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Getting on my Nerves United Kingdom
Contamination level: Bearable degree of physical symptoms (headache, nausea etc.).
Author: Mighty Slug Created: 1 Apr 2007 Updated: 1 Apr 2007 Viewed: 4665 time(s)
Get pains in head when near other peoples mobile phones - memory loss & confusion. Depression when in mobile phone "zone" . Researching & campaigning for nearly 2 years. Refs to papers & political refs.
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links & resources Created: 1 Apr 2007
Since a Mast was threatened to be put up in our local church, I have been researching and campaigning to find out about them. Since the prolific increase in 3G phones I have become increasingly intolerant to them suffering from severe head pains - like stabbing through my head with a long pin! crawling sensations, pressure and tender feelings at back of head, wave sensations through top of my head. I quickly become irritable to the point of explosion - I feel uncharacteristically aggressive. I was "zapped" by a mobile on an escalator coming out of the tube - when I got to the top I found myself walking repeatedly in a circle not knowing what exit to take - I take this journey every week. Another time waiting for overground train a person walked past me and I felt like I'd been given the most devastating news....until they passed (with their MOBILE) then I was fine again! It is not psychological - I am surprised when some phones do not effect me. I also get pains in my head a few seconds before calls come in on other people's phones. I tried walking away from a sitting mobile user and it took a distance of half a lampost distance before pain subsided. In the last few days I have had high pitched noises through my head constantly.

Refs. The Naila Report,
Santini Report ( hearing march6 02.pdf,
Dr Cherry Report, Reuters - Dr Rossini Mobile study (I'm sure you can get these by google)
Dutch report
The 3G Masts in UK are being put up by QuintelS4 a subsidiary of Quinetic Group (Military of Defence) two Iranian brothers Tchenguiz family are funding the Masts to the tune of £12million per year. This information comes from Company House and can be obtained for £3.
The University of Essex are testing mobiles for the government. At the same University they are researching on robotics and how man and machine interact
please pass on this information and help to spread the word...We need to keep up the Fight!!!
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