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Mast could be the cause of Alzeimers United Kingdom
Contamination level: Severe illness! Forced to abandon a home.
Author: A. johnson Created: 16 Nov 2007 Updated: 16 Nov 2007 Viewed: 5382 time(s)
An old lady in her 60s who was diagnosed with Ahlzeimers a few months ago moved to a nursing home and felt much better. She insisted she wanted to go home and her daughter moved her back home. There she became ill again. Her daughter then moved her into her house and the symptoms disappeared. At short periods when she goes to stay at her house she becomes forgetful.
She says she started to get forgetful when the mast near her house went up. This is one of the small ones that are the size of street lights.
Could there be a connection?
She is thinking of selling and moving on to live in her own house again, since she feel well enough to live on her own, other than the forgetfullness, which
has now passed.
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mast outside house Created: 16 Nov 2007
Mast outside a house causes forgetfulness in an old lady in her 60s. She had no history of forgetfullness nor falls but suddenly was diagnosed with Ahlzeimers.
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