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Cell Towers AT&T and T-Mobile USA
Contamination level: Seriously concerned, but little or no symptoms.
Author: Lesley Created: 14 Jan 2008 Updated: not yet Viewed: 3431 time(s)
I am on government houseing. I didn't see the tower in the next lot over from the apartment I was looking at. I don't know why but I signed the lease at the inspection and I guess I wasn't thinking what I was signing. Mr. Wilson should of waited for me to sign it. Now I am locked in and have to go to that apartment or I will lose my HUD. It is less than 1000 foot away. I asked God to protect me and my granddaughter while I live there. It seemed He said He would send an angel to protect us. I'll live there 1 year and live on God's promise, then I will move. I hope and pray that I don't develop cancer of any kind.
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