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my life in ruins United Kingdom
Contamination level: Feeling violently sick all the time.
Author: mr s Created: 27 Jun 2007 Updated: 27 Jun 2007 Viewed: 4820 time(s)
everyone around me was dieing mky baby was born retarded i have pancreas cancer huysband hung himself
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the end is ni Created: 27 Jun 2007
in middleton kings street i was very happy, me and my husband had just paid olf our morgage and i was 7 months pregnant. some muppet over the road agfreed to have a tetrus mast put on top of his house and thats were it all went down hill. my baby was two months premature and was diagnoised retarded a few weeks later i was diagnosed with pancreas cancer my husband hung himselfbecause of grief i have know nbeen told i have weeks to live, like i say the end is ni
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