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I am being bombarded by microwaves from a BROADCASTING MAST which is twenty miles away Scotland
Contamination level: Feeling violently sick all the time.
Author: Marion Lang Created: 18 Apr 2007 Updated: 18 Apr 2007 Viewed: 4388 time(s)
I am a practicing beekeeper here in Fife and also a victim of this scurrilous technology and suffering! NOT QUIETLY THOUGH.
My efforts at seeking assistance on the human front are constantly stonewalled and I made a decision to go for the environmental one.
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It is the ELECTROMAGNETIC GROUNDWAVE DELIVERING THE INFORMATION that is the problem Created: 18 Apr 2007
I am a practicing beekeeper here in Fife and also a victim of this scurrilous technology and suffering!

My efforts at seeking assistance on the human front are constantly stonewalled and I made a decision to go for the environmental one.
To cut a long story short apart from TETRA, which is also widespread in this area.

My particular problem is that I am being bombarded by microwaves from a BROADCASTING MAST which is twenty miles away.
At first I simply could not believe it, but I am in the unique position out here in the country in that I am quite positive it can be nothing else and have done some extremely intensive research to satisfy myself, once it was clear I was going to get no assistance from those in authority.
They refuse point blank to do any monitoring of any sort, although it is obvious they are aware of a problem and even more so after visiting us.

We have no fancy phones etc. In the house.
It is the ELECTROMAGNETIC GROUNDWAVE DELIVERING THE INFORMATION that is the problem, when I discovered this I was absolutely horrified knowing somehing about the origins of this technology and its uses.
These waves come straight through the walls and windows, the sound can be picked up bouncing off anything metalic including fence wires throughout the countryside north, south, east and west of this mast, although our topography and other factors have made this a particular hot spot.
It is getting into the electrics too.

I have found the same thing in many buildings used by the public and tourists alike.
It is impossible to exclude completely.

So concerned am I that I have got my MP Menzies Campbell to forward my letter asking Tessa Jowel if it is right that this very dangerous technology, which can have dangerous unforeseen consequences, should be used for the commercial purpose of delivering television to 3G telephones and wireless technology into every home whether you want it or not.
As yet we have not had a reply.

Once I knew what the problem was I found out all I could about how these groundwaves work so that I would hopefully understand the effects they could produce a bit better.
This was a sobering experience and my job now is to educate as many people as I can.

I will now get to the point.
I am very involved with the Scottish Beekeepers although I recently relinquished my position, my term of office being up.
Last year I assisted in collating information for a survey on the state of Scottish Bees and it became apparant that 'Marie Celeste' was widespread apart from other reasons for losses.
I myself lost a hive to this syndrome and had concluded following some research I was doing on birds that TETRA was a possibility.
My subsequent discovery of the Broadcasting problem, which has serious implications if my theory is right, led me to discuss this with another
official for possible further research.

There are two scenarios as I see it based on my own experiences as a beekeeper and a victim.
The ' Marie Celeste ' could be explained by foraging bees being "fried" by the electric element of the wave, this fits with much of my own knowledge
of what has happened to us as we get "fried " indoors and outdoors.

The second scenario is when the bees suddenly abandon their hive in February or other unusual time of year (i.e. not a natural swarm in May, June or July maybe April in England).

There is no way they could set up home and survive this so something drives them out.
My experience with the deadly infrasound and pulse which sets up the vibrations would easily explain this as bees communicate by vibration and 'listen' with their knees, this they do on unfilled comb.
Any un-natural vibration would have the same effect on them as the pulse does on some of us and their nervous system would break down too and they would fall victim to viruses etc.

I hope this will be of interest to you.
What very few people know and understand is that all cell phone technology travels as a ground-wave and that is a real danger, this may be a consequence of dodgy and poorly understood technology but effectively it is covering the world in an ELECTRIC BLANKET and goes a long way to explaining many of today's problems.
Countryfolk should not be ignored when they speak out on their environment as they often notice the tiniest of changes and could avert disaster if listened to.

These same waves could explain birds falling from the sky and homing pigeon losses.
No unhealthy bird would be flying in the first place.

For myself nothing would give me greater pleasure than if the humble, but perfectly socially adapted bee brought this industry to its knees.

Yours sincerely,

Marion Lang
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