numbness throughout my entire body and clicking sensations in my head. My GP dismissed this at first , then called it stress implying that it was psychosomatic, he told me and my Husband during my last visit to his surgery, that we all get tired, he did too, and when he does, he goes to bed early, he also pointed out that he was very busy and must move on to the next appointment.

I changed Drs. My new GP was more supportive, he had been my Aunt and my Fathers GP, he knew them both quite well, my Aunt came along with me on the initial visit to endorse what I was saying, and to confirm that, although the symptoms may seem bizarre, would he please take me seriously, because she had known me from the day I was born, and that I was not an 'ill' person, and that I am usually very level headed, and clearly something was happening, because when I said that I was tired, I was actually describing the inability to stand or communicate.

My new Dr actively listened, he referred me on to a Consultant Neurologist, who referred me on to a specialist who would investigate whether or not I had damaged my nerve ends. The specialist found my nerve ends to be fine, and suggested it may be stress ( all in the mind ).

Back to my GP who referred me on to a Teaching Hospital for a bone density scan, again no problem, M.S tests also proved negative.
On to another Consultant to investigate the possibility of Fibromyalgia, but the symptoms didn't really ring true, so again no conclusion.

My symptoms worsened, I kept falling over, my speech and vision were affected and I became touch sensitive, in other words if I touched my skin on occasions a sharp pain would shoot through my body. My GP prescribed HRT, I had gone through the menopause at 47, my immune systems were not working properly, I had had a cough for 4 years and x rays showed nothing, my neutrophils ( white blood cells ) were hovering just above zero.

In 2001 the village in which I live hit the headlines, 9 neighbours living in 18 households also had low neutrophils, 4 others were beginning to experience symptoms similar to mine, an alarming number developed skin rashes and cancers, these illnesses emerged over a six month period.

Independent research lead us to worldwide scientists , further investigations enabled us to identify a possible cause, I had been sleeping for seven years in pulsed microwaves emitting from a mobile phone mast 180 metres from my home, my bed which was metal acted as an aerial.

A huge amount of investigations took place and it was then that I discovered that I had become electro sensitive.

With this newly found knowledge I was able to research my illness and protect myself and my home. I began to recover, however I only remain well if I avoid excessive electro magnetic fields, which is easier said than done.

By meeting other electro sensitive sufferers, I realise that our symptoms can differ, its all about what actually caused the exposure in the first place.
My symptoms are triggered off by some fluorescent lighting, computers, mobile phones, mobile phone masts, and microwave and wireless technology.
I can only tolerate exposure on a short term basis, when in contact with this technology for longer periods my symptoms return.

I now preserve exceptionally good health because I limit my exposure to electro magnetic fields . Going out to shop or to bank is a living nightmare as is travelling on public transport, because every other person if not talking drivel on a mobile phone, has got one on standby. If the phones don't zap me the lighting does, I've lost count with how many shops I have to run in and out of quickly if I want to remain well. I can however tell you of a small handful hich are still a pleasure for me to shop and take time to choose.

I am virtually unemployable, a modern workplace is the worst place for me to be, at home I have a purpose built office with protected screening ,
but my profession is not easily worked in the home environment.

It is estimated that over 2 million people in Britain are electro sensitive, this has immense implications for the economy, considering extra pressure being put on the health service, coupled with a reduction in pensionable earnings and tax.
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