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Contamination level: Severe illness! Forced to abandon a home.
Author: Dr. Carlos Sosa M.D. Created: 19 Aug 2007 Updated: 29 Apr 2009 Viewed: 17323 time(s)
The Microwave Syndrome: An International Epidemic<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
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by: Dr. Carlos Sosa M.D Created: 20 Aug 2007
by: Dr. Carlos Sosa M.D.

Please let me introduce myself: my name is Dr. Carlos Sosa, M.D. (physician and surgeon) and I’m presently living in Medellin, Colombia in South America. During the month of may of 2006, I was forced to leave my house because of the symptoms caused to me and my family by the microwaves of a wireless internet mast or antenna. The structure had been in our building for nearly three years and the company that owned it had been slowly raising the transmission frequency. In May/06 I started feeling a terrible sense of unwellness, headaches, dizziness, insomnia, nausea, irritability, amnesia or forgetfulness and lack of attention or concentration capacity. I couldn’t bear being close to my house of to any other microwave mast, be it cell phone or wireless internet antennas. I had to leave my house together with my whole family just to find out that the city was flooded by some 4000 masts that didn’t leave a single clean spot for us to live in. I could sense the electromagnetic fields that were being given off by these antennas blocks away before I could even see them. Many times I felt like a burning candle in the back part of my head (in the occipital region). We had to move to 5 different apartments all over the city because the situation was the same no matter where. I couldn’t find physical or mental peace anywhere in the city. I couldn’t study again which, being a Medical Doctor is a tragedy. Studying is my life. I wasn’t able to remember or to concentrate. I had to resign at the hospital where I worked because there were various microwave cell phone masts around the hospital. I could not stand being inside the Emergency Service because the electromagnetic contamination was just too high and I felt pain just trying to find a place to park the car. That used to be my daily routine.

Despite the fact that I tried to get help from local health authorities and the National Ministry of Communications of Colombia, nobody actually helped me. I sent my written reports with medical evidence to our city Health Secretary. He probably laughed a lot.

A few months later I found out of Dr. William Rea who runs the Environmental Health Clinic in Dallas, Texas. I left immediately in search of his help. I already knew I had a Microwave Syndrome. The alterations in my physiology were serious enogh to seek help anywhere in the world. In Colombia, not a single medical doctor is trained in any of the universities to treat this problem. It’s simply not taught anywhere in pre-graduate or graduate programs in medical schools around the country. Plus, being a medical doctor, I know of the IGNORANCE and DOGMATISM of the medical profession. If I made it public I would be tried for witchcraft. Despite this, I tried a very prestigious neurologist who had studied in Great Britain. He didn’t even know the syndrome existed in Medicine and he tried to laugh before I showed him my box with some 2000 medical publications from all medical specialties written by doctors from all over the world.

In Dallas I was able to meet people from the five continents with exactly my same story: they had been subject to microwave radiation from a mast that wast one, two, three or four blocks away. I was not considering the possibility of surviving in the measure that my neurological functions were deeply affected. My best option at that point in time was committing suicide and I thought about it every hour of every day. Dr. Rea made the diagnosis of a toxic encephalopathy, immune dysregulation and dysautonomy. All of these diagnoses are a direct consequence of microwave irradiation. It had been many years since I hadn’t cried. I stayed in the clinic’s rest room for half an hour trying to vanish the traces of the tears and the red eyes. I knew how serious the situation was. Basically all of my life, my profession and my neurological integrity was at stake.

Dr. Rea taught me a lot. I will be eternally grateful to him. Though he wanted me to stay for two or three months, my economical situation did not allow for it. The very first day I had to spend almost all of my money in lab examinations. The medical results at the clinic spread through all of the gamut of possibilities from no response, partial recovery, functional symptoms, to total cure.

I returned to Colombia in search of a place to hide from microwaves in the jungle. I visited tens of towns and states around the country. The nation is totally contaminated with electromagnetic smog. And Colombia is far better than any city in the United States or Europe. I finally managed to find a spot at one of the turns of the Andes Mountains. It was a beautiful place with a creek, a forest, a 200 year old house with no electricity and pure air (all those interested just write to Though I could sense the electromagnetic fields coming probably from radar units, there was a big reduction in the symptoms that allowed me to start recovering. After staying there for 5 months I had to return to the city because I was starting to feel the microwaves of the airplanes crossing in the sky. Unfortunately, there was an international air navigation route on the sky and I had to leave in very much pain back to the city.

