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Relocation near a mobile phone mast United Kingdom
Contamination level: Bearable degree of physical symptoms (headache, nausea etc.).
Author: Pat Created: 3 Sep 2008 Updated: 3 Sep 2008 Viewed: 5955 time(s)
My company has relocated to new premises about 150 meters from a mobile phone mast. It is outside the window but not in a direct line since we are at the ground floor and so I was hoping it would be OK. The strange thing is that I normally get headaches and feel generally unwell with mobile phones and masts; however this time I seem to just feel negative all the time, sort of bad tempered and everything is a big deal. It seems that there is a delayed reaction and feel especially bad in the afternoon and evenings. I am also getting a fuzzy head and forgetful. It is only a few months now but I don't think I can continue.
I think it is the mast because I generally feel bad with microwaves including microwave ovens and mobile phones, which I gave up years ago.
I dare not voice this to my employers because I would be laughed at. I am not sure what to do.
Other people feel bad and they complain that they are always tired but can't sleep. Another says she is getting senile and another has been absent a lot. I am really worried. I can't even discuss this with them - they would think I lost it!
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mobile phone mast outside window Created: 3 Sep 2008
I really don't know how this works. I have already said my piece. Here we go again:
We relocated to new premises and the mobile phone mast which glares into the room gives me a fuzzy head and general unwellness, bad temper and cannot sleep. I also get stomach problems like hungry and sick all at the same time. However, what worries me the most is that I cannot think clearly as my job requires sharp thinking. Also some of my colleagues seem to be suffering but I have not discussed it with them.
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