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How I got a cell mast/antenna removed!!!!! Jamaica
Contamination level: Seriously concerned, but little or no symptoms.
Author: Nadine Newell Created: 2 Jul 2008 Updated: 10 Jul 2008 Viewed: 4807 time(s)
I sought the help of our Prime Minister/Minister of Development, the Hon. Bruce Golding, in getting a cell mast that was put up without the requisite approval on the roof of the plaza from where I operate a business.
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How I got a cell mast/antenna removed!!!!! Created: 10 Jul 2008
I sought the help of our Prime Minister/Minister of Development, the Hon. Bruce Golding, in getting a cell mast that was put up without the requisite approval on the roof of the plaza from where I operate a business. I wouldn't rest until it was dismantled and removed. Now, I am soooo relieved!!!<br />Just goes to show what a little perseverance and dogged determination can do! Fortunately for me, the mast was not yet energised and I wasn't about to let it be without a fight. Our various world governments are giving our lives away to the cell service providers for huge sums of money, and either not aware of, or don't care, what is happening to their populace. I am trying to get the matter focussed on by the media here in Jamaica, but no one seems to want to take it on. I think they feel they can't take on Big Money and win...but we CAN! We have to at least TRY! Bless you folks who created this site!<br />
Nadine Newell
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