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Answer to helpless United Kingdom
Contamination level: Bearable degree of physical symptoms (headache, nausea etc.).
Author: Tes Created: 14 Feb 2008 Updated: not yet Viewed: 3596 time(s)
So sorry to hear about your wife, but it looks as though she is suffering from microwave senitivity. it is funny how some people are affected and others sail by without any problems. And this is the reason of course that mobile phone companies give in order to carry on poisoning people. Just because not everyone is affected those that are, just have to manage. Anyway I think more pople get ill than is realised because they don't know why they are ill. But I think this sensitivity is causing serious health and social problems- from aggression to depression. I think calcium tablets and the odd aspirin help to make life bearable - also avoiding where posible - and it is getting increasingly difficult to do so.
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Now they even going to put sensors on the back of cars to sense the car in front! -as thought we are not microwaved enough already!
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