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But it is so unfair!!! Nigeria
Contamination level: Severe illness! Forced to abandon a home.
Author: Muktar Bukar Mallum Created: 4 Mar 2008 Updated: 3 Jun 2008 Viewed: 5007 time(s)
The Gsm company decided the only right place to start mounting their mast is my home area
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the number of gsm mast around the residential areas Created: 3 Jun 2008
The rate at which gsm mast are being mounted in residential areas in nigeria today should be alarming,but ironically people of nigeria do not seem to care over the technical genocide going on in thier own backyards.The annoying thing is that the government as well do not care about the citenzenries health but rather the revenue they generate from these so called gsm companies.If one is to go through all cities and towns in nigeria,one does not need to raise his head high before he spot hundreds of gsm antennas standing tall.In my area(kawo of kaduna north,kaduna state of nigeria),i took the pain to go around my neibourhood counting the mast there are,My God! i counted eleven masts which some are not even 200 metres away from one another.Well my father and i have tried to bring the attention of our poeple to the hazards caused by the antennas,but poeple around kept on saying,that we are just against the development of the country(HA!)what development is there in killing poeple?
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The funny thing was, the district head have every power and authority to have stopped them, but he did'nt . Created: 4 Mar 2008
My name is Muktar Bukar Mallum, a Nigerian from the northern part of the country (kaduna state) to be precise.
Sometime in October last year a gsm operating company operating in two state in the country (lagos and ibadan) came to kaduna
state, and decided the only right place to start mounting their mast is my home area.
At first we had no idea who they were, until when they tried so hard to purchase a piece of land out of our neighbors compound.
Then we became suspicious, I mean a land "yes"but why there?
So we investigated from one of their guide who happen to be from our place, so we learned that they trying to mount a gsm mast.
Immediately my dad call on a meeting with the community poeple, my father being the chairman of the community tried to his best of knowledge to explain
what was about to happen in the community and the calamity that will come if they fold their hands and watch this people mount the antenna.
Every one supported my dad then.
So they wrote a letter to our district head, who vowed "over his dead body" for him to allow such catastrophe within his people.
But to our dismay,we later heard that his highness (NOT!) has agreed to this vampires who naturally go about using people as their pupets for an experiment.
The matter was taken to local government headquarters, where a team of so called five member committee was assigned to investigate if their is any harm with a gsm mast within a residential area, they did and their result was in favour of the company.
The funny thing was, the district head have every power and authority to have stopped them, but he did'nt .
Well today the 12 of febuary 2008, after putting our complaints in different media houses calling on his excellency the Governor of Kaduna state, we have formally written to the commisioner of police on the matter, hopefully expecting a possitive action.

Right now they (Gsm company) have already commenced on their work on the land they rented for the period of five yaers.
Please if anyone can come out and tell our people the hazards with these mast it will help.
My question is, Why do governments around the wolrld cover for these people?

Well I know now that we are not alone (my family and I).
It is so depressing, so sad and unfair.
I mean for forty years my Dad lived here, around poeple he took as his own, everyone in our area was against the installment of the mast at the beginnig.
But now rumour has it that almost all residents have been compensated and so why they are all now in support of this injustice.
My Dad is heart broken and left with no choice but to leave this place we all know as home.
I am depressed too, kind of emotionally unbalanced.
We did all we could, involed all authorities concerned, but as it is"A CRUEL WORLD". Agnes dear, I give you my concent, and please use my real name I don't care, for I know i am only fighting for the truth though my Dad would'nt like this but he will understand. I do not know you Agnes but I TRUST YOU.
Thanks for being there.
Go ahead!
Let the whole world know.
Once again A BIG THANK YOU to you.
Hoping to hear from you and every one who reads about my story.
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