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Spade of suicides in Wales United Kingdom
Contamination level: Severe illness! Forced to abandon a home.
Author: Anne Created: 1 Feb 2008 Updated: 1 Feb 2008 Viewed: 6066 time(s)
Spade of suicides in Wales.
One can only wonder if they are linked to use of mobile phones or masts outside the homesof these people. Since it is one area, does anyone know if there is a microwave mast in the vicinity of the area? That was the first thought I had when I heard the neews. So sad and such a loss for the relatives and friends.
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Suicides: read the news section of this website Created: 1 Feb 2008
Those of you who did not hear the news there have been 13 suicides in a small area in Wales called Bridgend. In the news on this website Mr Tower, a scientific adviser to the Radiation Research Trust, said he is convinced the deaths are related to an illness caused by waves after investigating five suicide 'clusters' across the UK and Ireland, and thinks thees might be related to microwaves. Those who are affected know that feeling anxious and depressed are side affects and not very far behind suicidal thoughts - like others who have lready commented on this website.
Cancer is not the only thing to worry about - that may take many years to get statistics, the immediate worry is the effect one on our young people. They grow up with this and think that they have laways been anxious an depressed, and that is normal for them. They don't have a pre-microwave history to compare.

When are our leaders going to stop and listen to people and how they feel about these microwave smog we are all emersed continuously. It seems some are affected enough to takle their own lives. Those of us who are affected can understand this.
At least people ought to be warned ro reduce exposure. One wondes where this is all leading to.
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