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Contamination level: Severe illness! Forced to abandon a home.
Author: Dr. Carlos Sosa M.D. Created: 2 Oct 2007 Updated: not yet Viewed: 4923 time(s)
A pattern emerges in the interior of the World Health Organization: the directors must lack any type of medical-clinical training. They must also disregard MEDICAL ETHICS or anything that attempts to destroy the cell phone/wireless internet business.<br /><br /><br />
The case of Dr. Lisa Nagy, M.D. is not new. This case had already been reported in Omega News by Eileen O'Connor and elsewhere. However, many mast victims don't know about it.<br /><br /><br />
Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity shares some common toxicologic pathways with Multiple Chemical Hypersensitivity. One can end up in the other. With the rising microwave levels in the USA, many more cases like this one are expected in the Environmental Health Clinics in the next decade.<br /><br /><br />
I long for the day when Michael Repacholi and the Attorney General of the United States will visit Dallas' Environmental Health Clinic to see first hand what it is like as a patient, to cry on a daily basis because of the lesions caused by the microwave exposure standards of the World Health Organization and its scientific fraud. And this is a life style in many of us, not just symptoms of an exogenous depression.<br /><br /><br />
The leukemia and lymphoma victims of Montecito Union School in Montecito, California, the victims of cancer of Meadow Street in Guilford, Connecticut, the fifteen teachers and staff members of the Slater Elementary School in Fresno, California, were but a pale harbinger of the holocaust that we would have to face after electric substations and high-current power lines. Despite the tremendous evidence of damages induced by electromagnetic fields of every sort, not just microwaves, corruption remains as a bete noir inside of the World Health Organization.<br /<br /><br />
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Visit Dr. Nagy's case at:<br /><br />
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Carlos Sosa, MD
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