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Are mobile phone co. empoyees excessively exposed to EMR's Canada
Contamination level: Feeling violently sick all the time.
Author: Chopped Created: 9 Oct 2007 Updated: 17 Oct 2007 Viewed: 4298 time(s)
12 year mobile phone HQ employee had seizure at HQ due to brain tumor Same side as phone use. The HQ has 2 switches, 2 full strength masts and up to 100 mini masts to serve 3500 employees. Are we in these HQ's more at risk.Is there a risk to fetus's of pregnant workers? They should study us!
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12 year mobile phone HQ employee had seizure at HQ due to brain tumor Same side as phone use Created: 17 Oct 2007
12 year mobile phone HQ employee had seizure at HQ due to brain tumor Same side as phone use. The HQ has 2 switches, 2 full strength masts and up to 100 mini masts to serve 3500 employees. Are we in these HQ's more at risk.Is there a risk to fetus's of pregnant workers? They should study us!
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