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helpless South Africa
Contamination level: Severe illness! Forced to abandon a home.
Author: Robert Marais Created: 10 Feb 2008 Updated: 23 Feb 2008 Viewed: 5574 time(s)
My wife suffers from constant dizziness, fatigue, has left her job as a result. Doctors can't seem to pin point the problem, is this a result of a cell phone mast put up across the road from our home three years ago? I feel helpless, I am letting my family down. I can't get answers.
This case file has 1 entry and has been commented by 4 people

Helpless Created: 23 Feb 2008
My wife suffers from constant dizziness, fatigue, has left her job as a result. Doctors can't seem to pin point the problem, is this a result of a cell phone mast put up across the road from our home three years ago? I feel helpless, I am letting my family down. I can't get answers.
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