It was Dr. George Carlo, head of the epidemiology branch of the CTIA of the United States, who announced publicly the evidence that they had concerning genetic damages, lymphomas, rupture of the brain-blood-barrier, presence of micronuclei, etc. The criteria used in Medicine and specifically in Epidemiology to establish a causal relationship between a chemical, bacterial or physical agent and disease, were fulfilled in less than ten years, states Carlo. These criteria, known as the Koch-Henle postulates, have proved that microwaves from cell phone telephony affect human health in a catastrophic way.

Not a single government in the world cares. Only through litigation will changes become effective.

My case, just like the case of other medical doctors who are or have been electro sensitive, is just another modern version of infamy. Among these is the case of the former director of WHO and Norwegian prime minister: Gro Harlem Brundtland. She had forbidden journalist from using cell phones in her office because of EHS (electromag-netic hypersensibility). The news was made public in Norway and Sweden. A few months later, she had to abandon the leadership of the World Health Organization. Many point to Michael Repacholi and the the cell phone industry as authors of this proscription. Dr. Brundtland eventually became another patient in Dallas.

Like her, Arthur Firstenberg and Dr. Lisa Nagy have become the tips of the icebergs. There is no doubt: the Microwave Syndrome is not only the biggest experiment in the history of Mankind, but also, it is one of the biggest epidemics recorded in Medicine (after the Black Death, influenza, malaria, AIDS, etc). The Health Department of the State of California is estimating that the total number of people affected in the United States by EHS or the Microwave Syndrome is over ONE MILLION people.

In not a single Medicine book or journal in the world, be it a genetics, a physiology, a histology, a molecular biology, an embryology, a biochemisty, a microbiology, an internal medicine, a pediatrics, a surgery, a neurology, a cardiology, or any other text, does it say that the human cell was designed to withstand microwave radiation day and night throughout the years. This is a creation, an invention or a lie from the cell phone industry. This industry was set up by engineers, physicist, electricians and many times, by graduates of elementary school who had no credentials and no knowledge of Medicine whatsoever. That's the reason why many of us are ill or actually dying. As long as the cell phone industry owns the World Health Organization, the crime will proceed. The credibility gap of the WHO extends well beyond the Milky Way. The ethical conflict is patent. The international epidemic of the microwave syndrome is getting to levels of genocide. And Michael Repacholi is internationally responsible for CRIMES AGAINST MANKIND. The knowledge was there since the 1920's. The biological effects of microwaves on cells were first described by Jacques-Arsène d'Arsonval around 1894 (more than a century ago).

This situation is a MEDICAL FRAUD that has slowly acquired the status of an INTERNATIONAL GENOCIDE. Neither Michael Repacholi, former director of the Electromagnetic Fields Project of the World Health Organization, nor the the present day director, Emily Perkins van Deventer (who is an electrical engineer!), have the academic credentials to speak a single a word about human health. Neither one has treated a single patient with a microwave end-organ disease. Neither one has any clinical experience or any knowledge of Medicine. This is the concrete evidence of the corruption inside the World Health Organization.

In Medicine, every doubt MUST be solved in favor of the patient (with the underlying guiding principle of “do no harm”). Medical/scientific doubts cannot be an excuse to jeopardize the physical integrity and health of millions around the planet. This infamous and criminal procedure of solving every doubt in favor of Motorola, Nokia, Eriksson, Vodaphone, Telekom, Sprint, Sony, Movistar, Samsung, Verizon, AT&T, etc, has been patented by corrupted executives inside the World Health Organization.

Originally described in the Soviet Union during the 1940’s and 1950’s, the Microwave Syndrome, also called Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity, Microwave Disease, Radio-frequency Sickness, Radar Disease, Electric Sensitivity, Cell Phone Disease, Cell Phone Mast Disease or the Swedish Disease constitutes a CRIME AGAINST MANKIND on behalf of the international cell phone industry. Soviet medical reports were already describing the damaging action of electromagnetic fields on human beings in the 1920’s. The microwaving of approximately 80-90% of the human population is, according to Dr. Leif Salford of the Neurosurgery Department of Lund University in Sweden, the greatest experiment ever conducted against Man. Medical ethics codes have been violated by the World Health Organization, taken over by the the cell phone industry in 1996.

The Microwave Syndrome or Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity, constitutes a criminal action that has violated medical ethics, the Nuremberg Code, the Helsinki Declaration, and Human Rights of MANKIND as a species. It is an international HOLOCAUST that is killing hundreds of thousands around the world. Not a single health authority in Great Britain, the United States, Spain, Germany, France or Colombia cares at all.

