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Cell Phone Tower Canada
Contamination level: Bearable degree of physical symptoms (headache, nausea etc.).
Author: Mr L T.Buckle Created: 30 Nov 2006 Updated: 30 Nov 2006 Viewed: 4717 time(s)
I have suffered since moving into this house 11years ago the effects of the signal sent from a cell ohone
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Cell Phone Tower Sickness Created: 30 Nov 2006

I purchased this house about 12 years or more ago a year after I noticed a strange Electric viabration passing through the house making me feel uncomfortable and causing me to have mild headaches, stoumach upset,Disturbed sleep everfy night ,When I waken in the mornings my stoumach muscles are very tense as though I have been exercising,Doing situps all night.
I purchased a headset to listen to my TV unfortunately I cant use them because they pick up the signal being transmited by the tower I got the last Mayor
Of Mission (Abe Nuefeld) To listen He thought it was very noisy But could do nothing
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