Taking into account the medical literature of the Soviet Union, Poland and Checoslovaquia, the total number of international medical references concerning this problem easily exceeds 100 million and they started to be published more than 80 years ago. The problem is not new. Furthermore, the British government knew of the symptoms of the operators of the radar antennas during the Second World War: the same symptoms that people who are subject to microwaves from cell phone masts experience. Microwave radiation is pertinent to cause death. Not a single government in the world cares because of the giant fortunes involved.

The World Health Organization, years ago a very serious and respectable institution, was bought in 1.996 by the former director of the ICNIRP (International Commission for Non-ionizing Radiation Protection), Michael Repacholi. The ICNIRP is a private organization that was built up in order to protect the private interests of the American and European cell phone industry. In many regards, cell phones pose an equivalent problem as cocaine traffickers. No matter how damaging it actually is, there will always be corrupted officials who are willing to sell their conscience for money and look the other way. There is a present international campaign to submitt Michael Repacholi to international justice for CRIMES AGAINST MANKIND. I personally hold Michael Repacholi responsible for my EHS. This person has to be sent to criminal trial for his actions against millions of human beings in the five continents. The WHO knew of this damaging action decades before the introduction of cell phone telephony in the world. Repacholi did not care. In 1.973 the WHO conducted an international Congress in Warsaw under the auspices of the government of Poland and the Federal Drug Administration of the United States. The results of this congress were published in the book entitled: “Biologic Effects and Health Hazards of Microwave Radiation.” I have heard that Michael Repacholi ordered this book burned.

Repacholi recently revealed that up to half of the funds raised for the EMF project of the World Health Organization came from the cell phone industry.
The conflict of interests is like having the tobacoo industry sponsor research in order to deny that cigarettes cause lung cancer, mouth floor cancer, larynx cancer, pharynx cancer, coronary disease, peripheral vascular disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, myocardial infarction, strokes, etc.

The Microwave Syndrome, as it was originally described by Soviet medical investigators consists of:

- A neurasthenic syndrome: fatigue, irritability, nausea, headaches, anorexia, depression, dizziness

- A cardiovascular syndrome: bradycardia, tachycardia, hypertension or low blood pressure

- A diencephalic syndrome: memory problems, concentration difficulties, insomnia

Chronic exposure to microwaves is associated with dermatological lesions, leukemia, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (epidemic), brain tumors (epidemic), changes in the electroencephalogram, cardiac arrhythmias, reproduction problems, allergies, hypothyroidism, sinusitis, chronic fatigue syndrome, eye cataracts in posterior chamber, etc.

Because it was known since the 1920's that microwaves are bioactive, lawyers like Peter Angelos in the USA, are making a fortune in litigation processes (similar to those against the tocacco industry) against the cell phone industry. Not only that, but Motorola openly lied to the federal government and its agencies when it stated that they had thousands of studies that proved that microwaves caused no ham. Last year, the judicial system of the United States established that the brain tumor that the patient Sharesa Price had, was a direct consequence of cell phone use. Repacholi is totally silent, as so as the cell phone industry and the World Health Organization.

In a totally immoral and criminal attitude, the director of the WHO, Dr. Margaret Chan, doesn’t even dare to say a word. She has violated the Constitution of the World Health Organization in every possible way.

The recent publication of the BioInitiative Report stands out as an international accusation of the lack of academic integrity of Emily Perkins van Deventer and Dr. Margaret Chan.

Because of this grave crisis that almost cost me my life, I started investigating on a possible cure for EHS or microwave syndrome. I developed an approach that reconstructs previous Soviet treatments and modern medicine. I started my own site in the hope of helping people around the world to overcome this tragedy (, ). I presently live outside the city in a place with a very low microwave radiation level: a sanctuary. (I do not charge a single cent, contrary to what cell phone agents have stated).

Colombia has had some of the most astonishing cases in the world. One of them was located in Valledupar in the northern part of the country. One thousand people in El Amparo neighborhood are sick because of two giant cell phone masts. They are selling 250 houses because of the microwave syndrome people are suffering. The government says it’s just coincidence.

I want to dedicate my life to help other patients who like me, are facing an infamous situation caused by human greed. I have tons of medical information that I want to share with everybody. Feel free to contact me. There is hope and Medicine does in fact have treatment options to offer. May I suggest the following links that might be of help to all of you who are in a desperate situation like I was:






6. (Don Maisch)


8. (OF COURSE !!)

9. (epidemic spreads)

















Dr. Carlos Sosa, M.D.
Medellin, Colombia
South America
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